ppixiv for Pixiv

Better Pixiv viewing | Fullscreen images | Faster searching | Bigger thumbnails | Download ugoira MKV | Ugoira seek bar | Download manga ZIP | One-click like, bookmark, follow | One-click zoom and pan

< Commentaires sur ppixiv for Pixiv

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 21/01/2023

loving the script, as always, it's awesome

just wondering if it would be possible to implement a feature that allows us to choose the default page the loads when visiting pixiv. for example, right now, whenever i open a new tab/window and go to pixiv, it directs me to the rankings page. it'd be nice if we could choose to set that as our bookmarks, or new works by following, or recommended works page instead

thanks dude, keep up the great work

Posté le: 21/01/2023

You can browser bookmark the page while it's active and it should come back up like a regular page. I just leave stuff open in a tab and it restores with the browser session with everything else, though.

Posté le: 21/01/2023

yea i was thinking you'd say that haha. was kinda hoping you'd implement that as a feature though. thanks anyway

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