Greasy Fork is available in English.

Nowcoder Better!


// ==UserScript==
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// @description  牛客竞赛题目题解markdown一键复制
// @author       北极小狐
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// @compatible	 Firefox
// @compatible	 Edge
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// 状态与初始化
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if (opneaiConfig.choice !== -1 && opneaiConfig.configurations.length !== 0) {
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// 常量
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// 语言判断
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    padding: 1px 5px;
    margin: 5px;
    border: none;
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ul#config_bar_ul {
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    margin: 0px;
ul#config_bar_ul li {
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label.config_bar_ul_li_text:hover {
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input[type="radio"]:checked + .config_bar_ul_li_text {
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ul#config_bar_ul::-webkit-scrollbar-button:end:increment {
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ul#config_bar_ul::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
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label.config_bar_ul_li_text::-webkit-scrollbar {
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label.config_bar_ul_li_text::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
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label.config_bar_ul_li_text::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
    background-color: #f1f1f1;
.config_bar_list_add_div {
    display: flex;
    height: 40px;
    margin: 4px 2px;
/* 修改菜单 */
div#config_bar_menu {
    z-index: 99999;
    position: absolute;
    width: 60px;
    background: #ffffff;
    box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px 0px #0000004d;
    border: 0px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.04);
    border-radius: 4px;
    padding: 8px 0;
div.config_bar_menu_item {
    cursor: pointer;
    padding: 2px 6px;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    height: 32px;
    color: rgba(0,0,0,0.75);
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: 500;
    box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 0px #8bb2d9;
div#config_bar_menu_edit:hover {
    background-color: #00aeec;
    color: white;
div#config_bar_menu_delete:hover {
    background-color: #FF5722;
    color: white;
/* 配置页面 */
#config_edit_menu {
    z-index: 11000;
    width: 450px; 

// 获取cookie
function getCookie(name) {
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    return "";

// 防抖函数
function debounce(callback) {
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    let immediateExecuted = false;
    const delay = 500;
    return function () {
        if (!immediateExecuted) {; immediateExecuted = true; }
        timer = setTimeout(() => { immediateExecuted = false; }, delay);

// 为元素添加鼠标拖动
function addDraggable(element) {
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    $(document).on('mousemove', function (e) {
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    $(document).on('mouseup', function () {
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// 更新检查
(function checkScriptVersion() {
    function compareVersions(version1 = "0", version2 = "0") {
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        const v2Array = String(version2).split(".");
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                if (curVersion > 0) {
                    v1IsBigger ? result = 1 : result = -1;
        return result;

        method: "GET",
        url: "",
        timeout: 10 * 1e3,
        onload: function (response) {
            const scriptData = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
            const skipUpdate = getCookie("skipUpdate");

            if (
       === &&
                compareVersions(scriptData.version, GM_info.script.version) === 1 &&
                skipUpdate !== "true"
            ) {
                const styleElement = GM_addStyle(darkenPageStyle);
                    <div id='update_panel'>
                        <div class='update_panel_menu'>
                            <span class ='tip'>版本信息:${GM_info.script.version} → ${scriptData.version}</span>
                        <div id="skip_menu">
                            <div class="help_tip">
                                `+ helpCircleHTML + `
                                <div class="tip_text">
                                    <p>由于 Greasyfork 平台的原因,当新版本刚发布时,点击 Greasyfork 上的更新按钮<u>可能</u>会出现<u>实际更新/安装的却是上一个版本</u>的情况</p>
                                    <button id='skip_update' class='html2mdButton'>暂不更新</button>
                            <button id='updating'><a target="_blank" href="${scriptData.url}">更新</a></button>

                $("#skip_update").click(function () {
                    document.cookie = "skipUpdate=true; expires=session; path=/";


// 设置面板
$(document).ready(function () {
    var htmlContent = "<button class='html2mdButton NowcoderBetter_setting'>Nowcoder Better设置</button>";
    if ($('.acm-nav-info').length > 0) $('.acm-nav-info > li:last-child').after("<li class='dropdown'>" + htmlContent + "</li>");
    else $('.header-bar .header-right > :last-child').after(htmlContent);

// 配置管理函数
function setupConfigManagement(element, tempConfig, structure, configHTML, checkable) {
    let counter = 0;

    // 键值对校验
    function valiKeyValue(value) {
        const keyValuePairs = value.split('\n');
        const regex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\s*:\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/;
        for (let i = 0; i < keyValuePairs.length; i++) {
            if (!regex.test(keyValuePairs[i])) {
                return false;
        return true;

    // 新增数据
    function onAdd() {
        const styleElement = createWindow();

        const settingMenu = $("#config_edit_menu");
        settingMenu.on("click", "#save", () => {
            const config = {};
            let allFieldsValid = true;
            for (const key in structure) {
                let value = $(key).val();
                if (value || $(key).attr('require') === 'false') {
                    config[structure[key]] = $(key).val();
                } else {
                    allFieldsValid = false;

