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Is it possible to clean tracking/tracing stuff in Yahoo Search Results?

Posté le: 25/03/2015

Is it possible to clean tracking/tracing stuff in Yahoo Search Results?

For example on this search( I just searched for word "test");_ylt=A0LEV19DMBJVOQUAqWCl87UF;_ylc=X1MDOTU4MTA0NjkEX3IDMgRmcgMEZ3ByaWQDRzBXOG9EWWtTX21oV3lBOWNLa1B5QQRuX3JzbHQDMARuX3N1Z2cDOQRvcmlnaW4Dc2VhcmNoLnlhaG9vLmNvbQRwb3MDMARwcXN0cgMEcHFzdHJsAwRxc3RybAM0BHF1ZXJ5A3Rlc3QEdF9zdG1wAzE0MjcyNTUzNzI-?p=test&fr=sfp&fr2=sb-top-search&iscqry=

If you remove tracking stuff in the middle you will be left with;_ylt=?p=test&fr=sfp&fr2=sb-top-search&iscqry=

and it loads the same as tracking junk. You probably should try second and third page of results to make sure if everything is fine.

The same thing with actual search results on that page. There is a bunch of junk on that search link, but if you clean stuff before http:// of search result and end at the end before (/RK=0/RS=), you will get clean link.

Is there anyway to clean both search string and search results on Yahoo search page before page loads that we would have not-traceable links?

Thanks, Boris.

Posté le: 25/03/2015
Posté le: 25/03/2015
Édité le: 25/03/2015

Most of my request was solved perfectly. But in the addressbar(locationbar) still has search sting with all tracking staff left intact.

So Yahoo can not track what website I open from searchpage or if I go to page 2/x, but it can track my initial searches. Still amazing progress.

It also would be great, if you could expend this script to cover other Yahoo Search sections. Most of them like "Recipes" are the same as regular search but has top recipes. in front of . So by changing*



you can fix most of sub-search sections without changing code.

Images search would need its own fix. Is it possible to include it in this script?

Many thanks, Boris

Posté le: 25/03/2015


Posté le: 26/03/2015

Works for everything except for images. Maybe you will add it sometimes. Thank you.

Posté le: 26/03/2015

Works for everything except for images.

I haven't removed the gprid= and pvid= url parameters in image search because I'm not sure it won't break some functionality and as I don't use Yahoo I can't just blindly remove it. Are you absolutely sure those can be removed?

Posté le: 26/03/2015

No, I did not mean to remove those parameters. When you copy location of the image, you get direct location. But when you point mouse on image in image result grid, you get some multiple nested stings like

Are they necessary?

Posté le: 26/03/2015

That link opens the Yahoo image viewer with a gallery of related images and so on, so stripping it will break this functionality, right?

Posté le: 27/03/2015

Probably. That was stupid on my part. Thanks.

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