Dead Frontier - Tweaks JS - Makes using the browser portion better.
Hover Wiki JS - Tired of opening the wiki to see damage values? This script shows item stats on hover, like damage, etc.
map and chat and JS - That scripts add city map, which are located open buildings, marked with specials icons; shows player information in numbers (health, satiety, armor, free cells in inventory, number of PM), can display chat at game window, can stretch game window on browser window size for comfortable game.
Deposit/Withdraw JS - Deposit/Withdraw from the bank
Deposit/Withdraw Market version JS - Deposit/Withdraw from the bank (cough, market)
Max Screen JS - Max DF Screen Size
Max Screen JS - Max DF Screen Size
Dashboard forum JS - Beautify that forum
DF Ammo Boxer JS - Calculate ammo box price for you
Implant Boosts Inventory JS - adds percentage of all implants equipped or that have been equipped.
Dead Frontier Ironman Script JS - Stop being distracted by things you can't use.
Dead Frontier Marketeer JS - QoL features for the Dead Frontier Market. Displays the price per quantity of items (such as ammunition). And allows you to double click items to search.
Dead Frontier at work JS - This script will show your token to authenticate into Inner City. This script was made to make it easier for people who want to play Dead Frontier 3D on computers they don't have Administrator privileges to install programs.
DeadFrontier Ironman 2023 JS - Disabled and redirects you away from potential disqualifiers for the 2023 ironman event
Market History JS - Keep track of your market buy/sale history for Dead Frontier to instantly see your profit and losses
DF Storage List JS - Shows your storage, but as a list. Features filters and sorting.
DF Poo Craft JS - Adds a Poo-craft tier to Mastercrafted items in Dead Frontier
Marketplace RE4 Sound JS - Marketplace RE4 Sound queue
EZ Navigation - always updating JS - Replace old links & add new links for easier navigation.
Dead Frontier - Amount Prettier JS - Automatically place commas in amounts as the user type, both in bank and marketplace.
Searchable Bookmarks JS - Allows you to save, edit, and quickly search for frequently used items with a movable frame and hover effects
Dead Frontier Mini Window JS - Dead Frontier-Adds a button to the Dead Frontier page that when clicked shows or hides a mini-window containing the DF Profiler Boss map and a timer
Quick link(快速連結)中文版 JS - deadfrontier-This is a convenience button script
Quick link JS - deadfrontier-This is a convenience button script
Dead Frontier Mini Window(MAP) JS - Dead Frontier-Adds a button to the Dead Frontier page that when clicked shows or hides a mini-window with multiple buttons opening images in an iframe
Filter Items by Price on Dead Frontier JS - Filter items on the Dead Frontier market page by user-defined price range and category
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