Ajoute des réponses IA à Brave Search (propulsé par GPT-4o!)
Voici les versions de ce script où le code a été modifié. Voir toutes les versions.
Bumped resources ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Re-aligned Pin menu w/ updated tooltip positions when opening upward ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Corrected View Changes URL in modals.update.available() ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Raised/shrank app div header byline ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Added stars div check to fillStarryBG() to avoid duplicates from multi modals.open() ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Moved appStyle to app.styles for improved structure ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Edited whitespace in appStyle for ternary readability ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Moved @keyframes modal-zoom-fade-out {} from appStyle to more appropriate modals.styles ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
@keyframes modal-zoom-fade-out {}
Removed unused visibility transition style ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Hid app div corner buttons beyond 1st few except on app div mouseover ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Updated Maximize/Minimize + Expand/Shrink button selectors ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Centralized general reply corner button styles to appStyle, lightened light scheme fill ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Moved app div footer styles to end of app div styles for easier access ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Renamed app div corner button classes to distinguish from reply corner buttons ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Renamed listenerize.cornerBtns() to .appDivCornerBtns() to distinguish from reply corner buttons ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Removed less helpful debug logs for cleaner console ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Removed unused checkmarksSVG.id assignment ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Fixed Copy/Regen buttons don't turn white in dark scheme ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Added spin to arrows icon in schemeNotify('auto') ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Added spacing to schemeNotify() + fixed wrong icon for Auto shown ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Added ini tilt to icons.arrowsCycle ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Replaced scheme w/ env.ui.app.scheme in schemeNotify() for consistency ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Corrected selector for spinning cycle arrows in Settings when scheme set to Auto ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Tightened new selector for spinning cycle arrows in Settings when scheme set to Auto to not spin other icons ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Added chatbar visible focus style ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Removed unused ${app.cssPrefix}-continue-chat assignment ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Reversed ternary in chatbar background colorization to keep lines under 120-chars for readability ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Renamed balloonTipSpan to replyTipSpan for consistency w/ class name ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Prepended app.cssPrefix to elem IDs/classes to avoid potential selector collisions ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Raised timeout before trying diff APIs +1s ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Moved Copy Code buttons more away from corners ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Vertically centered button tooltip text ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Raised button tooltips ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Refactored Regenerate icon sizing to support more browsers ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Replaced non-existent app.msgs.appName ref in modals.update.available w/ app.name ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Fixed Scheme + About status animations in Settings stopped live updating on Foreground Animations toggle ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Prevented Regen button from x-shifting on Copy button clicks ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Moved Copy Code buttons down-left more ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Added Regenerate Reply button ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Refactored Copy button routine in toggle.tooltip() for readability ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Corrected copy/paste failure ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Updated straggling container name in appDivParent init ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Renamed container in appDivParent init to appDivParent for better readability ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Renamed app div parent consts for better readability ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Edited whitespace/comment for readability ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Un-thiccened Settings cogwheel icon ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Replaced Settings slider icon w/ cogwheel ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Lowered opacity of light scheme reply bubble ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Moved modal dismiss key handler into modals.open() for improved structure ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Moved modal stylization to modals.stylize() for modularity ↞ [auto-sync from https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions]
Afficher toutes les versions de script