links for ppixiv

Add patreon & fanbox & fantia links into ppixiv

< Commentaires sur links for ppixiv

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 2023-12-17

Thanks for the great script, I have a digression,

Please tell me how to Add "" buttons on ppixiv user dropdown and turn it into a convenient menu as shown in your script. Phixiv is a function that parses Pixiv URLs. I often use phixiv in DISCORD chat, so I am tired of adding h letters by myself.

I have also suggested a similar function to the ppixiv author. Here I would also like to ask you how to add a new phixiv dropdown button.

Posté le: 2023-12-18
Édité le: 2023-12-18

Look at this. Whole discussion is here.

interface Url {
  url: URL | string
  icon: string // Can use material icons
  // Any string for preventing duplicates
  // it also setting some default icons based on this property
  type: string
  label: string // Displayed title

And when you need retrigger user update call this.

function notifyUserUpdated(userId) {

You can get user id from userInfo.userId

That's pretty much everything you need to know.

And i guess we need to patch ppixiv code a bit to allow multiple event callabcks cause for now it's only one function. So either we merge support for it into ppixiv itsef or use closures as workaround which can be buggy i think.

Posté le: 2023-12-18

And since it's not undesirable feature you can try merge it upstream instead of separate userscript as well.

Because in case of separate userscript i guess we still need to patch ppixiv code a bit to allow multiple event callabcks cause for now it's only one function. So either we merge support for it into ppixiv itself or use closures as workaround which can be potentially buggy i think.

Posté le: 2023-12-19

Thanks for the response, I thought I would just put some paragraphs that follow the same pattern and add code,
but it didn't work because I can't write code, so I gave up.

    const cachedPatreonUsers = {};
    const cachedRedirects = {};
    const labelMatchingMap = {
//        "patreon": "",
//        "fanbox": "Fanbox",
//        "fantia": "",
        "pixiv": "",

//    }
//    function fanbox(extraLinks, userInfo) {
//        extraLinks.push({
//            url: new URL(`${userInfo.userId}`),
//            icon: "mat:money_off",
//            type: "kemono_fanbox",
//            label: "Kemono fanbox"
//        });
//    }
//    function fantia(link, extraLinks) {
//        //const id = link.url.toString().split("/").pop();
//        extraLinks.push({
//            url: new URL(`${id}`),
//            icon: "mat:money_off",
//            type: "kemono_fantia",
//            label: "Kemono fantia"

    function Pixiv(link, extraLinks) {
        const id = link.url.toString().split("/").pop();
            url: new URL(`${id}`),
            icon: "mat:money_off",
            type: "phixiv_pixiv",
            label: "phixiv pixiv"


    function addUserLinks({ extraLinks, userInfo }) {
        for(const link of [...extraLinks, ...getLinksFromDescription(extraLinks)]) {
            switch(link.label) {
//                case "Fanbox": fanbox(extraLinks, userInfo); break;
//                case "": patreon(link, extraLinks, userInfo); break;
//                case "": fantia(link, extraLinks); break;
                case "": pixiv(link, extraLinks); break;

Posté le: 2023-12-19

Nah forget you can get illustration info like this but for adding link to this list access to internal MenuOptionButton class needed if you don't want copy paste code from ppixiv into your script or using bundler what will tree shake it from ppixiv code into your script automatically.

So the most adequate option is to make changes into ppixiv itself or partially bundle widgets module if it should stay in separate userscript form.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         New Userscript
// @namespace
// @version      2023-12-19
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       You
// @match        https://**
// @icon
// @run-at       document-idle
// @grant        none
// @unwrap
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    function dropdownMenuOptions({ moreOptionsDropdown }) {
        const { mediaInfo } = moreOptionsDropdown
        if(!mediaInfo) return

        const page = window.location.hash.split("=").pop()
        const { illustId } = mediaInfo

        if(page === "#ppixiv") console.log("No page. Context menu opened from listing page")
        console.log(illustId, page)

    window.vviewHooks = {
Posté le: 2023-12-20

thank you for your explanation.

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