- // ==UserScript==
- // @name 解除网站不允许复制的限制(优化版)🔥🔥🔥
- // @name:zh 解除网站不允许复制的限制(优化版)🔥🔥🔥
- // @name:zh-TW 解除網站不允許複製的限制(優化版)🔥🔥🔥
- // @description 解除部分网站不允许复制的限制,文本选中后点击复制按钮即可复制,主要用于:百度文库|道客巴巴|腾讯文档|豆丁网|无忧考网|学习啦|蓬勃范文|思否社区|力扣|知乎|语雀|QQ文档|360doc|17k|CSDN等,云服务器导航,在原脚本的基础上,优化了部分功能,如有补充请留言反馈~
- // @description:zh 解除部分网站不允许复制的限制,文本选中后点击复制按钮即可复制,主要用于:百度文库|道客巴巴|腾讯文档|豆丁网|无忧考网|学习啦|蓬勃范文|思否社区|力扣|知乎|语雀|QQ文档|360doc|17k|CSDN等,云服务器导航,在原脚本的基础上,优化了部分功能,如有补充请留言反馈~
- // @description:zh-TW 解除部分網站不允許複製的限制,文本選中後點擊複製按鈕即可複製,主要用於:百度文庫|道客巴巴|騰訊文檔|豆丁網|無憂考網|學習啦|蓬勃範文|思否社區|力扣|知乎|語雀|QQ文檔|360doc|17k|CSDN等,雲伺服器導航,在原指令碼或直譯式程式的基礎上,優化了部分功能,如有補充請留言反饋~
- // @namespace picassoTX_lifting_restrictions
- // @version 2.0.4
- // @author WindrunnerMax,picassoTX
- // @icon 
- // @match *://wenku.baidu.com/view/*
- // @match *://wenku.baidu.com/share/*
- // @match *://wenku.baidu.com/link*
- // @match *://wenku.baidu.com/aggs/*
- // @match *://wenku.baidu.com/ndPureView/*
- // @match *://*.doc88.com/*
- // @match *://wk.baidu.com/view/*
- // @match *://*.zhihu.com/*
- // @match *://docs.qq.com/doc/*
- // @match *://docs.qq.com/sheet/*
- // @match *://boke112.com/*/*
- // @match *://*.diyifanwen.com/*
- // @match *://www.uemeds.cn/*
- // @match *://www.oh100.com/*
- // @match *://www.aiyuke.com/news/*
- // @match *://www.fwsir.com/*
- // @match *://www.wenxm.cn/*
- // @match *://www.unjs.com/*
- // @match *://*.yjbys.com/*
- // @match *://*.qidian.com/*
- // @match *://*.zongheng.com/*
- // @match *://*.17k.com/*
- // @match *://*.ciweimao.com/*
- // @match *://book.qq.com/*
- // @match *://*.360doc.com/content/*
- // @match *://*.850500.com/news/*
- // @match *://utaten.com/lyric/*
- // @match *://*.jianbiaoku.com/*
- // @match *://www.kejudati.com/*
- // @match *://*.blog.csdn.net/*
- // @match *://*.bilibili.com/read/*
- // @match *://*.cnki.net/KXReader/*
- // @match *://*.cnrencai.com/*
- // @match *://*.jianshu.com/p/*
- // @match *://*.linovelib.com/novel/*
- // @match *://*.juejin.cn/post/*
- // @match *://*.zgbk.com/ecph/*
- // @match *://yuedu.baidu.com/*
- // @match *://www.shubaoc.com/*
- // @match *://blog.51cto.com/*
- // @match *://*.docin.com/*
- // @match *://*.ddwk8.cn/*
- // @match *://fanqienovel.com/*
- // @match *://*.examcoo.com/*
- // @match *://*.rrdynb.com/*
- // @match *://*.fuwu7.com/*
- // @match *://*.aipiaxi.com/*
- // @match *://wenku.csdn.net/*
- // @match *://www.kdocs.cn/*
- // @match *://*.mcmod.cn/*
- // @match *://*.yuque.com/*
- // @match *://*.51cto.com/*
- // @match *://vcsmemo.com/article/*
- // @match *://www.jinrilvsi.com/*
- // @match *://www.9136.com/*
- // @match *://www.jdxzz.com/*
- // @match *://www.gaosan.com/*/*.html
- // @match *://ai-bot.cn/sites/*.html
- // @match *://www.lyrical-nonsense.com/lyrics/*
- // @match *://tongxiehui.net/by/*
- // @match *://www.xuexila.com/*
- // @match *://www.ruiwen.com/article/*
- // @match *://*.cooco.net.cn/testdetail/**
- // @match *://*.cloud.tencent.com/*
- // @match *://cloud.tencent.com/*
