WaniKani Stroke Order

Shows a kanji's stroke order on its page and during lessons and reviews.

< Commentaires sur WaniKani Stroke Order

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 11/06/2020
Édité le: 26/10/2020

Wrong stroke order for 衆

Today I noticed that the stroke order for 衆 is wrong. Jisho.org gives the correct stroke order here: https://jisho.org/search/%E8%A1%86%20%23kanji (this is identical to the stroke order in an official Kanji Kentei book.) Would be great if you could fix it because I really like the script. Thanks!

EDIT: The solution to fix this bug is to install the new WaniKani Stroke Order script written by Kumirei.

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