// ==UserScript==
// @name Facebook All Comments Helper
// @name:zh-TW FB全部留言小幫手
// @name:zh-CN FB全部留言小帮手
// @namespace https://github.com/Xuitty/FBallComments
// @version 2.4
// @description Easy way to show all comments.
// @description:zh-tw 讓您更快打開全部留言
// @description:zh-cn 让您更快打开全部留言
// @author Xuitty
// @match https://www.facebook.com/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=facebook.com
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM.registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM.setValue
// @grant GM.getValue
// @run-at document-end
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
* string array for detecting the menu button
const langs = {
de: ["Relevanteste", "Top-Kommentare", "Am zutreffendsten", "Neueste zuerst", "Neueste", "Alle Kommentare"],
en: ["Top comments", "Most relevant", "Most applicable", "Most recent", "Newest", "All comments"],
es: ["Comentarios destacados", "Más relevantes", "Más pertinentes", "Más recientes", "Más recientes", "Todos los comentarios"],
hu: ["A legfontosabb hozzászólások", "A legrelevánsabbak", "A témához leginkább illők", "A legújabbak", "A legutóbbiak", "Az összes hozzászólás"],
ja: ["トップコメント", "関連度の高い順", "最も適切", "新しい順", "新しい順", "すべてのコメント"],
ko: ["관련성 높은 댓글", "참여도 높은 댓글", "적합성 높은 순", "최신순", "날짜 내림차순", "모든 댓글"],
fr: ["Plus pertinents", "Les meilleurs commentaires", "Les plus pertinents", "Plus récents", "Les plus récents", "Tous les commentaires"],
sk: ["Top komentáre", "Najrelevantnejšie", "Najvhodnejšie", "Najnovšie", "Najnovšie", "Všetky komentáre"],
sl: ["Najbolj priljubljeni komentarji", "Najustreznejši", "Najustreznejše", "Najnovejši", "Najnovejši", "Vsi komentarji"],
"zh-Hans": ["热门评论", "最相关", "最合适", "从新到旧", "最新", "所有评论"],
"zh-Hant": ["最熱門留言", "最相關", "最相關", "最新", "由新到舊", "所有留言"],
* string array for notification
const notificationStr = {
de: ["Wechseln zu allen Kommentaren!", "Wechseln zu den neuesten Kommentaren!"],
en: ["Switch to All Comments!", "Switch to Latest Comments!"],
es: ["Cambiar a todos los comentarios!", "Cambiar a los comentarios más recientes!"],
hu: ["Váltás az összes hozzászólásra!", "Váltás a legújabb hozzászólásokra!"],
ja: ["すべてのコメントに切り替え!", "最新のコメントに切り替え!"],
ko: ["모든 댓글로 전환!", "최신 댓글로 전환!"],
fr: ["Passer à tous les commentaires!", "Passer aux commentaires les plus récents!"],
sk: ["Prepnúť na všetky komentáre!", "Prepnúť na najnovšie komentáre!"],
sl: ["Preklopite na vse komentarje!", "Preklopite na najnovejše komentarje!"],
"zh-Hant": ["切換到所有留言!", "切換到最新留言!"],
"zh-Hans": ["切换到所有评论!", "切换到最新评论!"],
* string array for settings
const settingsStr = {
"zh-Hant": {
settings: "設定",
autoDetect: "自動切換為全部/最新留言",
notifyEnabled: "操作通知",
isAll: "全部留言/最新留言",
isScroll: "是否開啟捲動",
scrollBehavior: "捲動特效",
hideSettings: "隱藏選單",
smooth: "平滑",
auto: "無",
openMenu: "開啟選單",
needRefresh: "需要重新整理頁面應用自動切換",
"zh-Hans": {
settings: "设置",
autoDetect: "自动切换为全部/最新评论",
notifyEnabled: "操作通知",
isAll: "全部评论/最新评论",
isScroll: "是否开启滚动",
scrollBehavior: "滚动特效",
hideSettings: "隐藏菜单",
smooth: "平滑",
auto: "无",
openMenu: "打开菜单",
needRefresh: "需要重新刷新页面应用自动切换",
en: {
settings: "Settings",
autoDetect: "Auto detect all/latest comments",
notifyEnabled: "Notify after action",
isAll: "All comments/Latest comments",
isScroll: "Enable scroll effect",
scrollBehavior: "Scroll behavior",
hideSettings: "Hide settings",
smooth: "Smooth",
auto: "None",
openMenu: "Open menu",
needRefresh: "Need to refresh the page to apply auto detection",
de: {
settings: "Einstellungen",
autoDetect: "Automatisch alle/neuesten Kommentare erkennen",
notifyEnabled: "Nach Aktion benachrichtigen",
isAll: "Alle Kommentare/Neueste Kommentare",
isScroll: "Bildlauf aktivieren",
scrollBehavior: "Bildlaufverhalten",
hideSettings: "Einstellungen ausblenden",
smooth: "Sanft",