- // @match *://*.huaweicloud.com/*
- // @match *://*.aliyun.com/*
- // @match *://www.51test.net/show/*.html
- // @match *://16map.com/sites/*.html
- // @match *://*.lqsbcl.net/*/**
- // @exclude *://cloud.tencent.com/login*
- // @exclude *://console.cloud.tencent.com/*
- // @exclude *://market.cloud.tencent.com/*
- // @exclude *://www.aliyun.com/smarter-engine/*
- // @exclude *://account.aliyun.com/*
- // @exclude *://developer.aliyun.com/*
- // @exclude *://promotion.aliyun.com/*
- // @exclude *://free.aliyun.com/*
- // @exclude *://summit.aliyun.com/*
- // @exclude *://startup.aliyun.com/*
- // @exclude *://university.aliyun.com/*
- // @exclude *://careers.aliyun.com/*
- // @exclude *://market.aliyun.com/*
- // @exclude *://yunqi.aliyun.com/*
- // @exclude *://help.aliyun.com/*
- // @exclude *://g.alicdn.com/*
- // @exclude *://passport.aliyun.com/*
- // @exclude *://*.console.aliyun.com/*
- // @exclude *://auth.huaweicloud.com/*
- // @exclude *://support.huaweicloud.com/*
- // @exclude *://console.huaweicloud.com/*
- // @exclude *://stat.doc88.com/*
- // @exclude *://www.lqsbcl.net/*
- // @connect server.staticj.top
- // @connect res3.doc88.com
- // @supportURL https://github.com/Picasso-TX/TKScript/issues
- // @license MIT
- // @run-at document-start
- // @antifeature referral-link 【此提示为满足GreasyFork社区规范而添加,实际使用无任何强制跳转,代码可查,请知悉】
- // @grant unsafeWindow
- // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
- // @grant GM_openInTab
- // @grant GM.openInTab
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
- // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
- // ==/UserScript==
- (function () {
- 'use strict';
- var css_248z$2 = ".__copied-button{align-items:center;background:#000;border-radius:3px;color:#fff;cursor:pointer;display:flex;font-size:12px;justify-content:center;opacity:0;padding:4px 10px;position:absolute;transition:opacity .3s;z-index:-1000}";
- var css_248z$1 = "#select-tooltip,#sfModal,.modal-backdrop,div[id^=reader-helper]{display:none!important}.modal-open{overflow:auto!important}._sf_adjust_body{padding-right:0!important}";
- var css_248z = "@keyframes fadeIn{0%{opacity:0}to{opacity:1}}@-webkit-keyframes fadeIn{0%{opacity:0}to{opacity:1}}@-moz-keyframes fadeIn{0%{opacity:0}to{opacity:1}}@-o-keyframes fadeIn{0%{opacity:0}to{opacity:1}}@-ms-keyframes fadeIn{0%{opacity:0}to{opacity:1}}@keyframes fadeOut{0%{opacity:1}to{opacity:0}}@-webkit-keyframes fadeOut{0%{opacity:1}to{opacity:0}}@-moz-keyframes fadeOut{0%{opacity:1}to{opacity:0}}@-o-keyframes fadeOut{0%{opacity:1}to{opacity:0}}@-ms-keyframes fadeOut{0%{opacity:1}to{opacity:0}}.web-toast-kkli9{background:rgba(0,0,0,.7);border-radius:3px;color:#fff;font-size:14px;left:50%;line-height:1;padding:10px;position:fixed;transform:translateX(-50%);-webkit-transform:translateX(-50%);-moz-transform:translateX(-50%);-o-transform:translateX(-50%);-ms-transform:translateX(-50%);white-space:nowrap;z-index:1e+27}.fadeOut{animation:fadeOut .5s}.fadeIn{animation:fadeIn .5s}";
- /*!
