YouTube Links

Download YouTube videos. Video formats are listed at the top of the watch page. Video links are tagged so that they can be downloaded easily.

< Commentaires sur YouTube Links

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 2020-05-30

Some YT titles give an "undefined" link, making saving impossible

I found some YT videos that gave a link to an "undefined" page, hence was unable to save these.

Some of the following link do have some special characters in the title of the video

However, the weird thing, the following link also fails, whereas it has NO weird characters in its title

All-in-all, this must be my favorite script ever. Awesome work!

Posté le: 2020-06-01

the same.

Posté le: 2020-06-06

Hi, thanks for the feedback. It is fixed in v2.13. :)

YouTube must be making a running change to their formats. The URL of the video was no longer present at its usual location and is in another place.

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