// ==UserScript==
// @name AmazonGPT 🤖
// @description Adds the magic of AI to Amazon shopping
// @author KudoAI
// @namespace https://kudoai.com
// @version 2025.1.4.11
// @license MIT
// @icon https://amazongpt.kudoai.com/assets/images/icons/amazongpt/black-gold-teal/icon48.png?v=0fddfc7
// @icon64 https://amazongpt.kudoai.com/assets/images/icons/amazongpt/black-gold-teal/icon64.png?v=0fddfc7
// @compatible chrome except for Streaming Mode w/ Tampermonkey (use ScriptCat instead)
// @compatible firefox
// @compatible edge except for Streaming Mode w/ Tampermonkey (use ScriptCat instead)
// @compatible opera
// @compatible operagx
// @compatible brave except for Streaming Mode w/ Tampermonkey (use ScriptCat instead)
// @compatible vivaldi except for Streaming Mode w/ Tampermonkey (use ScriptCat instead)
// @compatible waterfox
// @compatible librewolf
// @compatible ghost
// @compatible qq
// @compatible whale
// @compatible kiwi
// @compatible mask
// @match *://www.amazon.com/*
// @match *://www.amazon.ae/*
// @match *://www.amazon.com.be/*
// @match *://www.amazon.ca/*
// @match *://www.amazon.cn/*
// @match *://www.amazon.co.jp/*
// @match *://www.amazon.co.uk/*
// @match *://www.amazon.co.za/*
// @match *://www.amazon.com.au/*
// @match *://www.amazon.com.br/*
// @match *://www.amazon.com.mx/*
// @match *://www.amazon.com.tr/*
// @match *://www.amazon.com/*
// @match *://www.amazon.de/*
// @match *://www.amazon.eg/*
// @match *://www.amazon.es/*
// @match *://www.amazon.fr/*
// @match *://www.amazon.in/*
// @match *://www.amazon.it/*
// @match *://www.amazon.nl/*
// @match *://www.amazon.pl/*
// @match *://www.amazon.sa/*
// @match *://www.amazon.se/*
// @match *://www.amazon.sg/*
// @exclude *://*.amazon.*/ap/signin*
// @include https://auth0.openai.com
// @connect api.binjie.fun
// @connect api.openai.com
// @connect api11.gptforlove.com
// @connect cdn.jsdelivr.net
// @connect chatai.mixerbox.com
// @connect chatgpt.com
// @connect update.greasyfork.org
// @connect fanyi.sogou.com
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@kudoai/chatgpt.js@3.5.0/dist/chatgpt.min.js#sha256-+C0x4BOFQc38aZB3pvUC2THu+ZSvuCxRphGdtRLjCDg=
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/crypto-js/4.2.0/crypto-js.min.js#sha256-dppVXeVTurw1ozOPNE3XqhYmDJPOosfbKQcHyQSE58w=
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/generate-ip@2.4.4/dist/generate-ip.min.js#sha256-aQQKAQcMgCu8IpJp9HKs387x0uYxngO+Fb4pc5nSF4I=
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/11.9.0/highlight.min.js#sha256-g3pvpbDHNrUrveKythkPMF2j/J7UFoHbUyFQcFe1yEY=
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.16.10/dist/katex.min.js#sha256-n0UwfFeU7SR6DQlfOmLlLvIhWmeyMnIDp/2RmVmuedE=
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.16.10/dist/contrib/auto-render.min.js#sha256-e1fUJ6xicGd9r42DgN7SzHMzb5FJoWe44f4NbvZmBK4=
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/marked@12.0.2/marked.min.js#sha256-Ffq85bZYmLMrA/XtJen4kacprUwNbYdxEKd0SqhHqJQ=
// @resource amzgptLSicon https://amazongpt.kudoai.com/assets/images/icons/amazongpt/black-gold-teal/icon64.png.b64?v=0fddfc7#sha256-0AAauajMY4eRCDUtqRMRqBl1gaxxF0mFt4eRnFGlU24=
// @resource amzgptDSicon https://amazongpt.kudoai.com/assets/images/icons/amazongpt/white/icon64.png.b64?v=1ac5561#sha256-qTQ5tnMF6XeH3UZkQOlJZvdE1nkn5/9srNKJqFtcCDo=
// @resource amzgptLSlogo https://amazongpt.kudoai.com/assets/images/logos/amazongpt/black-gold/logo509x74.png.b64?v=1ac5561#sha256-wSW1EtGtscP0ZcUweFBqKfswt3NzEjbKxn5COYyihVA=
// @resource amzgptDSlogo https://amazongpt.kudoai.com/assets/images/logos/amazongpt/white-teal/logo509x74.png.b64?v=1ac5561#sha256-EWstwtlU8+gXSM98gpr6OR3OZ63ttHVNp/NQ7IMzFDA=
// @resource hljsCSS https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/11.9.0/styles/dark.min.css#sha256-v0N76BFFkH0dCB8bUr4cHSVN8A/zCaOopMuSmJWV/5w=
// @resource brsCSS https://assets.aiwebextensions.com/styles/rising-stars/dist/black.min.css?v=3289404#sha256-CTj6Ndngq+TsPlNpQ6Ej39PQKSDpmxyKUFohhc91ruQ=
// @resource wrsCSS https://assets.aiwebextensions.com/styles/rising-stars/dist/white.min.css?v=3289404#sha256-tOOIvIe6O5/x2A5E7s9kP4+zw0d4EEDfRgXQLq2KwLs=
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_cookie
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand
// @grant GM_openInTab
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @noframes
// @homepageURL https://amazongpt.kudoai.com
// @supportURL https://amazongpt.kudoai.com/issues
// @contributionURL https://github.com/sponsors/KudoAI
// ==/UserScript==
// Dependencies:
// ✓ chatgpt.js (https://chatgpt.js.org) © 2023–2025 KudoAI & contributors under the MIT license
// ✓ generate-ip (https://generate-ip.org) © 2024–2025 Adam Lui & contributors under the MIT license
// ✓ highlight.js (https://highlightjs.org) © 2006 Ivan Sagalaev under the BSD 3-Clause license
// ✓ KaTeX (https://katex.org) © 2013–2020 Khan Academy & other contributors under the MIT license
// ✓ Marked (https://marked.js.org) © 2018+ MarkedJS © 2011–2018 Christopher Jeffrey under the MIT license
(async () => {
// Init ENV context
const env = {
browser: { language: chatgpt.getUserLanguage() },
scriptManager: {
name: (() => { try { return GM_info.scriptHandler } catch (err) { return 'unknown' }})(),
version: (() => { try { return GM_info.version } catch (err) { return 'unknown' }})()
['Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Edge', 'Brave', 'Mobile'].forEach(platform =>
env.browser[`is${ platform == 'Firefox' ? 'FF' : platform }`] = chatgpt.browser['is' + platform]())
env.browser.isPortrait = env.browser.isMobile && (window.innerWidth < window.innerHeight)
env.browser.isPhone = env.browser.isMobile && window.innerWidth <= 480
env.scriptManager.supportsTooltips = env.scriptManager.name == 'Tampermonkey'
&& parseInt(env.scriptManager.version.split('.')[0]) >= 5
const xhr = typeof GM != 'undefined' && GM.xmlHttpRequest || GM_xmlhttpRequest
// Init APP data
const app = {
name: 'AmazonGPT', version: GM_info.script.version, symbol: '🤖',
configKeyPrefix: 'amazonGPT', cssPrefix: 'amazongpt',
author: { name: 'KudoAI', url: 'https://kudoai.com' },
chatgptJSver: /chatgpt\.js@([\d.]+)/.exec(GM_info.scriptMetaStr)[1],
urls: {
app: 'https://amazongpt.kudoai.com',
chatgptJS: 'https://chatgpt.js.org',
contributors: 'https://github.com/KudoAI/amazongpt/tree/main/docs/#-contributors',
gitHub: 'https://github.com/KudoAI/amazongpt',
greasyFork: 'https://greasyfork.org/scripts/500663-amazongpt',
publisher: 'https://www.kudoai.com',
relatedExtensions: 'https://github.com/adamlui/ai-web-extensions',
review: { greasyFork: 'https://greasyfork.org/scripts/500663-amazongpt/feedback#post-discussion' }
latestAssetCommitHash: 'b50186b' // for cached messages.json
app.urls.support = app.urls.gitHub + '/issues/new'
app.urls.assetHost = app.urls.gitHub.replace('github.com', 'cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh') + `@${app.latestAssetCommitHash}`
app.urls.update = app.urls.greasyFork.replace('https://', 'https://update.')
.replace(/(\d+)-?([a-z-]*)$/i, (_, id, name) => `${id}/${ name || 'script' }.meta.js`)
app.msgs = {
appDesc: 'Adds AI to Amazon shopping',
menuLabel_proxyAPImode: 'Proxy API Mode',
menuLabel_autoFocusChatbar: 'Auto-Focus Chatbar',
menuLabel_whenStreaming: 'when streaming',
menuLabel_background: 'Background',
menuLabel_foreground: 'Foreground',
menuLabel_animations: 'Animations',
menuLabel_replyLanguage: 'Reply Language',
menuLabel_colorScheme: 'Color Scheme',
menuLabel_auto: 'Auto',
menuLabel_about: 'About',
menuLabel_settings: 'Settings',
about_author: 'Author',
about_and: '&',
about_contributors: 'contributors',
about_version: 'Version',
about_poweredBy: 'Powered by',
about_openSourceCode: 'Open source code',
scheme_light: 'Light',
scheme_dark: 'Dark',
mode_proxy: 'Proxy Mode',
mode_streaming: 'Streaming Mode',
mode_autoScroll: 'Auto-Scroll',
mode_debug: 'Debug Mode',
tooltip_playAnswer: 'Play answer',
tooltip_fontSize: 'Font size',
tooltip_sendReply: 'Send reply',
tooltip_askRandQuestion: 'Ask random question',
tooltip_minimize: 'Minimize',
tooltip_restore: 'Restore',
tooltip_expand: 'Expand',
tooltip_shrink: 'Shrink',
tooltip_close: 'Close',
tooltip_copy: 'Copy',
tooltip_regen: 'Regenerate',
tooltip_reply: 'Reply',
tooltip_code: 'Code',
helptip_proxyAPImode: 'Uses a Proxy API for no-login access to AI',
helptip_streamingMode: 'Receive replies in a continuous text stream',
helptip_autoFocusChatbar: 'Auto-focus chatbar whenever it appears',
helptip_autoScroll: 'Auto-scroll responses as they generate in Streaming Mode',
helptip_bgAnimations: 'Show animated backgrounds in UI components',
helptip_fgAnimations: 'Show foreground animations in UI components',
helptip_replyLanguage: 'Language for AmazonGPT to reply in',
helptip_colorScheme: 'Scheme to display AmazonGPT UI components in',
helptip_debugMode: 'Show detailed logging in browser console',
placeholder_typeSomething: 'Type something',
prompt_updateReplyLang: 'Update reply language',
alert_langUpdated: 'Language updated',
alert_willReplyIn: 'will reply in',
alert_yourSysLang: 'your system language',
alert_choosePlatform: 'Choose a platform',
alert_updateAvail: 'Update available',
alert_newerVer: 'An update to',
alert_isAvail: 'is available',
alert_upToDate: 'Up-to-date',
alert_isUpToDate: 'is up-to-date',
alert_isUnsupportedIn: 'is unsupported in',
alert_whenUsing: 'when using',
alert_pleaseUse: 'Please use',
alert_instead: 'instead',
alert_unavailable: 'unavailable',
alert_isOnlyAvailFor: 'is only available for',
alert_and: 'and',
alert_userscriptMgrNoStream: 'Your userscript manager does not support returning stream responses',
alert_isCurrentlyOnlyAvailBy: 'is currently only available by',
alert_openAIsupportSoon: 'Support for OpenAI API will be added shortly',
alert_waitingFor: 'Waiting for',
alert_response: 'response',
alert_login: 'Please login',
alert_thenRefreshPage: 'then refresh this page',
alert_tooManyRequests: 'ChatGPT is flooded with too many requests',
alert_parseFailed: 'Failed to parse response JSON',
alert_checkCloudflare: 'Please pass Cloudflare security check',
alert_notWorking: 'is not working',
alert_ifIssuePersists: 'If issue persists',
alert_try: 'Try',
alert_switchingOn: 'switching on',
alert_switchingOff: 'switching off',
notif_copiedToClipboard: 'Copied to clipboard',
btnLabel_moreAIextensions: 'More AI Extensions',
btnLabel_rateUs: 'Rate Us',
btnLabel_getSupport: 'Get Support',
btnLabel_checkForUpdates: 'Check for Updates',
btnLabel_update: 'Update',
btnLabel_dismiss: 'Dismiss',
link_viewChanges: 'View changes',
state_on: 'On',
state_off: 'Off'
// Init DEBUG mode
const config = {}
const settings = {
load(...keys) { keys.flat().forEach(key => config[key] = GM_getValue(app.configKeyPrefix + '_' + key, false)) },
save(key, val) { GM_setValue(app.configKeyPrefix + '_' + key, val) ; config[key] = val }
} ; settings.load('debugMode')
// Define LOG props/functions
const log = {
styles: {
prefix: {
base: `color: white ; padding: 2px 3px 2px 5px ; border-radius: 2px ; ${
env.browser.isFF ? 'font-size: 13px ;' : '' }`,
info: 'background: linear-gradient(344deg, rgba(0,0,0,1) 0%,'
+ 'rgba(0,0,0,1) 39%, rgba(30,29,43,0.6026611328125) 93%)',
working: 'background: linear-gradient(342deg, rgba(255,128,0,1) 0%,'
+ 'rgba(255,128,0,0.9612045501794468) 57%, rgba(255,128,0,0.7539216370141807) 93%)' ,
success: 'background: linear-gradient(344deg, rgba(0,107,41,1) 0%,'
+ 'rgba(3,147,58,1) 39%, rgba(24,126,42,0.7735294801514356) 93%)',
warning: 'background: linear-gradient(344deg, rgba(255,0,0,1) 0%,'
+ 'rgba(232,41,41,0.9079832616640406) 57%, rgba(222,49,49,0.6530813008797269) 93%)',
caller: 'color: blue'
msg: { working: 'color: #ff8000', warning: 'color: red' }
regEx: {
greenVals: { caseInsensitive: /\b(?:true|\d+)\b|success\W?/i, caseSensitive: /\bON\b/ },
redVals: { caseInsensitive: /\bfalse\b|error\W?/i, caseSensitive: /\BOFF\b/ },
purpVals: /[ '"]\w+['"]?: / },
prettifyObj(obj) { return JSON.stringify(obj)
.replace(/([{,](?=")|":)/g, '$1 ') // append spaces to { and "
.replace(/((?<!\})\})/g, ' $1') // prepend spaces to }
.replace(/"/g, '\'') // replace " w/ '
toTitleCase(str) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1) }
} ; ['info', 'error', 'debug'].forEach(logType =>
log[logType] = function() {
if (logType == 'debug' && !config.debugMode) return
const args = Array.from(arguments).map(arg => typeof arg == 'object' ? JSON.stringify(arg) : arg)
const msgType = args.some(arg => /\.{3}$/.test(arg)) ? 'working'
: args.some(arg => /\bsuccess\b|!$/i.test(arg)) ? 'success'
: args.some(arg => /\b(?:error|fail)\b/i.test(arg)) || logType == 'error' ? 'warning'
: 'info'
const prefixStyle = log.styles.prefix.base + log.styles.prefix[msgType]
const baseMsgStyle = log.styles.msg[msgType], msgStyles = []
// Combine regex
const allPatterns = Object.values(log.regEx).flatMap(val =>
val instanceof RegExp ? [val] : Object.values(val).filter(val => val instanceof RegExp))
const combinedPattern = new RegExp(allPatterns.map(pattern => pattern.source).join('|'), 'g')
// Combine args into finalMsg, color chars
let finalMsg = logType == 'error' && args.length == 1 ? 'ERROR: ' : ''
args.forEach((arg, idx) => {
finalMsg += idx > 0 ? (idx == 1 ? ': ' : ' ') : '' // separate multi-args
finalMsg += arg?.toString().replace(combinedPattern, match => {
const matched = (
Object.values(log.regEx.greenVals).some(val => {
if (val.test(match)) { msgStyles.push('color: green', baseMsgStyle) ; return true }})
|| Object.values(log.regEx.redVals).some(val => {
if (val.test(match)) { msgStyles.push('color: red', baseMsgStyle) ; return true }}))
if (!matched && log.regEx.purpVals.test(match)) { msgStyles.push('color: #dd29f4', baseMsgStyle) }
return `%c${match}%c`
console[logType == 'error' ? logType : 'info'](
`${app.symbol} %c${app.name}%c ${ log.caller ? `${log.caller} » ` : '' }%c${finalMsg}`,
prefixStyle, log.styles.prefix.caller, baseMsgStyle, ...msgStyles
// LOCALIZE app.msgs for non-English users
if (!env.browser.language.startsWith('en')) {
log.debug('Localizing app messages...')
const localizedMsgs = await new Promise(resolve => {
const msgHostDir = app.urls.assetHost + '/greasemonkey/_locales/',
msgLocaleDir = ( env.browser.language ? env.browser.language.replace('-', '_') : 'en' ) + '/'
let msgHref = msgHostDir + msgLocaleDir + 'messages.json', msgXHRtries = 0
function fetchMsgs() { xhr({ method: 'GET', url: msgHref, onload: handleMsgs })}
function handleMsgs(resp) {
try { // to return localized messages.json
const msgs = JSON.parse(resp.responseText), flatMsgs = {}
for (const key in msgs) // remove need to ref nested keys
if (typeof msgs[key] == 'object' && 'message' in msgs[key])
flatMsgs[key] = msgs[key].message
} catch (err) { // if bad response
msgXHRtries++ ; if (msgXHRtries == 3) return resolve({}) // try original/region-stripped/EN only
msgHref = env.browser.language.includes('-') && msgXHRtries == 1 ? // if regional lang on 1st try...
msgHref.replace(/([^_]+_[^_]+)_[^/]*(\/.*)/, '$1$2') // ...strip region before retrying
: ( msgHostDir + 'en/messages.json' ) // else use default English messages
Object.assign(app.msgs, localizedMsgs)
log.debug(`Success! app.msgs = ${log.prettifyObj(app.msgs)}`)
log.debug('Initializing compatibility flags...')
env.streamingSupported = {
byBrowser: !(env.scriptManager.name == 'Tampermonkey'
&& (env.browser.isChrome || env.browser.isEdge || env.browser.isBrave)),
byScriptManager: /Tampermonkey|ScriptCat/.test(env.scriptManager.name)
log.debug(`Success! env.streamingSupported = ${log.prettifyObj(env.streamingSupported)}`)
log.debug('Initializing settings...')
