- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Rutor Preview Ajax
- // @namespace https://github.com/AlekPet/
- // @version
- // @description Предпросмотр раздач на сайте
- // @author AlekPet
- // @license MIT; https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
- // @match http*://tor-ru.net/*
- // @match http*://zerkalo-rutor.org/*
- // @match http*://rutor.info/*
- // @match http*://rutor.is/*
- // @match http*://free-rutor.org/*
- // @match http*://freedom-tor.org/*
- // @match http*://top-tor.org/*
- // @match http*://rutor.is/*
- // @match http*://live-rutor.org/*
- // @match http*://xrutor.org/*
- // @match http*://rutor.info/*
- // @match http*://new-rutor.org/*
- // @match http*://6tor.org/*
- // @icon https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlekPet/Rutor-Preview-Ajax/master/assets/images/icon.png
- // @connect *
- // @run-at document-end
- // @noframes
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @grant GM_addValueChangeListener
- // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
- // @grant GM_getResourceText
- // @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.0.min.js
- // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-cookie/1.4.1/jquery.cookie.min.js
- // ==/UserScript==
- GM_addStyle(`
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- .mDiv_FavControlCheck:hover{background: linear-gradient(#07a116,#347036);}
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- .mDivFavControl_box{
- display: flex;
- margin: 0 20px;
- font-size: 0.8rem;
- }
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- .minipanel img{transition:1s all;}
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- .checkbox_Load:not(checked) {opacity: 0;}
- .checkbox_Load + label {cursor: pointer;position: absolute;left: 35%;}
- .checkbox_Load:checked + label:before {background: #53d64c;}
- .checkbox_Load:checked + label:after {left: 5px;content: 'ON';color: green;}
- .checkbox_Load:not(checked) + label:before {content: '';position: absolute;top: 2px;left: -28px;width: 60px;height: 20px;background: #ff6060;box-shadow: inset 0 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.2);}
- .checkbox_Load:not(checked) + label:after {content: 'OFF';position: absolute;top: 4px;left: -25px;width: 25px;height: 15px;background: #FFF;box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.3);transition: all .2s;}
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- .preLoadImagesRow{display:table-row;}
- .preLoadImagesRow #timoutTimeImages {width:50%;text-align: right;color: #00447f;font-family: monospace;font-weight: bold;}
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- .FavBlockEl a:hover {color: #73046a !important;}
- .FavBlockEl > div:nth-child(2) div {margin: 5px 0 5px 0;}
- .FavBlockEl > div:nth-child(3) {display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;padding: 5px;border-left: 1px dotted;background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #fbf7f7, #ffc7c7);font-weight: bold;color: orange;user-select: none;cursor: pointer;}
- .FavBlockEl > div:nth-child(3):hover{background: linear-gradient(#ffd4d4 50%, #f59999);}
- .poleLinks{display:block;transition: 1s transform;}
- .poleLinks:hover{transform: scale(1.4);}
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- .mDiv_Popup > .mDiv_Popup_title {padding: 5px;font-size: 1.2em;font-family: cursive;border-radius: 6px 6px 0 0;background-image: url(/s/i/poisk_bg.gif);background-size: 40% 100%;color:white;}
- .mDiv_Popup > .mDiv_Popup_message_box {font-size: 1em;text-align: center;line-height: 1.5;color: darkslategrey;border-radius: 0 0 6px 6px;border-top: 1px solid #1d1d1d;}
- .mDiv_Popup_message_box > .mDiv_Popup_message {padding: 10px;max-height: 500px;min-height: 90px;overflow-y: auto;}
- .mDiv_Popup_smoke {position: fixed;background: #000000a6;left: 0;top: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;display: none;z-index:3;}
- .box_buttons_inner {display: inline-block;margin-left: 20px;}
- .mDiv_Popup_title_x {float: right; cursor: pointer;}
- .mDiv_Popup_title_x:after {content: 'X';}
- .mDiv_Popup_title_x:hover {color: yellow;}
- tr.backgr td > div {display: inline;}
- .blend_class{background-blend-mode: luminosity;background-color: #ffd74540;}
- /*---*/
- .pop_panel{
- margin-right: 5px;
- position: relative;
- }
- .pop_elements {
- position: absolute;
- background: white;
- padding: 6px;
- text-align: center;
- border: 1px solid silver;
- top: -20px;
- right: 50%;
- width: max-content;
- height: -webkit-fill-available;
- border-radius: 6px;
- box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px 0px silver;
- display: none;
- }
- .pop_panel:hover > .pop_elements{
- display: block;
- }
- .pop_elements a {
- position: relative;
- margin: 0px 10px;
- }
- .pop_elements a span {
- position: absolute;
- font-size: 5px;
- top: 13px;
- left: 50%;
- transform: translate(-50%, 0px);
- color: silver;
- }
- /*.pop_elements a[data-servname]:after {
- content: attr(data-servname);
- font-size: 8px;
- text-decoration: none;
- }*/
- .service_splitter{
- border-right: 2px dotted silver;
- padding-right: 5px;
- }
- #torrentPlayer {
- position: fixed;
- top: 50%;
- left: 50%;
- transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
- border: 1px solid silver;
- user-select: none;
- font-family: monospace;
- background: #ffffffcf;
- color: white;
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: column;
- justify-content: center;
- align-content: center;
- max-width: 35vw;
- }
- .torrentPlayer_video {
- position: relative;
- height: 0;
- padding-bottom: 56.25%;
- background: #000000d1;
- }
- .torrentPlayer_video iframe{
- position: absolute;
- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
- top: 0;
- left: 0;
- }
- .torrentPlayer_list {
- color: #810c0c;
- padding: 2px;
- line-height: 2;
- font-weight: bold;
- }
- .torrentPlayer_title {
- background: black;
- font-weight: bold;
- text-align: center;
- }
- .torrentPlayer_info {}
- .torrentPlayer_close {
- cursor: pointer;
- position: absolute;
- right: -12px;
- top: -15px;
- background: #c0c0c0e0;
- border-radius: 100%;
- padding: 10px;
- z-index: 1;
- }
- .torrentPlayer_close:hover {
- background: #939393de;
- }
- .torrentPlayer_playlist {
- max-height: 200px;
- overflow-y: scroll;
- list-style: none;
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: column;
- margin: 2px;
- padding: 4px;
- }
- .torrentPlayer_playlist li {
- cursor: pointer;
- border: 1px solid #ffa302;
- background: linear-gradient(45deg, #fed304, transparent);
- border-radius: 4px;
- padding: 0 6px;
- margin: 2px;
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: row;
- align-items: center;
- justify-content: space-between;
- word-break: break-all;
- }
- .torrentPlayer_playlist_item_title{
- text-align: left;
- border-right: 2px dotted orange;
- width: 90%;
- }
- .torrentPlayer_playlist_item_title_item_size {
- padding: 0 3px;
- width: 10%;
- text-align: center;
- }
- .activExists:first-child:before {
- content: attr(data-exists);
- background: green;
- position: absolute;
- top: 50%;
- transform: translateY(-50%);
- left: -10px;
- writing-mode: vertical-lr;
- text-orientation: upright;
- color: wheat;
- padding: 2px;
- font-size: 0.7rem;
- }
- .activExistsRed:first-child:before{
- background: red;
- }
- .mDiv::-webkit-scrollbar {
- width: 7px;
- }
- .mDiv::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
- box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
- }
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- background: #caffd1;
- }
- .mDiv::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
- background: darkseagreen;
- box-shadow: inset 0 0 0px 2px rgb(38 175 13 / 44%);
- }
- `);
- /* sorted plugin jquery
- tr.backgr td:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) {background: url(/agrrr/img/sort-bg.gif) 100% -70px no-repeat;font-size: 12px;text-align: left;cursor: pointer;padding-right: 19px;}
- tr.backgr td.headerSortUp{background-position-y: -20px;}
- tr.backgr td.headerSortDown{background-position-y: -120px;}
- tr.backgr td > div.headerSortUp{background-position-y: -135px;}
- tr.backgr td > div.headerSortDown{background-position-y: -36px;}
- tr.backgr td > div {background: url(/agrrr/img/sort-bg.gif) 100% -86px no-repeat;font-size: 12px;text-align: left;cursor: pointer;padding-right: 20px;display: inline;height: 20px;position: relative;top: 1px;}
- */
- (function() {
- 'use strict';
- const $ = window.jQuery,
- image_arrow = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlekPet/Rutor-Preview-Ajax/master/assets/images/arrow_icon.gif",
- no_image = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlekPet/Rutor-Preview-Ajax/master/assets/images/no_image.png",
- favIcon = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlekPet/Rutor-Preview-Ajax/master/assets/images/yellow_heart.png",//"https://aminoapps.com/static/bower/emojify.js/images/emoji/yellow_heart.png",