            // 校验提示
            for (let i = 0, len = checkable.length; i < len; i++) {
                let value = $(checkable[i]).val();
                if (value && !valiKeyValue(value)) {
                    if (!$(checkable[i]).prev('span.text-error').length) {
                        $(checkable[i]).before('<span class="text-error" style="color: red;">格式不符或存在非法字符</span>');
                    allFieldsValid = false;
                } else {

            if (!allFieldsValid) return;

            const list = $("#config_bar_ul");


        settingMenu.on("click", ".btn-close", () => {

    // 编辑数据
    function onEdit() {
        const menu = $("#config_bar_menu");
        menu.css({ display: "none" });

        const list = $("#config_bar_ul");
        const index = Array.from(list.children()).indexOf(this);

        const styleElement = createWindow();

        const settingMenu = $("#config_edit_menu");
        const configAtIndex = tempConfig.configurations[index];

        if (configAtIndex) {
            for (const key in structure) {

        settingMenu.on("click", "#save", () => {
            const config = {};
            let allFieldsValid = true;
            for (const key in structure) {
                let value = $(key).val();
                if (value || $(key).attr('require') === 'false') {
                    config[structure[key]] = $(key).val();
                } else {
                    allFieldsValid = false;
            // 校验提示
            for (let i = 0, len = checkable.length; i < len; i++) {
                let value = $(checkable[i]).val();
                if (value && !valiKeyValue(value)) {
                    if (!$(checkable[i]).prev('span.text-error').length) {
                        $(checkable[i]).before('<span class="text-error" style="color: red;">格式不符或存在非法字符</span>');
                    allFieldsValid = false;
                } else {

            if (!allFieldsValid) return;
            tempConfig.configurations[index] = config;

            menu.css({ display: "none" });


        // 关闭按钮
        settingMenu.on("click", ".btn-close", () => {

    // 删除数据
    function onDelete() {
        const menu = $("#config_bar_menu");
        menu.css({ display: "none" });

        const list = $("#config_bar_ul");
        const index = Array.from(list.children()).indexOf(this);

        tempConfig.configurations.splice(index, 1);


    // 创建编辑窗口
    function createWindow() {
        const styleElement = GM_addStyle(darkenPageStyle2);
        return styleElement;

    // 创建控制面板
    function createControlBar() {
            <div id='configControlTip' style='color:red;'></div>
            <div class='config_bar'>
                <div class='config_bar_list' id='config_bar_list'>
                    <ul class='config_bar_ul' id='config_bar_ul'></ul>

    // 创建右键菜单
    function createContextMenu() {
        const menu = $("<div id='config_bar_menu' style='display: none;'></div>");
			<div class='config_bar_menu_item' id='config_bar_menu_edit'>修改</div>
			<div class='config_bar_menu_item' id='config_bar_menu_delete'>删除</div>

    // 创建新的li元素
    function createListItemElement(text) {
        const li = $("<li></li>");
        const radio = $("<input type='radio' name='config_item'></input>").appendTo(li);
        radio.attr("value", counter).attr("id", counter++);
        const label = $("<label class='config_bar_ul_li_text'></label>").text(text).attr("for", radio.attr("value")).appendTo(li);

        // 添加右键菜单
        li.on("contextmenu", function (event) {
            const menu = $("#config_bar_menu");
            menu.css({ display: "block", left: event.pageX, top: event.pageY });

            const deleteItem = $("#config_bar_menu_delete");
            const editItem = $("#config_bar_menu_edit");

            // 移除旧事件

            deleteItem.on("click", onDelete.bind(this));
            editItem.on("click", onEdit.bind(this));

            $(document).one("click", (event) => {
                if (!menu.get(0).contains( {
                    menu.css({ display: "none" });
          "click", onDelete);
          "click", onEdit);

        return li;

    // 渲染列表
    function renderList() {
        const listContainer = $("#config_bar_list");
        const list = $("#config_bar_ul");
        tempConfig.configurations.forEach((item) => {

            <li id='add_button'>
                <span>+ 添加</span>
        const addItem = $('#add_button');
        addItem.on("click", onAdd);

    return tempConfig;