Object.assign(settings, { controls: {
proxyAPIenabled: { type: 'toggle', icon: 'sunglasses',
label: app.msgs.menuLabel_proxyAPImode,
helptip: app.msgs.helptip_proxyAPImode },
streamingDisabled: { type: 'toggle', icon: 'signalStream',
label: app.msgs.mode_streaming,
helptip: app.msgs.helptip_streamingMode },
autoFocusChatbarDisabled: { type: 'toggle', mobile: false, icon: 'caretsInward',
label: app.msgs.menuLabel_autoFocusChatbar,
helptip: app.msgs.helptip_autoFocusChatbar },
autoScroll: { type: 'toggle', mobile: false, icon: 'arrowsDown',
label: `${app.msgs.mode_autoScroll} (${app.msgs.menuLabel_whenStreaming})`,
helptip: app.msgs.helptip_autoScroll },
bgAnimationsDisabled: { type: 'toggle', icon: 'sparkles',
label: `${app.msgs.menuLabel_background} ${app.msgs.menuLabel_animations}`,
helptip: app.msgs.helptip_bgAnimations },
fgAnimationsDisabled: { type: 'toggle', icon: 'sparkles',
label: `${app.msgs.menuLabel_foreground} ${app.msgs.menuLabel_animations}`,
helptip: app.msgs.helptip_fgAnimations },
replyLang: { type: 'prompt', icon: 'languageChars',
label: app.msgs.menuLabel_replyLanguage,
helptip: app.msgs.helptip_replyLanguage },
scheme: { type: 'modal', icon: 'scheme',
label: app.msgs.menuLabel_colorScheme,
helptip: app.msgs.helptip_colorScheme },
debugMode: { type: 'toggle', icon: 'bug',
label: app.msgs.mode_debug,
helptip: app.msgs.helptip_debugMode },
about: { type: 'modal', icon: 'questionMarkCircle',
label: `${app.msgs.menuLabel_about} ${app.name}...` }
Object.assign(config, { minFontSize: 11, maxFontSize: 24, lineHeightRatio: 1.28 })
settings.load('autoFocusChatbarDisabled', 'autoScroll', 'bgAnimationsDisabled', 'expanded', 'fgAnimationsDisabled',
'fontSize', 'minimized', 'proxyAPIenabled', 'replyLanguage', 'scheme', 'streamingDisabled')
if (!config.replyLanguage) settings.save('replyLanguage', env.browser.language) // init reply language if unset
if (!config.fontSize) settings.save('fontSize', 14) // init reply font size if unset
if (!env.streamingSupported.byBrowser || !env.streamingSupported.byScriptManager)
settings.save('streamingDisabled', true) // disable Streaming in unspported env
log.debug(`Success! config = ${log.prettifyObj(config)}`)
// Init UI props
env.ui = { app: { scheme: config.scheme || ( chatgpt.isDarkMode() ? 'dark' : 'light' ) }}
// Init API props
const apis = {
'AIchatOS': {
endpoint: 'https://api.binjie.fun/api/generateStream',
expectedOrigin: {
url: 'https://chat18.aichatos68.com',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*', 'Priority': 'u=0', 'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'cross-site'
method: 'POST', streamable: true, accumulatesText: false, failFlags: ['很抱歉地', '系统公告'],
userID: '#/chat/' + Date.now()
'GPTforLove': {
endpoint: 'https://api11.gptforlove.com/chat-process',
expectedOrigin: {
url: 'https://ai27.gptforlove.com',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*', 'Priority': 'u=0', 'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-site'
method: 'POST', streamable: true, accumulatesText: true,
failFlags: ['[\'"]?status[\'"]?:\\s*[\'"]Fail[\'"]']
'MixerBox AI': {
endpoint: 'https://chatai.mixerbox.com/api/chat/stream',
expectedOrigin: {
url: 'https://chatai.mixerbox.com',
headers: { 'Accept': '*/*', 'Alt-Used': 'chatai.mixerbox.com', 'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-origin' }
method: 'POST', streamable: true, accumulatesText: false
'OpenAI': {
endpoints: {
auth: 'https://auth0.openai.com',
completions: 'https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions',
session: 'https://chatgpt.com/api/auth/session'
expectedOrigin: {
url: 'https://chatgpt.com',
headers: { 'Accept': '*/*', 'Priority': 'u=4', 'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-site' }
method: 'POST', streamable: true
const inputEvents = {} ; ['down', 'move', 'up'].forEach(action =>
inputEvents[action] = ( window.PointerEvent ? 'pointer' : env.browser.isMobile ? 'touch' : 'mouse' ) + action)
// Init ALERTS
Object.assign(app, { alerts: {
waitingResponse: `${app.msgs.alert_waitingFor} ${app.name} ${app.msgs.alert_response}...`,
login: `${app.msgs.alert_login} @ `,
checkCloudflare: `${app.msgs.alert_checkCloudflare} @ `,
tooManyRequests: `${app.msgs.alert_tooManyRequests}.`,
parseFailed: `${app.msgs.alert_parseFailed}.`,
proxyNotWorking: `${app.msgs.mode_proxy} ${app.msgs.alert_notWorking}.`,
openAInotWorking: `OpenAI API ${app.msgs.alert_notWorking}.`,
suggestProxy: `${app.msgs.alert_try} ${app.msgs.alert_switchingOn} ${app.msgs.mode_proxy}`,
suggestOpenAI: `${app.msgs.alert_try} ${app.msgs.alert_switchingOff} ${app.msgs.mode_proxy}`
// Define MENU functions
const menu = {
ids: [], state: {
symbols: ['❌', '✔️'], separator: env.scriptManager.name == 'Tampermonkey' ? ' — ' : ': ',
words: [app.msgs.state_off.toUpperCase(), app.msgs.state_on.toUpperCase()]
register() {
// Add Proxy API Mode toggle
const pmLabel = menu.state.symbols[+config.proxyAPIenabled] + ' '
+ settings.controls.proxyAPIenabled.label + ' '
+ menu.state.separator + menu.state.words[+config.proxyAPIenabled]
menu.ids.push(GM_registerMenuCommand(pmLabel, toggle.proxyMode,
env.scriptManager.supportsTooltips ? { title: settings.controls.proxyAPIenabled.helptip } : undefined));
// Add About/Settings entries
['about', 'settings'].forEach(entryType => menu.ids.push(GM_registerMenuCommand(
entryType == 'about' ? `💡 ${settings.controls.about.label}` : `⚙️ ${app.msgs.menuLabel_settings}`,
() => modals.open(entryType), env.scriptManager.supportsTooltips ? { title: ' ' } : undefined
refresh() {
if (typeof GM_unregisterMenuCommand == 'undefined') {
log.debug('GM_unregisterMenuCommand not supported.') ; return }
for (const id of menu.ids) { GM_unregisterMenuCommand(id) } menu.register()
function updateCheck() {
log.caller = 'updateCheck()'
log.debug(`currentVer = ${app.version}`)
// Fetch latest meta
log.debug('Fetching latest userscript metadata...')
method: 'GET', url: app.urls.update + '?t=' + Date.now(),
headers: { 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache' },
onload: resp => {
log.debug('Success! Response received')
// Compare versions, alert if update found
log.debug('Comparing versions...')
app.latestVer = /@version +(.*)/.exec(resp.responseText)[1]
for (let i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { // loop thru subver's
const currentSubVer = parseInt(app.version.split('.')[i], 10) || 0,
latestSubVer = parseInt(app.latestVer.split('.')[i], 10) || 0
if (currentSubVer > latestSubVer) break // out of comparison since not outdated
else if (latestSubVer > currentSubVer) // if outdated
return modals.open('update', 'available')
// Alert to no update found, nav back to About
modals.open('update', 'unavailable')
// Define FEEDBACK functions
function appAlert(...alerts) {
alerts = alerts.flat() // flatten array args nested by spread operator
appDiv.textContent = ''
const alertP = document.createElement('p')
alertP.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-alert` ; alertP.className = 'no-user-select'
alerts.forEach((alert, idx) => { // process each alert for display
let msg = app.alerts[alert] || alert // use string verbatim if not found in app.alerts
if (idx > 0) msg = ' ' + msg // left-pad 2nd+ alerts
if (msg.includes(app.alerts.login)) session.deleteOpenAIcookies()
if (msg.includes(app.alerts.waitingResponse)) alertP.classList.add('loading')
// Add login link to login msgs
if (msg.includes('@'))
msg += '<a class="alert-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener"'
+ ' href="https://chatgpt.com">chatgpt.com</a>,'
+ ` ${app.msgs.alert_thenRefreshPage}.`
+ ` (${app.msgs.alert_ifIssuePersists},`
+ ` ${( app.msgs.alert_try ).toLowerCase() }`
+ ` ${app.msgs.alert_switchingOn}`
+ ` ${app.msgs.mode_proxy})`
// Hyperlink app.msgs.alert_switching<On|Off>
const foundState = ['On', 'Off'].find(state =>
msg.includes(app.msgs['alert_switching' + state]) || new RegExp(`\\b${state}\\b`, 'i').test(msg))
if (foundState) { // hyperlink switch phrase for click listener to toggle.proxyMode()
const switchPhrase = app.msgs['alert_switching' + foundState] || 'switching ' + foundState.toLowerCase()
msg = msg.replace(switchPhrase, `<a class="alert-link" href="#">${switchPhrase}</a>`)
// Create/fill/append msg span
const msgSpan = document.createElement('span')
msgSpan.innerHTML = msg ; alertP.append(msgSpan)
// Activate toggle link if necessary
msgSpan.querySelector('[href="#"]')?.addEventListener('click', toggle.proxyMode)
function notify(msg, pos = '', notifDuration = '', shadow = 'shadow') {
// Strip state word to append styled one later
const foundState = menu.state.words.find(word => msg.includes(word))
if (foundState) msg = msg.replace(foundState, '')
// Show notification
chatgpt.notify(msg, pos, notifDuration, shadow)
const notif = document.querySelector('.chatgpt-notif:last-child')
// Prepend app icon
const notifIcon = icons.amzgpt.create('white')
notifIcon.style.cssText = 'width: 28px ; position: relative ; top: 4.8px ; margin-right: 8px'
// Append notif type icon
const iconStyles = 'width: 28px ; height: 28px ; position: relative ; top: 3.5px ; margin-left: 11px ;',
mode = Object.keys(settings.controls).find(key => settings.controls[key].label.includes(msg.trim()))
if (mode && !/(?:pre|suf)fix/.test(mode)) {
const modeIcon = icons[settings.controls[mode].icon].create()
modeIcon.style.cssText = iconStyles
+ ( // raise some icons
/focus|scroll/i.test(mode) ? 'top: 4px' : '' )
+ ( // shrink some icons
/animation|debug/i.test(mode) ? 'width: 23px ; height: 23px ; margin-top: 3px' : '' )
// Append styled state word
if (foundState) {
const styledStateSpan = document.createElement('span')
styledStateSpan.style.cssText = `font-weight: bold ; color: ${
foundState == menu.state.words[0] ? '#ef4848 ; text-shadow: rgba(255,169,225,0.44) 2px 1px 5px'
: '#5cef48 ; text-shadow: rgba(255,250,169,0.38) 2px 1px 5px' }`
styledStateSpan.append(foundState) ; notif.insertBefore(styledStateSpan, notif.children[2])
// Define MODAL functions
const modals = {
stack: [], // of types of undismissed modals
class: `${app.cssPrefix}-modal`,
alert(title = '', msg = '', btns = '', checkbox = '', width = '') { // generic one from chatgpt.alert()
const alertID = chatgpt.alert(title, msg, btns, checkbox, width),
alert = document.getElementById(alertID).firstChild
this.init(alert) // add classes/listeners/hack bg/glowup btns
return alert
open(modalType, modalSubType) { // custom ones
const modal = modalSubType ? modals[modalType][modalSubType]()
: (modals[modalType].show || modals[modalType])()
if (settings.controls[modalType]?.type != 'prompt') { // add to stack
this.stack.unshift(modalSubType ? `${modalType}_${modalSubType}` : modalType)
log.debug(`Modal stack: ${JSON.stringify(modals.stack)}`)
this.init(modal) // add classes/listeners/hack bg/glowup btns
this.observeRemoval(modal, modalType, modalSubType) // to maintain stack for proper nav
if (!modals.handlers.dismiss.key.added) { // add key listener to dismiss modals
document.addEventListener('keydown', modals.handlers.dismiss.key) ; modals.handlers.dismiss.key.added = true }
init(modal) {
if (!this.styles) this.stylize() // to init/append stylesheet
// Add classes
modal.classList.add('no-user-select', this.class) ; modal.parentNode.classList.add(`${this.class}-bg`)
// Add listeners
modal.onwheel = modal.ontouchmove = event => event.preventDefault() // disable wheel/swipe scrolling
modal.onmousedown = modals.handlers.drag.mousedown // enable click-dragging
if (!modal.parentNode.className.includes('chatgpt-modal')) { // enable click-dismissing native modals
const dismissElems = [modal.parentNode, modal.querySelector('[class*=-close-btn]')]
dismissElems.forEach(elem => elem.onclick = modals.handlers.dismiss.click)
// Hack BG
setTimeout(() => { // dim bg
modal.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = `rgba(67,70,72,${
env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 0.62 : 0.33 })`
}, 100) // delay for transition fx
// Glowup btns
if (env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' && !config.fgAnimationsDisabled) toggle.btnGlow()
stylize() {
if (!this.styles) {
this.styles = document.createElement('style') ; this.styles.id = `${this.class}-styles`
this.styles.innerText = (
':root {' // vars
+ '--transition: opacity 0.65s cubic-bezier(0.165,0.84,0.44,1),' // for modal fade-in
+ 'transform 0.55s cubic-bezier(0.165,0.84,0.44,1) !important ;' // for modal move-in
+ '--bg-transition: background-color 0.25s ease !important ;' // for modal bg dim
+ '--btn-transition: transform 0.15s ease ;' // for modal button hover-zoom
+ '--settings-transition: transform 0.1s ease }' // for Settings entry hover-zoom
// Main modal styles
+ '@keyframes modal-zoom-fade-out {'
+ '0% { opacity: 1 } 50% { opacity: 0.25 ; transform: scale(1.05) }'
+ '100% { opacity: 0 ; transform: scale(1.35) }}'
+ '.chatgpt-modal > div {'
+ 'padding: 20px 30px 24px 17px !important ;' // increase alert padding
+ 'background-color: white !important ; color: black }'
+ '.chatgpt-modal p { margin: -8px 0 -14px 4px ; font-size: 22px ; line-height: 31px }'
+ `.chatgpt-modal a { color: #${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? '00cfff' : '1e9ebb' } !important }`
+ '.modal-buttons {'
+ `margin: 35px -5px 2px ; ${ env.browser.isMobile ? -5 : -15 }px !important ; width: 100% }`
+ '.chatgpt-modal button {'
+ 'font-size: 1rem ; text-transform: uppercase ; min-width: 121px ;'
+ `padding: ${ env.browser.isMobile ? '7px' : '4px 10px' } !important ;`
+ 'cursor: pointer ; border-radius: 0 !important ; height: 39px ;'
+ 'border: 1px solid ' + ( env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : 'black' ) + '!important ;'
+ `${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'background: none ; color: white' : '' }}`
+ '.primary-modal-btn { background: black !important ; color: white !important }'
+ '.chatgpt-modal button:hover { background-color: #9cdaff !important ; color: black !important }'
+ ( env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? // darkmode chatgpt.alert() styles
( '.chatgpt-modal > div, .chatgpt-modal button:not(.primary-modal-btn) {'
+ 'background-color: black !important ; color: white !important }'
+ '.primary-modal-btn { background: hsl(186 100% 69%) !important ; color: black !important }'
+ '.chatgpt-modal a { color: #00cfff !important }'
+ '.chatgpt-modal button:hover {'
+ 'background-color: #00cfff !important ; color: black !important }' ) : '' )
+ `.${modals.class} { display: grid ; place-items: center }` // for centered icon/logo
+ '[class*=modal-close-btn] {'
+ 'position: absolute !important ; float: right ; top: 14px !important ; right: 16px !important ;'
+ 'cursor: pointer ; width: 33px ; height: 33px ; border-radius: 20px }'
+ `[class*=modal-close-btn] path {${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'stroke: white ; fill: white'
: 'stroke: #9f9f9f ; fill: #9f9f9f' }}`
+ ( env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? // invert dark mode hover paths
'[class*=modal-close-btn]:hover path { stroke: black ; fill: black }' : '' )
+ '[class*=modal-close-btn]:hover { background-color: #f2f2f2 }' // hover underlay
+ '[class*=modal-close-btn] svg { margin: 11.5px }' // center SVG for hover underlay
+ '[class*=-modal] h2 {'
+ 'font-size: 27px ; font-weight: bold ; line-height: 32px ; padding: 0 ;'
+ 'margin: 9px 0 22px !important ;'
+ `${ env.browser.isMobile ? 'text-align: center' // center on mobile
: 'justify-self: start' }}` // left-align on desktop
+ '[class*=-modal] p { justify-self: start ; font-size: 20px }'
+ '[class*=-modal] button { font-size: 14px }'
+ '[class*=-modal-bg] {'
+ 'pointer-events: auto ;' // override any disabling from site modals
+ 'position: fixed ; top: 0 ; left: 0 ; width: 100% ; height: 100% ;' // expand to full view-port
+ 'display: flex ; justify-content: center ; align-items: center ; z-index: 9999 ;' // align
+ 'transition: var(--bg-transition) ;' // for bg dim
+ '-webkit-transition: var(--bg-transition) ; -moz-transition: var(--bg-transition) ;'
+ '-o-transition: var(--bg-transition) ; -ms-transition: var(--bg-transition) }'
+ '[class*=-modal-bg].animated > div {'
+ 'z-index: 13456 ; opacity: 0.98 ; transform: translateX(0) translateY(0) }'
+ '[class$=-modal] {' // native modals + chatgpt.alert()s
+ 'position: absolute ;' // to be click-draggable
+ 'opacity: 0 ;' // to fade-in
+ `background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, ${
env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? '#99a8a6 -200px, black 200px' : '#b6ebff -296px, white 171px' }) ;`
+ `border: 1px solid ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : '#b5b5b5' } !important ;`
+ `color: ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : 'black' } ;`
+ 'transform: translateX(-3px) translateY(7px) ;' // offset to move-in from
+ 'transition: var(--transition) ;' // for fade-in + move-in
+ '-webkit-transition: var(--transition) ; -moz-transition: var(--transition) ;'
+ '-o-transition: var(--transition) ; -ms-transition: var(--transition) }'
+ ( config.fgAnimationsDisabled || env.browser.isMobile ? '' : (
'[class$=-modal] button:hover { transform: scale(1.055) }'
+ '[class$=-modal] button { transition: var(--btn-transition) ;'
+ '-webkit-transition: var(--btn-transition) ; -moz-transition: var(--btn-transition) ;'
+ '-o-transition: var(--btn-transition) ; -ms-transition: var(--btn-transition) }' ))
// Glowing modal btns
+ ':root { --glow-color: hsl(186 100% 69%) }'
+ '.glowing-btn {'
+ 'perspective: 2em ; font-weight: 900 ; animation: border-flicker 2s linear infinite ;'
+ '-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0.5em 0 var(--glow-color), 0 0 0.5em 0 var(--glow-color) ;'
+ 'box-shadow: inset 0 0 0.5em 0 var(--glow-color), 0 0 0.5em 0 var(--glow-color) ;'
+ '-moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0.5em 0 var(--glow-color), 0 0 0.5em 0 var(--glow-color) }'
+ '.glowing-txt {'
+ 'animation: text-flicker 3s linear infinite ;'
+ '-webkit-text-shadow: 0 0 0.125em hsl(0 0% 100% / 0.3), 0 0 0.45em var(--glow-color) ;'
+ '-moz-text-shadow: 0 0 0.125em hsl(0 0% 100% / 0.3), 0 0 0.45em var(--glow-color) ;'
+ 'text-shadow: 0 0 0.125em hsl(0 0% 100% / 0.3), 0 0 0.45em var(--glow-color) }'
+ '.faulty-letter {'
+ 'opacity: 0.5 ; animation: faulty-flicker 2s linear infinite }'
+ ( !env.browser.isMobile ? 'background: var(--glow-color) ;'
+ 'transform: translateY(120%) rotateX(95deg) scale(1, 0.35)' : '' ) + '}'
+ '.glowing-btn:hover { color: rgba(0,0,0,0.8) ; text-shadow: none ; animation: none }'
+ '.glowing-btn:hover .glowing-txt { animation: none }'
+ '.glowing-btn:hover .faulty-letter { animation: none ; text-shadow: none ; opacity: 1 }'
+ '.glowing-btn:hover:before { filter: blur(1.5em) ; opacity: 1 }'
+ '.glowing-btn:hover:after { opacity: 1 }'
+ '@keyframes faulty-flicker {'
+ '0% { opacity: 0.1 } 2% { opacity: 0.1 } 4% { opacity: 0.5 } 19% { opacity: 0.5 }'
+ '21% { opacity: 0.1 } 23% { opacity: 1 } 80% { opacity: 0.5 } 83% { opacity: 0.4 }'
+ '87% { opacity: 1 }}'
+ '@keyframes text-flicker {'
+ '0% { opacity: 0.1 } 2% { opacity: 1 } 8% { opacity: 0.1 } 9% { opacity: 1 }'
+ '12% { opacity: 0.1 } 20% { opacity: 1 } 25% { opacity: 0.3 } 30% { opacity: 1 }'
+ '70% { opacity: 0.7 } 72% { opacity: 0.2 } 77% { opacity: 0.9 } 100% { opacity: 0.9 }}'
+ '@keyframes border-flicker {'
+ '0% { opacity: 0.1 } 2% { opacity: 1 } 4% { opacity: 0.1 } 8% { opacity: 1 }'
+ '70% { opacity: 0.7 } 100% { opacity: 1 }}'
// Settings modal
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}-settings {`
+ `min-width: ${ env.browser.isPortrait ? 288 : 755 }px ; max-width: 75vw ; margin: 12px 23px ;`
+ 'word-wrap: break-word ; border-radius: 15px ; box-shadow: 0 30px 60px rgba(0,0,0,0.12) ;'