- searchIcon = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlekPet/Rutor-Preview-Ajax/master/assets/images/search_icon.png",
- torrServIcon = "",
- torrServToAdd = "",
- images_ = [image_arrow,no_image,favIcon,searchIcon,torrServIcon],
- hostname = location.origin,
- debug = 0,
- torr_serv_port = 8090,
- acestream_port = 6878
- var ObjSave = null,
- TimeOutImages = 5;
- GM_addValueChangeListener('ObjSave', function() {
- let ls_value = GM_getValue('ObjSave');
- ObjSave = (ls_value)?JSON.parse(ls_value):{};
- updateFav();
- updateForm();
- });
- function checkLocaltorage(){
- if(ObjSave){
- if (!ObjSave.hasOwnProperty('favorites')){
- ObjSave.favorites = [];
- }
- if (!ObjSave.hasOwnProperty('options')){
- ObjSave.options = {};
- }
- if(debug) console.log("Объект: ",ObjSave);
- }
- }
- function loadStorage(){
- let ObjSave_tmp = GM_getValue('ObjSave');
- ObjSave = (ObjSave_tmp) ? JSON.parse(GM_getValue('ObjSave')) : {
- options: {}
- };
- checkLocaltorage();
- }
- function saveToStorage(){
- try{
- var save_data = JSON.stringify(ObjSave);
- if(save_data.length>0 && save_data !== null && save_data !=="" && save_data !== undefined){
- GM_setValue('ObjSave', save_data);
- if(debug) console.log("Сохраненно: ",ObjSave);
- }
- }catch(e){
- console.log(e);
- }
- }
- function LoadingImages(param){
- try{
- //Images
- let callback = param.func,
- content = param.content,
- button = param.button,
- elem = param.elem,
- IMGElements = $(content).find('#details tr:eq(0) img:not([src^="http://rublacklist.net"])'),
- lenIMG = IMGElements.length,
- progressBar = $(elem).nextAll(":eq(0)"),
- progressBarText = progressBar.find(".loading_tor_text"),
- procentuno = 100/lenIMG;
- if(lenIMG > 0){
- if(debug){
- console.log(`Изображений найдено: ${lenIMG}\n------------------------------`);
- console.log("Тайм-аут равен: ", TimeOutImages, "Если 0 тайм-аут выкл.");
- }
- let imgLoaded = 0,
- procentLoaded = 0;
- progressBar.show();
- $(IMGElements).each(function(){
- let image = this,
- timer = null;
- $(image).one("load", function(){
- if (timer) {
- clearTimeout(timer);
- timer = null;
- }
- imgLoaded++;
- if(debug) console.log("Изображений загруженно: ",imgLoaded);
- procentLoaded += procentuno;
- progressBarText.css("width", procentLoaded+"%");
- progressBarText.text("Загружено "+procentLoaded.toFixed(1)+"%");
- if(imgLoaded === lenIMG){
- progressBarText.text("100.0%");
- progressBarText.css("width", "100%");
- callback(param);
- progressBar.fadeOut('slow');
- }
- })
- .one('error', function() {
- let src = $(this).attr("src");
- $(this).attr({
- "title": "Изображение не найдено:\n"+src,
- "src": no_image,
- "error_image": 1
- }).css({"cursor":"pointer"});
- $(this).click(function(){window.open(src);});
- })
- .attr("src",image.src);
- if(TimeOutImages !== 0){
- timer = setTimeout(function(theImg) {
- return function() {
- if(debug) console.log(`Таймер истек: ${theImg.src}\n------------------------------`);
- theImg.onload = theImg.onabort = theImg.onerror = function() {};
- if (timer) {
- clearTimeout(timer);
- timer = null;
- }
- let src = $(theImg).attr("src");
- $(theImg).attr({
- "title": "Изображение не найдено:\n"+src,
- "src": no_image,
- "error_image": 1
- }).css({"cursor":"pointer"}).click(function(){window.open(src);});
- if(imgLoaded === lenIMG){
- progressBarText.text("100.0%");
- progressBarText.css("width", "100%");
- callback(param);
- progressBar.fadeOut('slow');
- }
- };
- }(image), TimeOutImages*1000);
- }
- });
- }
- } catch(e){
- console.log(e);
- }
- }
- // Правим полученный контент
- function modifyData(param){
- var data = param.data,
- button = param.button,
- elem = param.elem,
- content = $(data).find("#content")[0] || undefined;
- if (!content){
- let nextEl = $(elem).next().next().children(0);
- $(nextEl).html("<div style='text-align: center;font: italic 12pt monospace;color:red;'>Страница пока не доступна!</div>");
- return false;
- }
- content.removeChild(content.children[0]);
- content.removeChild(content.children[0]);
- content.removeChild(content.lastElementChild);
- content.removeChild(content.lastElementChild);
- $(content).find("tr").not(".c_h").hover(function(){$(this).css("background-color","transparent");},function(){$(this).css("background-color","transparent");});
- let tableCount = $(content).find("table tr[class^='c_h']").length;
- // Список файлов измененная загрузка
- let descrN = $(content).find(".header span").attr("onclick").toString().match(/descriptions\/(\d+)\.files/i)[1];
- $(content).find(".header span").removeAttr("onclick");
- $(content).find(".header span").attr("filelist_already_loaded", 0);
- $(content).find(".header span").click(function(){
- if($(this).attr("filelist_already_loaded") == 0){
- $(this).attr("filelist_already_loaded",1);
- $(content).find('#filelist').load('/descriptions/'+descrN+'.files');
- }
- $(content).find('#displayfiles').fadeToggle('slow', 'linear');
- });
- //
- $(content).find("#cem").before('<div class="box_comments"><div title="Показать комментарии" class="com_Style">Комментарии'+(tableCount>0?' ('+tableCount+')':'')+'</div><div style="display:none;" id="hiden_cc"></div></div>');
- $(content).find(".com_Style").click(function(){$(this).next().fadeToggle( 'slow', 'linear');});
- $(content).find("#hiden_cc").append($(content).find("#cem"));
- let tableCom = $(content).find("table tr[class^='c_h']").parent().parent();
- $(content).find("#hiden_cc").append(tableCom.prev(),tableCom.prev().prev(),tableCom);
- let cloneButton = (button.clone(true)).attr("title","Скрыть раздачу"),
- spoiler = $("<div class='footSpoiler'></div>").html(cloneButton);
- $(content).append(spoiler);
- content.id = "my_content";
- let nextEl = $(elem).next().next().children(0);
- $(nextEl).html(content);
- if(debug) console.log("Предзагрузка включена...",$(".checkbox_Load")[0].checked);
- if($(".checkbox_Load")[0].checked){
- LoadingImages({content:content, button:button, elem:elem, func: ShowIHide});
- } else {
- ShowIHide({button:button, elem:elem});
- }
- }
- function MiniPanel(param){
- let button = param.button,
- elem = param.elem;
- // Add see
- $(".mDiv_title.opens").show();
- let a_elems = $(elem).children()[2].children[4].href.indexOf('magnet') == -1 ? $(elem).children()[2].children[4]: $(elem).children()[2].children[5],
- textPop = a_elems.innerText,//.children(1).children()[5].innerText,
- imgSmall = $(elem).nextAll(".my_tr:eq(0)").find('table#details tr:eq(0) img:not([error_image])').filter(function(i,val){
- if(val.width > 150 && !/banner|kinopoisk|imdb/i.test(this.src)){
- return this;
- }
- });
- if(imgSmall.length>0){
- let elOut = imgSmall[0];
- for(let i of imgSmall){
- if(i.height > elOut.height) {
- elOut = i;
- }
- }
- imgSmall = elOut.src;
- } else {
- imgSmall = no_image ;
- }
- if(debug) console.log("Мини изображение: ",imgSmall);
- let imgEl = $('<img>').attr({
- src: imgSmall,
- width: "50px"
- }),
- imgBox = $('<div style="display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;padding:5px;border-right: 1px dotted white;"></div>').append(imgEl),
- textBox = $('<div style="display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;font-size: unset;padding:2px;word-break: break-all;"></div>').text(textPop),
- hide = button.clone(true),
- hideE = $._data(hide[0], "events"),
- addonBox = $('<div class="minipanel"></div>').attr('title',hide.attr('title')).each(function () {
- for (var type in hideE){
- for (var handler in hideE[type]){
- if(handler === 'delegateCount') continue;
- $.event.add(this, type, hideE[type][handler], hideE[type].data);
- }
- }
- }).append(hide.off()),
- elSee = $('<div class="seeEl"></div>').attr('title',textPop).append(imgBox, textBox,addonBox);
- $(imgBox).add(textBox).click(function(){
- let offset = $(elem).offset().top;
- $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:offset}, 500, 'swing');
- });
- $(elem).data(elSee);
- $(".mDiv_inner").append(elSee).animate({scrollTop:$("div.mDiv_inner").offset().top}, 500, 'swing');
- }
- // Функция появления и прочее
- function ShowIHide(param){
- let elem = param.elem,
- button = param.button,
- event_el = param.event_el || null;
- $(elem).nextAll(".my_tr:eq(0)").animate(
- {
- width: [ "toggle", "swing" ],
- height: [ "toggle", "swing" ],
- opacity: "toggle"
- }, 1500, "linear", function(){
- if($(this).css("display") === "none"){
- button.css("transform", "scaleY(1)").attr("title","Показать раздачу");
- // Remove see
- $(".mDiv_inner")[0].removeChild($(elem).data()[0]);
- if($(".my_tr:visible").length<1){
- $(".mDiv_title.opens").hide();
- }
- } else {
- button.css("transform", "scaleY(-1)").attr("title","Скрыть раздачу");
- // Mini Panel
- MiniPanel(param);
- }
- const lenSee = $(".seeEl").length
- if(lenSee>0){
- $("#hideAll").fadeIn('fast')
- } else {
- $("#hideAll").fadeOut('fast')