- * 版权说明:原脚本https://github.com/WindrunnerMax/TKScript/ 采用MIT开源协议
- * 本脚本开源地址:https://github.com/Picasso-TX/TKScript 继承原脚本,以MIT协议开源
- *
- * MIT协议是一种开放源代码软件授权协议,全称为Massachusetts Institute of Technology License。
- * 该协议允许自由地使用、复制、修改、合并、发布、分发、再授权和销售软件及其副本的任何部分。
- * MIT协议要求在软件的所有副本中包含版权声明和许可声明
- *
- * 特此声明!
- */
- const DOM_STAGE = {
- START: "document-start",
- END: "document-end"
- };
- const DOM_READY = "DOMContentLoaded";
- const PAGE_LOADED = "load";
- const MOUSE_UP = "mouseup";
- const COPY = "copy";
- const SELECT_START = "selectstart";
- const CONTEXT_MENU = "contextmenu";
- const KEY_DOWN = "keydown";
- const opt = Object.prototype.toString;
- function isString(value) {
- return opt.call(value) === "[object String]";
- }
- const dom$1 = {
- query: function(selector) {
- return document.querySelector(selector);
- },
- attr: function(selector, attr, value) {
- const dom2 = document.querySelector(selector);
- dom2 && dom2.setAttribute(attr, value);
- },
- append: function(selector, content) {
- const container = document.createElement("div");
- if (isString(content)) {
- container.innerHTML = content;
- } else {
- container.appendChild(content);
- }
- const targetDOM = document.querySelector(selector);
- targetDOM && targetDOM.append(container);
- return container;
- },
- remove: function(selector) {
- const targetDOM = document.querySelector(selector);
- targetDOM && targetDOM.remove();
- }
- };
- const initBaseEvent = (websiteConfig) => {
- window.addEventListener(DOM_READY, () => {
- if (websiteConfig.initCopyEvent) {
- document.oncopy = (e) => e.stopPropagation();
- document.body.oncopy = (e) => e.stopPropagation();
- document.addEventListener(COPY, (e) => e.stopPropagation());
- document.body.addEventListener(COPY, (e) => e.stopPropagation());
- }
- });
- };
- const initBaseStyle = () => {
- window.addEventListener(DOM_READY, () => {
- dom$1.append("head", `<style>${css_248z$2}</style>`);
- dom$1.append("head", `<style>${css_248z$1}</style>`);
- dom$1.append("head", `<style>${css_248z}</style>`);
- });
- };
- /*!
