Turning chimken mod into the best moomoo hack slowly but surely.
Voici les versions de ce script où le code a été modifié. Voir toutes les versions.
Fixed packet problems
Now works in version 1.81 of Moomoo.io. Still improving mod.
Everything I am about to say will most likely not be permanent. I'm always looking for ways to improve the placements of this mod, so if there's anything you don't like about the mod, just lemme know and I'll see what I can do.Improved Windmill placement (I'll probably be changing this in every update just because I'm always not really happy with how the windmills are placed at times. And with that, it makes me wanna keep changing the placement lol)Reduced the distance in which the mod will autoplace and autoreplace things.Added autopreplace. (I don't know exactly if this is working yet, but it doesn't hurt to have it in the mod lol)Improved the instas! Both the reverse insta and regular insta got an upgrade to their mechanisms. You won't always be able to instakill everybody you insta, but it's much better than it previously was.Improved boost one-tick. Now you can actually do it and it won't be all stupid lol. Holding Period ( . ) while you have: Booster Pad, Diamond Polearm, Repeater Bow, Bull Helmet, and Turret Gear = 1 tick (It's not 100% consistent, but it definitely can one tick)Improved the hat switch situation. You won't put on angel wings when near enemies, instead it'll be shadow wings or corrupt x wings. You will still put on angel wings when resyncing the shame count.I'm also trying to work on getting bots into the mod, but I'm kinda dumb so it ain't working yet lol. I'll keep trying though.
ZOOM FEATURES ARE HERE, BABY. Finally you don't have to be stuck on the default zoomed in screen while playing! By using the scroll wheel on your mouse, you'll be able to adjust the zoom to whatever you may want it to be! The ReSync function is also still connected to the scroll wheel. (The function to where when you have shame charges, the hack will make you put bull helmet on and off repeatedly until the count is returned to 0/0/0) Just know that! ReSync is only when you scroll up with the scroll wheel.CHANGES TO MUSKET SYNC: I've made it to where it doesn't matter what ranged weapon you have. Long as you're on a team with someone who has the same mod, using the FORWARD SLASH KEY "/" will cause all who have the same mod as you and have some sort of ranged weapon (be it Hunting Bow, Crossbow, Repeater Bow, or Musket) to shoot in the direction of the closest nearest enemy. Unless there's no one on your screen, in which you'll just shoot in a random direction.CHANGES TO WINDMILL PLACEMENT AI: Improved the windmill placement ai. This will really only be of use or importance in sandbox. Just wanted to make it easier to get your windmills down faster. It's not a huge change, but it's definitely noticeable.
CHANGES THAT WERE MADE THIS UPDATE:I FIGURED OUT HOW TO SHOW THE ANIMALS HEALTH, AND ALSO SHOW THE VOLCANO BOSSES!!! LET'S GO LMFAOOOO. That's right! No longer will you not be able to see the health of animals, bosses, the treasure, everything! (except people) And if you ever were noticing that regular animals that aren't even apart of the volcano, would go invisible when you went near the volcano or near the top left corner of the map (because that's the respawn point of the volcano animals/bosses and arena bosses), THAT WON'T HAPPEN ANYMORE LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO!!!!!!! W IADO LMAOALSO MUSKET SYNC BABY! THAT IS RIGHTTTT!!! Here's how it works:Sync Musket: / (FORWARDS SLASH) OR saying "Fire" [without the "s obviously] ((When you have alternative tabs open, and all the tabs have musket, OR if there are multiple TEAMMATES who have the IADO mod, hitting the FORWARD SLASH "/" key will cause you to say "Fire", which automically fires your musket and other teammates' muskets [only if they have the IADO mod as well] at nearby enemies. You can also just type out "Fire" [without the "s obviously], and you and any other TEAMMATE with the mod will perform a Musket Sync.))
You will no longer aim at people who are miles away from you. Only when they are near you. You're welcome
Update 1.1234567: In this update, I added an auto upgrade feature! You can find it in the Options menu! It will automatically choose your items for you, after you first choose your weapon, upto age Age 6 and 7. Then you will have to choose your secondary, and what item you want from your choices at the Age 7 point. After, it will continue automatically choosing your Age 8 and Age 9 item/weapon choices. NOTE: You will NOT be able to bow insta or choose crossbow/repeater bow. It goes for musket no matter what you want. Going Sword/Crossbow/Spinning Spikes? Nope, it'll go for Sword/Musket. You get the point. Solution? Just don't have AutoUpgrade turned on. Manually get the crossbow or repeater or whatever it is you're going for. Simple!I also added autochats! There is now autochats that will automatically say predetermined things when a certain word or phrase is said. Don't want to see them? There's a check box to turn them on and off! Just hit the box and the auto chats won't be happening? (Kill chats and a couple other chats will still happen, but they're fine and not as annoying) "But IADO, I wanna add my own chats.." Alright! If you go into the code itself, you can find the auto chats. Once in the code, hit your Ctrl (Control) key and the 'f' key at the same time. This will open a search feature in the code. Look for "Autochat", and keep clicking the "Next" button, until you find the long lise of auto chat commands. From there, just copy and paste the lines of code. Changing what you want to change or adding what you want to add. For example: } else if (message.includes("goat")) { io.send("6", "I'm the Greatest of All Time.");Here is one of the lines of code for the autochat "goat". What you would do, is copy that, from the first } to the very last ; , and then paste it on a new line. Or you could just change what it says like this: } else if (message.includes("pro")) { io.send("6", "I'm so pro.");As long as you have the base body of the code, you can make as many auto chats as you want. I also added a super cool background for the moomoo lobby and the mod image.
I labled certain buttons that just don't work as "This doesn't work", so that people can know. I also set the default AutoPlacement Tick as just 1, I don't get why it's 2 when 1 is just going to be better. Also the whole thing about the bots not working is a mystery to me. They're in the code, but just completely messed up. The code is all over the place. I'm sure there's an easy fix for them, but until then I'm just not gonna worry about them.