Youtube Spacebar Pause/Play Fix

A Youtube bug disables the space key shortcut, which often happens when you change windows and return to Youtube, often with the ALT + TAB shortcut. This script ensures that the spacebar PAUSE / PLAY shortcut works correctly.

< Commentaires sur Youtube Spacebar Pause/Play Fix

Avis: Mauvais - le script ne fonctionne pas

Posté le: 2023-11-08

Doesn't work with the new Chrome update
Thank you for this script btw :)

Posté le: 2023-11-10

Doesn't work with the new Chrome update
Thank you for this script btw :)

Hello, I hadn't taken into account the fact that Youtube is a single page application, and it's possible that the last chrome update changed something

Now I've updated the script and it should work just fine (i fixed the single page problem, idk about the chrome update but I'll take a closer look at it), I invite you to download the latest version and I hope it works on your side too :)

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