+ `${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'stroke: white ; fill: white' : 'stroke: black ; fill: black' }}`
+ `#a${app.cssPrefix}-settings-title {`
+ 'font-weight: bold ; line-height: 19px ; text-align: center ;'
+ `margin: 0 ${ env.browser.isMobile ? 6 : 24 }px 8px 0 }`
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}-settings-title h4 {`
+ `font-size: ${ env.browser.isPortrait ? 26 : 31 }px ; font-weight: bold ; margin-top: -25px }`
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}-settings ul {`
+ 'list-style: none ; padding: 0 ; margin: 0 0 2px -3px ;' // hide bullets, close bottom gap
+ `width: ${ env.browser.isPortrait ? 100 : 50 }% }` // set width based on column cnt
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}-settings li {`
+ `color: ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'rgb(255,255,255,0.65)' : 'rgba(0,0,0,0.45)' } ;`
+ `fill: ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'rgb(255,255,255,0.65)' : 'rgba(0,0,0,0.45)' } ;`
+ `stroke: ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'rgb(255,255,255,0.65)' : 'rgba(0,0,0,0.45)' } ;`
+ 'height: 37px ; padding: 6px 10px 4px ; font-size: 15.5px ; list-style: none ;'
+ `border-bottom: 1px dotted ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : 'black' } ;` // add separators
+ 'border-radius: 3px ;' // slightly round highlight strip
+ 'transition: var(--settings-transition) ;' // for hover-zoom
+ '-webkit-transition: var(--settings-transition) ; -moz-transition: var(--settings-transition) ;'
+ '-o-transition: var(--settings-transition) ; -ms-transition: var(--settings-transition) }'
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}-settings li.active {`
+ `color: ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'rgb(255,255,255)' : 'rgba(0,0,0)' } ;` // for text
+ `fill: ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'rgb(255,255,255)' : 'rgba(0,0,0)' } ;` // for icons
+ `stroke: ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'rgb(255,255,255)' : 'rgba(0,0,0)' }}` // for icons
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}-settings li label {`
+ 'display: contents ; padding-right: 20px ;' // right-pad labels so toggles don't hug
+ 'font-weight: normal }' // override Amazon boldening
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}-settings li:last-of-type { border-bottom: none }` // remove last bottom-border
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}-settings li, #${app.cssPrefix}-settings li label { cursor: pointer }` // add finger on hover
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}-settings li:hover {`
+ 'opacity: 1 ;'
+ 'background: rgba(100,149,237,0.88) ; color: white ; fill: white ; stroke: white ;'
+ `${ config.fgAnimationsDisabled || env.browser.isMobile ? '' : 'transform: scale(1.15)' }}`
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}-settings li > input { float: right }` // pos toggles
+ '#scheme-settings-entry > span { margin: 0 -2px }' // align Scheme status
+ '#scheme-settings-entry > span > svg {' // v-align/left-pad Scheme status icon
+ 'position: relative ; top: 3px ; margin-left: 4px }'
+ ( config.fgAnimationsDisabled ? '' // spin cycle arrows icon when scheme is Auto
: ( '#scheme-settings-entry svg:has([d^="M204-318q-22"]),'
+ '.chatgpt-notif svg:has([d^="M204-318q-22"]) { animation: rotation 5s linear infinite }' ))
+ '@keyframes rotation { from { transform: rotate(0deg) } to { transform: rotate(360deg) }}'
+ `#about-settings-entry span { color: ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? '#28ee28' : 'green' }}`
+ '#about-settings-entry > span {' // outer About status span
+ `width: ${ env.browser.isPortrait ? '15vw' : '95px' } ; height: 20px ; overflow: hidden ;`
+ `${ config.fgAnimationsDisabled ? '' : ( // fade edges
'mask-image: linear-gradient('
+ 'to right, transparent, black 20%, black 89%, transparent) ;'
+ '-webkit-mask-image: linear-gradient('
+ 'to right, transparent, black 20%, black 89%, transparent)' )}}`
+ '#about-settings-entry > span > div {'
+ `text-wrap: nowrap ; ${
config.fgAnimationsDisabled ? '' : 'animation: ticker linear 60s infinite' }}`
+ '@keyframes ticker { 0% { transform: translateX(100%) } 100% { transform: translateX(-2000%) }}'
+ `.about-em { color: ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : 'green' } !important }`
observeRemoval(modal, modalType, modalSubType) { // to maintain stack for proper nav
const modalBG = modal.parentNode
new MutationObserver(([mutation], obs) => {
mutation.removedNodes.forEach(removedNode => { if (removedNode == modalBG) {
if (modals.stack[0].includes(modalSubType || modalType)) { // new modal not launched so nav back
modals.stack.shift() // remove this modal type from stack 1st
const prevModalType = modals.stack[0]
if (prevModalType) { // open it
modals.stack.shift() // remove type from stack since re-added on open
}).observe(modalBG.parentNode, { childList: true, subtree: true })
hide(modal) {
const modalContainer = modal?.parentNode ; if (!modalContainer) return
modalContainer.style.animation = 'modal-zoom-fade-out 0.165s ease-out'
modalContainer.onanimationend = () => modalContainer.remove()
handlers: {
dismiss: { // to dismiss native modals
click(event) {
const clickedElem = event.target
if (clickedElem == event.currentTarget || clickedElem.closest('[class*=-close-btn]'))
modals.hide((clickedElem.closest('[class*=-modal-bg]') || clickedElem).firstChild)
key(event) {
if (event.key.startsWith('Esc') || event.keyCode == 27)
drag: {
mousedown(event) { // find modal, attach listeners, init XY offsets
if (event.button != 0) return // prevent non-left-click drag
if (getComputedStyle(event.target).cursor == 'pointer') return // prevent drag on interactive elems
modals.handlers.drag.draggableElem = event.currentTarget
modals.handlers.drag.draggableElem.style.cursor = 'grabbing'
event.preventDefault(); // prevent sub-elems like icons being draggable
['mousemove', 'mouseup'].forEach(eventType =>
document.addEventListener(eventType, modals.handlers.drag[eventType]))
const draggableElemRect = modals.handlers.drag.draggableElem.getBoundingClientRect()
modals.handlers.drag.offsetX = event.clientX - draggableElemRect.left +21
modals.handlers.drag.offsetY = event.clientY - draggableElemRect.top +12
mousemove(event) { // drag modal
if (modals.handlers.drag.draggableElem) {
const newX = event.clientX - modals.handlers.drag.offsetX,
newY = event.clientY - modals.handlers.drag.offsetY
Object.assign(modals.handlers.drag.draggableElem.style, { left: `${newX}px`, top: `${newY}px` })
mouseup() { // remove listeners, reset modals.handlers.drags.draggableElem
modals.handlers.drag.draggableElem.style.cursor = 'inherit';
['mousemove', 'mouseup'].forEach(eventType =>
document.removeEventListener(eventType, modals.handlers.drag[eventType]))
modals.handlers.drag.draggableElem = null
about() {
log.caller = 'modals.about()'
log.debug('Showing About modal...')
// Show modal
const aboutModal = modals.alert(
`${app.symbol} ${app.msgs.appName}`, // title
`🧠 ${app.msgs.about_author}: ` // msg
+ `<a href="${app.author.url}">${app.author.name}</a> ${app.msgs.about_and}`
+ ` <a href="${app.urls.contributors}">${app.msgs.about_contributors}</a>\n`
+ `🏷️ ${app.msgs.about_version}: <span class="about-em">${app.version}</span>\n`
+ `📜 ${app.msgs.about_openSourceCode}: `
+ `<a href="${app.urls.gitHub}" target="_blank" rel="nopener">`
+ app.urls.gitHub + '</a>\n'
+ `⚡ ${app.msgs.about_poweredBy}: `
+ `<a href="${app.urls.chatgptJS}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">chatgpt.js</a>`
+ ` v${app.chatgptJSver}`,
[ // buttons
function checkForUpdates() { updateCheck() },
function getSupport(){},
function rateUs() { modals.open('feedback') },
function moreAIextensions(){}
], '', 656 // modal width
// Add logo
const aboutHeaderLogo = logos.amzgpt.create() ; aboutHeaderLogo.width = 420
aboutHeaderLogo.style.cssText = `max-width: 98% ; margin: 15px ${
env.browser.isMobile ? 'auto' : '15.5%' } 17px`
aboutModal.insertBefore(aboutHeaderLogo, aboutModal.firstChild.nextSibling) // after close btn
// Center text
aboutModal.querySelector('h2').remove() // remove empty title h2
aboutModal.querySelector('p').style.cssText = (
'justify-self: center ; text-align: center ; overflow-wrap: anywhere ;'
+ `margin: ${ env.browser.isPortrait ? '6px 0 -16px' : '3px 0 10px' }` )
// Hack buttons
aboutModal.querySelectorAll('button').forEach(btn => {
btn.style.cssText = 'height: 58px ; min-width: 136px ; text-align: center'
// Replace link buttons w/ clones that don't dismiss modal
if (/support|extensions/i.test(btn.textContent)) {
const btnClone = btn.cloneNode(true)
btn.parentNode.replaceChild(btnClone, btn) ; btn = btnClone
btn.onclick = () => modals.safeWinOpen(app.urls[
btn.textContent.includes(app.msgs.btnLabel_getSupport) ? 'support' : 'relatedExtensions' ])
// Prepend emoji + localize labels
if (/updates/i.test(btn.textContent))
btn.textContent = `🚀 ${app.msgs.btnLabel_checkForUpdates}`
else if (/support/i.test(btn.textContent))
btn.textContent = `🧠 ${app.msgs.btnLabel_getSupport}`
else if (/rate/i.test(btn.textContent))
btn.textContent = `⭐ ${app.msgs.btnLabel_rateUs}`
else if (/extensions/i.test(btn.textContent))
btn.textContent = `🤖 ${app.msgs.btnLabel_moreAIextensions}`
// Hide Dismiss button
else btn.style.display = 'none'
log.debug('Success! About Modal shown')
return aboutModal
feedback() {
log.caller = 'modals.feedback()'
log.debug('Showing Feedback modal...')
// Init buttons
let btns = [ function greasyFork() {} ]
if (modals.stack[1] != 'about') btns.push(function github(){})
// Show modal
const feedbackModal = modals.alert(`${app.msgs.alert_choosePlatform}:`, '', btns, '', 408)
// Center CTA
feedbackModal.querySelector('h2').style.justifySelf = 'center'
// Re-style button cluster
const btnsDiv = feedbackModal.querySelector('.modal-buttons')
btnsDiv.style.cssText += 'display: flex ; flex-wrap: wrap ; justify-content: center ;'
+ 'margin-top: -2px !important' // close gap between title/btns
// Hack buttons
btns = btnsDiv.querySelectorAll('button')
btns.forEach((btn, idx) => {
if (idx == 0) btn.style.display = 'none' // hide Dismiss button
if (idx == btns.length -1) btn.classList.remove('primary-modal-btn') // de-emphasize last link
btn.style.marginTop = btn.style.marginBottom = '5px' // v-pad btns
// Replace buttons w/ clones that don't dismiss modal
const btnClone = btn.cloneNode(true)
btn.parentNode.replaceChild(btnClone, btn) ; btn = btnClone
btn.onclick = () => modals.safeWinOpen(
btn.textContent == 'Greasy Fork' ? app.urls.review.greasyFork
: `${app.urls.gitHub}/discussions/new/choose`
log.debug('Success! Feedback modal shown')
return feedbackModal
replyLang() {
log.caller = 'modals.replyLang()'
while (true) {
let replyLang = prompt(
( app.msgs.prompt_updateReplyLang ) + ':', config.replyLanguage)
if (replyLang == null) break // user cancelled so do nothing
else if (!/\d/.test(replyLang)) {
replyLang = ( // auto-case for menu/alert aesthetics
replyLang.length < 4 || replyLang.includes('-') ? replyLang.toUpperCase()
: replyLang.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + replyLang.slice(1).toLowerCase() )
log.debug('Saving reply language...')
settings.save('replyLanguage', replyLang || env.browser.language)
log.debug(`Success! config.replyLanguage = ${config.replyLanguage}`)
modals.alert(`${app.msgs.alert_langUpdated}!`, // title
`${app.name} ${app.msgs.alert_willReplyIn} ` // msg
+ ( replyLang || app.msgs.alert_yourSysLang ) + '.',
'', '', 375) // modal width
if (modals.settings.get()) // update settings menu status label
document.querySelector('#replyLang-settings-entry span').textContent = replyLang
scheme() {
log.caller = 'modals.scheme()'
log.debug('Showing Scheme modal...')
// Show modal
const schemeModal = modals.alert(`${
app.name } ${( app.msgs.menuLabel_colorScheme ).toLowerCase() }:`, '', // title
[ function auto() {}, function light() {}, function dark() {} ] // buttons
// Center title/button cluster
schemeModal.querySelector('h2').style.justifySelf = 'center'
.style.cssText = 'justify-content: center ; margin-top: -2px !important'
// Re-format each button
const buttons = schemeModal.querySelectorAll('button'),
schemeEmojis = { 'light': '☀️', 'dark': '🌘', 'auto': '🌗'}
for (const btn of buttons) {
const btnScheme = btn.textContent.toLowerCase()
// Emphasize active scheme
btn.classList = (
config.scheme == btn.textContent.toLowerCase() || (btn.textContent == 'Auto' && !config.scheme)
? 'primary-modal-btn' : '' )
// Prepend emoji + localize labels
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(schemeEmojis, btnScheme))
btn.textContent = `${schemeEmojis[btnScheme]} ${ // emoji
app.msgs['scheme_' + btnScheme] || app.msgs['menuLabel_' + btnScheme]
|| btnScheme.toUpperCase() }`
else btn.style.display = 'none' // hide Dismiss button
// Clone button to replace listener to not dismiss modal on click
const newBtn = btn.cloneNode(true) ; btn.parentNode.replaceChild(newBtn, btn)
newBtn.onclick = () => {
const newScheme = btnScheme == 'auto' ? ( chatgpt.isDarkMode() ? 'dark' : 'light' ) : btnScheme
settings.save('scheme', btnScheme == 'auto' ? false : newScheme)
schemeModal.querySelectorAll('button').forEach(btn =>
btn.classList = '') // clear prev emphasized active scheme
newBtn.classList = 'primary-modal-btn' // emphasize newly active scheme
newBtn.style.cssText = 'pointer-events: none' // disable hover fx to show emphasis
setTimeout(() => { newBtn.style.pointerEvents = 'auto' }, // re-enable hover fx
100) // ...after 100ms to flicker emphasis
update.scheme(newScheme) ; schemeNotify(btnScheme)
log.debug('Success! Scheme modal shown')
function schemeNotify(scheme) {
// Show notification
notify(`${app.msgs.menuLabel_colorScheme}: `
+ ( scheme == 'light' ? app.msgs.scheme_light || 'Light'
: scheme == 'dark' ? app.msgs.scheme_dark || 'Dark'
: app.msgs.menuLabel_auto ).toUpperCase() )
// Append scheme icon
const notifs = document.querySelectorAll('.chatgpt-notif')
const notif = notifs[notifs.length -1]
const schemeIcon = icons[scheme == 'light' ? 'sun' : scheme == 'dark' ? 'moon' : 'arrowsCycle'].create()
schemeIcon.style.cssText = 'width: 23px ; height: 23px ; position: relative ;'
+ 'top: 3px ; margin: 3px 0 0 6px'
return schemeModal
settings: {
createAppend() {
log.caller = 'modals.settings.createAppend()'
// Init master elems
const settingsContainer = document.createElement('div'),
settingsModal = document.createElement('div') ; settingsModal.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-settings`
// Init settings keys
log.debug('Initializing settings keys...')
const settingsKeys = Object.keys(settings.controls).filter(key =>
!(env.browser.isMobile && settings.controls[key].mobile == false))
log.debug(`Success! settingsKeys = ${log.prettifyObj(settingsKeys)}`)
// Init logo
const settingsIcon = icons.amzgpt.create()
settingsIcon.style.cssText += `width: 65px ; margin-bottom: ${ env.browser.isPortrait ? -4 : 4 }px ;`
+ `position: relative ; top: -30px ; right: ${
env.browser.isPortrait ? -5 : 7 }px`
// Init title
const settingsTitleDiv = document.createElement('div')
settingsTitleDiv.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-settings-title`
const settingsTitleH4 = document.createElement('h4')
settingsTitleH4.textContent = app.msgs.menuLabel_settings
const settingsTitleIcon = icons.cogwheel.create()
settingsTitleIcon.style.cssText = 'width: 21px ; height: 21px ; margin-right: 3px ;'
+ 'position: relative ; top: 1.5px ; right: 3px'
settingsTitleH4.prepend(settingsTitleIcon) ; settingsTitleDiv.append(settingsTitleH4)
// Init settings lists
log.debug('Initializing settings lists...')
const settingsLists = [], middleGap = 30 // px
const settingsListContainer = document.createElement('div')
const settingsListCnt = (
env.browser.isMobile && ( env.browser.isPortrait || settingsKeys.length < 8 )) ? 1 : 2
const settingItemCap = Math.floor(settingsKeys.length /2)
for (let i = 0 ; i < settingsListCnt ; i++) settingsLists.push(document.createElement('ul'))
settingsListContainer.style.width = '95%' // pad vs. parent
if (settingsListCnt > 1) { // style multi-list landscape mode
settingsListContainer.style.cssText += ( // make/pad flexbox, add middle gap
`display: flex ; padding: 11px 0 13px ; gap: ${ middleGap /2 }px` )
settingsLists[0].style.cssText = ( // add vertical separator
`padding-right: ${ middleGap /2 }px ; border-right: 1px dotted ${
env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : 'black '}` )
log.debug(`Success! settingsListCnt = ${settingsListCnt}`)
// Create/append setting icons/labels/toggles
settingsKeys.forEach((key, idx) => {
const setting = settings.controls[key]
// Create/append item/label elems
const settingItem = document.createElement('li')
Object.assign(settingItem, { id: `${key}-settings-entry`, title: setting.helptip || '' })
const settingLabel = document.createElement('label') ; settingLabel.textContent = setting.label
(settingsLists[env.browser.isPortrait ? 0 : +(idx >= settingItemCap)]).append(settingItem)
// Create/prepend icons
const settingIcon = icons[setting.icon].create(/bg|fg/.exec(key)?.[0] ?? '')
settingIcon.style.cssText = 'position: relative ;' + (
/proxy/i.test(key) ? 'top: 3px ; left: -0.5px ; margin-right: 9px'
: /streaming/i.test(key) ? 'top: 3px ; left: 0.5px ; margin-right: 9px'
: /auto(?:get|focus)/i.test(key) ? 'top: 4.5px ; margin-right: 7px'
: /autoscroll/i.test(key) ? 'top: 3.5px ; left: -1.5px ; margin-right: 6px'
: /animation/i.test(key) ? 'top: 3px ; left: -1.5px ; margin-right: 6.5px'
: /replylang/i.test(key) ? 'top: 3px ; left: -1.5px ; margin-right: 9px'
: /scheme/i.test(key) ? 'top: 2.5px ; left: -1.5px ; margin-right: 8px'
: /debug/i.test(key) ? 'top: 3.5px ; left: -1.5px ; margin-right: 8px'
: /about/i.test(key) ? 'top: 3px ; left: -3px ; margin-right: 5.5px' : ''
// Create/append toggles/listeners
if (setting.type == 'toggle') {
// Init toggle input
const settingToggle = document.createElement('input'),
settingToggleAttrs = [['type', 'checkbox'], ['disabled', true]]
settingToggleAttrs.forEach(([attr, value]) => settingToggle.setAttribute(attr, value))
settingToggle.checked = config[key] ^ key.includes('Disabled') // init based on config/name
&& !(key == 'streamingDisabled' && !config.proxyAPIenabled) // uncheck Streaming in OAI mode
settingToggle.style.display = 'none' // hide checkbox
// Create/stylize switch
const switchSpan = document.createElement('span')
Object.assign(switchSpan.style, {
position: 'relative', left: '-1px', bottom:'-5.5px', float: 'right',
backgroundColor: settingToggle.checked ? '#ccc' : '#AD68FF', // init opposite final color
width: '26px', height: '13px', borderRadius: '28px',
transition: '0.4s', '-webkit-transition': '0.4s', '-moz-transition': '0.4s',
'-o-transition': '0.4s', '-ms-transition': '0.4s'
// Create/stylize knob
const knobSpan = document.createElement('span')
Object.assign(knobSpan.style, {
position: 'absolute', left: '1px', bottom: '1px', backgroundColor: 'white',
width: '11px', height: '11px', content: '""', borderRadius: '28px',
transform: settingToggle.checked ? // init opposite final pos
'translateX(0)' : 'translateX(14px) translateY(0)',
transition: '0.2s', '-webkit-transition': '0.2s', '-moz-transition': '0.2s',
'-o-transition': '0.2s', '-ms-transition': '0.2s'
// Append elems
switchSpan.append(knobSpan) ; settingItem.append(settingToggle, switchSpan)
// Update visual state w/ animation
setTimeout(() => modals.settings.toggle.updateStyles(settingToggle), idx *25 -25)
// Add click listener
settingItem.onclick = () => {
if (!(key == 'streamingDisabled' // visually switch toggle if not Streaminng...