- }
- $(".mDiv_title.opens").text(`Открытые (${lenSee})`);
- // Back offset on page
- //if(event_el !== "minipanel") $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$(elem).offset().top}, 500, 'swing');
- $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$(elem).offset().top}, 500, 'swing');
- });
- }
- // Ajax запрос
- function ajaxJQ(param){
- if(debug) console.log("Ajax proceed...");
- let button = param.button,
- link = param.link,
- elem = param.elem;
- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
- $.ajax({
- url: link,
- success: function(data){
- if(debug) console.log("Ajax запрос завершен!");
- //let ObjData = {data:data,button:button,elem:elem};
- //modifyData(ObjData);
- resolve({data:data,button:button,elem:elem})
- },
- error: function(e)
- {
- let nextEl = $(elem).next().next().children(0);
- $(nextEl).css({"text-align":"center","color":"red"}).text(e.statusText.toUpperCase()+": Нет ответа от сервера")
- ShowIHide({button:button, elem:elem});
- reject(null)
- }
- });
- })
- }
- function MakeFav(param){
- let elem = param.el || null,
- link = param.link,
- linkText = param.linkText,
- id = param.id,
- Down = param.Down,
- Mdown = param.Mdown,
- date_time = param.date_time,
- category = param.category,
- index = param.index,
- isExists = param.object?.isExists == undefined ? '' : param.object?.isExists?'OK':'NO',
- searchText = searchEditReq(linkText),
- FavElTitleA = $('<a style="color: #005fb4;"></a>').attr({href:hostname+"/torrent/"+id, target:"_blank",title:linkText}).text(linkText),
- FavElTitle = $(`<div ${isExists?'class="activExists '+(isExists=='NO'? 'activExistsRed':'')+'" data-exists="'+isExists+'"':''} style="display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;padding:5px; width: 80%;position:relative;"></div>`).append(FavElTitleA,'<div class="class_category" style="position: absolute;top: -5px;left: 3px;color: #800047;font-size: 8px;font-weight: bold;background: #ffbbbb;padding: 0 5px;">'+category+'</div>'),
- FavAddBlock = $('<div style="display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;padding:5px; width: 10%; border-left: 1px dotted orange;">'+
- '<div class="poleLinks"><a href="'+Down+'" target="_blank" title="Download"><img src="/s/i/d.gif" alt="Download"></a></div>'+
- '<div class="poleLinks"><a href="'+Mdown+'" target="_blank" title="Magnet Link"><img src="/s/i/m.png" alt="Magnet Link"></a></div>'+
- '<div class="poleLinks"><a href="'+hostname+"/search/"+encodeURIComponent(searchText)+'" target="_blank" title="Искать: '+linkText+'"><img src="'+searchIcon+'" alt="Искать:'+linkText+'" width="13"></a></div>'+
- '</div>'),
- FavElBlockX = $('<div title="Удалить!"></div>').text("X").click(function(e){
- let event_el = e.currentTarget,
- el_block = event_el.parentElement;
- if(debug) console.log($(".mDiv_FavInner .FavBlockEl").index(el_block));
- removeFav({el:el_block, id:id, linkText:linkText, index:$(".mDiv_FavInner .FavBlockEl").index(el_block)});
- }),
- FavBlockEl = $('<div class="FavBlockEl"></div>').append(FavElTitle,FavAddBlock,FavElBlockX);
- FavBlockEl.on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(ev){
- $(this).first().toggleClass("blend_class")
- });
- $(".mDiv_FavInner").append(FavBlockEl);
- if($(".mDiv_FavInner").children().length === 0) {
- $(".mDiv_FavInner").empty();
- $(".mDiv_FavControl").fadeOut('slow');
- } else {
- $(".mDiv_FavControl").fadeIn('slow');
- }
- $(".mDiv_title.fav").text('Избранное '+($(".mDiv_FavInner").children().length == 0 ?'':'('+$(".mDiv_FavInner").children().length+')'));
- }
- async function addFav(param){
- let elem = param.el || null,
- link = param.link,
- linkText = param.linkText,
- Down = param.Down,
- Mdown = param.Mdown,
- date_time = param.date_time,
- id = link,
- category = await getCategoryTorrent(param)
- try{
- // Get id
- id = id.match(/.*torrent\/(\d+)\//i)[1];
- param.id = id;
- if(!id) id = link;
- if(debug) console.log("Ид равен: ", id);
- // Save local storage
- if (!ObjSave.hasOwnProperty('favorites')){
- ObjSave.favorites = [];
- }
- if(!checkPovtor({id:id,linkText:linkText})){
- if(debug) console.log("Нет в базе избранного, сохраняю!");
- fly.call(elem, ".mDiv_FavInner", 3, 3000)
- ObjSave.favorites.push({
- el: null,
- link: encodeURI(link),
- linkText: escape(linkText),
- id: id,
- Down: encodeURI(Down),
- Mdown: encodeURI(Mdown),
- date_time: date_time,
- category: category
- });
- saveToStorage();
- //MakeFav(param); -> GM_addValueChangeListener update auto
- showMessage('Избранное',`<p>Успешно добавлен в избранное!</p><p><b>${linkText}<b></p>`)
- }
- } catch (e){
- console.log(e);
- }
- }
- function revomeFavAll(){
- if(confirm(`Вы действительно хотите очистить список избранного?`)){
- if (ObjSave.hasOwnProperty('favorites') && Object.keys(ObjSave.favorites).length){
- ObjSave.favorites = [];
- $(".mDiv_FavInner").empty().text('Пусто...');;
- saveToStorage();
- if(debug) console.log("Все элементы удалены из избранного!");
- $(".mDiv_title.fav").text('Избранное '+($(".mDiv_FavInner").children().length == 0 ?'':'('+$(".mDiv_FavInner").children().length+')'));
- $(".mDiv_FavControl").fadeOut('slow')
- }
- }
- }
- function removeFav(param){
- let el = param.el,
- id = param.id,
- linkText = param.linkText,
- index = param.index;
- if(confirm(`Вы действительно хотите удалить?\n"${linkText}"?`)){
- if (ObjSave.hasOwnProperty('favorites') && index !== "" && index !== null && index !== undefined){
- $(el).animate({"height":"0px","opacity": "0"},'slow', function(){
- ObjSave.favorites.splice(index, 1);
- $(this).remove();
- saveToStorage();
- if(debug) console.log("Элемент удален из избранного!");
- $(".mDiv_title.fav").text('Избранное '+($(".mDiv_FavInner").children().length == 0 ?'':'('+$(".mDiv_FavInner").children().length+')'));
- if(!Object.keys(ObjSave.favorites).length) {
- $(".mDiv_FavInner").text('Пусто...');
- $(".mDiv_FavControl").fadeOut('slow')
- } else {
- $(".mDiv_FavControl").fadeIn('slow')
- }
- });
- }
- }
- }
- function checkPovtor(params){
- let povtor = false,
- linkText = params.linkText,
- id = params.id
- if (ObjSave.hasOwnProperty('favorites')){
- if(ObjSave.favorites.length > 0){
- for(var i=0; i<ObjSave.favorites.length;i++){
- let current = ObjSave.favorites[i]
- if(current.id === id){
- if(debug) console.log("Уже есть в базе избранного!");
- showMessage('Внимание',`<p>Уже есть в базе избранного!</p><p><b>${linkText}<b></p>`)
- povtor = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return povtor;
- }
- function updateForm(){
- if (ObjSave.hasOwnProperty('options')){
- let chechVal = null,
- timoutTimeImages = 5;
- if (ObjSave.options.hasOwnProperty('preload')) chechVal = ObjSave.options.preload;
- $("#checkbox_imgages_Load")[0].checked = chechVal;
- timoutTimeImages = (ObjSave.options.hasOwnProperty('TimeOutLoadImages') && typeof(ObjSave.options.TimeOutLoadImages) == "number")?ObjSave.options.TimeOutLoadImages:5;
- $("#timoutTimeImages").val(timoutTimeImages);
- }
- }
- function updateFav(){
- if(!ObjSave.options?.settings_visible?.fav) return
- if (ObjSave.hasOwnProperty('favorites')){
- if(ObjSave.favorites.length > 0){
- $(".mDiv_FavInner").empty();
- for(let pFav = 0; pFav<ObjSave.favorites.length; pFav++){
- let ObjFavCur = ObjSave.favorites[pFav];
- MakeFav({
- el: null,
- link: decodeURI(ObjFavCur.link),
- linkText: unescape(ObjFavCur.linkText),
- Down: decodeURI(ObjFavCur.Down),
- id: ObjFavCur.id,
- Mdown: decodeURI(ObjFavCur.Mdown),
- date_time: ObjFavCur.date_time,
- category: ObjFavCur.category,
- index: pFav,
- object: ObjFavCur
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function showMessage(title = "Сообщение", message, anim_time_sec = 1000, time_delay_sec = 3000, autohide=true){
- $(".mDiv_Popup_message_box > .mDiv_Popup_message").html(message);
- $(".mDiv_Popup > .mDiv_Popup_title span").text(title);
- $(".mDiv_Popup_smoke").fadeIn(anim_time_sec, function(){
- $(".mDiv_Popup").fadeIn(anim_time_sec,function(){
- if(autohide){
- let anim = function (){$(this).fadeOut(anim_time_sec, function(){$(".mDiv_Popup_smoke").fadeOut(anim_time_sec);});}.bind(this);
- setTimeout(anim, time_delay_sec)
- }
- });
- });
- }
- function searchinHost(search){
- return location.href.includes(search);
- }
- function makePanel(){
- if(!document.getElementById("sidebar")) return;
- if (!ObjSave.options.hasOwnProperty('settings_visible')){
- ObjSave.options.settings_visible = {
- sett:true,
- fav:true,
- opens:true,
- stream:true
- }
- } else if(typeof ObjSave.options.settings_visible == 'boolean'){
- ObjSave.options.settings_visible = {
- sett:true,
- fav:true,
- opens:true,
- stream:true
- }
- }
- if(debug)console.log('Menu show-hide: ',ObjSave.options.settings_visible)
- let hostisT = searchinHost("/torrent/"),
- settings_visible = ObjSave.options.settings_visible,
- div = $('<div class="mDiv">'+
- (!hostisT?
