PlumFont - Replace Roboto, Segoe UI, Arial, and other fonts JS - Replace web page fonts with your preferred ones. Stop using Segoe UI, Arial, and Microsoft YaHei. Replace English numerals with the SF Pro and Inter fonts.
Search Box Keyboard Shortcut for General Websites JS - Adds a keyboard shortcut to jump to the search box on websites when '/' is pressed
快捷搜索-开发者搜索:掘金、react、google API、vscode插件市场、菜鸟搜索、docker、淘宝、华为云镜像官网、npmjs、mdn、antd、bilib、github等开发者常用网址 JS - google translate、mobile.ant.mobile、掘金、npmjs、bilibibli、bootstracpCDN、splunk、google API 快捷搜索,更多快捷搜索
developer.chrome.com fast back/forward JS - Makes back/forward navigation fast as they should be instead of half a second
StackOverflow code标签替换 JS - 替换<code>为<strong>,使chrome的翻译拆分效果更好。否则code会截断一整个句子的翻译。
Toc Bar, auto-generating table of content JS - A floating table of content widget
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