&& ( // ...in unsupported env...
!env.streamingSupported.byBrowser || !env.streamingSupported.byScriptManager
|| !config.proxyAPIenabled )
)) modals.settings.toggle.switch(settingToggle)
// Call specialized toggle funcs
if (key.includes('proxy')) toggle.proxyMode()
else if (key.includes('streaming')) toggle.streaming()
else if (key.includes('bgAnimation')) toggle.animations('bg')
else if (key.includes('fgAnimation')) toggle.animations('fg')
// ...or generically toggle/notify
else {
log.caller = 'settings.createAppend()'
log.debug(`Toggling ${settingItem.textContent} ${
key.includes('Disabled') ^ config[key] ? 'OFF' : 'ON' }...`)
settings.save(key, !config[key]) // update config
notify(`${settings.controls[key].label} ${
menu.state.words[+(key.includes('Disabled') ^ config[key])]}`)
log[key.includes('debug') ? 'info' : 'debug'](`Success! config.${key} = ${config[key]}`)
// Add .active + config status + listeners to pop-up settings
} else {
const configStatusSpan = document.createElement('span')
configStatusSpan.style.cssText = 'float: right ; font-size: 11px ; margin-top: 3px ;'
+ ( !key.includes('about') ? 'text-transform: uppercase !important' : '' )
if (key.includes('replyLang')) {
configStatusSpan.textContent = config.replyLanguage
settingItem.onclick = () => modals.open('replyLang')
} else if (key.includes('scheme')) {
settingItem.onclick = () => modals.open('scheme')
} else if (key.includes('about')) {
const innerDiv = document.createElement('div'),
textGap = '     '
modals.settings.aboutContent = {}
modals.settings.aboutContent.short = `v${GM_info.script.version}`
modals.settings.aboutContent.long = (
`${app.msgs.about_version}: <span class="about-em">v${
GM_info.script.version + textGap }</span>`
+ `${app.msgs.about_poweredBy} <span class="about-em">chatgpt.js</span>${textGap}` )
for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++)
modals.settings.aboutContent.long += modals.settings.aboutContent.long // make long af
innerDiv.innerHTML = modals.settings.aboutContent[
config.fgAnimationsDisabled ? 'short' : 'long']
innerDiv.style.float = config.fgAnimationsDisabled ? 'right' : ''
configStatusSpan.append(innerDiv) ; settingItem.onclick = () => modals.open('about')
} settingItem.append(configStatusSpan)
// Create close button
log.debug('Creating Close button...')
const closeBtn = document.createElement('div')
closeBtn.classList.add(`${app.cssPrefix}-modal-close-btn`, 'no-mobile-tap-outline')
closeBtn.title = app.msgs.tooltip_close
const closeSVG = icons.x.create() ; closeBtn.append(closeSVG)
// Assemble/append elems
settingsModal.append(settingsIcon, settingsTitleDiv, closeBtn, settingsListContainer)
return settingsContainer
get() { return document.getElementById(`${app.cssPrefix}-settings`) },
show() {
log.caller = 'modals.settings.show()'
log.debug('Showing Settings modal...')
const settingsContainer = modals.settings.get()?.parentNode || modals.settings.createAppend()
settingsContainer.style.display = '' // show modal
log.caller = 'modals.settings.show()'
if (env.browser.isMobile) { // scale 93% to viewport sides
log.debug('Scaling 93% to viewport sides...')
const settingsModal = settingsContainer.querySelector(`#${app.cssPrefix}-settings`),
scaleRatio = 0.93 * window.innerWidth / settingsModal.offsetWidth
settingsModal.style.transform = `scale(${scaleRatio})`
log.debug('Success! Settings modal shown')
return settingsContainer.firstChild
toggle: {
switch(settingToggle) {
settingToggle.checked = !settingToggle.checked
updateStyles(settingToggle) { // for .toggle.show() + staggered switch animations in .createAppend()
const settingLi = settingToggle.parentNode,
switchSpan = settingLi.querySelector('span'),
knobSpan = switchSpan.querySelector('span')
setTimeout(() => {
switchSpan.style.backgroundColor = settingToggle.checked ? '#ad68ff' : '#ccc'
switchSpan.style.boxShadow = settingToggle.checked ? '2px 1px 9px #d8a9ff' : 'none'
knobSpan.style.transform = settingToggle.checked ?
'translateX(14px) translateY(0)' : 'translateX(0)'
settingLi.classList[settingToggle.checked ? 'add' : 'remove']('active') // dim/brighten entry
}, 1) // min delay to trigger transition fx
updateSchemeStatus(schemeStatusSpan = null) {
schemeStatusSpan = schemeStatusSpan || document.querySelector('#scheme-settings-entry span')
if (schemeStatusSpan) {
schemeStatusSpan.textContent = ''
schemeStatusSpan.append(...( // status txt + icon
config.scheme == 'dark' ? [document.createTextNode(app.msgs.scheme_dark), icons.moon.create()]
: config.scheme == 'light' ? [document.createTextNode(app.msgs.scheme_light), icons.sun.create()]
: [document.createTextNode(app.msgs.menuLabel_auto), icons.arrowsCycle.create()] ))
schemeStatusSpan.style.cssText += `; margin-top: ${ !config.scheme ? 3 : 0 }px !important`
update: {
width: 488,
available() {
log.debug(`Update v${app.latestVer} found!`)
// Show modal
const updateAvailModal = modals.alert(`🚀 ${app.msgs.alert_updateAvail}!`, // title
`${app.msgs.alert_newerVer} ${app.name} ` // msg
+ `(v${app.latestVer}) ${app.msgs.alert_isAvail}! `
+ '<a target="_blank" rel="noopener" style="font-size: 1.1rem" href="'
+ app.urls.update.replace(/.+\/([^/]+)meta\.js/,
+ `">${app.msgs.link_viewChanges}</a>`,
function update() { // button
GM_openInTab(app.urls.update.replace('meta.js', 'user.js') + '?t=' + Date.now(),
{ active: true, insert: true } // focus, make adjacent
).onclose = () => location.reload()
}, '', modals.update.width
// Localize button labels if needed
if (!env.browser.language.startsWith('en')) {
log.debug('Localizing button labels in non-English alert...')
const updateBtns = updateAvailModal.querySelectorAll('button')
updateBtns[1].textContent = app.msgs.btnLabel_update
updateBtns[0].textContent = app.msgs.btnLabel_dismiss
return updateAvailModal
unavailable() {
log.debug('No update found.')
return modals.alert(`${app.msgs.alert_upToDate}!`, // title
`${app.name} (v${app.version}) ${app.msgs.alert_isUpToDate}!`, // msg
'', '', modals.update.width
safeWinOpen(url) { open(url, '_blank', 'noopener') } // to prevent backdoor vulnerabilities
// Define ICON functions
const icons = {
amzgpt: {
create(color = '') {
const icon = document.createElement('img') ; icon.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-icon`
icons.amzgpt.update(icon, color)
return icon
update(targetIcons = [], color = '') {
if (!Array.isArray(targetIcons)) targetIcons = [targetIcons]
if (targetIcons.length == 0) targetIcons = document.querySelectorAll(`#${app.cssPrefix}-icon`)
targetIcons.forEach(icon => {
icon.src = GM_getResourceText(`amzgpt${
color == 'white' || !color && env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'DS' : 'LS' }icon`)
icon.style.filter = icon.style.webkitFilter = (
'drop-shadow(5px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.3))' // drop shadow
+ ( env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? // RGB shift
'drop-shadow(2px 1px 0 #ff5b5b) drop-shadow(-1px -1px 0 rgb(73,215,73,0.75))' : '' ))
arrowsCycle: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', {
width: 13, height: 13, viewBox: '197 -924 573 891', style: 'transform: rotate(14deg)' })
const svgPath = dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none',
d: 'M204-318q-22-38-33-78t-11-82q0-134 93-228t227-94h7l-64-64 56-56 160 160-160 160-56-56 64-64h-7q-100 0-170 70.5T240-478q0 26 6 51t18 49l-60 60ZM481-40 321-200l160-160 56 56-64 64h7q100 0 170-70.5T720-482q0-26-6-51t-18-49l60-60q22 38 33 78t11 82q0 134-93 228t-227 94h-7l64 64-56 56Z' })
svg.append(svgPath) ; return svg
arrowsDiagonal: {
inwardSVGpath() { return dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none',
d: 'M5 1h2v6H1V5h2.59L0 1.41 1.41 0 5 3.59zm7.41 10H15V9H9v6h2v-2.59L14.59 16 16 14.59z'
outwardSVGpath() { return dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none',
d: 'M8 6.59L6.59 8 3 4.41V7H1V1h6v2H4.41zM13 9v2.59L9.41 8 8 9.41 11.59 13H9v2h6V9z'
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', {
id: 'arrows-diagonal-icon', width: 16, height: 16, viewBox: '0 0 16 16' })
icons.arrowsDiagonal.update(svg) ; return svg
update(...targetIcons) {
targetIcons = targetIcons.flat() // flatten array args nested by spread operator
if (targetIcons.length == 0) targetIcons = document.querySelectorAll('#arrows-diagonal-icon')
targetIcons.forEach(icon => {
icon.firstChild?.remove() // clear prev paths
icon.append(icons.arrowsDiagonal[config.expanded ? 'inwardSVGpath' : 'outwardSVGpath']())
arrowsDown: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 19, height: 19, viewBox: '0 0 24 24' })
dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none', d: 'M18,13H6a1,1,0,0,1,0-2H18a1,1,0,0,1,0,2Z' }),
dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none',
d: 'M14.71,18.29a1,1,0,0,1,0,1.42l-2,2a1,1,0,0,1-1.42,0l-2-2a1,1,0,0,1,1.42-1.42l.29.3V16a1,1,0,0,1,2,0v2.59l.29-.3A1,1,0,0,1,14.71,18.29ZM11.29,8.71a1,1,0,0,0,1.42,0l2-2a1,1,0,1,0-1.42-1.42l-.29.3V3a1,1,0,0,0-2,0V5.59l-.29-.3A1,1,0,0,0,9.29,6.71Z' }))
return svg
arrowsTwistedRight: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 21, height: 21, viewBox: '-1 -1 32 32' })
const svgPath = dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: '',
d: 'M23.707,16.293L28.414,21l-4.707,4.707l-1.414-1.414L24.586,22H23c-2.345,0-4.496-1.702-6.702-3.753c0.498-0.458,0.984-0.92,1.46-1.374C19.624,18.6,21.393,20,23,20h1.586l-2.293-2.293L23.707,16.293zM23,11h1.586l-2.293,2.293l1.414,1.414L28.414,10l-4.707-4.707l-1.414,1.414L24.586,9H23c-2.787,0-5.299,2.397-7.957,4.936C12.434,16.425,9.736,19,7,19H4v2h3c3.537,0,6.529-2.856,9.424-5.618C18.784,13.129,21.015,11,23,11zM11.843,14.186c0.5-0.449,0.995-0.914,1.481-1.377C11.364,11.208,9.297,10,7,10H4v2h3C8.632,12,10.25,12.919,11.843,14.186z' })
svg.append(svgPath) ; return svg
arrowUp: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', {
width: 16, height: 16, viewBox: '4 2 16 16', 'stroke-width': '2',
'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round' })
const svgPath = dom.create.svgElem('path', {
stroke: '', fill: 'none', 'stroke-width': '2', linecap: 'round',
'stroke-linejoin': 'round', d: 'M7 11L12 6L17 11M12 18V7' })
svg.append(svgPath) ; return svg
bug: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 16, height: 16, viewBox: '0 0 17 17' })
dom.create.svgElem('path', {
d: 'M7 0V1.60002C7.32311 1.53443 7.65753 1.5 8 1.5C8.34247 1.5 8.67689 1.53443 9 1.60002V0H11V2.49963C11.8265 3.12041 12.4543 3.99134 12.7711 5H3.2289C3.5457 3.99134 4.17354 3.12041 5 2.49963V0H7Z' }),
dom.create.svgElem('path', {
d: 'M0 7V9H3V10.4957L0.225279 11.2885L0.774721 13.2115L3.23189 12.5095C3.87194 14.5331 5.76467 16 8 16C10.2353 16 12.1281 14.5331 12.7681 12.5095L15.2253 13.2115L15.7747 11.2885L13 10.4957V9H16V7H9V12H7V7H0Z' }))
return svg
caretsInward: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 17, height: 17, viewBox: '0 0 24 24' })
const svgPath = dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: '',
d: 'M11.29,9.71a1,1,0,0,0,1.42,0l5-5a1,1,0,1,0-1.42-1.42L12,7.59,7.71,3.29A1,1,0,0,0,6.29,4.71Zm1.42,4.58a1,1,0,0,0-1.42,0l-5,5a1,1,0,0,0,1.42,1.42L12,16.41l4.29,4.3a1,1,0,0,0,1.42,0,1,1,0,0,0,0-1.42Z' })
svg.append(svgPath) ; return svg
checkmarkDouble: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 17, height: 17, viewBox: '0 0 24 24' })
dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none',
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return svg
chevronDown: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 20, height: 20, viewBox: '0 0 16 16' }),
svgPath = dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none', d: 'M1 5l7 4.61L15 5v2.39L8 12 1 7.39z' })
svg.append(svgPath) ; return svg
chevronUp: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 20, height: 20, viewBox: '0 0 16 16' }),
svgPath = dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none', d: 'M15 11L8 6.39 1 11V8.61L8 4l7 4.61z' })
svg.append(svgPath) ; return svg
cogwheel: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 17, height: 17, viewBox: '0 0 24 24' })
dom.create.svgElem('path', { 'fill-rule': 'evenodd',
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return svg
copy: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 18, height: 18, viewBox: '0 0 1024 1024' })
dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none',
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dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none',
d: 'M384 128a64 64 0 0 0-64 64v448a64 64 0 0 0 64 64h448a64 64 0 0 0 64-64V192a64 64 0 0 0-64-64H384zm0-64h448a128 128 0 0 1 128 128v448a128 128 0 0 1-128 128H384a128 128 0 0 1-128-128V192A128 128 0 0 1 384 64z' }))
return svg
fontSize: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 17, height: 17, viewBox: '0 0 512 512' })
dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none',
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d: 'M502.572 448.199h-77.475a9.423 9.423 0 0 1-9.173-7.268l-16-68.114a9.423 9.423 0 0 0-9.173-7.268H294.19a9.423 9.423 0 0 0-9.173 7.268l-16 68.114a9.423 9.423 0 0 1-9.173 7.268h-75.241c-6.322 0-10.851-6.104-9.017-12.155L286.362 70.491a9.422 9.422 0 0 1 9.017-6.69h96.947a9.422 9.422 0 0 1 9.021 6.702l110.245 365.554c1.825 6.047-2.703 12.142-9.02 12.142zM379.385 287.395l-27.959-118.047c-2.293-9.683-16.081-9.661-18.344.029l-27.57 118.047c-1.38 5.91 3.106 11.565 9.175 11.565h55.529c6.082-.001 10.571-5.676 9.169-11.594z' })
return svg
languageChars: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 15, height: 15, viewBox: '0 -960 960 960' })
const svgPath = dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none',
d: 'm459-48 188-526h125L960-48H847l-35-100H603L568-48H459ZM130-169l-75-75 196-196q-42-45-78-101t-55-105h117q17 32 40.5 67.5T325-514q35-37 70-93t64-119H0v-106h290v-80h106v80h290v106H572q-23 74-70 152T399-438l82 85-39 111-118-121-194 194Zm508-79h139l-69-197-70 197Z' })
svg.append(svgPath) ; return svg
moon: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 17, height: 17, viewBox: '0 0 24 24' })
const svgPath = dom.create.svgElem('path', {
fill: 'none', stroke: '', 'stroke-width': 2, 'stroke-linecap': 'round', 'stroke-linejoin': 'round',
d: 'M3.32031 11.6835C3.32031 16.6541 7.34975 20.6835 12.3203 20.6835C16.1075 20.6835 19.3483 18.3443 20.6768 15.032C19.6402 15.4486 18.5059 15.6834 17.3203 15.6834C12.3497 15.6834 8.32031 11.654 8.32031 6.68342C8.32031 5.50338 8.55165 4.36259 8.96453 3.32996C5.65605 4.66028 3.32031 7.89912 3.32031 11.6835Z' })
svg.append(svgPath) ; return svg
questionMarkCircle: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 17, height: 17, viewBox: '0 0 56.693 56.693' })
const svgPath = dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none',
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svg.append(svgPath) ; return svg
scheme: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 15, height: 15, viewBox: '0 -960 960 960' })
const svgPath = dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none',
d: 'M479.92-34q-91.56 0-173.4-35.02t-142.16-95.34q-60.32-60.32-95.34-142.24Q34-388.53 34-480.08q0-91.56 35.02-173.4t95.34-142.16q60.32-60.32 142.24-95.34Q388.53-926 480.08-926q91.56 0 173.4 35.02t142.16 95.34q60.32 60.32 95.34 142.24Q926-571.47 926-479.92q0 91.56-35.02 173.4t-95.34 142.16q-60.32 60.32-142.24 95.34Q571.47-34 479.92-34ZM530-174q113-19 186.5-102.78T790-480q0-116.71-73.5-201.35Q643-766 530-785v611Z' })
svg.append(svgPath) ; return svg
signalStream: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 16, height: 16, viewBox: '0 0 32 32' })
const svgPath = dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: '', 'stroke-width': 0.5,
d: 'M16 11.75c-2.347 0-4.25 1.903-4.25 4.25s1.903 4.25 4.25 4.25c2.347 0 4.25-1.903 4.25-4.25v0c-0.003-2.346-1.904-4.247-4.25-4.25h-0zM16 17.75c-0.966 0-1.75-0.784-1.75-1.75s0.784-1.75 1.75-1.75c0.966 0 1.75 0.784 1.75 1.75v0c-0.001 0.966-0.784 1.749-1.75 1.75h-0zM3.25 16c0.211-3.416 1.61-6.471 3.784-8.789l-0.007 0.008c0.223-0.226 0.361-0.536 0.361-0.879 0-0.69-0.56-1.25-1.25-1.25-0.344 0-0.655 0.139-0.881 0.363l0-0c-2.629 2.757-4.31 6.438-4.506 10.509l-0.001 0.038c0.198 4.109 1.879 7.79 4.514 10.553l-0.006-0.006c0.226 0.228 0.54 0.369 0.886 0.369 0.69 0 1.249-0.559 1.249-1.249 0-0.346-0.141-0.659-0.368-0.885l-0-0c-2.173-2.307-3.573-5.363-3.774-8.743l-0.002-0.038zM9.363 16c0.149-2.342 1.109-4.436 2.6-6.026l-0.005 0.005c0.224-0.226 0.363-0.537 0.363-0.88 0-0.69-0.56-1.25-1.25-1.25-0.345 0-0.657 0.139-0.883 0.365l0-0c-1.94 2.035-3.179 4.753-3.323 7.759l-0.001 0.028c0.145 3.032 1.384 5.75 3.329 7.79l-0.005-0.005c0.226 0.228 0.54 0.369 0.886 0.369 0.69 0 1.249-0.559 1.249-1.249 0-0.346-0.141-0.659-0.368-0.885l-0-0c-1.49-1.581-2.451-3.676-2.591-5.993l-0.001-0.027zM26.744 5.453c-0.226-0.227-0.54-0.368-0.886-0.368-0.691 0-1.251 0.56-1.251 1.251 0 0.345 0.139 0.657 0.365 0.883l-0-0c2.168 2.31 3.567 5.365 3.775 8.741l0.002 0.040c-0.21 3.417-1.609 6.471-3.784 8.789l0.007-0.008c-0.224 0.226-0.362 0.537-0.362 0.88 0 0.691 0.56 1.251 1.251 1.251 0.345 0 0.657-0.14 0.883-0.365l-0 0c2.628-2.757 4.308-6.439 4.504-10.509l0.001-0.038c-0.198-4.108-1.878-7.79-4.512-10.553l0.006 0.007zM21.811 8.214c-0.226-0.224-0.537-0.363-0.881-0.363-0.69 0-1.25 0.56-1.25 1.25 0 0.343 0.138 0.653 0.361 0.879l-0-0c1.486 1.585 2.447 3.678 2.594 5.992l0.001 0.028c-0.151 2.343-1.111 4.436-2.601 6.027l0.005-0.005c-0.224 0.226-0.362 0.537-0.362 0.88 0 0.691 0.56 1.251 1.251 1.251 0.345 0 0.657-0.14 0.883-0.365l-0 0c1.939-2.036 3.178-4.754 3.323-7.759l0.001-0.028c-0.145-3.033-1.385-5.751-3.331-7.791l0.005 0.005z' })
