Telegram Photo Protection Remover

Removes photo protection in Telegram

< Commentaires sur Telegram Photo Protection Remover

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 07/05/2023

Bro,script not working anymore,date 2023-5-7

Posté le: 08/05/2023


Posté le: 08/05/2023

Problem was Telegram's changed version name from Z to A

Btw now you can also drag these images (in A version)

Posté le: 08/05/2023

Problem was Telegram's changed version name from Z to A

Btw now you can also drag these images (in A version)

this is so awesome,thanks bro!!!

Posté le: 08/05/2023

Problem was Telegram's changed version name from Z to A

Btw now you can also drag these images (in A version)

this is so awesome,thanks bro!!!

BTW, will you consider supporting the video download function in the future?

Posté le: 03/01/2024

script not working anymore

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