- * 外部引用`static.doc88.com`声明
- * 此部分是在处理`doc88.com`才会加载的资源文件,此资源文件由该网站加载时提供
- */
- let path = "";
- const website$o = {
- regexp: /.*doc88\.com\/.+/,
- init: () => {
- dom$1.append(
- "body",
- `<style id="copy-element-hide">#left-menu{display: none !important;}</style>`
- );
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method: "GET",
- url: "https://res3.doc88.com/resources/js/modules/main-v2.min.js?v=2.56",
- onload: function(response) {
- const result = /\("#cp_textarea"\).val\(([\S]*?)\);/.exec(response.responseText);
- if (result)
- path = result[1];
- }
- });
- window.addEventListener("load", () => {
- const cpFn = unsafeWindow.copyText.toString();
- const fnResult = /<textarea[\s\S]*?>'\+([\S]*?)\+"<\/textarea>/.exec(cpFn);
- if (fnResult)
- path = fnResult[1];
- });
- },
- getSelectedText: () => {
- let select = unsafeWindow;
- path.split(".").forEach((v) => {
- select = select[v];
- });
- if (!select) {
- unsafeWindow.Config.vip = 1;
- unsafeWindow.Config.logined = 1;
- dom$1.remove("#copy-element-hide");
- }
- return select;
- }
- };
- const TEXT_PLAIN = "text/plain";
- const TEXT_HTML = "text/html";
- const execCopyCommand = (data) => {
- const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
- const handler = (event) => {
- event.preventDefault();
- event.stopImmediatePropagation();
- for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
- event.clipboardData && event.clipboardData.setData(key, value);
- }
- };
- textarea.addEventListener(COPY, handler, true);
- textarea.style.position = "fixed";
- textarea.style.left = "-999999999px";
- textarea.style.top = "-999999999px";
- textarea.value = data[TEXT_PLAIN] || " ";
- document.body.appendChild(textarea);
- textarea.select();
- document.execCommand("copy");
- textarea.removeEventListener(COPY, handler);
- document.body.removeChild(textarea);
- };
- const isEmptyContent = (data) => {
- if (!data)
- return true;
- return isString(data) ? !data : !data[TEXT_PLAIN];
- };
- const copy = (data) => {
- const params = isString(data) ? { [TEXT_PLAIN]: data } : data;
- const plainText = params[TEXT_PLAIN];
- if (!plainText)
- return false;
- if (navigator.clipboard && window.ClipboardItem) {
- const dataItems = {};
- for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(params)) {
- const blob = new Blob([value], { type: key });
- dataItems[key] = blob;
- }
- navigator.clipboard.write([new ClipboardItem(dataItems)]).catch(() => {
- execCopyCommand(params);
- });
- } else {
- execCopyCommand(params);
- }
- return true;
- };
- let dom = null;
- let isReadyToHidden = false;
- const instance = {
- id: "__copy",
- className: "__copied-button",
- init: function(name) {
- const container = document.createElement("div");
- container.id = this.id;
- container.className = this.className;
- container.innerText = name || "复制";
- container.addEventListener("mouseup", (e) => e.stopPropagation(), true);
- container.addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => e.stopPropagation(), true);
- dom = container;
- document.body.appendChild(dom);
- },
- getInstance: function() {
- if (dom === null) {
- this.init();
- }
- return dom;
- },
- show: function(event) {
- if (isReadyToHidden)
- return void 0;
- const dom2 = this.getInstance();
- dom2.style.left = `${event.pageX + 30}px`;
- dom2.style.top = `${event.pageY}px`;
- dom2.style.opacity = "1";
- dom2.style.zIndex = "1000";
- },
- hide: function(keep = 350) {
- const dom2 = this.getInstance();
- dom2.style.opacity = "0";
- if (keep) {
- isReadyToHidden = true;
- setTimeout(() => {
- dom2.style.zIndex = "-10000";
- isReadyToHidden = false;
- }, keep);
- }
- },
- onCopy: function(content, event) {
- const dom2 = this.getInstance();
- this.show(event);
- dom2.onclick = () => {
- copy(content);
- this.hide();
- };
- },
- enable: function() {
- const dom2 = this.getInstance();
- dom2.style.display = "flex";
- },