- '<div class="mDiv_title'+(settings_visible.sett?'':' no_vis')+' sett">Настройки</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_settings_body mDiv_plugins" style="'+(settings_visible.sett?'display: block':'display: none')+'">'+
- '<div id="preLoadImages" class="imgages_Load">'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesRow">'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesCell">Предзагрузка: </div>'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesCell" style="position:relative;"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox_Load" id="checkbox_imgages_Load"><label for="checkbox_imgages_Load"></label></div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesRow">'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesCell">Тайм-аут загр.</div>'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesCell"><input type="number" id="timoutTimeImages" title="Тайм-аут загрузки изображений.\nЕсли 0, то тайм-аут устанавл. настройкой браузера!" min="0" step="0.1"> сек.</div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_title'+(settings_visible.stream?'':' no_vis')+' stream">Torrent Stream</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_settings_body imgages_Load" style="'+(settings_visible.stream?'display: block':'display: none')+'">'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesRow">'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesCell">TorrServer Ip:Port</div>'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesCell"><input style="width: 150px;text-align:center;transform: scale(0.9);" id="torr_server_address" data-service="TorrServer" title="TorrServer адресс и порт" value="localhost:8090"></div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesRow">'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesCell">AceStream Ip:Port</div>'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesCell"><input style="width: 150px;text-align:center;transform: scale(0.9);" id="acestream_server_address" data-service="AceStream" title="AceStream адресс и порт" value="localhost:6878"></div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div style="display:block;padding:2px;color:darkslateblue;font-size: 0.8rem;">Альфа версия: Нужен запущенный TorrServer или AceStream(лучше TorrServer😀) и запущенный <a href="https://github.com/AlekPet/Rutor-Preview-Ajax/tree/master/servers/nodejs">сервер</a>.</div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_title'+(settings_visible.opens?'':' no_vis')+' opens">Открытые</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_settings_body" style="'+(settings_visible.opens?'display: block':'display: none')+'">'+
- '<div id="hideAll" class="buttonsStyle">Свернуть все</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_inner"></div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_title'+(settings_visible.fav?'':' no_vis')+' fav">Избранное</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_settings_body" style="'+(settings_visible.fav?'display: block':'display: none')+'">'+
- '<div class="mDivFavControl_box">'+
- '<div class="mDiv_FavControl buttonsStyle" title="Очистить список избранного!">Очистить избранное</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_FavControlCheck buttonsStyle" title="Проверить торренты">Проверить торренты</div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_FavInner"></div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '</div>': /* One torrent */
- '<div class="mDiv_title'+(settings_visible.sett?'':' no_vis')+' sett">Настройки</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_settings_body mDiv_plugins" style="'+(settings_visible.sett?'display: block':'display: none')+'">'+
- '<div id="preLoadImages" class="imgages_Load">'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_title'+(settings_visible.stream?'':' no_vis')+' stream">Torrent Stream</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_settings_body imgages_Load" style="'+(settings_visible.stream?'display: block':'display: none')+'">'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesRow" style="color:#b40000;">'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesCell">TorrServer Ip:Port</div>'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesCell"><input style="width: 150px;text-align:center;transform: scale(0.9);" id="torr_server_address" data-service="TorrServer" title="TorrServer адресс и порт" value="localhost:8090"></div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesRow">'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesCell">AceStream Ip:Port</div>'+
- '<div class="preLoadImagesCell"><input style="width: 150px;text-align:center;transform: scale(0.9);" id="acestream_server_address" data-service="AceStream" title="AceStream адресс и порт" value="localhost:6878"></div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div style="display:block;padding:2px;color:darkslateblue;font-size: 0.8rem;">Альфа версия: Нужен запущенный TorrServer или AceStream(лучше TorrServer😀) и запущенный <a href="https://github.com/AlekPet/Rutor-Preview-Ajax/tree/master/servers/nodejs">сервер</a>.</div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_title'+(settings_visible.opens?'':' no_vis')+' opens">Открытые</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_settings_body" style="'+(settings_visible.opens?'display: block':'display: none')+'">'+
- '<div id="hideAll" class="buttonsStyle">Свернуть все</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_inner"></div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_title'+(settings_visible.fav?'':' no_vis')+' fav">Избранное</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_settings_body" style="'+(settings_visible.fav?'display: block':'display: none')+'">'+
- '<div class="mDiv_FavControl buttonsStyle" title="Очистить список избранного!">Очистить избранное</div>'+
- '<div class="mDivFavControl_box">'+
- '<div class="mDiv_FavControl buttonsStyle" title="Очистить список избранного!">Очистить избранное</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_FavControlCheck buttonsStyle" title="Проверить торренты">Проверить торренты</div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_FavInner"></div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '</div>')+
- '</div>'),
- chechVal = "";
- if (ObjSave.hasOwnProperty('options') && ObjSave.options.hasOwnProperty('preload')){
- chechVal = ObjSave.options.preload;
- }
- $(div).find("#checkbox_imgages_Load").change(function(){
- if(debug) console.log("Предзагрузка: ",$(this)[0].checked);
- if (ObjSave.hasOwnProperty('options')){
- if (!ObjSave.options.hasOwnProperty('preload')) ObjSave.options.preload = "";
- ObjSave.options.preload = $(this)[0].checked;
- saveToStorage();
- }
- }).attr("checked",chechVal);
- $(div).find("#timoutTimeImages").change(function(){
- let valueTO = $(this).val();
- if(debug) console.log("Тайм-аут установлен в: ", valueTO+" сек.");
- if(valueTO === "" || /^\s?$/.test(valueTO)) $(this).val(5);
- if (ObjSave.hasOwnProperty('options')){
- if (!ObjSave.options.hasOwnProperty('TimeOutLoadImages')) ObjSave.options.TimeOutLoadImages = 5;
- TimeOutImages = ObjSave.options.TimeOutLoadImages = parseFloat($(this).val());
- saveToStorage();
- }
- }).val((ObjSave.options.TimeOutLoadImages)?ObjSave.options.TimeOutLoadImages:5);
- // TorrServ & AceStream
- $(div).find("#torr_server_address, #acestream_server_address").on('change',function(){
- let valueInput = $(this).val(),
- service = this.dataset.service,
- options_service_name = service === 'TorrServer' ? ['torr_server_address', torr_serv_port] : ['acestream_server_address', acestream_port],
- checkAddr = valueInput.match(/(localhost|\b\d{1,3}\b\.\b\d{1,3}\b\.\b\d{1,3}\b\.\b\d{1,3}\b)\:\b(\d+)\b/g),
- prevVal = $(this).data('preVal')
- if(!checkAddr) {
- alert(`Адресс ${service}\'а указан неверно!`)
- $(this).val(prevVal ? prevVal : 'localhost:'+options_service_name[1])
- return;
- }
- $(this).data('preVal', valueInput)
