ChatGPT Prompt Helper

This Tampermonkey script is a highly customizable plugin designed to assist with editing and generating ChatGPT prompts.

< Commentaires sur ChatGPT Prompt Helper

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

The concept behind the idea of the script is a helpful one and its basic functions are operational.

However, the implementation is poor, with total disregard for the resource efficiency of your computer. Just look at the code! It has extreme bloat and an overwhelming amount of unnecessary code, including elements such as vite-plugin-monkey, full React (again), jsx runtime and more. These aspects undoubtedly slow down the site.

If you are experiencing lag on ChatGPT, this may well be the culprit.

It raises the question - what happened to good old vanilla JavaScript? Not exactly a speed demon itself, but compared to this, it makes you scratch your head.

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