auto: "Keine",
openMenu: "Menü öffnen",
needRefresh: "Die Seite muss aktualisiert werden, um die automatische Erkennung anzuwenden",
es: {
settings: "Ajustes",
autoDetect: "Detectar automáticamente todos/los comentarios más recientes",
notifyEnabled: "Notificar después de la acción",
isAll: "Todos los comentarios/Comentarios más recientes",
isScroll: "Activar efecto de desplazamiento",
scrollBehavior: "Comportamiento de desplazamiento",
hideSettings: "Ocultar ajustes",
smooth: "Suave",
auto: "Ninguno",
openMenu: "Abrir menú",
needRefresh: "Necesita actualizar la página para aplicar la detección automática",
fr: {
settings: "Paramètres",
autoDetect: "Détecter automatiquement tous/les derniers commentaires",
notifyEnabled: "Notifier après l'action",
isAll: "Tous les commentaires/Derniers commentaires",
isScroll: "Activer l'effet de défilement",
scrollBehavior: "Comportement de défilement",
hideSettings: "Masquer les paramètres",
smooth: "Doux",
auto: "Aucun",
openMenu: "Ouvrir le menu",
needRefresh: "Besoin de rafraîchir la page pour appliquer la détection automatique",
hu: {
settings: "Beállítások",
autoDetect: "Az összes/legújabb hozzászólás automatikus észlelése",
notifyEnabled: "Értesítés az akció után",
isAll: "Minden megjegyzés/Legfrissebb megjegyzések",
isScroll: "Gördítési hatás engedélyezése",
scrollBehavior: "Gördülési viselkedés",
hideSettings: "Beállítások elrejtése",
smooth: "Simít",
auto: "Nincs",
openMenu: "Menü megnyitása",
needRefresh: "Az automatikus észlelés alkalmazásához frissíteni kell az oldalt",
ja: {
settings: "設定",
autoDetect: "すべて/最新のコメントを自動検出",
notifyEnabled: "アクション後に通知",
isAll: "すべてのコメント/最新のコメント",
isScroll: "スクロール効果を有効にする",
scrollBehavior: "スクロール動作",
hideSettings: "設定を非表示",
smooth: "スムーズ",
auto: "なし",
openMenu: "メニューを開く",
needRefresh: "自動検出を適用するにはページを更新する必要があります",
ko: {
settings: "설정",
autoDetect: "모든/최신 댓글 자동 감지",
notifyEnabled: "작업 후 알림",
isAll: "모든 댓글/최신 댓글",
isScroll: "스크롤 효과 사용",
scrollBehavior: "스크롤 동작",
hideSettings: "설정 숨기기",
smooth: "부드러운",
auto: "없음",
openMenu: "메뉴 열기",
needRefresh: "자동 감지를 적용하려면 페이지를 새로 고쳐야 합니다",
sk: {
settings: "Nastavenia",
autoDetect: "Automaticky zistiť všetky/najnovšie komentáre",
notifyEnabled: "Upozorniť po akcii",
isAll: "Všetky komentáre/Najnovšie komentáre",
isScroll: "Povoliť posuvný efekt",
scrollBehavior: "Správanie posuvu",
hideSettings: "Skryť nastavenia",
smooth: "Hladký",
auto: "Žiadny",
openMenu: "Otvoriť menu",
needRefresh: "Na použitie automatického zistenia je potrebné obnoviť stránku",
sl: {
settings: "Nastavitve",
autoDetect: "Samodejno zaznani vsi/najnovejši komentarji",
notifyEnabled: "Obvesti po dejanju",
isAll: "Vsi komentarji/Najnovejši komentarji",
isScroll: "Omogoči učinek drsenja",
scrollBehavior: "Vedenje drsenja",
hideSettings: "Skrij nastavitve",
smooth: "Gladko",
auto: "Brez",
openMenu: "Odpri meni",
needRefresh: "Za uporabo samodejnega zaznavanja je treba osvežiti stran",
* get the language of the fb
* @returns the language of the fb
function detectLang() {
return document.getElementById("facebook")?.getAttribute("lang") || "en";
* get the settings string array
* @returns the settings string array
function getSettingsStr() {
return settingsStr[detectLang()] || settingsStr.en;
* get the xpath for menu
* @returns the xpath for menu
function getMenuButtonXPath() {
const lang = langs[detectLang()] || langs.en;
return `//span[not(@style) and (text()='${lang[0]}' or text()='${lang[1]}' or text()='${lang[2]}' or text()='${lang[3]}' or text()='${lang[4]}' or text()='${lang[5]}')]`;
* handle the click the comment button or the right bottom comment count
function handleClickOutside() {
if (settings.isAll) showAllComment();
else showLatestComment();
* wait for the element to appear in the DOM
* @param {string} xpath