- if (ObjSave.hasOwnProperty('options')){
- ObjSave.options[options_service_name[0]] = checkAddr && checkAddr.length==1 ? checkAddr[0] : 'localhost:'+options_service_name[1];
- }
- saveToStorage();
- }).val(function(index, value){
- const options_service_name = this.dataset.service === 'TorrServer' ? ['torr_server_address', torr_serv_port] : ['acestream_server_address', acestream_port]
- return ObjSave.options[options_service_name[0]] ? ObjSave.options[options_service_name[0]] : 'localhost:'+options_service_name[1]
- })
- $("#sidebar").append(div);
- $("#sidebar .mDiv").click(function(event){
- const target = event.target
- if(target.classList.contains('mDiv_title') /*&& !target.classList.contains('sett')*/){
- const nameSp = target.classList[target.classList.length-1],
- settings_body = $(target.nextElementSibling),
- $traget = $(target)
- if (settings_body.css('display') == 'none'){
- if(nameSp === 'fav' && $('.mDiv_FavInner').children().length === 0) updateFav()
- settings_body.slideDown('slow')
- ObjSave.options.settings_visible[nameSp] = true
- $traget.removeClass('no_vis')
- } else {
- settings_body.slideUp('slow')
- ObjSave.options.settings_visible[nameSp] = false
- $traget.removeClass(nameSp)
- $traget.addClass('no_vis')
- $traget.addClass(nameSp)
- }
- saveToStorage();
- }
- })
- if(ObjSave.hasOwnProperty('favorites') && Object.keys(ObjSave.favorites).length > 0) {
- $(".mDiv_FavInner").fadeIn('slow');
- $(".mDiv_FavControl").fadeIn('slow');
- } else{
- $(".mDiv_FavInner").text('Пусто...').fadeIn('slow');
- $(".mDiv_FavControl").fadeOut('slow');
- }
- let maxTop = $(".sideblock:nth-child(1)").offset().top+parseFloat($(".sideblock:nth-child(1)").css("height"))+parseFloat($(".sideblock:nth-child(2)").css("height"));
- $(window).scroll(function() {
- if($(window).scrollTop() >= maxTop){
- $(".sideblock:eq(1)").css({"position":"fixed", "top":"0px","width":"250px"});
- $(".mDiv").css({"position":"fixed", "top":"70px"});
- } else {
- $(".mDiv").add($(".sideblock:eq(1)")).removeAttr("style");
- }
- });
- $("#hideAll").click(function(){
- if($(".my_tr:visible").length){
- $(".my_tr").fadeOut("slow", function(){
- $("img.butSpoiler").css("transform", "scaleY(1)").attr("title","Показать раздачу");
- // Remove see
- $("#hideAll").fadeOut("fast", function(){
- $(".mDiv_title.opens").hide();
- $(".mDiv_inner").empty();
- });
- });
- }
- }).hide();
- $(".mDiv_FavControl").click(revomeFavAll);
- $(".mDiv_FavControlCheck").click(torrentsFavoritesExists);
- appendSmokeAndPopUp()
- }
- function appendSmokeAndPopUp(){
- $("body").append($('<div class="mDiv_Popup_smoke">'+
- '<div class="mDiv_Popup">'+
- '<div class="mDiv_Popup_title"><span></span><div class="mDiv_Popup_title_x"></div></div>'+
- '<div class="mDiv_Popup_message_box">'+
- '<div class="mDiv_Popup_message"></div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '</div>'));
- $('.mDiv_Popup_title_x').click(function(){
- $(".mDiv_Popup").fadeOut(1000, function(){$(".mDiv_Popup_smoke").fadeOut(1000);});
- });
- }
- function searchEditReq(title){
- let seatchText = title.match(/(.*)(?:\(|\[)/i)[1];
- if(seatchText === null || seatchText === undefined || !seatchText.length) seatchText = title;
- if(seatchText.indexOf("/") !=-1 || seatchText.indexOf("\\")!=-1){
- seatchText = seatchText.replace(/\s?\/\s?|\s?\\\s?/g," ")
- }
- return seatchText;
- }
- function fly(target, size, duration){
- target = $(target)
- if($('.mDiv_settings_body').css('display') == 'none') target = $('.mDiv_title')
- let posLeft = target.offset().left-$(this).offset().left,
- posTop = target.offset().top-($(this).offset().top+target.height()/2)
- $(this).
- clone()
- .css({
- "position":"absolute",
- "z-index":"9999999999",
- "filter": "hue-rotate(270deg)",
- "text-indent": "0px"
- })
- .appendTo(this)
- .animate(
- {
- left:"+="+posLeft,
- top:"+="+posTop,
- textIndent: size
- },
- {
- step: function( now, fx ) {
- $(this).css("transform","scale("+now+")")
- },
- duration: duration,
- complete: function(){
- $(this).remove()
- }
- }
- )
- }
- function convertSizes(bytes, poslezap = 2){
- if (bytes === 0) return '0 Bytes';
- const k = 1024,
- dm = poslezap < 0 ? 0 : poslezap,
- sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'],
- i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k));
- return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(poslezap)) + ' ' + sizes[i];
- }
- // -- TorrServer
- function checkRunningService(params){}
- function requestTorrentService(params){
- const method = params.method ? params.method : 'GET',
- data = method == 'POST' && params.data ? params.data : ''
- return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
- GM.xmlHttpRequest({
- method: method,
- url: params.url,
- data: data,
- responseType: 'json',
- headers : { 'Content-type' : 'application/json' },
- onload: function(res) {
- if(res.status == 200 && res.statusText == 'OK'){
- resolve({status:'OK', data: res.response})
- } else if(res.status == 403) {
- resolve({status: 'error_403'})
- } else {
- reject(`[Status ${res.status}] Запрос вернул ошибку...`)
- }
- },
- onerror: function(e){
- reject('[Request] Запрос вернул ошибку...')
- }
- })
- })
- }
- async function torrServAction(down, torr_server_address, save=true){
- try{
- const issave = save ? '&save' : '',
- {status, data} = await requestTorrentService({url: `http://${torr_server_address}/stream/fname?link=${down}${issave}&stat`})
- if(status == 'OK'){
- return data
- } else if(status == 'error_403') {
- showMessage('ОШИБКА',`<p style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>Запрошенный URL не может быть получен, проверьте работает ли TorServer!</p>`)
- return null
- }
- }
- catch(ev) {
- showMessage('ОШИБКА',`<p style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>TorrServ не работает (адрес <span style='color: blue;'>${torr_server_address}</span>) или ошибка в коде!</p><p>Текст ошибки: '${ev}'</p>`)
- }
- }
- function returnIframe(v,addr,v_name,vhash,vindex=1,){
- v.empty()
- //const isvideo = /\.(?:mp4|mkv|avi|m3u8)$/g.test(v_name) ? {style: 'position: absolute; width: 100%;height: 100%;top: 0;left: 0;border:none;'} : {style: 'width:100%;border:none;overflow:hidden;'},
- const addr_path = encodeURIComponent(`http://${addr}/stream/fname?link=${vhash}`),
- serverHTTP = 'http://localhost:8000/frame' // 'http://alekpet.pythonanywhere.com/getvideo' // http://localhost:8000/frame
- return `<iframe src="${serverHTTP}?path_vid=${addr_path}&name_vid=${encodeURIComponent(v_name)}&index_vid=${vindex}" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" />` //style="${isvideo.style}"
- }
- async function torrServer(params){
- const {down, magn, linkText, action='add'} = params,
- torr_server_address = $("#torr_server_address").val()
- if(!torr_server_address){
- alert(`Адрес TorrServer\'а '${torr_server_address}' указан неверно!`)
- return
- }
- try{
- if(action == 'add'){
- if(confirm(`Добавить "${linkText}" для проигрывания в torrServ?`)){
- const data = await torrServAction(magn, torr_server_address)
- if(data){
- showMessage('УСПЕШНО',`<p style='color:green;'><b>Торрент был сохранен в TorServer!</b></p>
- <p><b>Название:</b> ${data.title || data.name}</p>
- <p><b>Размер:</b> ${convertSizes(data.torrent_size)}</p>`)
- }
- }
- } else if(action == 'play'){
- const data = await torrServAction(magn, torr_server_address, false)
- if(data){
- if(confirm('Запустить проигрыватель?')){
- let videos = data.file_stats.filter((elem, idx)=> /.(avi|mp4|mkv|mp3)/g.test(elem.path)),
- boxPlayer = $('#torrentPlayer'),
- close_vid,inner_vid,inner_list,vid_info,vid_title = null
- if(boxPlayer.length) boxPlayer.remove()
- boxPlayer = $("<div></div>").attr('id','torrentPlayer')
- close_vid = $("<div class='torrentPlayer_close'>").attr('title','Закрыть').text('X').click(function(){
- boxPlayer.hide(()=>{
- boxPlayer.remove()
- })
- })
- vid_title = $("<div class='torrentPlayer_title'>")
- vid_info = $("<div class='torrentPlayer_info'>").text('Загрузка...')