svg.append(svgPath) ; return svg
sparkles: {
create(style) { // style = ( 'fg' ? filled front sparkle : 'bg' ? filled rear sparkles )
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 18, height: 18, viewBox: '0 0 512 512' })
svg.append(dom.create.svgElem('path', { // large front sparkle
fill: style == 'bg' ? 'none' : '', stroke: '',
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d: 'M259.92,262.91,216.4,149.77a9,9,0,0,0-16.8,0L156.08,262.91a9,9,0,0,1-5.17,5.17L37.77,311.6a9,9,0,0,0,0,16.8l113.14,43.52a9,9,0,0,1,5.17,5.17L199.6,490.23a9,9,0,0,0,16.8,0l43.52-113.14a9,9,0,0,1,5.17-5.17L378.23,328.4a9,9,0,0,0,0-16.8L265.09,268.08A9,9,0,0,1,259.92,262.91Z' }))
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fill: style == 'fg' ? 'none' : '', stroke: '',
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points: '108 68 88 16 68 68 16 88 68 108 88 160 108 108 160 88 108 68' }))
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fill: style == 'fg' ? 'none' : '', stroke: '',
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points: '426.67 117.33 400 48 373.33 117.33 304 144 373.33 170.67 400 240 426.67 170.67 496 144 426.67 117.33' }))
return svg
speaker: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 22, height: 22, viewBox: '0 0 32 32' })
dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: '', 'stroke-width': '2px', fill: 'none',
d: 'M24.5,26c2.881,-2.652 4.5,-6.249 4.5,-10c0,-3.751 -1.619,-7.348 -4.5,-10' }),
dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: '', 'stroke-width': '2px', fill: 'none',
d: 'M22,20.847c1.281,-1.306 2,-3.077 2,-4.924c0,-1.846 -0.719,-3.617 -2,-4.923' }),
dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none', fill: '',
d: 'M9.957,10.88c-0.605,0.625 -1.415,0.98 -2.262,0.991c-4.695,0.022 -4.695,0.322 -4.695,4.129c0,3.806 0,4.105 4.695,4.129c0.846,0.011 1.656,0.366 2.261,0.991c1.045,1.078 2.766,2.856 4.245,4.384c0.474,0.49 1.18,0.631 1.791,0.36c0.611,-0.272 1.008,-0.904 1.008,-1.604c0,-4.585 0,-11.936 0,-16.52c0,-0.7 -0.397,-1.332 -1.008,-1.604c-0.611,-0.271 -1.317,-0.13 -1.791,0.36c-1.479,1.528 -3.2,3.306 -4.244,4.384Z' })
return svg
speechBalloonLasso: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 17, height: 17, viewBox: '0 -960 960 960' })
const svgPath = dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none',
d: 'M323-41v-247h-10q-105 0-172.5-67T73-528q0-105 74-179t179-74h36l-44-44 69-69 162 162-162 162-69-69 44-44h-36q-64 0-109.5 45.5T171-528q0 64 45.5 109.5T326-373h95v96l96-96h117q64 0 109.5-45.5T789-528q0-64-45.5-109.5T634-683h10v-98h-10q105 0 179 74t74 179q0 105-74 179t-179 74h-77L323-41Z' })
svg.append(svgPath) ; return svg
speechBalloons: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 16, height: 16, viewBox: '0 -960 960 960' })
const svgPath = dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none',
d: 'M350-212q-32.55 0-55.27-22.73Q272-257.45 272-290v-64h492v-342h63.67q33.33 0 55.83 22.72Q906-650.55 906-618v576L736-212H350ZM54-256v-582.4q0-32.38 22.72-54.99Q99.45-916 132-916h482q32.55 0 55.28 22.72Q692-870.55 692-838v334q0 32.55-22.72 55.27Q646.55-426 614-426H224L54-256Zm540-268v-294H152v294h442Zm-442 0v-294 294Z' })
svg.append(svgPath) ; return svg
sun: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 17, height: 17, viewBox: '0 -960 960 960' })
const svgPath = dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none',
d: 'M440-760v-160h80v160h-80Zm266 110-55-55 112-115 56 57-113 113Zm54 210v-80h160v80H760ZM440-40v-160h80v160h-80ZM254-652 140-763l57-56 113 113-56 54Zm508 512L651-255l54-54 114 110-57 59ZM40-440v-80h160v80H40Zm157 300-56-57 112-112 29 27 29 28-114 114Zm283-100q-100 0-170-70t-70-170q0-100 70-170t170-70q100 0 170 70t70 170q0 100-70 170t-170 70Zm0-80q66 0 113-47t47-113q0-66-47-113t-113-47q-66 0-113 47t-47 113q0 66 47 113t113 47Zm0-160Z' })
svg.append(svgPath) ; return svg
sunglasses: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { width: 17, height: 17, viewBox: '0 0 512 512' })
const svgPath = dom.create.svgElem('path', { stroke: 'none',
d: 'M507.44,185.327c-4.029-5.124-10.185-8.112-16.704-8.112c0,0-48.021,0-156.827,0h-65.774H243.87h-65.774c-108.806,0-156.827,0-156.827,0c-6.519,0-12.675,2.988-16.714,8.112c-4.028,5.125-5.486,11.815-3.965,18.152c0,0,12.421,56.269,19.927,82.534c7.506,26.265,26.265,48.772,86.29,48.772s59.827,0,74.828,0c21.258,0,46.256-19.99,55.028-45.023c4.97-14.16,12.756-32.738,19.338-47.876c6.582,15.138,14.368,33.716,19.338,47.876c8.773,25.033,33.77,45.023,55.028,45.023c15.001,0,14.803,0,74.828,0s78.784-22.507,86.29-48.772c7.496-26.264,19.918-82.534,19.918-82.534C512.935,197.142,511.478,190.452,507.44,185.327z M90.339,278.734C45.314,263.732,40.318,198.7,40.318,198.7s22.507,0,55.028,0L90.339,278.734z M340.464,278.734c-45.015-15.001-50.022-80.034-50.022-80.034s22.508,0,55.029,0L340.464,278.734z' })
svg.append(svgPath) ; return svg
x: {
create() {
const svg = dom.create.svgElem('svg', { height: 10, viewBox: '0 0 14 14', fill: 'none' })
const svgPath = dom.create.svgElem('path', {
d: 'M13.7071 1.70711C14.0976 1.31658 14.0976 0.683417 13.7071 0.292893C13.3166 -0.0976312 12.6834 -0.0976312 12.2929 0.292893L7 5.58579L1.70711 0.292893C1.31658 -0.0976312 0.683417 -0.0976312 0.292893 0.292893C-0.0976312 0.683417 -0.0976312 1.31658 0.292893 1.70711L5.58579 7L0.292893 12.2929C-0.0976312 12.6834 -0.0976312 13.3166 0.292893 13.7071C0.683417 14.0976 1.31658 14.0976 1.70711 13.7071L7 8.41421L12.2929 13.7071C12.6834 14.0976 13.3166 14.0976 13.7071 13.7071C14.0976 13.3166 14.0976 12.6834 13.7071 12.2929L8.41421 7L13.7071 1.70711Z' })
svg.append(svgPath) ; return svg
// Define LOGO functions
const logos = {
amzgpt: {
create() {
const amzgptLogo = document.createElement('img')
amzgptLogo.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-logo` ; amzgptLogo.className = 'no-mobile-tap-outline'
return amzgptLogo
update(...targetLogos) {
targetLogos = targetLogos.flat() // flatten array args nested by spread operator
if (targetLogos.length == 0) targetLogos = document.querySelectorAll(`#${app.cssPrefix}-logo`)
targetLogos.forEach(logo =>
logo.src = GM_getResourceText(`amzgpt${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'DS' : 'LS' }logo`))
// Define UPDATE functions
const update = {
answerPreMaxHeight() { // for various mode toggles
const answerPre = appDiv.querySelector('pre'),
longerPreHeight = window.innerHeight - 255
if (answerPre) answerPre.style.maxHeight = `${ longerPreHeight - ( config.expanded ? 115 : 365 )}px`
appBottomPos() { appDiv.style.bottom = `${ config.minimized ? 55 - appDiv.offsetHeight : -7 }px` },
appStyle() {
const isStarryDM = env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' && !config.bgAnimationsDisabled
modals.stylize() // update modal styles
app.styles.innerText = (
':root {' // vars
+ '--app-bg-color-light-scheme: #ffffff ; --app-bg-color-dark-scheme: #282828 ;'
+ '--pre-bg-color-light-scheme: #e7e7e799 ; --pre-bg-color-dark-scheme: #3a3a3a ;'
+ '--font-color-light-scheme: #282828 ; --font-color-dark-scheme: #f2f2f2 ;'
+ '--app-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgb(0,0,0,0.06) ; --app-hover-shadow: 0 1px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.14) ;'
+ '--app-transition: opacity 0.5s ease, transform 0.5s ease,' // for 1st fade-in
+ 'bottom 0.1s cubic-bezier(0,0,0.2,1),' // smoothen Anchor Y min/restore
+ 'width 0.167s cubic-bezier(0,0,0.2,1) ;' // smoothen Anchor X expand/shrink
+ '--app-shadow-transition: box-shadow 0.15s ease ;' // for app:hover to not trigger on hover-off
+ '--btn-transition: transform 0.15s ease,' // for hover-zoom
+ 'opacity 0.1s ease-in-out ;' // + btn-zoom-fade-out shows
+ '--font-size-slider-thumb-transition: transform 0.05s ease ;' // for hover-zoom
+ '--answer-pre-transition: max-height 0.167s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) ;' // for Anchor changes
+ '--rq-transition: transform 0.1s ease !important ;' // for hover-zoom
+ '--fade-in-less-transition: opacity 0.2s ease }' // used by Font Size slider
// Main styles
+ '@keyframes btn-zoom-fade-out {'
+ '0% { opacity: 1 } 50% { opacity: 0.65 ; transform: scale(1.85) }'
+ '75% { opacity: 0.05 ; transform: scale(3.15) } 100% { opacity: 0 ; transform: scale(5.85) }}'
+ '.no-user-select {'
+ '-webkit-user-select: none ; -moz-user-select: none ;'
+ '-ms-user-select: none ; user-select: none }'
+ '.no-mobile-tap-outline { outline: none ; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent }'
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} * { scrollbar-width: thin }` // make scrollbars thin in Firefox
+ '.cursor-overlay {' // for fontSizeSlider.createAppend() drag listeners
// ...to show resize cursor everywhere
+ 'position: fixed ; top: 0 ; left: 0 ; width: 100% ; height: 100% ;'
+ 'z-index: 9999 ; cursor: ew-resize }'
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} {`
+ 'z-index: 5555 ; border-radius: 8px ; padding: 17px 26px 16px ; flex-basis: 0 ;'
+ `border: ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'none' : '1px solid #dadce0' } ;`
+ 'border-radius: 15px ; flex-grow: 1 ; word-wrap: break-word ; white-space: pre-wrap ;'
+ 'box-shadow: var(--app-shadow) ;'
+ ( config.bgAnimationsDisabled ? // classic flat bg
`background: var(--app-bg-color-${env.ui.app.scheme}-scheme) ;`
+ `color: var(--font-color-${env.ui.app.scheme}-scheme) ;`
: `background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, ${ // gradient bg to match stars
env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? '#99a8a6 -245px, black 185px'
: '#b6ebff -163px, white 65px' }) ;` )
+ 'transition: var(--app-transition) ;'
+ '-webkit-transition: var(--app-transition) ; -moz-transition: var(--app-transition) ;'
+ '-o-transition: var(--app-transition) ; -ms-transition: var(--app-transition) }'
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} .app-hover-only { display: none }` // hide app-hover-only elems
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}:hover .app-hover-only { display: initial }` // show app-hover-only elems on hover
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}:hover {` // show app shadow on hover
+ 'box-shadow: var(--app-hover-shadow) ;'
+ 'transition: var(--app-transition), var(--app-shadow-transition) ;'
+ '-webkit-transition: var(--app-transition), var(--app-shadow-transition) ;'
+ '-moz-transition: var(--app-transition), var(--app-shadow-transition) ;'
+ '-o-transition: var(--app-transition), var(--app-shadow-transition) ;'
+ '-ms-transition: var(--app-transition), var(--app-shadow-transition) }'
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} p { margin: 0 ; ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'color: #ccc' : '' }}`
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} .alert-link { color: ${
env.ui.app.scheme == 'light' ? '#190cb0' : 'white ; text-decoration: underline' }}`
+ `.${app.cssPrefix}-name, .${app.cssPrefix}-name:hover {`
+ 'font-size: 1.5rem ; font-weight: 700 ; text-decoration: none ;'
+ `color: ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : 'black' }}`
+ '.kudoai { margin-left: 6px ; color: #aaa } '
+ '.kudoai a, .kudoai a:visited { color: #aaa ; text-decoration: none !important } '
+ `.kudoai a:hover { color: ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : 'black' }}`
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}-header-btns { float: right ; margin-top: -2px }`
+ `.${app.cssPrefix}-header-btn {`
+ 'float: right ; cursor: pointer ; position: relative ; top: 4px ;'
+ `${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'fill: white ; stroke: white'
: 'fill: #adadad ; stroke: #adadad' };` // color
+ 'transition: var(--btn-transition) ;'
+ '-webkit-transition: var(--btn-transition) ; -moz-transition: var(--btn-transition) ;'
+ '-o-transition: var(--btn-transition) ; -ms-transition: var(--btn-transition) }'
+ `.${app.cssPrefix}-header-btn:hover {`
+ `${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'fill: #d9d9d9 ; stroke: #d9d9d9'
: 'fill: black ; stroke: black' } ;`
+ `${ config.fgAnimationsDisabled || env.browser.isMobile ? '' : 'transform: scale(1.285)' }}`
+ `.${app.cssPrefix}-header-btn:active {`
+ `${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'fill: #999999 ; stroke: #999999'
: 'fill: #638ed4 ; stroke: #638ed4' }}`
+ ( config.bgAnimationsDisabled ? '' : (
`#${app.cssPrefix}-logo, .${app.cssPrefix}-header-btn svg {`
+ `filter: drop-shadow(${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? '#7171714d 10px'
: '#aaaaaa21 7px' } 7px 3px) }` ))
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} .loading {`
+ 'color: #b6b8ba ; animation: pulse 2s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.6, 1) infinite }'
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}.sidebar-free { margin-left: 60px ; height: fit-content }`
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}-font-size-slider-track {`
+ 'width: 98% ; height: 7px ; margin: -6px auto -13px ; padding: 15px 0 ;'
+ 'background-color: #ccc ; box-sizing: content-box; background-clip: content-box ;'
+ '-webkit-background-clip: content-box }'
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}-font-size-slider-track::before {` // to add finger cursor to unpadded core only
+ 'content: "" ; position: absolute ; top: 10px ; left: 0 ; right: 0 ;'
+ 'height: calc(100% - 20px) ; cursor: pointer }'
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}-font-size-slider-tip {`
+ 'z-index: 1 ; position: absolute ; bottom: 20px ;'
+ 'border-left: 4.5px solid transparent ; border-right: 4.5px solid transparent ;'
+ 'border-bottom: 16px solid #ccc }'
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}-font-size-slider-thumb {`
+ 'z-index: 2 ; width: 10px ; height: 25px ; border-radius: 30% ; position: relative ;'
+ 'top: -7.65px ; cursor: ew-resize ;'
+ `background-color: ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : '#4a4a4a' } ;`
+ 'box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.21) 1px 1px 9px 0 ;'
+ 'transition: var(--font-size-slider-thumb-transition) ;'
+ '-webkit-transition: var(--font-size-slider-thumb-transition) ;'
+ '-moz-transition: var(--font-size-slider-thumb-transition) ;'
+ '-o-transition: var(--font-size-slider-thumb-transition) ;'
+ '-ms-transition: var(--font-size-slider-thumb-transition) }'
+ ( config.fgAnimationsDisabled || env.browser.isMobile ?
'' : `#${app.cssPrefix}-font-size-slider-thumb:hover { transform: scale(1.125) }` )
+ `.${app.cssPrefix}-reply-tip {`
+ 'content: "" ; position: relative ; border: 7px solid transparent ;'
+ 'float: left ; left: 7px ; margin: 1.89em -14px 0 0 ;' // positioning
+ 'border-bottom-style: solid ; border-bottom-width: 16px ; border-top: 0 ; border-bottom-color:'
+ `${ // hide reply tip for terminal aesthetic
isStarryDM ? '#0000' : `var(--pre-bg-color-${env.ui.app.scheme}-scheme)` }}`
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} > pre {`
+ `font-size: ${config.fontSize}px ; white-space: pre-wrap ; min-width: 0 ;`
+ `line-height: ${ config.fontSize * config.lineHeightRatio }px ; overscroll-behavior: contain ;`
+ 'margin: .99rem 0 7px 0 ; padding: 1.25em 1.25em 0 1.25em ;'
+ 'border-radius: 10px ; overflow: auto ;'
+ ( config.bgAnimationsDisabled ? // classic opaque bg
`background: var(--pre-bg-color-${env.ui.app.scheme}-scheme) ;`
+ `color: var(--font-color-${env.ui.app.scheme}-scheme)`
: `${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? // slightly tranluscent bg
'background: #2b3a40cf ; color: var(--font-color-dark-scheme) ; border: 1px solid white'
: 'background: var(--pre-bg-color-light-scheme) ;'
+ 'color: var(--font-color-light-scheme) ; border: none' } ;` )
+ `${ config.fgAnimationsDisabled ? '' : // smoothen Anchor mode expand/shrink
'transition: var(--answer-pre-transition) ;'
+ '-webkit-transition: var(--answer-pre-transition) ;'
+ '-moz-transition: var(--answer-pre-transition) ;'
+ '-o-transition: var(--answer-pre-transition) ;'
+ '-ms-transition: var(--answer-pre-transition) }' }}`
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} > pre a, #${app.cssPrefix} > pre a:visited { color: #4495d4 }`
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} pre a:hover { color: ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : '#ea7a28' }}`
+ '@keyframes pulse { 0%, to { opacity: 1 } 50% { opacity: .5 }}'
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} section.loading { padding-left: 5px }` // left-pad loading status when sending replies
+ `.${app.cssPrefix}-header-btns {`
+ `float: right ; fill: ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : '#6f6f6f' }}`
+ `code #${app.cssPrefix}-copy-btn { position: relative ; top: -6px ; right: -9px }`
+ `code #${app.cssPrefix}-copy-btn > svg { height: 13px ; width: 13px ; fill: white }`
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}-chatbar {`
+ `border: solid 1px ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ?
