
Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars

< Commentaires sur HeroWarsHelper

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 13/02/2024

Is it possible to remove celestial titans from neutral dungeon team, or to select the titans that are available for that team? Ideally it would only be 4 water + lowest health fire/earth. Or 4 water + lowest health between Eden or araji.

Posté le: 13/02/2024
Édité le: 13/02/2024

Could just add a check to neutral teams: titans.filter(e => e.id < 4030) to filter out celestial titans.

Posté le: 14/03/2024

Wanted to check on an update for this? relatively simple change that will prolong dungeon in almost every case.

Posté le: 16/03/2024

This is not a universal solution and it may only work for you.
I understand that the current solution is not very effective, but it simply simulates the use of fortune cards and for many, including me, this is enough.

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