- disable: function() {
- const dom2 = this.getInstance();
- dom2.style.display = "none";
- },
- destroy: function() {
- const el = this.getInstance();
- el.remove();
- dom = null;
- }
- };
- const stopNativePropagation = (event) => {
- event.stopPropagation();
- };
- var utils = {
- hideButton: () => {
- instance.disable();
- },
- showButton: () => {
- instance.enable();
- },
- removeAttributes: (selector, attr = []) => {
- const dom = isString(selector) ? document.querySelector(selector) : selector;
- dom && attr.forEach((item) => dom.removeAttribute(item));
- },
- enableUserSelectByCSS: (css) => {
- const defaultCss = `
- *{-webkit-touch-callout: auto !important;-webkit-user-select: auto !important;-moz-user-select: auto !important;-khtml-user-select: auto !important;-ms-user-select: auto !important;}
- `;
- const style = document.createElement("style");
- style.innerHTML = !!css ? css : defaultCss;
- const head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
- if (head) {
- head.appendChild(style);
- } else {
- window.addEventListener(
- () => document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(style)
- );
- }
- },
- enableOnSelectStart: (selector) => {
- const dom = document.querySelector(selector);
- dom && dom.addEventListener(SELECT_START, stopNativePropagation);
- },
- enableOnContextMenu: (selector) => {
- const dom = document.querySelector(selector);
- dom && dom.addEventListener(CONTEXT_MENU, stopNativePropagation);
- },
- enableOnCopy: (selector) => {
- const dom = document.querySelector(selector);
- dom && dom.addEventListener(COPY, stopNativePropagation);
- },
- enableOnKeyDown: (selector) => {
- const dom = document.querySelector(selector);
- dom && dom.addEventListener(KEY_DOWN, (e) => {
- if (e.key === "c" && e.ctrlKey)
- return e.stopPropagation();
- });
- },
- enableOnSelectStartByCapture: () => {
- window.addEventListener(SELECT_START, stopNativePropagation, true);
- document.addEventListener(SELECT_START, stopNativePropagation, true);
- },
- enableOnContextMenuByCapture: () => {
- window.addEventListener(CONTEXT_MENU, stopNativePropagation, true);
- document.addEventListener(CONTEXT_MENU, stopNativePropagation, true);
- },
- enableOnCopyByCapture: () => {
- window.addEventListener(COPY, stopNativePropagation, true);
- document.addEventListener(COPY, stopNativePropagation, true);
- },
- enableOnKeyDownByCapture: () => {
- document.addEventListener(
- (e) => e.ctrlKey && e.key.toLocaleUpperCase() === "C" && e.stopPropagation(),
- true
- );
- }
- };
- const website$n = {
- regexp: /.*wk\.baidu\.com\/view\/.+/,
- init: function() {
- utils.hideButton();
- utils.enableOnSelectStartByCapture();
- window.onload = () => {
- dom$1.attr(".sf-edu-wenku-vw-container", "style", "");
- };
- }
- };
- const website$m = {
- regexp: /.*zhihu\.com\/.*/,
- init: function() {
- utils.hideButton();
- utils.enableUserSelectByCSS();
- utils.enableOnCopyByCapture();
- if (location.hostname === "zhuanlan.zhihu.com") {
- const removeFocalPointModal = (mutationsList) => {
- for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
- const addedNodes = mutation.addedNodes;
- for (let i = 0; i < addedNodes.length; i++) {
- const target = addedNodes[i];
- if (target.nodeType != 1)
- return void 0;
- if (target instanceof HTMLDivElement && target.querySelector("[data-focus-scope-start]")) {
- const element = target.querySelector("[data-focus-scope-start]");
- element && element.parentElement && element.parentElement.textContent && element.parentElement.textContent.indexOf("立即登录/注册") > -1 && element.parentElement.parentElement && element.parentElement.parentElement.removeChild(element.parentElement);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- const observer = new MutationObserver(removeFocalPointModal);
- observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
- }
- }
- };
- const website$l = {
- regexp: /.*docs\.qq\.com\/.+/,
