使用快捷键刷多邻国. 在主页面使用回车键或l键快速开始学习;在学习页使用ctrl键播放语音, 使用回车键为选词添加序号,退格键删除选词,删除键删除全部选词. 如果官方和脚本的快捷键无法正常使用, 需要在`vimium-c`等快捷键相关插件中排除多邻国网站. 如果发生无法输入文字的情况可以尝试在网页限制解除/文本选中复制相关脚本中排除多邻国网站
< Commentaires sur 多邻国选词快捷键
hello, I'm new to greasy and I don't known how to make MR here, so after I modified this script locally, I put the new one in gist: https://gist.github.com/popozhu/08632fb4971279fa930e191ac47c9127/revisionsmaybe these changed can be accepted?
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hello, I'm new to greasy and I don't known how to make MR here, so after I modified this script locally, I put the new one in gist: https://gist.github.com/popozhu/08632fb4971279fa930e191ac47c9127/revisions
maybe these changed can be accepted?