FB - Clean my feeds

Hide Sponsored and Suggested posts in FB's News Feed, Groups Feed, Watch Videos Feed and Marketplace Feed

< Commentaires sur FB - Clean my feeds

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 24/08/2022

Hi, so far scripts works like a charm, at least in polish lang.
I have just one question: I set mop icon in upper/right corner and it appears on home page as should be. But when I go to any of my groups - icon disapppears. See screenshots.

Posté le: 24/08/2022
Édité le: 24/08/2022

It shows up on the following pages:
- Main News Feed
- Main Groups Feed (not individual group page/feed)
- Main Watch Videos Feed
- Marketplace Feed
- Main Search results

All other pages - it disappears - indicating the code will not scan for items to be hidden.

BTW, thanks for the feedback!

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