- config: {
- initCopyEvent: false,
- captureInstance: true,
- delay: 100
- },
- init: function() {
- window.onload = () => {
- utils.hideButton();
- };
- },
- getSelectedText: function() {
- var _a;
- if (unsafeWindow.pad && unsafeWindow.pad.editor && !unsafeWindow.pad.editor.isCopyable()) {
- utils.showButton();
- const editor = unsafeWindow.pad.editor;
- if (editor.getCopyContent) {
- const content = editor.getCopyContent() || {};
- const plainText = content.plain || "";
- const htmlText = content.html || "";
- return {
- [TEXT_PLAIN]: plainText,
- [TEXT_HTML]: htmlText
- };
- } else {
- editor._docEnv.copyable = true;
- editor.clipboardManager.copy();
- const plainText = editor.clipboardManager.customClipboard.plain || "";
- const htmlText = editor.clipboardManager.customClipboard.html || "";
- editor._docEnv.copyable = false;
- return {
- [TEXT_PLAIN]: plainText,
- [TEXT_HTML]: htmlText
- };
- }
- } else if (unsafeWindow.SpreadsheetApp && unsafeWindow.SpreadsheetApp.permissions && unsafeWindow.SpreadsheetApp.permissions.sheetStatus && unsafeWindow.SpreadsheetApp.permissions.sheetStatus.canCopy === false && unsafeWindow.SpreadsheetApp.permissions.sheetStatus.canEdit && unsafeWindow.SpreadsheetApp.permissions.sheetStatus.canEdit() === false) {
- utils.showButton();
- const SpreadsheetApp = unsafeWindow.SpreadsheetApp;
- const [selection] = SpreadsheetApp.view.getSelectionRanges();
- if (selection) {
- const text = [];
- const { startColIndex, startRowIndex, endColIndex, endRowIndex } = selection;
- for (let i = startRowIndex; i <= endRowIndex; i++) {
- for (let k = startColIndex; k <= endColIndex; k++) {
- const cell = SpreadsheetApp.workbook.activeSheet.getCellDataAtPosition(i, k);
- if (!cell)
- continue;
- text.push(" ", ((_a = cell.formattedValue) == null ? void 0 : _a.value) || cell.value || "");
- }
- i !== endRowIndex && text.push("\n");
- }
- const str = text.join("");
- return /^\s*$/.test(str) ? "" : str;
- }
- return "";
- }
- return "";
- }
- };
- const website$k = {
- regexp: new RegExp("boke112\\.com"),
- init: function() {
- utils.enableOnCopyByCapture();
- const template = `
- <style>
- :not(input):not(textarea)::selection {
- background-color: #2440B3 !important;
- color: #fff !important;
- }
- :not(input):not(textarea)::-moz-selection {
- background-color: #2440B3 !important;
- color: #fff !important;
- }
- </style>
- `;
- dom$1.append("head", template);
- }
- };
- const website$j = {
- regexp: /diyifanwen/,
- init: function() {
- utils.hideButton();
- utils.enableOnCopyByCapture();
- utils.enableOnKeyDownByCapture();
- }
- };
- const website$i = {
- regexp: /mbalib/,
- init: function() {
- window.onload = () => {
- utils.removeAttributes("fullScreenContainer", ["oncopy", "oncontextmenu", "onselectstart"]);
- };
- }
- };
- const website$h = {
- regexp: new RegExp(".+www.uemeds.cn/.+"),
- init: function() {
- utils.hideButton();
- utils.enableUserSelectByCSS();
- }
- };
- const website$g = {
- regexp: new RegExp(".+aiyuke.com/news/.+"),
- init: function() {
- utils.hideButton();
- utils.enableUserSelectByCSS();
- }
- };
- const website$f = {
- regexp: new RegExp("qidian"),
- init: function() {
- utils.hideButton();
- utils.enableUserSelectByCSS();
- utils.enableOnCopy(".main-read-container");
- utils.enableOnContextMenu(".main-read-container");
- }
- };
- const website$e = {
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- init: function() {
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- init: function() {
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- init: function() {
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- serverMenu: function() {
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- var person = prompt("是否开启服务器导航功能?请填写yes或者no....", isOpenServer ? "yes" : "no");
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- return;
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- var toastMessage = "开启服务器导航功能";