- inner_vid = $("<div class='torrentPlayer_video'>")
- inner_list = $("<div class='torrentPlayer_list'>")
- vid_title.append(vid_info,close_vid)
- boxPlayer.append(vid_title,inner_vid,inner_list)
- $('body').append(boxPlayer)
- if(videos.length){
- let frame = returnIframe(inner_vid, torr_server_address, videos[0].path, data.hash)
- inner_vid.append(frame)
- let ulpl = $("<ul class='torrentPlayer_playlist'></ul>")
- vid_info.text(videos[0].path)
- for(let [k,v] of videos.entries()){
- let li = $("<li></li>").click(function(){
- let frame = returnIframe(inner_vid, torr_server_address, v.path, data.hash, v.id)
- inner_vid.html(frame)
- vid_info.text(v.path)
- }),
- title_item_list = `${k+1}. ${v.path}`,
- name_vid = $("<span class='torrentPlayer_playlist_item_title'>").text(title_item_list),
- size_vid = $("<span class='torrentPlayer_playlist_item_size'>").text(convertSizes(v.length))
- li.append(name_vid,size_vid)
- ulpl.append(li)
- }
- inner_list.append(ulpl)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } catch(ev) {
- showMessage('ОШИБКА',`<p style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>Текст ошибки: '${ev}'</p>`)
- }
- }
- // -- TorrServer
- // -- AceStream
- async function AceStreamAction(down, acestream_server_address, save=true){
- try{
- const issave = save ? '&save' : '',
- {status, data} = await requestTorrentService({url: `http://${acestream_server_address}/server/api?method=get_api_access_token`})
- if(status == 'OK'){
- return data.result
- } else if(status == 'error_403') {
- showMessage('ОШИБКА',`<p style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>Запрошенный URL не может быть получен, проверьте работает ли AceStream!</p>`)
- return null
- }
- }
- catch(ev) {
- showMessage('ОШИБКА',`<p style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>AceStream не работает (адрес <span style='color: blue;'>${acestream_server_address}</span>) или ошибка в коде!</p><p>Текст ошибки: '${ev}'</p>`)
- }
- }
- async function aceStreamServer(params){
- const {down, magn, linkText, action='play'} = params,
- acestream_server_address = $("#acestream_server_address").val()
- if(!acestream_server_address){
- alert(`Адрес AceStream\'а '${acestream_server_address}' указан неверно!`)
- return
- }
- //
- //
- // http://localhost:6878/server/api?method=get_api_access_token
- const {token} = await AceStreamAction(magn, acestream_server_address, false)
- if(token){
- if(confirm('Запустить проигрыватель?')){
- let videos = encodeURIComponent(`http://${acestream_server_address}/ace/getstream?url=${down}`),
- boxPlayer = $('#torrentPlayer'),
- close_vid,inner_vid,inner_list,vid_info,vid_title = null
- if(boxPlayer.length) boxPlayer.remove()
- boxPlayer = $("<div></div>").attr('id','torrentPlayer')
- close_vid = $("<div class='torrentPlayer_close'>").text('X').click(function(){
- boxPlayer.hide(()=>{
- boxPlayer.remove()
- })
- })
- vid_title = $("<div class='torrentPlayer_title'>")
- vid_info = $("<div class='torrentPlayer_info'>").text('Загрузка...')
- inner_vid = $("<div class='torrentPlayer_video'>")
- inner_list = $("<div class='torrentPlayer_list'>")
- vid_title.append(vid_info,close_vid)
- boxPlayer.append(vid_title,inner_vid,inner_list)
- $('body').append(boxPlayer)
- if(videos.length){
- inner_vid.empty()
- let frame = `<iframe src="http://localhost:8000/frame?path_vid=${videos}&name_vid=${encodeURIComponent(linkText)}&index_vid=${1}" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;" />`
- inner_vid.append(frame)
- let ulpl = $("<ul class='torrentPlayer_playlist'></ul>")
- vid_info.text(linkText)
- /*for(let v of videos){
- let li = $("<li></li>").click(function(){
- inner_vid.empty()
- let frame = `<iframe src="http://localhost:8000/frame?path_vid=${v}&name_vid=${encodeURIComponent(v)}&index_vid=${v}" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"/>`
- inner_vid.html(frame)
- vid_info.text(v)
- }),
- name_vid = $("<span class='torrentPlayer_playlist_item_title'>").text(v),
- size_vid = $("<span class='torrentPlayer_playlist_item_size'>").text(convertSizes(v.length))
- li.append(name_vid,size_vid)
- ulpl.append(li)
- }
- inner_list.append(ulpl)*/
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // -- AceStream
- function addPoleInfo(){
- if(!searchinHost("/torrent/")){
- // Ищим классы для получения данных
- $(".backgr, .gai, .tum").each(function(i, val){
- // Если класс заголовка добавляем свой заголовок для кнопки
- if(this.className == "backgr") {
- $('<td width="1px"></td>').prependTo(this);
- } else {
- // Если нет получаем информацию
- let elem = this,
- m_elem = elem.children[1],
- link, linkText, magn, down, count_magnet = 1,
- img = $('<img/>').attr({title:"Показать раздачу",class:"butSpoiler", src:image_arrow, alt:""}),
- newI = $('<td/>').css("text-align","center").append(img);
- if(m_elem.children[count_magnet] && m_elem.children[count_magnet].href.indexOf('magnet') == -1){
- down = m_elem.children[1].href
- link = m_elem.children[count_magnet] ? m_elem.children[count_magnet].href : null
- linkText = m_elem.children[count_magnet] ? m_elem.children[count_magnet].textContent : null
- } else {
- down = m_elem.children[count_magnet-1].href
- magn = m_elem.children[count_magnet] ? m_elem.children[count_magnet].href : null
- link = m_elem.children[count_magnet+1] ? m_elem.children[count_magnet+1].href : null
- linkText = m_elem.children[count_magnet+1] ? m_elem.children[count_magnet+1].textContent : null
- }
- let favorite = $("<a/>")
- .attr({href:'javascript:void(0);', title:`Добавить в избранное:\nИмя: ${linkText}\nСсылка торрента: ${link}\nDownload: ${down}\nMagnet: ${(magn ? magn : 'Нет')}`, class:'downgif'})
- .append($("<img/>").attr({src:favIcon, width:'13',alt:''}))
- .click(function(ev){
- ev.stopPropagation()
- addFav({
- el:this,
- link:link,
- linkText:linkText,
- Down:down,
- Mdown:magn,
- date_time: new Date().getTime()
- });
- }),
- search = $("<a/>")
- .attr({href:'javascript:void(0);', title:`Искать: ${linkText}`, class:'downgif'})
- .append($("<img/>").attr({src: searchIcon, width:'13', alt:''}))
- .click(function(ev){
- ev.stopPropagation()
- let searchText = searchEditReq(linkText);
- window.location.href = hostname+"/search/"+encodeURIComponent(searchText);
- }),
- AceStreamServPlay = $("<a/>")
- .attr({href:'javascript:void(0);', title:`Проиграть в AceStream: ${linkText}`, class:'downgif service_splitter', 'data-servname':'AceStream'})
- .append($('<span/>').text('AceStream'))
- .append($("<img/>").attr({src: aceStreamIcon, width:'13', alt:''}))
- .click(function(ev){
- ev.stopPropagation()
- aceStreamServer({down, linkText, magn, action: 'play'})
- }) ,
- torrServPlay = $("<a/>")
- .attr({href:'javascript:void(0);', title:`Проиграть в torrserv: ${linkText}`, class:'downgif','data-servname':'TorrServ Play'})
- .append($('<span>').text('TorrServ Play'))
- .append($("<img/>").attr({src: torrServIcon, width:'13', alt:''}))
- .click(function(ev){
- ev.stopPropagation()
- torrServer({down, linkText, magn, action: 'play'})
- }),
- torrServ = $("<a/>")
- .attr({href:'javascript:void(0);', title:`Добавить в torrserv: ${linkText}`, class:'downgif','data-servname':'TorrServ Add'})
- .append($('<span/>').text('TorrServ Add'))
- .append($("<img/>").attr({src: torrServToAdd, width:'13', alt:''}))
- .click(function(ev){
- ev.stopPropagation()
- torrServer({down, magn, linkText})
- }),
- pop_items = $("<div class='pop_elements'></div>"),
