
Chargement automatique des pages Web paginées suivantes et insertion dans la page en cours. Prend en charge des milliers de sites Web sans aucune règle.

< Commentaires sur Pagetual

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 27/05/2023
Édité le: 27/05/2023 - script works normally on Front Page but doesn't work on Favorites page

Posté le: 27/05/2023

This is not a service. If you need help for single site, go to github for feedback, not here.

Ex-hentai is already supported in my online rules.

If you do not understand what I say in this feedback , and haven't import my rule either. Do not leave your review. That's rude and unfriendly.

Posté le: 30/05/2023

Already imported your rule. Exhentai is working on front page gallery but doesn't work on the favorites page (favorites.php) the script works on both front page and favorites page on e-hentai

Posté le: 30/05/2023

Sorry forgot to update that old feedback

Posté le: 30/05/2023

Sorry but I can't reproduce your issue.

Posté le: 30/05/2023

Reinstalled the script and your rule then it's working on favorites page again.. don't know what's causing it to stop working on exhentai favorites page specifically before since the issue doesn't occur on e-hentai - maybe another userscript since I have 3 other installed for e-h/exh. Sorry about this.

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