Netflix - subtitle downloader

Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix

< Commentaires sur Netflix - subtitle downloader

Question / commentaire

It is not working today, in Chrome, Edge, and Opera.

Posté le: 06/12/2022

I don't have a Netflix account to test it. Could you provide some more info?

Like what?

Posté le: 07/12/2022

Like anything? Error message? I can't see any problem on your screenshot.
This user posted a lot of technical data, but they also posted the error message:

Couldn't find the subs. Wait until the player is loaded. If that doesn't help refresh the page.

And to post the error message you don't need any technical knowledge.

Your download list doesn't show up when you open anything.

Posté le: 07/12/2022

Then edit the script as instructed in the other thread, open browser console (F12, click on the Console tab), refresh the page and look for entries that start with "processSubInfo data".

What next...

Posté le: 07/12/2022
Édité le: 07/12/2022


Posté le: 07/12/2022

No, sending me my own UserScript doesn't help at all. Try 4.2.1.

No, sending me my own UserScript doesn't help at all. Try 4.2.1.

Sorry, but it still won't work

Posté le: 07/12/2022

Did you even update the script to the newest version?

And again, your screenshot doesn't show anything. At least open the browser console so I can see some error.

Did you even update the script to the newest version?

And again, your screenshot doesn't show anything. At least open the browser console so I can see some error.

Posté le: 07/12/2022

Try 4.2.2.

Thank you

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