Bing Redirect Remover

Replace Bing's redirect and rebates links with normal links.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Bing Redirect Remover
// @namespace
// @version      2024-03-26
// @description  Replace Bing's redirect and rebates links with normal links.
// @author       Rudy Raab
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    function fixRedirects() {
        let anchors = [...document.getElementsByTagName("a")];
        let broken = anchors.filter(a => a.href.indexOf("") >= 0);
        for(let ab of broken) {
            let url = new URL(ab.href);
            if(url.pathname == "/rebates/welcome") {
                let redir = url.searchParams.get("url");
                if(redir) {
                    ab.href = decodeURIComponent(redir);
            else if(url.pathname == "/ck/a") {
                let redir = url.searchParams.get("u");
                if(redir) {
                    let u = redir.substr(2).replaceAll("-","+").replaceAll("_","/");
                    ab.href = atob(u);

    window.setTimeout(fixRedirects, 50);