- if (person === "yes" || person === "YES") {
- toastMessage = "开启服务器导航功能";
- } else if (person === "no" || person === "NO") {
- toastMessage = "关闭服务器导航功能";
- } else {
- toastMessage = "参数错误,只能填写yes或者no";
- }
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- if (validate) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- location.reload();
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- });
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- register: function() {
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- config: {
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- regexp: new RegExp("tencent.com|aliyun.com|huaweicloud.com"),
- init: function() {
- function ServerNavigation() {
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- this.number = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1e8);
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- GM_openInTab(url, options);
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- GM.openInTab(url, options);
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- this.addStyle = function(css) {
- GM_addStyle(css);
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- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
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- method: mothed,
- data: param,
- onload: function(response) {
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- reject({ "result": "error", "responseText": null });
- }
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- if (host.indexOf(this.allowHosts[i]) != -1) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
- this.temporary = function(track) {
- const pathname = window.location.pathname;
- const pathnameRes = ["/", "/product", "/product/list"].some((item) => pathname === item);
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- const anchorRun = () => {
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- anchorRun();
- }, 1e3);
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- };
- this.start = function() {
- if (!this.isRun()) {
- return;
- }
- menuCommand.register();
- const isOpenServer = GM_getValue(STORAGE_KEYS.serverKey, true);
- if (isOpenServer) {
- this.generateHtml();
- }
- };
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- document.querySelector("#server-container-body" + number).insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", html);
- startContainer();
- self.temporary(track);
- }
- }).catch((error) => {
- console.log(error);
- });
- };
- }
- new ServerNavigation().start();
- }
- };
- const website$7 = {
- regexp: /csdn/,
- init: function() {
- utils.hideButton();
- utils.enableOnCopyByCapture();
- utils.enableUserSelectByCSS();
- }
- };
- const website$6 = {
- regexp: new RegExp("bilibili"),
- init: function() {
- utils.hideButton();
- utils.enableOnCopyByCapture();
- }
- };
- const website$5 = {
- regexp: new RegExp("cnki"),
- init: function() {
- utils.hideButton();
- utils.enableOnContextMenuByCapture();
- utils.enableOnKeyDownByCapture();
- utils.enableOnCopyByCapture();
- }
- };
- const website$4 = {
- regexp: new RegExp("docin.com/.*"),
- config: {
- initCopyEvent: false,
- captureInstance: true,
- delay: 100
- },
- init: function() {
- window.addEventListener(PAGE_LOADED, () => {
- var _a;
- return (_a = dom$1.query("#j_select")) == null ? void 0 : _a.click();
- });
- dom$1.append("head", "<style>#reader-copy-el{display: none;}</style>");
- },
- getSelectedText: function() {
- if (unsafeWindow.docinReader && unsafeWindow.docinReader.st) {
- return unsafeWindow.docinReader.st;
- }
- return "";
- }
- };
- const website$3 = {
- regexp: new RegExp(
- [
- "cnki",
- "oh100",
- "fwsir",
- "wenxm",
- "unjs",
- "yjbys",
- "360doc",
- "850500",
- "jianbiaoku",
- "kejudati",
- "yuque",
- "cnrencai",
- "ndPureView",
- "jianshu",
- "linovelib",
- "chazidian",
- "juejin",
- "zgbk",