- bufDiv = $("<a class='pop_panel' onclick='event.stopPropagation();'><img src='https://www.pvsm.ru/images/2019/10/14/v-zakladki-PDF-i-ePUB-versiya-rukovodstva-po-React-3.png' width='15' alt=''/></a>").append(pop_items)
- pop_items.append(AceStreamServPlay,torrServPlay,torrServ)
- // Image event
- $(img).add(elem).click(async function(e) {
- e.stopPropagation()
- //if(e.target.tagName == 'A') return true
- if(!$(elem).next().is(".tr_loading")){
- $(elem).after('<tr class="tr_loading" style="text-align:center; display:none;"><td colspan="6">'+
- '<div class="loading_tor_box">'+
- '<div class="loading_tor"><div class="loading_tor_text"></div></div>'+
- '</div>'+
- '</td></tr>');
- $(elem).next('.tr_loading').after('<tr class="my_tr"><td colspan="6"></td></tr>');
- ajaxJQ({button : img , link: link, elem : elem}).then((data)=> modifyData(data));
- } else {
- ShowIHide({elem:elem, button: img, event_el: e.currentTarget.className});
- }
- });
- $(m_elem).on('click contextmenu',function(ev){
- const cur_ = ev.target
- if(cur_ && /download|magnet|torrent/.test(cur_.parentElement.href) || cur_.tagName == 'A'){
- ev.stopPropagation()
- }
- });
- favorite.insertBefore(m_elem.children[0])
- search.insertBefore(m_elem.children[0])
- bufDiv.insertBefore(m_elem.children[0])
- newI.prependTo(this);
- }
- });
- } else {
- const poleDown = $("#download a"),
- link = location.href,
- linkText = $("#all > h1").text(),
- down = poleDown.eq(1).attr('href'),
- magn = poleDown.eq(0).attr('href'),
- box_buttons = $("<div class='box_buttons_inner'></div>").insertAfter(poleDown.eq(1)),
- favorite = $("<a href='javascript:void(0);' title='Добавить в избранное'><img src='"+favIcon+"' width='15'></a>").click(function(){
- addFav({
- el:this,
- link:link,
- linkText:linkText,
- Down:down,
- Mdown:magn,
- date_time: new Date().getTime()
- });
- }),
- search = $("<a href='javascript:void(0);' style='margin-left:10px;' title='Искать: "+linkText+"'><img src='"+searchIcon+"' width='15'></a>").click(function(){
- let searchText = searchEditReq(linkText);
- window.location.href = hostname + "/search/"+encodeURIComponent(searchText);
- }),
- AceStreamServPlay = $("<a/>")
- .css('margin-left','10px')
- .attr({href:'javascript:void(0);', title:`Проиграть в AceStream: ${linkText}`})
- .append($("<img/>").attr({src: aceStreamIcon, width:'15', alt:''}))
- .click(function(ev){
- ev.stopPropagation()
- aceStreamServer({down, linkText, magn, action: 'play'})
- }) ,
- torrServPlay = $("<a/>")
- .css('margin-left','10px')
- .attr({href:'javascript:void(0);', title:`Проиграть в torrserv: ${linkText}`})
- .append($("<img/>").attr({src: torrServIcon, width:'15', alt:''}))
- .click(function(ev){
- ev.stopPropagation()
- torrServer({down, linkText, magn, action: 'play'})
- }),
- torrServ = $("<a/>")
- .css('margin-left','10px')
- .attr({href:'javascript:void(0);', title:`Добавить в torrserv: ${linkText}`})
- .append($("<img/>").attr({src: torrServToAdd, width:'15', alt:''}))
- .click(function(ev){
- ev.stopPropagation()
- torrServer({down, magn, linkText})
- })
- favorite.appendTo(box_buttons)
- search.appendTo(box_buttons)
- torrServPlay.appendTo(box_buttons)
- torrServ.appendTo(box_buttons)
- AceStreamServPlay.appendTo(box_buttons)
- }
- }
- async function getCategoryTorrent(currentObj){
- let category_ ="Нет категории"
- await new Promise(function(res,rej){
- $.ajax({
- url: currentObj.link,
- success: function(data){
- try{
- category_ = data.match(/Категория.*\>(.*)\<\/a/i)[1]
- }
- catch(e){
- if(debug)console.warn(`Категория не найдена у: ${unescape(currentObj.linkText)}... (Раздача не существует)`)
- }
- res(category_)
- },
- error: function(e){
- rej("Нет категории")
- }
- }).then(function(res){
- })
- })
- if(debug) console.log(`Категория у '${unescape(currentObj.linkText)}' следующая '${category_!="Нет категории"?category_:'%cНет категории'}'`, "color:red")
- return category_
- }
- function torrentsFavoritesExists(){
- if(!confirm('Проверить торренты в избранном?')) return
- // Check torrent exists?
- let promises = []
- for(let obj in ObjSave.favorites){
- let currentObj = ObjSave.favorites[obj],
- p = new Promise((res,rej)=>{
- let v = currentObj.link.split('/')
- $.ajax({
- url: `/torrent/${v[v.length-1]}`,
- success: (data) => {
- let result = data.includes('Раздача не существует!')?false:true
- return res({result, v:unescape(currentObj.linkText).trim()})
- },
- error: (e) => res({result: false, v})
- })
- }).then((result_)=>{
- let {result, v} = result_
- currentObj.isExists = (typeof result === 'string' ? JSON.parse(result): result)
- return !result ? `Ссылка на торрент больше не существует: ${v}`: null
- })
- promises.push(p)
- }
- Promise.all(promises).then(values => {
- let filter_vals = values.filter(v => v)
- if(filter_vals.length){
- alert(filter_vals.join('\n'))
- console.log(`%c${filter_vals.join('\n')}`, 'color: orange;background:darkred;');
- updateFav()
- }
- });
- }
- async function remakeFav(){
- if (ObjSave.hasOwnProperty('favorites')){
- // Favorites object
- let isEdit = !1;
- if(Object.prototype.toString.call(ObjSave.favorites) == "[object Object]"){
- if(Object.keys(ObjSave.favorites).length > 0){
- for(let pFav in ObjSave.favorites){
- // no date
- if(!ObjSave.favorites[pFav].hasOwnProperty("date_time")){
- ObjSave.favorites[pFav].date_time = new Date().getTime()
- if(debug) console.log("Нет Даты!: ", ObjSave.favorites[pFav])
- }
- // http
- if(pFav.includes("http://")){
- if(debug) console.log("Ид содержит http!: ", ObjSave.favorites[pFav])
- let pFavencodeURI = encodeURI(pFav),
- newId = unescape(pFav).match(/.*torrent\/(\d+)\//i)[1];
- ObjSave.favorites[newId] = ObjSave.favorites[pFavencodeURI];
- ObjSave.favorites[newId].id = newId;
- delete ObjSave.favorites[pFavencodeURI]
- }
- }
- }
- // Favorites convert to array
- ObjSave.favorites = Object.keys(ObjSave.favorites).map((k,i) => ({...ObjSave.favorites[k]}))
- isEdit = !0;
- if(debug) console.log("Исправленме Ид и добавление Даты: ",ObjSave,"Были ли правки:",isEdit)
- saveToStorage();
- } else{
- if(!debug) console.log('Объект фаворит это массив...')
- for(let obj=0;obj<ObjSave.favorites.length;obj++){
- let currentObj = ObjSave.favorites[obj]
- // no date
- if(!currentObj.hasOwnProperty("date_time")){
- currentObj.date_time = new Date().getTime()
- if(debug) console.log("Нет Даты!: ", currentObj.date_time)
- }
- // http
- if(currentObj.hasOwnProperty("link") && currentObj.hasOwnProperty("Down")){
- let torrentId = currentObj.link
- if(currentObj.link.includes("http://")){
- if(debug) console.log("Link содержит http!: ", currentObj.link)
- try{
- torrentId = currentObj.link.match(/(\d+)\/?/i)[1];
- } catch(e){
- torrentId = currentObj.link//.match(/(\d+)/i)[1]
- console.log('Remake Favorite no find ID', currentObj.link)
- }
- currentObj.link = `${hostname}/torrent/${torrentId}`
- }
- if(currentObj.Down.includes("http://")){
- if(debug) console.log("Down содержит http!: ", currentObj.Down)
- currentObj.Down = `http://d.${location.hostname}/download/${torrentId}`
- }
- if(debug) console.log('New link and download:', currentObj)
- }
- //---------- Category
- if(!currentObj.hasOwnProperty('category')){
- isEdit = !0;
- let category_ = await getCategoryTorrent(currentObj)
- currentObj.category = category_
- }
- //----------
- }
- }
- if(debug) console.log('После remakeFav:', ObjSave.favorites)
- if(isEdit){
- saveToStorage();
- console.log('Save remake...')
