Manga Loader (unmaintained)

Support for over 70 sites! Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet

< Commentaires sur Manga Loader (unmaintained)

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 10/02/2016 not working anymore

Sample link :

Posté le: 18/02/2016

It looks like the site put some serious anti-script / anti-downloading security measures in place. I'ts going to be fairly difficult to get it working agian. The images are all fragmented now and then are reassembled when they're displayed on the page (example). I'll look into it if I have some time but it doesn't look hopeful.

Posté le: 19/02/2016

OK, I see. Thank you for watching.

Too bad!

Posté le: 14/10/2016

I took another look because of your comment and it looks like they've stopped using those security measures, so it works again, just had to change a couple things.

Fixed in newest version:

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