Autodarts - Change throw via a number pad JS - test
RichDarts - Remote input connection hub for Autodarts JS - Connect a lidarts.org game with autodarts.io to automatically enter thrown scores into lidarts. This is a proof of concept and may break or don't function as expected, if you need to correct scores you will have to use autodarts to create the correct score. Manual score input is not possible while the script is running. Lidarts example can be used to implement other sites.
Dart-Zoom for Autodarts JS - Dart-Zoom on 3 cams, credit to Stackoverflow question 70205816
Blacklist & Warning for AutoDarts JS - Search for player names and display a warning message if found.
Autodarts - Next_Leg_Automatic JS - Starts automatically the next leg after 6 sec
Autodarts Legs+Sets larger JS - Legs+Sets larger
Autodarts shared board script JS - Auto remove board user and auto 'use my board' on every user that joins
Autodarts reorganize input buttons JS - Reorganize the input buttons from 1 till 20
Add calibrate button autodarts JS - Adds calibrate button!
Pimp My Autodarts (caller & other stuff) - deprecated JS - Userscript for Autodarts - deprecated, use Autodarts Tools Extension instead
Auto next on takeout for Autodarts JS - Userscript for Autodarts to reset board and switch to next player if takeout stucks
Auto next player for Autodarts JS - Userscript for Autodarts to switch to next player after 3 darts
x01 Active Player Score Display for Autodarts JS - Displays only the active player's points and throws and nothing else, please be aware that this script hides any and all controlls once active!
Animate Triple Autodarts JS - Animate Triple, Double and Bull hits
Back-to-AD-Button on Autodarts Board-Manager JS - Adding a button in the board manager back to Autodarts. Recommended for touchscreens in full screen mode
Animate Triple and Highlight Letters for Autodarts JS - SLAM that Triple down and make it shine, also makes the letters have an outline to better distinguish them from the numbers
Autodarts - Rematch-Button JS - Rematch-Button on mainpage with the last 2-6 players
Lobbyfilter for Autodarts JS - Lobbyfilter for gamemode & AVG
Autodarts - Show thrown darts each leg in stats JS - Zeigt die Statistik besser an.
Autodarts - AutoCalibration JS - auto-calibration while lobby is opened
Autodarts - Calibration-Button in Lobby & Game [just implemented into AD :-)] JS - Inserts a calibration-button in lobby & game
Autodarts - Detection Error-Alert JS - shows stop-sign if detection not ready
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