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {number} timeout
* @param {number} interval
function waitForElement(xpath, callback, timeout = 3000, intervalTime = 100) {
const startTime = Date.now();
const interval = setInterval(() => {
const element = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
if (element) {
} else if (Date.now() - startTime > timeout) {
console.warn("Timeout: Element not found for XPath", xpath);
}, intervalTime);
* @param {Element} element
function safeClick(element) {
try {
} catch (err) {
console.error("Error clicking element:", err);
* show the notification to user after the action
* override is for mode in settings is allcomments and user press ctrl+dblclick/ctrl+insert
* @param {boolean} reverse
async function notifyUser(reverse = false) {
const notification = document.createElement("div");
notification.setAttribute("id", "FBAllCommentsHelperNotification");
notification.style.position = "fixed";
notification.style.bottom = "20px";
notification.style.left = "20px";
notification.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0,0,0,1)";
notification.style.color = "white";
notification.style.padding = "10px";
notification.style.borderRadius = "5px";
notification.style.zIndex = "9999";
const notifyingTimeout = Number(await GM.getValue("notifyingTimeout"));
if (reverse) {
notification.textContent = notificationStr[detectLang()][settings.isAll ? 1 : 0] || notificationStr.en[settings.isAll ? 1 : 0];
} else {
notification.textContent = notificationStr[detectLang()][settings.isAll ? 0 : 1] || notificationStr.en[settings.isAll ? 0 : 1];
if (notifyingTimeout) {
await GM.setValue("notifyingTimeout", undefined);
const id = setTimeout(async () => {
await GM.setValue("notifyingTimeout", undefined);
}, 3000);
await GM.setValue("notifyingTimeout", id);
* parse the user action
* @param {*} e
* @returns
function actionParser(e) {
if (e.type === "dblclick" && e.ctrlKey) {
!settings.isAll ? showAllComment(true) : showLatestComment(true);
if (e.type === "dblclick") {
settings.isAll ? showAllComment() : showLatestComment();
if (e.code === "Insert" && e.ctrlKey) {
!settings.isAll ? showAllComment(true) : showLatestComment(true);
if (e.code === "Insert") {
settings.isAll ? showAllComment() : showLatestComment();
* detecting the changes in the DOM
* @param {Function} callback
function observeDOM(callback) {
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
mutations.forEach(() => callback());
observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
* show all comments
function showAllComment(reverse = false) {
//getting the menu
(element) => {
if (settings.isScroll) {
element.scrollIntoView({ behavior: settings.scrollBehavior, block: "center" });
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
//getting the items in menu
(element) => {
const menuItems = document.querySelectorAll('*[role="menuitem"]');
if (menuItems.length > 1) {
safeClick(menuItems[menuItems.length - 1]);
if (settings.notifyEnabled) {
* show latest comment
* override is for mode in settings is allcomments and user press ctrl+dblclick/ctrl+insert
* @param {boolean} reverse
function showLatestComment(reverse = false) {
//getting the menu
(element) => {
if (settings.isScroll) {
element.scrollIntoView({ behavior: settings.scrollBehavior, block: "center" });
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
//getting the items in menu
(element) => {
const menuItems = document.querySelectorAll('*[role="menuitem"]');
if (menuItems.length > 1) {
safeClick(menuItems[menuItems.length - 2]);
if (settings.notifyEnabled) {
* bind the event for detected object after the DOM changes
function bindForDetected(action = "bind") {
let commentRightBottomBtn = document.querySelectorAll("div[role='button'][tabindex='0'][id^=':']");
