anime1 網頁全螢幕 JS - 影片網頁全螢幕
anime1.me收藏番剧(交互优化版) JS - 添加了收藏番剧功能(来自@c4r的脚本)优化了UI和交互,去除了广告,增加了自动简繁转换功能
Anime1 Wide JS - 为Anime1的视频播放启用宽屏样式
沒有下一集就調淡下一集連結的顏色 - anime1.me JS - 2021/10/31 上午4:38:14
Better Anime1 JS - Provides better Anime1 UI experience
YouTube 隱藏進度條(滑鼠移入才會顯示 JS - YouTube 隱藏進度條
用滾輪調播放速度 - anime1.me JS - 2022/4/10 下午11:03:14
anime1換頁置頂 JS - 上一頁,下一頁時自動置頂
Always video progress bar on anime1 JS - Enable progress bar on anime1
Remove Video Focus Border for anime1 CSS - A new userstyle
Anime1.me INAPPROPRIATE ADS BLOCKER!! BLOCK ALL THE STUPID ADS AND POSTERS JS - The site keeps spamming graphic ads that pollutes your eyes! this script removes all of them so you can do your business peacefully.
Anime1 overhaul JS - It currently do two things. One, set player to full page width (and remove the side bar). Second, disable volume change on scroll.
anime1.me隱藏控制列 CSS - anime1.me隱藏控制列,移入才顯示
anime1.me - Auto Unmuted JS - 4/6/2024, 5:28:51 PM
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