Bagi/Keran AntiAntiAdblock

Scripts that removes the Disable Adblock message for Bagi/Keran

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Bagi/Keran AntiAntiAdblock
// @description Scripts that removes the Disable Adblock message for Bagi/Keran
// @author      LgamerLIVE
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant       none
// @version     1.0
// @run-at      document-start
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==
// Bagi/Keran AntiAntiAdblock
// How does it work?
// All block lists include a reference to "adex.js" because it's a common name for JavaScript files that are associated with serving ads.
// Knowing this, Keran/Bagi are using the a code which creates a hidden div to a file called "adex.js".
// Then they simply detect if the script is loaded or not.
// This script makes the file again, making it impossible for them to detect (:
var e=document.createElement('div');'AntiAdblock';'none';document.body.appendChild(e);
// Note that this script only works for Bagi/Keran and is not universal.