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Youtube HD

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< Commentaires sur Youtube HD

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 26/10/2023

Hey thanks for your continued work but somehow it is now broken on all browsers. They are all just using default theater size for some reason ... :X
Could you look into it please? I use Chrome/Edge+Firefox.

Posté le: 27/10/2023

I did introduce a bug in my last change. I didn't have a lot of time on my hands lately so I didn't test as thoroughly as I should have, sorry for the issues everyone :(

It should be fixed now if you grab the latest update.

Posté le: 27/10/2023

Thanks for the fast reply! I wouldn't know what to do with Youtube it weren't for this script. One thing though, it seems to work on Edge but not on Chrome/Firefox for some reason. No hurries, I will be happy if you got around to it sometime. Thanks!

Posté le: 27/10/2023

Seems to be working for me in Firefox. I can try Chrome tomorrow. Example:

Just to check, did you set "overwriteStoredSettings: true" to make sure your settings were being applied? Which userscript manager are you using with Firefox (e.g. Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, ViolentMonkey, Firemonkey, etc)? You could also try setting the value of DEBUG to true in my script and sharing the debug messages it puts into your console (you can open it with CTRL + SHIFT + K for firefox or CTRL + SHIFT + I for others), if you wanted to be extra helpful.

Posté le: 05/11/2023

Sorry about late reply, OverwritestoredSettings seems to work! Thank you.

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