- }
- }
- }
- // Сортировка и корекция развернутых раздач
- function correctSortRazdch(sortWhat, type, field, butIndx){
- let dataClicked = sortWhat.sorti[butIndx].press,
- __this = this,
- press = this
- sortWhat = Object.assign({}, sortWhat);
- if(type == 0){
- sortWhat.razd.sort(function(a,b) {
- var an = a[field],
- bn = b[field]
- return an - bn;
- });
- } else if(type == 1){
- sortWhat.razd.sort(function(a,b) {
- var x = a[field].toLowerCase();
- var y = b[field].toLowerCase();
- if(x < y) return -1;
- if(x > y) return 1;
- return 0
- });
- }
- if(dataClicked) sortWhat.razd.reverse()
- for(var i=0; i<sortWhat.razd.length;i++){
- let elDetach = $(sortWhat.razd[i].es),
- childs = null
- if(elDetach.next().next().is(".my_tr")) childs = [elDetach.next(),elDetach.next().next()]
- elDetach.detach().appendTo(sortWhat.category)
- if(childs != null){
- $(childs[1]).detach().insertAfter(elDetach)
- $(childs[0]).detach().insertAfter(elDetach)
- }
- }
- if(butIndx == 3 || butIndx == 4){
- const _this = $(sortWhat.sorti[butIndx].el_img)
- press = _this
- //_this.hasClass("headerSortDown") ? _this.removeClass("headerSortDown").addClass("headerSortUp"):_this.removeClass("headerSortUp").addClass("headerSortDown")
- } /*else{
- $(__this).hasClass("headerSortDown") ? $(__this).removeClass("headerSortDown").addClass("headerSortUp"):$(__this).removeClass("headerSortUp").addClass("headerSortDown")
- }*/
- sortWhat.sorti.map(function(currarr, indarr){
- if(indarr !== butIndx){
- currarr.press = false
- //$(currarr.el_img).removeClass("headerSortUp headerSortDown")
- if($(currarr.el_img).is("img")) $(currarr.el_img).css("transform", "scaleY(1)");
- else $(currarr.el_img).find("img").css("transform", "scaleY(1)")
- }
- })
- if($(press).is("img")){
- $(press).css("transform", "scaleY("+(dataClicked?"1":"-1")+")")
- } else {
- $(press).find("img[width^=15]").css("transform", "scaleY("+(dataClicked?"1":"-1")+")")
- }
- sortWhat.sorti[butIndx].press = !sortWhat.sorti[butIndx].press
- if(debug) console.log("Button: ",butIndx,"Value buttons: ",sortWhat.sorti[0].press,sortWhat.sorti[1].press,sortWhat.sorti[2].press,sortWhat.sorti[3].press,sortWhat.sorti[4].press)
- }
- // Эвенты для заголовков
- function setEventHeaderTitle(massiv){
- let titleSort = [],
- titles = $(this).find(".backgr > td").each(function(idxel, el){
- if(idxel == 0) return true
- if(idxel == 4 && el.textContent == "Пиры"){
- let img = $("<img>").attr({"src":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlekPet/Rutor-Preview-Ajax/master/assets/images/arrow_icon.gif","width":"15"}).css({"position": "relative","top":"3px","cursor": "pointer"}).attr({"title":"Сортировать по Раздающим","id":"_Up"}),
- img_clone = img.clone(false).attr({"title":"Сортировать по Качающим","id":"_Down"})
- $(el).css({"width": "90px"}).append($("<div>").text(" Р",).css({"cursor": "pointer"}).attr({"title":"Сортировать по Раздающим","id":"_Up"}),
- el,img,
- $("<div>").text("К").css({"cursor": "pointer"}).attr({"title":"Сортировать по Качающим","id":"_Down"}),
- el,img_clone
- )
- titleSort.push({
- el_img: $(el).find("div").eq(0),el_img:img,
- index: idxel,
- press: false},
- {
- el_img: $(el).find("div").eq(1),el_img:img_clone,
- index: idxel+1,press: false
- })
- } else {
- let img = $("<img>").attr({"src":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlekPet/Rutor-Preview-Ajax/master/assets/images/arrow_icon.gif","width":"15"}).css({"position": "relative","top": ($(el).children().first().is("img")?"-10px":"3px")})
- $(el).css({"width": "80px", "cursor": "pointer"}).attr("title","Сортировать по \""+($(el).children().first().is("img")?"Добавлено":$(el).text())+"\"").append(img)
- titleSort.push({
- el_img: el,el_img:el,
- index: idxel,
- press: false})
- }
- })
- massiv.sorti = titleSort
- // By date
- titles.eq(1).click(function(){
- correctSortRazdch.call(this,massiv,0, "date",0)
- })
- // By name
- titles.eq(2).click(function(){
- correctSortRazdch.call(this,massiv,1, "name",1)
- })
- // By size
- titles.eq(3).click(function(){
- correctSortRazdch.call(this,massiv,0, "size",2)
- })
- // By Up/Down
- titles.eq(4).find("div, img").each(function(img_indx, el){ // titles.eq(4).find("img")
- $(this).click(function(){
- if(el.id == "_Up"){
- correctSortRazdch.call(el, massiv, 0, "up",3)
- } else {
- correctSortRazdch.call(el, massiv, 0, "down",4)
- }
- })
- })
- }
- function sorting(){
- if(!searchinHost("/torrent/")){
- // Ищим классы для получения данных
- let massivT = [],
- month = ["Январь","Февраль","Март","Апрель","Май","Июнь","Июль","Август","Сентябрь","Октябрь","Ноябрь","Декабрь"],
- razmeronosti = ["kB","MB","GB"]
- $("#index > table").each(function(idx, eltable){
- let objCat = {category:this, name:$(this).prev().text(), razd:[]}
- $(this).find(".gai, .tum").each(function(){
- let colR, colU, size
- if(this.children.length == 5){
- colR = this.children[4].children[0].textContent
- colU = this.children[4].children[2].textContent
- size = this.children[3].textContent
- } else{
- colR = this.children[5].children[0].textContent
- colU = this.children[5].children[2].textContent
- size = this.children[4].textContent
- }
- // Date
- let dateT = this.children[1].textContent
- dateT = dateT.split(/\s+/)
- $.each(month, function(idx,val){
- if(dateT[1] == val.substr(0,3)) dateT[1] = idx
- })
- dateT = new Date(parseInt("20"+dateT[2]), dateT[1], dateT[0], 0,0,0)
- // Sizes
- let complSize
- $.each(razmeronosti, function(idx,val){
- if(size.includes(val)){
- complSize = size.substr(0, size.indexOf(razmeronosti[idx]))*1
- if(idx == 0){
- complSize = complSize *1
- } else if(idx == 1){
- complSize = complSize * 1000
- } else if(idx == 2){
- complSize = complSize *1000000
- }
- } else {
- complSize = parseFloat(size)
- }
- })
- let nameSorti = this.children[2].children[5].textContent
- if(!nameSorti || nameSorti.length == 0) nameSorti = this.children[2].children[0].getAttribute('title');
- objCat.razd.push({es:this, date:dateT, name:nameSorti, size:complSize, up:colR, down:colU})
- })
- massivT.push(objCat)
- setEventHeaderTitle.call(this, massivT[idx])
- })
- if(debug)console.log("Sorting obj:",massivT)
- }
- }
- function AdBlock(){
- if($(".sideblock2").length){
- $(".sideblock2").remove();
- }
- $(['https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.0.min.js','https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-cookie/1.4.1/jquery.cookie.min.js']).each(function(){
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- jquery.src = this
- document.head.appendChild(jquery)
- })
- }
- function init(){
- //setTimeout(function(){
- //AdBlock();
- loadStorage();
- makePanel();
- addPoleInfo();
- remakeFav();
- updateFav();
- sorting();
- //if(searchinHost("/top/")) sorting(); // using jquery.tablesorter on site, run only TOP category
- //}, 500);
- }
- // To fix the script on the website:
- // Replace the function 'sotrdgts' (jquery.tablesorter) on the site,
- // because there is an error on the site and the userscript does not work correctly!
- /*document.addEventListener('readystatechange', function(){
- if(document.readyState == 'interactive'){
- $(`<script>function sotrdgts() {
- if($(".sorted tbody td").length) {
- $(".sorted tbody td").each(function() {
- $(this).html("<s>" + appndvl($(this).html()) + "</s>" + $(this).html());
- });
- $(".sorted tbody td[colspan=2]").each(function() {
- $(this).replaceWith('<td>' + $(this).html() + '</td><td></td>');
- });
- $(".sorted").each(function() {
- $(this).tablesorter({
- widgets: ['zebra'],
- headers: {
- 0: { sorter: 'digit' } ,
- 3: { sorter: 'digit' } ,
- 4: { sorter: 'digit' }
- }
- });
- });
- } else {
- setTimeout(function() {sotrdgts();}, 200);
- }
- }</script>`).appendTo(document.body);
- } else if(document.readyState == 'complete'){
- init();
- }
- });*/
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- let scripts = [
- 'https://vjs.zencdn.net/7.20.3/video.min.js',
- 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@videojs/http-streaming@2.15.0/dist/videojs-http-streaming.min.js'
- ],
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