Auto Send Att V2 (Pc & mobile) JS - Set the desired arrival time and the script will automatically send the attack
Scav Monitoring with Alerts JS - Scav Allert
Auto scav JS - Auto Send Scav
Auto Send Att Unit Settings JS - Set the desired arrival time and the script will automatically send the attack. Added unit settings modal.
Captcha Detector JS - Deteksi elemen dan lakukan tindakan otomatis, dengan pengaturan Chat ID
Auto Click (mobile) JS - Auto click enter on mobile
Auto Minting Coin (Pc + Mobile) JS - Minting automatically at the academy at random intervals (5-12 minutes)
Autofarm V2 JS - Farmgod and send attack automatically at Loot Assistant at random intervals
Fake bot JS - auto send fake
Wall Barb JS - Hotkeyy
Auto Send Att V1 (Pc & mobile) JS - Set the desired arrival time and the script will automatically send the attack
Auto Send Resource for Minting JS - send ress automatically at WH at random intervals (10-20 minutes) with a countdown, reset button, and customizable settings
Autofill Buy/Sell with Shortcuts JS - Autofill Buy/Sell Market with shortcuts for setting target price