( config.bgAnimationsDisabled ? '#777' : '#aaa' ) : '#638ed4' } ;`
+ 'border-radius: 12px 13px 12px 0 ; margin: 3px 0 15px 0 ; padding: 13px 57px 9px 10px ;'
+ 'font-size: 14.5px ; height: 46px ; width: 100% ; max-height: 200px ; resize: none ; '
+ `position: relative ; z-index: 555 ; color: #${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'eee' : '222' } ;`
+ `background: ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'light' ? '#eeeeee9e'
: `#515151${ config.bgAnimationsDisabled ? '' : '9e' }` } ;`
+ `${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'light' ? 'box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(15,17,17,0.1) inset' : '' }}`
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}-chatbar:focus-visible { outline: -webkit-focus-ring-color auto 1px }`
+ '.fade-in { opacity: 0 ; transform: translateY(10px) }'
+ '.fade-in-less { opacity: 0 ;'
+ 'transition: var(--fade-in-less-transition) ;'
+ '-webkit-transition: var(--fade-in-less-transition) ;'
+ '-moz-transition: var(--fade-in-less-transition) ;'
+ '-o-transition: var(--fade-in-less-transition) ;'
+ '-ms-transition: var(--fade-in-less-transition) }'
+ '.fade-in.active, .fade-in-less.active { opacity: 1 ; transform: translateY(0) }'
+ `.${app.cssPrefix}-chatbar-btn {`
+ 'z-index: 560 ; border: none ; float: right ; position: relative ;'
+ 'bottom: 50px ; background: none ; cursor: pointer ;'
+ `${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'color: #aaa ; fill: #aaa ; stroke: #aaa'
: 'color: lightgrey ; fill: lightgrey ; stroke: lightgrey' }}`
+ `.${app.cssPrefix}-chatbar-btn:hover {`
+ `${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'color: white ; fill: white ; stroke: white'
: 'color: #638ed4 ; fill: #638ed4 ; stroke: #638ed4' }}`
+ ( // rendered markdown styles
`#${app.cssPrefix} > pre h1 { font-size: 1.8em }`
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} > pre h2 { font-size: 1.65em }`
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} > pre h3 { font-size: 1.4em }`
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} > pre h1, #${app.cssPrefix} > pre h2, #${app.cssPrefix} > pre h3 {`
+ 'margin-bottom: -15px }'
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} > pre ol {`
+ `color: var(--font-color-${env.ui.app.scheme}-scheme) ;` // override ol styles
+ 'margin: -30px 0 -21px }' // reduce v-padding
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} > pre ol > li {` // reduce v-padding, show number markers
+ 'margin: -10px 0 0 1.6em ; list-style: decimal }'
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} > pre ol > li::marker { font-size: 0.9em }` // shrink number markers
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} > pre ul {`
+ `color: var(--font-color-${env.ui.app.scheme}-scheme) ;` // override ul styles
+ 'margin-bottom: -21px }' // reduce bottom-gap
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} > pre ul > li { list-style: inside }` ) // show bullets
+ '.katex-html { display: none } ' // hide unrendered math
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} + footer { margin: 2px 0 25px ; position: relative }`
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} + footer * {`
+ `color: ${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? '#ccc' : '#666' } !important }`
+ '.chatgpt-notif {'
+ 'font-size: 26px !important ; fill: white ; stroke: white ; color: white ;'
+ 'padding: 9px 14px 18px 11.5px !important }'
+ '.notif-close-btn { display: none !important }' // hide notif close btn
+ `.${app.cssPrefix}-menu {`
+ 'position: absolute ; z-index: 2250 ;'
+ 'padding: 3.5px 5px !important ; font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif ; font-size: 12px }'
+ `.${app.cssPrefix}-menu ul { margin: 0 ; padding: 0 ; list-style: none }`
+ `.${app.cssPrefix}-menu-item { padding: 0 5px ; line-height: 20.5px }`
+ `.${app.cssPrefix}-menu-item:not(.${app.cssPrefix}-menu-header):hover {`
+ 'cursor: pointer ; background: white ; color: black ; fill: black }'
// Anchor Mode styles
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}.anchored {
position: fixed ; bottom: -7px ; right: 35px ; width: 441px ;
right: ${ env.browser.isMobile ? window.innerWidth *0.01 : 35 }px ;
width: ${ env.browser.isMobile ? '98%' : '441px' }}`
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}.expanded { width: 528px !important }`
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}.anchored .anchored-hidden { display: none }` // hide non-Anchor elems in mode
+ `#${app.cssPrefix}:not(.anchored) .anchored-only { display: none }` // hide Anchor elems outside mode
// Touch device styles
+ '@media (hover: none) {'
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} .app-hover-only { display: initial }` // show app-hover-only elems
+ '}'
// Phone styles
+ '@media screen and (max-width: 480px) {'
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} #${app.cssPrefix}-logo { width: calc(100% - 118px) }` // widen logo till btns
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} .kudoai { display: none !important }` // hide byline
+ `#${app.cssPrefix} [class*=reply-tip] { display: none }` // hide reply tip
+ '}'
bylineVisibility() {
if (env.browser.isPhone) return // since byline hidden by app.styles
const headerElems = {
btns: appDiv.querySelectorAll('[id$=-header-btns] > btn'),
byline: appDiv.querySelector('.kudoai'),
logo: appDiv.querySelector(`#${app.cssPrefix}-logo`)
const appDivStyle = getComputedStyle(appDiv)
const forceDisplayStyles = 'position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: block;'
// Calc/store widths of app/x-padding + header elems
const widths = {
appDiv: appDiv.getBoundingClientRect().width,
appDivXpadding: parseFloat(appDivStyle.paddingLeft) + parseFloat(appDivStyle.paddingRight)
Object.entries(headerElems).forEach(([key, elem]) => {
if (elem && key == 'byline' && getComputedStyle(elem).display == 'none')
elem.style.cssText += forceDisplayStyles // override hidden byline display style to measure width
widths[key] = dom.getComputedWidth(elem)
if (elem?.style?.cssText.includes(forceDisplayStyles)) // restore display style for hidden byline
elem.style.cssText = elem.style.cssText.replace(forceDisplayStyles, '')
// Hide/show byline based on space available
const availSpace = widths.appDiv - widths.appDivXpadding - widths.logo - widths.btns
headerElems.byline.style.display = (widths.byline +10) < availSpace ? 'initial' : 'none'
replyPrefix() {
const firstP = appDiv.querySelector('pre p')
if (!firstP) return
const prefixNeeded = env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' && !config.bgAnimationsDisabled,
prefixExists = firstP.textContent.startsWith('>> ')
if (prefixNeeded && !prefixExists) firstP.prepend('>> ')
else if (!prefixNeeded && prefixExists) firstP.textContent = firstP.textContent.replace(/^>> /, '')
scheme(newScheme) {
log.caller = `update.scheme('${newScheme}')`
log.debug(`Updating ${app.name} scheme to ${log.toTitleCase(newScheme)}...`)
env.ui.app.scheme = newScheme ; logos.amzgpt.update() ; icons.amzgpt.update() ; update.appStyle()
update.stars() ; update.replyPrefix() ; toggle.btnGlow() ; modals.settings.updateSchemeStatus()
log.debug(`Success! ${app.name} updated to ${log.toTitleCase(newScheme)} scheme`)
stars() {
['sm', 'med', 'lg'].forEach(size =>
document.querySelectorAll(`[id*=stars-${size}]`).forEach(starsDiv =>
starsDiv.id = config.bgAnimationsDisabled ? `stars-${size}-off`
: `${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : 'black' }-stars-${size}`
// Define UI functions
const addListeners = {
appDiv() {
appDiv.addEventListener(inputEvents.down, event => { // to dismiss visible font size slider
if (event.button != 0) return // prevent non-left-click dismissal
if (document.getElementById(`${app.cssPrefix}-font-size-slider-track`) // slider is visible
&& !event.target.closest('[id*=font-size]') // not clicking slider elem
&& getComputedStyle(event.target).cursor != 'pointer') // ...or other interactive elem
appDiv.onmouseover = appDiv.onmouseout = update.bylineVisibility // for btn.app-hover-only shows
appHeaderBtns() {
appDiv.querySelectorAll(`.${app.cssPrefix}-header-btn`).forEach(btn => { // from right to left
if (btn.id.endsWith('chevron-btn')) btn.onclick = () => {
if (appDiv.querySelector('[id$=font-size-slider-track]')?.classList.contains('active'))
else if (btn.id.endsWith('about-btn')) btn.onclick = () => modals.open('about')
else if (btn.id.endsWith('settings-btn')) btn.onclick = () => modals.open('settings')
else if (btn.id.endsWith('speak-btn')) btn.onclick = () => {
const wholeAnswer = appDiv.querySelector('pre').textContent
const cjsSpeakOptions = { voice: 2, pitch: 1, speed: 1.5 }
const sgtDialectMap = [
{ code: 'en', regex: /^(eng(lish)?|en(-\w\w)?)$/i, rate: 2 },
{ code: 'ar', regex: /^(ara?(bic)?|اللغة العربية)$/i, rate: 1.5 },
{ code: 'cs', regex: /^(cze(ch)?|[cč]e[sš].*|cs)$/i, rate: 1.4 },
{ code: 'da', regex: /^dan?(ish|sk)?$/i, rate: 1.3 },
{ code: 'de', regex: /^(german|deu?(tsch)?)$/i, rate: 1.5 },
{ code: 'es', regex: /^(spa(nish)?|espa.*|es(-\w\w)?)$/i, rate: 1.5 },
{ code: 'fi', regex: /^(fin?(nish)?|suom.*)$/i, rate: 1.4 },
{ code: 'fr', regex: /^fr/i, rate: 1.2 },
{ code: 'hu', regex: /^(hun?(garian)?|magyar)$/i, rate: 1.5 },
{ code: 'it', regex: /^ita?(lian[ao]?)?$/i, rate: 1.4 },
{ code: 'ja', regex: /^(ja?pa?n(ese)?|日本語|ja)$/i, rate: 1.5 },
{ code: 'nl', regex: /^(dut(ch)?|flemish|nederlandse?|vlaamse?|nld?)$/i, rate: 1.3 },
{ code: 'pl', regex: /^po?l(ish|ski)?$/i, rate: 1.4 },
{ code: 'pt', regex: /^(por(tugu[eê]se?)?|pt(-\w\w)?)$/i, rate: 1.5 },
{ code: 'ru', regex: /^(rus?(sian)?|русский)$/i, rate: 1.3 },
{ code: 'sv', regex: /^(swe?(dish)?|sv(enska)?)$/i, rate: 1.4 },
{ code: 'tr', regex: /^t[uü]?r(k.*)?$/i, rate: 1.6 },
{ code: 'vi', regex: /^vi[eệ]?t?(namese)?$/i, rate: 1.5 },
{ code: 'zh-CHS', regex: /^(chi(nese)?|zh|中[国國])/i, rate: 2 }
const sgtReplyDialect = sgtDialectMap.find(entry =>
entry.regex.test(config.replyLanguage)) || sgtDialectMap[0]
const payload = {
text: wholeAnswer, curTime: Date.now(), spokenDialect: sgtReplyDialect.code,
rate: sgtReplyDialect.rate.toString()
const key = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse('76350b1840ff9832eb6244ac6d444366')
const iv = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(
atob('AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==') || '76350b1840ff9832eb6244ac6d444366')
const securePayload = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(JSON.stringify(payload), key, {
iv: iv, mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC, pad: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7 }).toString()
xhr({ // audio from Sogou TTS
url: 'https://fanyi.sogou.com/openapi/external/getWebTTS?S-AppId=102356845&S-Param='
+ encodeURIComponent(securePayload),
method: 'GET', responseType: 'arraybuffer',
onload: async resp => {
if (resp.status != 200) chatgpt.speak(wholeAnswer, cjsSpeakOptions)
else {
const audioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)()
audioContext.decodeAudioData(resp.response, buffer => {
const audioSrc = audioContext.createBufferSource()
audioSrc.buffer = buffer
audioSrc.connect(audioContext.destination) // connect source to speakers
audioSrc.start(0) // play audio
}).catch(() => chatgpt.speak(wholeAnswer, cjsSpeakOptions))
else if (btn.id.endsWith('font-size-btn')) btn.onclick = () => fontSizeSlider.toggle()
else if (btn.id.endsWith('arrows-btn')) btn.onclick = () => toggle.expandedMode()
if (!env.browser.isMobile) // add hover listeners for tooltips
btn.onmouseenter = btn.onmouseleave = toggle.tooltip
if (/about|settings|speak/.test(btn.id)) btn.onmouseup = () => { // add zoom/fade-out to select buttons
if (config.fgAnimationsDisabled) return
btn.style.animation = 'btn-zoom-fade-out .220s ease-out'
btn.onanimationend = () => {
Object.assign(btn.style, { opacity: '0', visibility: 'hidden', animation: '' }) // hide btn
setTimeout(() => // show btn after short delay
Object.assign(btn.style, { visibility: 'visible', opacity: '1' }), 100)
replySection() {
// Add form key listener
const replyForm = appDiv.querySelector('form')
replyForm.onkeydown = event => {
if (event.key == 'Enter' || event.keyCode == 13) {
if (event.ctrlKey) { // add newline
const chatTextarea = appDiv.querySelector(`#${app.cssPrefix}-chatbar`),
caretPos = chatTextarea.selectionStart,
textBefore = chatTextarea.value.substring(0, caretPos),
textAfter = chatTextarea.value.substring(caretPos)
chatTextarea.value = textBefore + '\n' + textAfter // add newline
chatTextarea.selectionStart = chatTextarea.selectionEnd = caretPos + 1 // preserve caret pos
} else if (!event.shiftKey) addListeners.replySection.submitHandler(event)
// Add form submit listener
addListeners.replySection.submitHandler = event => {
const chatTextarea = appDiv.querySelector(`#${app.cssPrefix}-chatbar`)
// No reply, change placeholder + focus chatbar
if (chatTextarea.value.trim() == '') {
chatTextarea.placeholder = `${app.msgs.placeholder_typeSomething}...`
// Yes reply, submit it + transform to loading UI
} else {
// Modify/submit msg chain
if (msgChain.length > 2) msgChain.splice(0, 2) // keep token usage maintainable
msgChain = stripQueryAugments(msgChain)
const prevReplyTrimmed = appDiv.querySelector('pre')
?.textContent.substring(0, 250 - chatTextarea.value.length) || ''
msgChain.push({ role: 'assistant', content: prevReplyTrimmed })
msgChain.push({ role: 'user', content: augmentQuery(chatTextarea.value) })
// Hide/remove elems
if (!env.browser.isMobile) // hide 'Send reply' tooltip post-send btn click
tooltipDiv.style.opacity = 0
// Show loading status
const replySection = appDiv.querySelector('section')
replySection.classList.add('loading', 'no-user-select')
replySection.innerText = app.alerts.waitingResponse
// Set flags
show.reply.chatbarFocused = false ; show.reply.userInteracted = true
replyForm.onsubmit = addListeners.replySection.submitHandler
// Add chatbar autosizer
const chatTextarea = appDiv.querySelector(`#${app.cssPrefix}-chatbar`)
let prevLength = chatTextarea.value.length
addListeners.replySection.chatbarAutoSizer = () => {
const newLength = chatTextarea.value.length
if (newLength < prevLength) { // if deleting txt
chatTextarea.style.height = 'auto' // ...auto-fit height
if (parseInt(getComputedStyle(chatTextarea).height) < 55) { // if down to one line
chatTextarea.style.height = '46px' } // ...reset to original height
chatTextarea.style.height = `${ chatTextarea.scrollHeight > 60 ? ( chatTextarea.scrollHeight +2 )
: 46 }px`
prevLength = newLength
chatTextarea.oninput = addListeners.replySection.chatbarAutoSizer
// Add button listeners
appDiv.querySelectorAll(`.${app.cssPrefix}-chatbar-btn`).forEach(btn => {
if (btn.id.endsWith('shuffle-btn')) btn.onclick = () => {
const randQAprompt = 'Generate a single random question on any topic then answer it. '
+ 'Don\'t talk about Canberra, Tokyo, blue whales, photosynthesis, oceans, '
+ 'deserts, mindfulness meditation, the Fibonacci sequence, the liver, '
+ 'Jupiter, the Great Wall of China, Sheakespeare or da Vinci. '
+ 'Try to give an answer that is 50-100 words. '
+ 'Do not type anything but the question and answer. Reply in markdown.'
chatTextarea.value = augmentQuery(randQAprompt)
chatTextarea.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown',
{ key: 'Enter', bubbles: true, cancelable: true }))
if (!env.browser.isMobile) // add hover listener for tooltips
btn.onmouseenter = btn.onmouseleave = toggle.tooltip
const fontSizeSlider = {
fadeInDelay: 5, // ms
hWheelDistance: 10, // px
createAppend() {
log.caller = 'fontSizeSlider.createAppend()'
log.debug('Creating/appending Font Size slider...')
