Filter YouTube subscriptions videos

Allows to hide matched videos from subscriptions page

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Question / commentaire

Posté le: 02/10/2016

Couldn't get it to work :(

editted variables as shown below, but the script did not filter out these videos.

var videoMatchHide = {};
videoMatchHide['Arumba'] = ['Punch Club', 'Arumba Plays The Binding of Isaac', 'EUIV', 'Hero Defense Haunted Island'];
videoMatchHide['SciSchow'] = ['How Do Concussions Cause Amnesia?'];
videoMatchHide['*'] = ['Europa'];

I noticed you used double quotes in your info section, but single quotes in the actual code. Does this make any difference? (i'm not a coder).

Any idea how to get it working?

Posté le: 20/11/2016

I fixed it:

Single or double quotes makes no difference.

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