
Chargement automatique des pages Web paginées suivantes et insertion dans la page en cours. Prend en charge des milliers de sites Web sans aucune règle.

< Commentaires sur Pagetual

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 22/07/2022

the question is why the first line is repeated on all pages. error or so it should be the site
can you fix it so that I update the script and thank you in advance
I compressed the picture because the screenshot exceeded more than 200.0 KB

Posté le: 23/07/2022
        "name": "Amedia",
        "url": "^https://amedia\\.online",
        "pageElement": "#dle-content>.c1-item",
        "css": "img[data-src] { opacity: 1; }"

👆click to import

Posté le: 23/07/2022

everything is working fine now

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