// Create/ID/classify slider elems
fontSizeSlider.cursorOverlay = document.createElement('div')
fontSizeSlider.cursorOverlay.classList.add('cursor-overlay') // for resize cursor
const slider = document.createElement('div') ; slider.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-font-size-slider-track`
slider.className = 'fade-in-less' ; slider.style.display = 'none'
const sliderThumb = document.createElement('div')
sliderThumb.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-font-size-slider-thumb`
sliderThumb.title = Math.floor(config.fontSize *10) /10 + 'px' // font size tooltip
const sliderTip = document.createElement('div') ; sliderTip.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-font-size-slider-tip`
// Assemble/insert elems
slider.append(sliderThumb, sliderTip)
appDiv.insertBefore(slider, appDiv.querySelector(`.${app.cssPrefix}-btn-tooltip,` // desktop
+ 'pre')) // mobile
// Init thumb pos
setTimeout(() => {
const iniLeft = (config.fontSize - config.minFontSize) / (config.maxFontSize - config.minFontSize)
* (slider.offsetWidth - sliderThumb.offsetWidth) // slider width
sliderThumb.style.left = iniLeft + 'px'
}, fontSizeSlider.fadeInDelay) // to ensure visibility for accurate dimension calcs
// Add event listeners for dragging thumb
let isDragging = false, startX, startLeft
sliderThumb.addEventListener(inputEvents.down, event => {
if (event.button != 0) return // prevent non-left-click drag
event.preventDefault() // prevent text selection
isDragging = true ; startX = event.clientX ; startLeft = sliderThumb.offsetLeft
document.addEventListener(inputEvents.move, event => {
if (isDragging) moveThumb(startLeft + event.clientX - startX) })
document.addEventListener(inputEvents.up, () => {
isDragging = false
if (fontSizeSlider.cursorOverlay.parentNode)
// Add event listener for wheel-scrolling thumb
if (!env.browser.isMobile) slider.onwheel = event => {
moveThumb(sliderThumb.offsetLeft - Math.sign(event.deltaY) * fontSizeSlider.hWheelDistance)
// Add event listener for seek/dragging by inputEvents.down on track
slider.addEventListener(inputEvents.down, event => {
if (event.button != 0) return // prevent non-left-click drag
event.preventDefault() // prevent text selection
const clientX = event.clientX || event.touches?.[0]?.clientX
moveThumb(clientX - slider.getBoundingClientRect().left - sliderThumb.offsetWidth / 2)
isDragging = true ; startX = clientX ; startLeft = sliderThumb.offsetLeft // manually init dragging
function moveThumb(newLeft) {
// Bound thumb
const sliderWidth = slider.offsetWidth - sliderThumb.offsetWidth
if (newLeft < 0) newLeft = 0
if (newLeft > sliderWidth) newLeft = sliderWidth
// Move thumb
sliderThumb.style.left = newLeft + 'px'
// Adjust font size based on thumb position
const answerPre = appDiv.querySelector('pre'),
fontSizePercent = newLeft / sliderWidth,
fontSize = config.minFontSize + fontSizePercent * (config.maxFontSize - config.minFontSize)
answerPre.style.fontSize = fontSize + 'px'
answerPre.style.lineHeight = fontSize * config.lineHeightRatio + 'px'
settings.save('fontSize', fontSize)
sliderThumb.title = Math.floor(config.fontSize *10) /10 + 'px'
return slider
toggle(state = '') {
const slider = document.getElementById(`${app.cssPrefix}-font-size-slider-track`)
|| fontSizeSlider.createAppend()
const replyTip = appDiv.querySelector(`.${app.cssPrefix}-reply-tip`)
const sliderTip = document.getElementById(`${app.cssPrefix}-font-size-slider-tip`)
// Show slider
if (state == 'on' || (!state && slider.style.display == 'none')) {
// Position slider tip
const btnSpan = document.getElementById(`${app.cssPrefix}-font-size-btn`),
rects = { appDiv: appDiv.getBoundingClientRect(), btnSpan: btnSpan.getBoundingClientRect() }
sliderTip.style.right = `${ rects.appDiv.right - ( rects.btnSpan.left + rects.btnSpan.right )/2 -35 }px`
// Show slider, hide reply tip
slider.style.display = sliderTip.style.display = '' ; if (replyTip) replyTip.style.display = 'none'
setTimeout(() => slider.classList.add('active'), fontSizeSlider.fadeInDelay)
// Hide slider
} else if (state == 'off' || (!state && slider.style.display != 'none')) {
slider.classList.remove('active') ; if (replyTip) replyTip.style.display = ''
sliderTip.style.display = slider.style.display = 'none'
// Define TOGGLE functions
const toggle = {
animations(layer) {
const configKey = `${layer}AnimationsDisabled`
settings.save(configKey, !config[configKey])
update.appStyle() ; if (layer == 'bg') { update.stars() ; update.replyPrefix() }
if (layer == 'fg' && modals.settings.get()) {
// Toggle ticker-scroll of About status label
const aboutStatusLabel = document.querySelector('#about-settings-entry > span > div')
aboutStatusLabel.innerHTML = modals.settings.aboutContent[
config.fgAnimationsDisabled ? 'short' : 'long']
aboutStatusLabel.style.float = config.fgAnimationsDisabled ? 'right' : ''
// Toggle button glow
if (env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark') toggle.btnGlow()
notify(`${settings.controls[configKey].label} ${menu.state.words[+!config[configKey]]}`)
btnGlow(state = '') {
const toRemove = state == 'off' || env.ui.app.scheme != 'dark' || config.fgAnimationsDisabled
document.querySelectorAll('[class*=-modal] button').forEach((btn, idx) => {
setTimeout(() => btn.classList[toRemove ? 'remove' : 'add']('glowing-btn'),
(idx +1) *50 *chatgpt.randomFloat()) // to unsync flickers
let btnTextSpan = btn.querySelector('span')
if (!btnTextSpan) { // wrap btn.textContent for .glowing-txt
btnTextSpan = document.createElement('span')
btnTextSpan.textContent = btn.textContent ; btn.textContent = ''
btnTextSpan.classList[toRemove ? 'remove' : 'add']('glowing-txt')
expandedMode(state = '') {
const toExpand = state == 'on' || !state && !config.expanded
settings.save('expanded', toExpand) ; appDiv.classList[ toExpand ? 'add' : 'remove' ]('expanded')
if (getComputedStyle(appDiv).transitionProperty.includes('width')) // update byline visibility
appDiv.addEventListener('transitionend', function onTransitionEnd(event) { // ...after width transition
if (event.propertyName == 'width') {
update.bylineVisibility() ; appDiv.removeEventListener('transitionend', onTransitionEnd)
if (config.minimized) toggle.minimized('off') // since user wants to see stuff
icons.arrowsDiagonal.update() ; tooltipDiv.style.opacity = 0 // update icon/tooltip
minimized(state = '') {
const toMinimize = state == 'on' || !state && !config.minimized
settings.save('minimized', toMinimize)
const chevronBtn = appDiv.querySelector('[id$=chevron-btn]')
if (chevronBtn) { // update icon
const chevronSVG = icons[`chevron${ config.minimized ? 'Up' : 'Down' }`].create()
chevronBtn.firstChild.remove() ; chevronBtn.append(chevronSVG)
chevronBtn.onclick = () => {
if (appDiv.querySelector('[id$=font-size-slider-track]')?.classList.contains('active'))
update.appBottomPos() // toggle visual minimization
if (!env.browser.isMobile) setTimeout(() => tooltipDiv.style.opacity = 0, 1) // remove lingering tooltip
proxyMode() {
settings.save('proxyAPIenabled', !config.proxyAPIenabled)
notify(`${app.msgs.menuLabel_proxyAPImode} ${menu.state.words[+config.proxyAPIenabled]}`)
if (modals.settings.get()) { // update visual states of Settings toggles
const proxyToggle = document.querySelector('[id*=proxy][id*=menu-entry] input'),
streamingToggle = document.querySelector('[id*=streaming][id*=menu-entry] input')
if (proxyToggle.checked != config.proxyAPIenabled) // Proxy state out-of-sync (from using toolbar menu)
if (streamingToggle.checked && !config.proxyAPIenabled // Streaming checked but OpenAI mode
|| // ...or Streaming unchecked but enabled in Proxy mode
!streamingToggle.checked && config.proxyAPIenabled && !config.streamingDisabled)
if (appDiv.querySelector(`#${app.cssPrefix}-alert`)) location.reload() // re-send query if user alerted
streaming() {
const scLink = (
env.browser.isFF ?
: env.browser.isEdge ?
: 'https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/scriptcat/ndcooeababalnlpkfedmmbbbgkljhpjf' )
if (!env.streamingSupported.byScriptManager) { // alert userscript manager unsupported, suggest TM/SC
`${settings.controls.streamingDisabled.label} ${app.msgs.alert_unavailable}`,
`${settings.controls.streamingDisabled.label} ${app.msgs.alert_isOnlyAvailFor}`
+ ( !env.browser.isEdge && !env.browser.isBrave ? // suggest TM for supported browsers
` <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="https://tampermonkey.net">Tampermonkey</a> ${
app.msgs.alert_and}` : '' )
+ ` <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="${scLink}">ScriptCat</a>.` // suggest SC
+ ` (${app.msgs.alert_userscriptMgrNoStream}.)`
} else if (!env.streamingSupported.byBrowser) { // alert TM/browser unsupported, suggest SC
`${settings.controls.streamingDisabled.label} ${app.msgs.alert_unavailable}`,
`${settings.controls.streamingDisabled.label} ${app.msgs.alert_isUnsupportedIn} `
+ `${ env.browser.isChrome ? 'Chrome' : env.browser.isEdge ? 'Edge' : 'Brave' } ${
app.msgs.alert_whenUsing} Tampermonkey. `
+ `${app.msgs.alert_pleaseUse} <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="${
scLink}">ScriptCat</a> ${app.msgs.alert_instead}.`
} else if (!config.proxyAPIenabled) { // alert OpenAI API unsupported, suggest Proxy Mode
let msg = `${settings.controls.streamingDisabled.label} `
+ `${app.msgs.alert_isCurrentlyOnlyAvailBy} `
+ `${app.msgs.alert_switchingOn} ${app.msgs.mode_proxy}. `
+ `(${app.msgs.alert_openAIsupportSoon}!)`
const switchPhrase = app.msgs.alert_switchingOn
msg = msg.replace(switchPhrase, `<a class="alert-link" href="#">${switchPhrase}</a>`)
const alert = modals.alert(`${app.msgs.mode_streaming} ${app.msgs.alert_unavailable}`, msg)
alert.querySelector('[href="#"]').onclick = () => {
alert.querySelector('.modal-close-btn').click() ; toggle.proxyMode() }
} else { // functional toggle
settings.save('streamingDisabled', !config.streamingDisabled)
notify(`${settings.controls.streamingDisabled.label} ${menu.state.words[+!config.streamingDisabled]}`)
tooltip(event) {
if (event.type == 'mouseleave') { tooltipDiv.style.opacity = 0 ; return }
const btnElem = event.currentTarget, btnType = /[^-]+-([\w-]+)-btn/.exec(btnElem.id)[1],
appHeaderBtnTypes = ['chevron', 'about', 'settings', 'speak', 'font-size', 'arrows'],
replyCornerBtnTypes = ['copy', 'regen']
// Update text
tooltipDiv.innerText = (
btnType == 'chevron' ? ( config.minimized ? `${app.msgs.tooltip_restore}`
: `${app.msgs.tooltip_minimize}` )
: btnType == 'about' ? app.msgs.menuLabel_about
: btnType == 'settings' ? app.msgs.menuLabel_settings
: btnType == 'speak' ? app.msgs.tooltip_playAnswer
: btnType == 'font-size' ? app.msgs.tooltip_fontSize
: btnType == 'arrows' ? ( config.expanded ? `${app.msgs.tooltip_shrink}`
: `${app.msgs.tooltip_expand}` )
: btnType == 'copy' ? ( btnElem.firstChild.id.endsWith('copy-icon') ?
`${app.msgs.tooltip_copy} ${
app.msgs[`tooltip_${ btnElem.closest('code') ? 'code' : 'reply' }`].toLowerCase()}`
: `${app.msgs.notif_copiedToClipboard}!` )
: btnType == 'regen' ? `${app.msgs.tooltip_regen} ${app.msgs.tooltip_reply.toLowerCase()}`
: btnType == 'send' ? app.msgs.tooltip_sendReply
: btnType == 'shuffle' ? app.msgs.tooltip_askRandQuestion : '' )
// Update position
const elems = { appDiv, btnElem, tooltipDiv },
rects = {} ; Object.keys(elems).forEach(key => rects[key] = elems[key].getBoundingClientRect())
tooltipDiv.style.top = `${
appHeaderBtnTypes.includes(btnType) ? -22
: replyCornerBtnTypes.includes(btnType) && !event.currentTarget.closest('code') ? 38
: rects.btnElem.top - rects.appDiv.top -36 - ( event.currentTarget.closest('code') ? 7 : 0 )
tooltipDiv.style.right = `${
rects.appDiv.right - ( rects.btnElem.left + rects.btnElem.right )/2 - rects.tooltipDiv.width/2 }px`
// Show tooltip
tooltipDiv.style.opacity = 1
// Define SESSION functions
const session = {
deleteOpenAIcookies() {
log.caller = 'session.deleteOpenAIcookies()'
log.debug('Deleting OpenAI cookies...')
GM_deleteValue(app.configKeyPrefix + '_openAItoken')
if (env.scriptManager.name != 'Tampermonkey') return
GM_cookie.list({ url: apis.OpenAI.endpoints.auth }, (cookies, error) => {
if (!error) { for (const cookie of cookies) {
GM_cookie.delete({ url: apis.OpenAI.endpoints.auth, name: cookie.name })
generateGPTFLkey() {
log.caller = 'session.generateGPTFLkey()'
log.debug('Generating GPTforLove key...')
let nn = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1e3)
const fD = e => {
let t = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(e),
o = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(t, 'vrewbhjvbrejhbevwjh156645', {
mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB, padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7
return o.toString()
const gptflKey = fD(nn)
log.debug(gptflKey) ; return gptflKey
getOAItoken() {
log.caller = 'session.getOAItoken()'
log.debug('Getting OpenAI token...')
return new Promise(resolve => {
const accessToken = GM_getValue(app.configKeyPrefix + '_openAItoken')
if (accessToken) { log.debug(accessToken) ; resolve(accessToken) }
else {
log.debug(`No token found. Fetching from ${apis.OpenAI.endpoints.session}...`)
xhr({ url: apis.OpenAI.endpoints.session, onload: resp => {
if (session.isBlockedByCF(resp.responseText)) {
appAlert('checkCloudflare') ; return }
try {
const newAccessToken = JSON.parse(resp.responseText).accessToken
GM_setValue(app.configKeyPrefix + '_openAItoken', newAccessToken)
log.debug(`Success! newAccessToken = ${newAccessToken}`)
} catch { if (get.reply.api == 'OpenAI') appAlert('login') ; return }
isBlockedByCF(resp) {
try {
const html = new DOMParser().parseFromString(resp, 'text/html'),
title = html.querySelector('title')
if (title.innerText == 'Just a moment...') {
log.caller = 'session.isBlockedByCF'
log.debug('Blocked by CloudFlare')
return true
} catch (err) { return false }
// Define API functions
const api = {
clearTimedOut(triedAPIs) { // to retry on new queries
triedAPIs.splice(0, triedAPIs.length, // empty apiArray
...triedAPIs.filter(entry => Object.values(entry)[0] != 'timeout')) // replace w/ err'd APIs
createHeaders(api) {
const ip = ipv4.generate({ verbose: false })
const headers = {
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br, zstd',
'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'DNT': '1',
'Host': new URL(apis[api].endpoints?.completions || apis[api].endpoint).hostname,
'Origin': apis[api].expectedOrigin.url,
'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty', 'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors',
'TE': 'trailers', 'X-Forwarded-For': ip, 'X-Real-IP': ip
headers.Referer = headers.Origin + '/'
if (api == 'OpenAI') headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + config.openAIkey
Object.assign(headers, apis[api].expectedOrigin.headers)
return headers
createPayload(api, msgs) {
let payload = {}
if (api == 'OpenAI')
payload = { messages: msgs, model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo', max_tokens: 4000 }
else if (api == 'AIchatOS') {
payload = {
prompt: msgs[msgs.length - 1].content,
withoutContext: false, userId: apis.AIchatOS.userID, network: true
} else if (api == 'GPTforLove') {
payload = {
prompt: msgs[msgs.length - 1].content,
secret: session.generateGPTFLkey(), top_p: 1, temperature: 0.8,
systemMessage: 'You are ChatGPT, the version is GPT-4o, a large language model trained by OpenAI.'
+ 'Follow the user\'s instructions carefully.'
if (apis.GPTforLove.parentID) payload.options = { parentMessageId: apis.GPTforLove.parentID }
} else if (api == 'MixerBox AI')
payload = { prompt: msgs, model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo' }
return JSON.stringify(payload)
pick(caller) {
log.caller = `get.${caller.name}() » api.pick()`
const untriedAPIs = Object.keys(apis).filter(api =>
api != ( caller == get.reply ? 'OpenAI' : '' ) // exclude OpenAI for get.reply() since Proxy Mode
&& !caller.triedAPIs.some(entry => // exclude tried APIs
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(entry, api))
&& ( // exclude unstreamable APIs if !config.streamingDisabled
config.streamingDisabled || apis[api].streamable))
const chosenAPI = untriedAPIs[ // pick random array entry
Math.floor(chatgpt.randomFloat() * untriedAPIs.length)]
if (!chosenAPI) { log.error('No proxy APIs left untried') ; return null }
log.debug('Endpoint chosen', apis[chosenAPI].endpoints?.completions || apis[chosenAPI].endpoint)
return chosenAPI
tryNew(caller, reason = 'err') {
log.caller = `get.${caller.name}() » api.tryNew()`
if (caller.status == 'done') return
log.error(`Error using ${ apis[caller.api].endpoints?.completions
|| apis[caller.api].endpoint } due to ${reason}`)
caller.triedAPIs.push({ [caller.api]: reason })
if (caller.attemptCnt < Object.keys(apis).length -+(caller == get.reply)) {
log.debug('Trying another endpoint...')
