Netflix - subtitle downloader

Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix

< Commentaires sur Netflix - subtitle downloader

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 16/01/2018

is it possible to download only one season of a show?

if i only want the 1st season of a show,how do i tell the script to stop after finishing that season?

Posté le: 16/01/2018

Not possible with current version of a script and I don't plan to add this feature. Too much work for too little gain.

Posté le: 29/01/2018

It's a shame it's too much effort, sometimes the seasons aren't uploaded in the correct order on Netflix and you end up getting much more than you bargained for and have to wait much longer than expected. Please consider some work around for this in the future. Regardless, its a great utility, many thanks!

Posté le: 02/02/2018

Version 1.11 can be stopped again, when you choose 'till last available'.
So I activate, and use that if needed.

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