let commentBtn = document.querySelectorAll("span[data-ad-rendering-role='comment_button']");
commentRightBottomBtn.forEach((btn) => {
if (action === "remove") {
btn.removeEventListener("click", handleClickOutside);
} else {
btn.addEventListener("click", handleClickOutside);
commentBtn.forEach((btn) => {
if (action === "remove") {
btn.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.removeEventListener("click", handleClickOutside);
} else {
btn.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.addEventListener("click", handleClickOutside);
* default settings
const settings = {
autoDetect: true, // auto detect all/latest comments
scrollBehavior: "smooth", // scroll behavior
notifyEnabled: true, // notify after action
isAll: true, // all comments/latest comments
isHidden: false, // settings panel hidden
isScroll: false, // enable scroll effect
* save settings to gm storage
async function saveSettings() {
await GM.setValue("fbAllCommentsHelperSettings", JSON.stringify(settings));
* load settings from gm storage
async function loadSettings() {
const storedSettings = await GM.getValue("fbAllCommentsHelperSettings");
if (storedSettings) {
Object.assign(settings, JSON.parse(storedSettings));
* create settings panel
function createSettingsPanel() {
const panel = document.createElement("div");
panel.id = "settingsPanel";
panel.style.position = "fixed";
panel.style.top = "10px";
panel.style.right = "10px";
panel.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)";
panel.style.padding = "10px";
panel.style.borderRadius = "5px";
panel.style.zIndex = "9999";
panel.style.fontSize = "14px";
panel.innerHTML = `
<h4 style="margin: 0 0 10px;color: white;">${getSettingsStr().settings}</h4>
<label style="color: white;">
<input type="checkbox" id="autoDetect" ${settings.autoDetect ? "checked" : ""}>
<label style="color: white;">
<input type="checkbox" id="notifyEnabled" ${settings.notifyEnabled ? "checked" : ""}>
<label style="color: white;">
<input type="checkbox" id="isAll" ${settings.isAll ? "checked" : ""}>
<label style="color: white;">
<input type="checkbox" id="isScroll" ${settings.isScroll ? "checked" : ""}>
<label style="color: white;">
<select id="scrollBehavior">
<option value="smooth" ${settings.scrollBehavior === "smooth" ? "selected" : ""}>${getSettingsStr().smooth}</option>
<option value="auto" ${settings.scrollBehavior === "auto" ? "selected" : ""}>${getSettingsStr().auto}</option>
<button id="hideSettings" style="margin-top: 10px;">${getSettingsStr().hideSettings}</button>
// add panel buttons event listeners
document.getElementById("autoDetect").addEventListener("change", (e) => {
settings.autoDetect = e.target.checked;
document.getElementById("notifyEnabled").addEventListener("change", (e) => {
settings.notifyEnabled = e.target.checked;
document.getElementById("isAll").addEventListener("change", (e) => {
settings.isAll = e.target.checked;
document.getElementById("isScroll").addEventListener("change", (e) => {
settings.isScroll = e.target.checked;
document.getElementById("scrollBehavior").addEventListener("change", (e) => {
settings.scrollBehavior = e.target.value;
document.getElementById("hideSettings").addEventListener("click", () => {
settings.isHidden = true;
(async function () {
"use strict";
window.addEventListener("load", async () => {
await loadSettings();
await saveSettings();
await GM_registerMenuCommand(getSettingsStr().openMenu, () => {
// gm menu command
settings.isHidden = false;
if (!settings.isHidden) {
// create settings panel when isHidden is false
document.addEventListener("dblclick", actionParser); //handle dblclick event
document.addEventListener("keydown", actionParser); //handle keydown event
if (settings.autoDetect) {
// for auto detect