caller(caller == get.reply ? msgChain : stripQueryAugments(msgChain)[msgChain.length - 1].content)
} else {
log.debug('No remaining untried endpoints')
if (caller == get.reply) appAlert('proxyNotWorking', 'suggestOpenAI')
// Define QUERY AUGMENT functions
function augmentQuery(query) { return query + ` (reply in ${config.replyLanguage})` }
function stripQueryAugments(msgChain) {
const augmentCnt = augmentQuery.toString().match(/\+/g).length
return msgChain.map(msg => { // stripped chain
if (msg.role == 'user') {
let content = msg.content
const augments = content.match(/\s*\([^)]*\)\s*/g)
if (augments) for (let i = 0 ; i < augmentCnt ; i++) // strip augments
content = content.replace(augments[augments.length - 1 - i], '')
return { ...msg, content: content.trim() }
} else return msg // agent's unstripped
// Define GET functions
const get = {
json(url, callback) { // for dynamic footer
xhr({ method: 'GET', url: url, onload: resp => {
if (resp.status >= 200 && resp.status < 300) {
try { const data = JSON.parse(resp.responseText) ; callback(null, data) }
catch (err) { callback(err, null) }
} else callback(new Error('Failed to load data: ' + resp.statusText), null)
async reply(msgChain) {
// Init API attempt props
get.reply.status = 'waiting'
if (!get.reply.triedAPIs) get.reply.triedAPIs = []
if (!get.reply.attemptCnt) get.reply.attemptCnt = 1
// Pick API
get.reply.api = config.proxyAPIenabled ? api.pick(get.reply) : 'OpenAI'
if (!get.reply.api) { // no more proxy APIs left untried
appAlert('proxyNotWorking', 'suggestOpenAI') ; return }
// Init OpenAI key
if (!config.proxyAPIenabled)
config.openAIkey = await Promise.race(
[session.getOAItoken(), new Promise(reject => setTimeout(reject, 3000))])
// Try diff API after 7-10s of no response
else {
const iniAPI = get.reply.api
setTimeout(() => {
if (config.proxyAPIenabled // only do in Proxy mode
&& get.reply.status != 'done' && !get.reply.sender // still no reply received
&& get.reply.api == iniAPI // not already trying diff API from err
&& get.reply.triedAPIs.length != Object.keys(apis).length -1 // untried APIs remain
) api.tryNew(get.reply, 'timeout')
}, config.streamingDisabled ? 10000 : 7000)
// Get/show answer from AI
method: apis[get.reply.api].method,
url: apis[get.reply.api].endpoints?.completions || apis[get.reply.api].endpoint,
responseType: config.streamingDisabled || !config.proxyAPIenabled ? 'text' : 'stream',
headers: api.createHeaders(get.reply.api), data: api.createPayload(get.reply.api, msgChain),
onload: resp => dataProcess.text(get.reply, resp),
onloadstart: resp => dataProcess.stream(get.reply, resp),
onerror: err => { log.error(err)
if (!config.proxyAPIenabled)
appAlert(!config.openAIkey ? 'login' : ['openAInotWorking', 'suggestProxy'])
else api.tryNew(get.reply)
// Define PROCESS functions
const dataProcess = {
initFailFlags(api) { // escape/merge URLs w/ fail flags
const { failFlags = [], endpoint = apis[api].endpoints.completions, expectedOrigin } = apis[api],
escapedAPIurls = [endpoint, expectedOrigin.url].map(url => url.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'))
return new RegExp([...failFlags, ...escapedAPIurls].join('|'))
stream(caller, stream) {
if (config.streamingDisabled || !config.proxyAPIenabled) return
log.caller = `get.${caller.name}() » dataProcess.stream()`
const failFlagsAndURLs = dataProcess.initFailFlags(caller.api),
reader = stream.response.getReader() ; let accumulatedChunks = ''
reader.read().then(processStreamText).catch(err => log.error('Error processing stream', err.message))
function processStreamText({ done, value }) {
if (done) { caller.sender = null
if (appDiv.querySelector('.loading')) // no text shown
else { // text was shown
caller.status = 'done' ; caller.attemptCnt = null
show.replyCornerBtns() ; api.clearTimedOut(caller.triedAPIs)
} return
let chunk = new TextDecoder('utf8').decode(new Uint8Array(value))
if (caller.api == 'MixerBox AI') { // pre-process chunks
const extractedChunks = Array.from(chunk.matchAll(/data:(.*)/g), match => match[1]
.replace(/\[SPACE\]/g, ' ').replace(/\[NEWLINE\]/g, '\n'))
.filter(match => !/message_(?:start|end)|done/.test(match))
chunk = extractedChunks.join('')
accumulatedChunks = apis[caller.api].accumulatesText ? chunk : accumulatedChunks + chunk
if (/^(?:\{|event:)/.test(accumulatedChunks)) api.tryNew(caller)
else {
try { // to show stream text
let textToShow = ''
if (caller.api == 'GPTforLove') { // extract parentID + latest chunk text
const jsonLines = accumulatedChunks.split('\n'),
nowResult = JSON.parse(jsonLines[jsonLines.length - 1])
if (nowResult.id) apis.GPTforLove.parentID = nowResult.id // for contextual replies
textToShow = nowResult.text
} else textToShow = accumulatedChunks
const failMatch = failFlagsAndURLs.exec(textToShow)
if (failMatch) {
log.debug('Response text', textToShow)
log.error('Fail flag detected', `'${failMatch[0]}'`)
if (caller.status != 'done' && !caller.sender) api.tryNew(caller)
} else if (caller.status != 'done') { // app waiting or sending
if (!caller.sender) caller.sender = caller.api // app is waiting, become sender
if (caller.sender == caller.api // app is sending from this caller.api
&& textToShow.trim() != '' // empty chunk not read
) show.reply(textToShow)
} catch (err) { log.error('Error showing stream', err.message) }
return reader.read().then(({ done, value }) => {
if (caller.sender == caller.api) // am designated sender, recurse
processStreamText({ done, value })
}).catch(err => log.error('Error reading stream', err.message))
text(caller, resp) {
return new Promise(() => {
if (caller == get.reply && config.proxyAPIenabled && !config.streamingDisabled
|| caller.status == 'done') return
log.caller = `get.${caller.name}() » dataProcess.text()`
const failFlagsAndURLs = dataProcess.initFailFlags(caller.api) ; let respText = ''
if (resp.status != 200) {
log.error('Response status', resp.status)
log.info('Response text', resp.response || resp.responseText)
if (caller == get.reply && caller.api == 'OpenAI')
appAlert(resp.status == 401 ? 'login'
: resp.status == 403 ? 'checkCloudflare'
: resp.status == 429 ? ['tooManyRequests', 'suggestProxy']
: ['openAInotWorking', 'suggestProxy'] )
else api.tryNew(caller)
} else if (caller.api == 'OpenAI' && resp.response) {
const failMatch = failFlagsAndURLs.exec(resp.response)
if (failMatch) { // suggest proxy
log.debug('Response text', resp.response)
log.error('Fail flag detected', `'${failMatch[0]}'`)
appAlert('openAInotWorking', 'suggestProxy')
} else {
try { // to show response or return related queries
respText = JSON.parse(resp.response).choices[0].message.content
} catch (err) { handleProcessError(err) }
} else if (resp.responseText) {
if (caller.api == 'AIchatOS') {
try { // to show response
const text = resp.responseText, chunkSize = 1024
let currentIdx = 0
while (currentIdx < text.length) {
const chunk = text.substring(currentIdx, currentIdx + chunkSize)
respText += chunk ; currentIdx += chunkSize
} catch (err) { handleProcessError(err) }
} else if (caller.api == 'GPTforLove') {
try { // to show response
let chunks = resp.responseText.trim().split('\n'),
lastObj = JSON.parse(chunks[chunks.length - 1])
if (lastObj.id) apis.GPTforLove.parentID = lastObj.id
respText = lastObj.text ; handleProcessCompletion()
} catch (err) { handleProcessError(err) }
} else if (caller.api == 'MixerBox AI') {
try { // to show response
const extractedData = Array.from(resp.responseText.matchAll(/data:(.*)/g), match => match[1]
.replace(/\[SPACE\]/g, ' ').replace(/\[NEWLINE\]/g, '\n'))
.filter(match => !/message_(?:start|end)|done/.test(match))
respText = extractedData.join('') ; handleProcessCompletion()
} catch (err) { handleProcessError(err) }
} else if (caller.status != 'done') { // proxy 200 response failure
log.info('Response text', resp.responseText) ; api.tryNew(caller) }
function handleProcessCompletion() {
if (caller.status != 'done') {
log.debug('Response text', respText)
const failMatch = failFlagsAndURLs.exec(respText)
if (!respText || failMatch || /^(?:\{|event:)/.test(respText)) {
if (failMatch) log.error('Fail flag detected', `'${failMatch[0]}'`)
} else {
caller.status = 'done' ; api.clearTimedOut(caller.triedAPIs) ; caller.attemptCnt = null
show.reply(respText) ; show.replyCornerBtns()
function handleProcessError(err) { // suggest proxy or try diff API
log.debug('Response text', resp.response)
log.error(app.alerts.parseFailed, err)
if (caller.api == 'OpenAI' && caller == get.reply) appAlert('openAInotWorking', 'suggestProxy')
else api.tryNew(caller)
// Define SHOW functions
const show = {
replyCornerBtns() {
if (document.getElementById(`${app.cssPrefix}-copy-btn`)) return
const baseBtnStyles = 'float: right ; cursor: pointer ;'
// Add top parent div
const cornerBtnsDiv = document.createElement('div')
cornerBtnsDiv.className = `${app.cssPrefix}-header-btns`
// Add Copy buttons
appDiv.querySelectorAll(`#${app.cssPrefix} > pre, code`).forEach(parentElem => {
const copyBtn = document.createElement('btn'),
copySVG = icons.copy.create(parentElem)
copyBtn.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-copy-btn` ; copySVG.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-copy-icon`
copyBtn.className = 'no-mobile-tap-outline' ; copyBtn.style.cssText = baseBtnStyles
copyBtn.append(copySVG) ; let elemToPrepend = copyBtn
// Wrap code button in div for v-offset
if (parentElem.tagName == 'CODE') {
elemToPrepend = document.createElement('div')
elemToPrepend.style.cssText = 'height: 11px ; margin: 4px 5px 0 0'
// Add listeners
if (!env.browser.isMobile) copyBtn.onmouseenter = copyBtn.onmouseleave = toggle.tooltip
copyBtn.onclick = event => { // copy text, update icon + tooltip status
const copySVG = copyBtn.querySelector(`#${app.cssPrefix}-copy-icon`)
if (!copySVG) return // since clicking on Copied icon
const textContainer = (
copyBtn.parentNode.tagName == 'PRE' ? copyBtn.parentNode // reply container
: copyBtn.parentNode.parentNode ) // code container
const textToCopy = textContainer.textContent.replace(/^>> /, '').trim()
const checkmarksSVG = icons.checkmarkDouble.create()
checkmarksSVG.style.marginLeft = '1px' // set same left boundary as Copy icon to not shift other ones
copyBtn.replaceChild(checkmarksSVG, copySVG) // change to Copied icon
setTimeout(() => copyBtn.replaceChild(copySVG, checkmarksSVG), 1355) // change back to copy icon
navigator.clipboard.writeText(textToCopy) // copy text to clipboard
if (!env.browser.isMobile) toggle.tooltip(event) // show copied status in tooltip
// Prepend button
const parentToInsertInto = parentElem.tagName == 'CODE' ? parentElem : cornerBtnsDiv
// Add Regenerate button
const regenBtn = document.createElement('btn') ; regenBtn.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-regen-btn`
regenBtn.className = 'no-mobile-tap-outline'
regenBtn.style.cssText = baseBtnStyles + 'position: relative ; top: 1px ; margin: 0 9px 0 5px'
const regenSVG = icons.arrowsCycle.create();
['width', 'height'].forEach(attr => regenSVG.setAttribute(attr, 17))
regenBtn.append(regenSVG) ; cornerBtnsDiv.append(regenBtn)
if (!env.browser.isMobile) regenBtn.onmouseenter = regenBtn.onmouseleave = toggle.tooltip
regenBtn.onclick = () => {
get.reply(msgChain) ; appAlert('waitingResponse')
if (!env.browser.isMobile) tooltipDiv.style.opacity = 0 // or tooltip shows on next reply
show.reply.chatbarFocused = false ; show.reply.userInteracted = true
reply(answer) {
// Build answer interface up to reply section if missing
if (!appDiv.querySelector('pre')) {
appDiv.textContent = ''
dom.fillStarryBG(appDiv) // add stars
// Create/append title
const appHeaderLogo = logos.amzgpt.create()
appHeaderLogo.style.width = env.browser.isMobile ? '55%' : '181px'
const appTitleAnchor = dom.create.anchor(app.urls.app, appHeaderLogo)
appTitleAnchor.classList.add(`${app.cssPrefix}-name`, 'no-user-select')
// Create/append header buttons div
const headerBtnsDiv = document.createElement('div')
headerBtnsDiv.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-header-btns`
headerBtnsDiv.className = 'no-mobile-tap-outline'
// Create/append Chevron button
const chevronBtn = document.createElement('btn'),
chevronSVG = icons[`chevron${ config.minimized ? 'Up' : 'Down' }`].create()
chevronBtn.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-chevron-btn` // for toggle.tooltip()
chevronBtn.classList.add(`${app.cssPrefix}-header-btn`, 'anchored-only')
chevronBtn.style.margin = '-1.5px 1px 0 11px' // position
chevronBtn.append(chevronSVG) ; headerBtnsDiv.append(chevronBtn)
// Create/append About button
const aboutBtn = document.createElement('btn'),
aboutSVG = icons.questionMarkCircle.create()
aboutBtn.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-about-btn` // for toggle.tooltip()
aboutBtn.append(aboutSVG) ; headerBtnsDiv.append(aboutBtn)
// Create/append Settings button
const settingsBtn = document.createElement('btn'),
settingsSVG = icons.cogwheel.create()
settingsBtn.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-settings-btn` // for toggle.tooltip()
settingsBtn.style.margin = '0.5px 10.5px 0 0.5px' // position
settingsBtn.append(settingsSVG) ; headerBtnsDiv.append(settingsBtn)
// Create/append Speak button
const speakerBtn = document.createElement('btn'),
speakerSVG = icons.speaker.create()
speakerBtn.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-speak-btn` // for toggle.tooltip()
speakerBtn.classList.add(`${app.cssPrefix}-header-btn`, 'app-hover-only')
speakerBtn.style.margin = '-2px 8px 0 0' // position
speakerBtn.append(speakerSVG) ; headerBtnsDiv.append(speakerBtn)
// Create/append Font Size button
const fontSizeBtn = document.createElement('btn'),
fontSizeSVG = icons.fontSize.create()
fontSizeBtn.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-font-size-btn` // for toggle.tooltip()
fontSizeBtn.classList.add(`${app.cssPrefix}-header-btn`, 'app-hover-only')
fontSizeBtn.style.marginRight = '10px' // position
fontSizeBtn.append(fontSizeSVG) ; headerBtnsDiv.append(fontSizeBtn)
if (!env.browser.isMobile) {
// Create/append Expand/Shrink button
var arrowsBtn = document.createElement('btn'),
arrowsSVG = icons.arrowsDiagonal.create()
arrowsSVG.style.transform = 'rotate(-7deg)' // tilt slightly to hint expansions often horizontal
arrowsBtn.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-arrows-btn` // for toggle.tooltip()
arrowsBtn.classList.add(`${app.cssPrefix}-header-btn`, 'app-hover-only', 'anchored-only')
arrowsBtn.style.margin = '0.5px 12px 0 0' // position
arrowsBtn.append(arrowsSVG) ; headerBtnsDiv.append(arrowsBtn)
// Add tooltips
// Add app header button listeners
// Create/append 'by KudoAI'
const kudoAIspan = document.createElement('span')
kudoAIspan.classList.add('kudoai', 'no-user-select') ; kudoAIspan.textContent = 'by '
kudoAIspan.append(dom.create.anchor(app.urls.publisher, 'KudoAI'))
appDiv.querySelector(`.${app.cssPrefix}-name`).insertAdjacentElement('afterend', kudoAIspan)
// Create/append answer bubble
const answerPre = document.createElement('pre'),
replyTipSpan = document.createElement('span')
replyTipSpan.className = `${app.cssPrefix}-reply-tip`
appDiv.append(replyTipSpan, answerPre) ; update.answerPreMaxHeight()
// Build reply section if missing
if (!appDiv.querySelector(`#${app.cssPrefix}-chatbar`)) {
// Init/clear reply section content/classes
const replySection = appDiv.querySelector('section') || document.createElement('section')
replySection.textContent = '' ; replySection.classList.remove('loading', 'no-user-select')
// Create/append section elems
const replyForm = document.createElement('form'),
continueChatDiv = document.createElement('div'),
chatTextarea = document.createElement('textarea')
chatTextarea.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-chatbar` ; chatTextarea.rows = '1'
chatTextarea.placeholder = `${app.msgs.tooltip_sendReply}...`
replyForm.append(continueChatDiv) ; replySection.append(replyForm)
// Create/append chatbar buttons
['send', 'shuffle'].forEach(btnType => {
const btnElem = document.createElement('button') ; btnElem.id = `${app.cssPrefix}-${btnType}-btn`
btnElem.classList.add(`${app.cssPrefix}-chatbar-btn`, 'no-mobile-tap-outline')
btnElem.style.right = `${ btnType == 'send' ? ( env.browser.isFF ? 12 : 9 )
: ( env.browser.isFF ? 13 : 7 )}px` // Shuffle btn
btnElem.append(icons[btnType == 'send' ? 'arrowUp' : 'arrowsTwistedRight'].create())
// Add listeners
// Scroll to top on mobile if user interacted
if (env.browser.isMobile && show.reply.userInteracted) {
document.body.scrollTop = 0 // Safari
document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0 // Chromium/FF/IE
// Render/show answer
const answerPre = appDiv.querySelector('pre')
try { // to render markdown
answerPre.innerHTML = marked.parse(answer) } catch (err) { log.error(err.message) }
hljs.highlightAll() // highlight code
update.replyPrefix() // prepend '>> ' if dark scheme w/ bg animations to emulate terminal
// Typeset math
answerPre.querySelectorAll('code').forEach(codeBlock => // add linebreaks after semicolons
codeBlock.innerHTML = codeBlock.innerHTML.replace(/;\s*/g, ';<br>'))
const elemsToRenderMathIn = [answerPre, ...answerPre.querySelectorAll('*')]
elemsToRenderMathIn.forEach(elem => { renderMathInElement(elem, {
delimiters: [
{ left: '$$', right: '$$', display: true },
{ left: '$', right: '$', display: false },
{ left: '\\(', right: '\\)', display: false },
{ left: '\\[', right: '\\]', display: true },
{ left: '\\begin{equation}', right: '\\end{equation}', display: true },
{ left: '\\begin{align}', right: '\\end{align}', display: true },
{ left: '\\begin{alignat}', right: '\\end{alignat}', display: true },
{ left: '\\begin{gather}', right: '\\end{gather}', display: true },
{ left: '\\begin{CD}', right: '\\end{CD}', display: true },
{ left: '\\[', right: '\\]', display: true }
throwOnError: false
// Auto-scroll if active
if (config.autoScroll && !env.browser.isMobile && config.proxyAPIenabled && !config.streamingDisabled)
answerPre.scrollTop = answerPre.scrollHeight
// Focus chatbar conditionally
if (!show.reply.chatbarFocused // do only once
&& !env.browser.isMobile // exclude mobile devices to not auto-popup OSD keyboard
&& (!config.autoFocusChatbarDisabled // AF enabled
|| ( // ...or AF disabled & user interacted
config.autoFocusChatbarDisabled && show.reply.userInteracted))
) { appDiv.querySelector(`#${app.cssPrefix}-chatbar`).focus() ; show.reply.chatbarFocused = true }
// Update styles
update.appBottomPos() // restore minimized/restored state
show.reply.userInteracted = false
// Define DOM utilities
const dom = {
create: {
anchor(linkHref, displayContent, attrs = {}) {
const anchor = document.createElement('a'),
defaultAttrs = { href: linkHref, target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener' },
finalAttrs = { ...defaultAttrs, ...attrs }
Object.entries(finalAttrs).forEach(([attr, value]) => anchor.setAttribute(attr, value))
if (displayContent) anchor.append(displayContent)
return anchor
style(content) {
const style = document.createElement('style')
if (content) style.innerText = content
return style
svgElem(type, attrs) {
const elem = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', type)
for (const attr in attrs) elem.setAttributeNS(null, attr, attrs[attr])
return elem
fillStarryBG(targetNode) { // requires https://assets.aiwebextensions.com/styles/rising-stars/css/<black|white>.min.css
if (targetNode.querySelector('[id*=stars]')) return
const starsDivsContainer = document.createElement('div')
starsDivsContainer.style.cssText = 'position: absolute ; top: 0 ; left: 0 ;' // hug targetNode's top-left corner
+ 'height: 100% ; width: 100% ; border-radius: 15px ; overflow: clip ;' // bound innards exactly by targetNode
+ 'z-index: -1'; // allow interactive elems to be clicked
['sm', 'med', 'lg'].forEach(starSize => {
const starsDiv = document.createElement('div')
starsDiv.id = config.bgAnimationsDisabled ? `stars-${starSize}-off`
: `${ env.ui.app.scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : 'black' }-stars-${starSize}`
getComputedWidth(...elems) { // including margins
let totalWidth = 0
elems.map(arg => arg instanceof NodeList ? [...arg] : arg).flat().forEach(elem => {
if (!(elem instanceof Element)) return
const elemStyle = getComputedStyle(elem) ; if (elemStyle.display == 'none') return
totalWidth += elem.getBoundingClientRect().width + parseFloat(elemStyle.marginLeft)
+ parseFloat(elemStyle.marginRight)
return totalWidth
// Run MAIN routine
// Exit on specific pages
if (location.pathname == '/message-us')
return log.debug('Exited from support bot')
else if (document.querySelector('form[action*=Captcha]'))
return log.debug('Exited from Captcha page')
else if (document.querySelector('a > img[src*="/error"]'))
return log.debug('Exited from 404 page')
// Create/ID/classify/listenerize/stylize APP container
const appDiv = document.createElement('div') ; appDiv.id = app.cssPrefix
appDiv.classList.add('anchored', 'fade-in') ; addListeners.appDiv()
if (config.expanded) appDiv.classList.add('expanded')
app.styles = dom.create.style() ; update.appStyle() ; document.head.append(app.styles);
['brs', 'wrs', 'hljs'].forEach(cssType => // black rising stars, white rising stars, code highlighting
// Create/stylize TOOLTIPs
if (!env.browser.isMobile) {
var tooltipDiv = document.createElement('div')
tooltipDiv.classList.add(`${app.cssPrefix}-btn-tooltip`, 'no-user-select')
document.head.append(dom.create.style(`.${app.cssPrefix}-btn-tooltip {`
+ 'background-color:' // bubble style
+ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.64) ; padding: 4px 6px ; border-radius: 6px ; border: 1px solid #d9d9e3 ;'
+ 'font-size: 0.87em ; color: white ; fill: white ; stroke: white ;' // font/icon style
+ 'position: absolute ;' // for update.tooltip() calcs
+ 'box-shadow: 3px 5px 16px 0 rgb(0,0,0,0.21) ;' // drop shadow
+ 'opacity: 0 ; height: fit-content ; z-index: 1250 ;' // visibility
+ 'transition: opacity 0.1s ; -webkit-transition: opacity 0.1s ; -moz-transition: opacity 0.1s ;'
+ '-o-transition: opacity 0.1s ; -ms-transition: opacity 0.1s }'
setTimeout(() => appDiv.classList.add('active'), 350) // fade in
// Get/show FIRST REPLY
const firstQuery = (
/\/(?:dp|product)\//.test(location.href) ? (
'Tell me more about this product, including benefits and the brand if possible.'
+ ' Also talk about similar products in a markdown list. The product is: ' + document.title
) : /\/b\//.test(location.href) ?
( 'Tell me more about what to look for when shopping for this category: ' + document.title
) : 'Hi there'
let msgChain = [{ role: 'user', content: augmentQuery(firstQuery) }]
appAlert('waitingResponse') ; get.reply(msgChain)