- "yuedu\\.baidu",
- "shubaoc",
- "51cto",
- "ddwk8",
- "fanqienovel\\.com/reader",
- "cooco\\.net\\.cn",
- "aipiaxi",
- "wenku\\.csdn\\.net",
- "mcmod\\.cn",
- "51cto\\.com",
- "vcsmemo\\.com",
- "www\\.lyrical-nonsense\\.com",
- "tongxiehui\\.net",
- "www\\.xuexila\\.com",
- "www\\.ruiwen\\.com",
- "cooco\\.net\\.cn",
- "www\\.51test\\.net"
- ].join("|")
- ),
- init: function() {
- utils.hideButton();
- utils.enableUserSelectByCSS();
- utils.enableOnCopyByCapture();
- }
- };
- const website$2 = {
- regexp: new RegExp([
- "rrdynb",
- "fuwu7",
- "jinrilvsi\\.com",
- "www\\.9136\\.com",
- "www\\.jdxzz\\.com",
- "www\\.gaosan\\.com",
- "lqsbcl\\.net"
- ].join("|")),
- init: function() {
- utils.hideButton();
- utils.enableUserSelectByCSS();
- utils.enableOnCopyByCapture();
- utils.enableOnKeyDownByCapture();
- utils.enableOnSelectStartByCapture();
- utils.enableOnContextMenuByCapture();
- }
- };
- const website$1 = {
- config: {
- },
- regexp: new RegExp(["examcoo"].join("|")),
- init: function() {
- utils.hideButton();
- utils.enableUserSelectByCSS();
- utils.enableOnCopyByCapture();
- utils.enableOnKeyDownByCapture();
- utils.enableOnSelectStartByCapture();
- utils.enableOnContextMenuByCapture();
- }
- };
- const kdoc = {
- config: {
- },
- regexp: new RegExp("kdocs"),
- init: function() {
- const patch = () => {
- unsafeWindow.APP && (unsafeWindow.APP.canCopy = () => true);
- };
- if (unsafeWindow.APP) {
- patch();
- } else {
- let APP = void 0;
- Object.defineProperty(unsafeWindow, "APP", {
- configurable: false,
- set: (value) => {
- APP = value;
- value && patch();
- },
- get: () => APP
- });
- }
- }
- };
- const website = {
- config: {
- },
- regexp: new RegExp(
- [
- "16map\\.com",
- "ai-bot\\.cn"
- ].join("|")
- ),
- init: function() {
- utils.hideButton();
- utils.enableUserSelectByCSS(
- `
- body * :not(input):not(textarea) {-webkit-touch-callout: auto !important;-webkit-user-select: auto !important;-moz-user-select: auto !important;-khtml-user-select: auto !important;-ms-user-select: auto !important;}
- `
- );
- }
- };
- const websites = [
- website$n,
- website$m,
- website$l,
- website$k,
- website$j,
- website$i,
- website$h,
- website$g,
- website$f,
- website$e,
- website$d,
- website$c,
- website$b,
- website$a,
- website$9,
- website$8,
- website$o,
- website$7,
- website$6,
- website$5,
- website$4,
- kdoc,
- website$3,
- website$2,
- website$1,
- website
- ];
- let siteGetSelectedText = null;
- const initWebsite = () => {
- let websiteConfig = {
- initCopyEvent: true,
- captureInstance: false,
- delay: 0
- };
- const mather = (regex, website) => {
- if (regex.test(window.location.href)) {
- if (website.config)
- websiteConfig = Object.assign(websiteConfig, website.config);
- if (websiteConfig.runAt === DOM_STAGE.END) {
- window.addEventListener(DOM_READY, () => website.init());
- } else {
- website.init();
- }
- if (website.getSelectedText)
- siteGetSelectedText = website.getSelectedText;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
- websites.some((website) => mather(website.regexp, website));
- return websiteConfig;
- };
- const getSelectedText = () => {
- if (siteGetSelectedText)
- return siteGetSelectedText();
- if (window.getSelection)
- return (window.getSelection() || "").toString();
- if (document.getSelection)
- return (document.getSelection() || "").toString();
- if (document.selection)
- return document.selection.createRange().text;
- return "";
- };
- (function() {
- const websiteConfig = initWebsite();
- initBaseEvent(websiteConfig);
- initBaseStyle();
- window.addEventListener(
- (e) => {
- const handler = () => {
- const content = getSelectedText();
- if (isEmptyContent(content)) {
- instance.hide();
- return void 0;
- }
- instance.onCopy(content, e);
- };
- websiteConfig.delay ? setTimeout(handler, websiteConfig.delay) : handler();
- },
- websiteConfig.captureInstance
- );
- })();
- }());