const NowcoderBetterSettingMenuHTML = `
    <div id='NowcoderBetter_setting_menu' class='NowcoderBetter_setting_menu'>
    <div class="tool-box">
        <button class="btn-close">×</button>
    <div class='NowcoderBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for="hoverTargetAreaDisplay">显示目标区域范围</label>
        <div class="help_tip">
            `+ helpCircleHTML + `
            <div class="tip_text">
            <p>开启后当鼠标悬浮在 MD视图/复制/翻译 按钮上时,会显示其目标区域的范围</p>
        <input type="checkbox" id="hoverTargetAreaDisplay" name="hoverTargetAreaDisplay">
    <div class='NowcoderBetter_setting_list'>
        <label for="enableSegmentedTranslation">分段翻译</label>
        <div class="help_tip">
            `+ helpCircleHTML + `
            <div class="tip_text">
            <p>- 使得翻译接口无法知晓整个文本的上下文信息,会降低翻译质量。</p>
            <p>- 会有<strong>部分内容不会被翻译</strong>,因为它们不是&#60;&#112;&#47;&#62;或&#60;&#105;&#47;&#62;标签</p>
        <input type="checkbox" id="enableSegmentedTranslation" name="enableSegmentedTranslation">
        <input type='radio' name='translation' value='deepl'>
        <span class='NowcoderBetter_setting_menu_label_text'>deepl翻译</span>
        <input type='radio' name='translation' value='youdao'>
        <span class='NowcoderBetter_setting_menu_label_text'>有道翻译</span>
        <input type='radio' name='translation' value='google'>
        <span class='NowcoderBetter_setting_menu_label_text'>Google翻译</span>
        <input type='radio' name='translation' value='openai'>
        <span class='NowcoderBetter_setting_menu_label_text'>使用ChatGPT翻译(API)
            <div class="help_tip">
                `+ helpCircleHTML + `
                <div class="tip_text">
    <div class='NowcoderBetter_setting_menu_input' id='openai' style='display: none;'>
        <div id="chatgpt-config"></div>
    <button id='save'>保存</button>

const chatgptConfigEditHTML = `
    <div class='NowcoderBetter_setting_menu' id='config_edit_menu'>
        <div class="tool-box">
            <button class="btn-close">×</button>
        <label for='note'>
            <span class="input_label">备注:</span>
        <input type='text' id='note' class='no_default' placeholder='请为该配置取一个备注名' require = true>
        <label for='openai_model'>
            <div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
                <span class="input_label">模型:</span>
                <div class="help_tip">
                    `+ helpCircleHTML + `
                    <div class="tip_text">
                    <p>模型列表请查阅<a target="_blank" href="">OpenAI官方文档</a></p>
        <input type='text' id='openai_model' placeholder='gpt-3.5-turbo' require = false>
        <label for='openai_key'>
            <div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
                <span class="input_label">KEY:</span>
                <div class="help_tip">
                    `+ helpCircleHTML + `
                    <div class="tip_text">
                    <p>您需要输入自己的OpenAI key,<a target="_blank" href="">官网</a></p>
                    <p><b>如果您使用的是服务商提供的代理API,则应该填写服务商提供的 Key</b></p>
        <input type='text' id='openai_key' class='no_default' placeholder='请输入KEY' require = true>
        <label for='openai_proxy'>
            <div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
                <span class="input_label">Proxy API:</span>
                <div class="help_tip">
                    `+ helpCircleHTML + `
                    <div class="tip_text">
        <input type='text' id='openai_proxy' placeholder='' require = false>
        <label for='_header'>
            <div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
                <span class="input_label">自定义header</span>
                <div class="help_tip">
                    `+ helpCircleHTML + `
                    <div class="tip_text">
                        <div style="border: 1px solid #795548; padding: 10px;">
                            <p>name1 : 123<br>name2 : cccc</p>
        <textarea id="_header" placeholder='(选填)您可以在这里填写向请求header中额外添加的键值对' require = false></textarea>
        <label for='_data'>
            <div style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
                <span class="input_label">自定义data</span>
                <div class="help_tip">
                    `+ helpCircleHTML + `
                    <div class="tip_text">
                        <div style="border: 1px solid #795548; padding: 10px;">
                            <p>name1 : 123<br>name2 : cccc</p>
        <textarea id="_data" placeholder='(选填)您可以在这里填写向请求data中额外添加的键值对' require = false></textarea>
        <button id='save'>保存</button>

$(document).ready(function () {
    const $settingBtns = $(".NowcoderBetter_setting");
    $ => {
        const styleElement = GM_addStyle(darkenPageStyle);
        $settingBtns.prop("disabled", true).addClass("open");

        // 窗口初始化
        const chatgptStructure = {
            '#note': 'note',
            '#openai_model': 'model',
            '#openai_key': 'key',
            '#openai_proxy': 'proxy',
            '#_header': '_header',
            '#_data': '_data',
        const checkable = [

        // 缓存配置信息
        let tempConfig = GM_getValue('chatgpt-config');
        tempConfig = setupConfigManagement('#chatgpt-config', tempConfig, chatgptStructure, chatgptConfigEditHTML, checkable);

        // 状态切换
        $("#enableSegmentedTranslation").prop("checked", GM_getValue("enableSegmentedTranslation") === true);
        $("#hoverTargetAreaDisplay").prop("checked", GM_getValue("hoverTargetAreaDisplay") === true);
        $("input[name='translation'][value='" + translation + "']").prop("checked", true);
        $("input[name='translation']").css("color", "gray");
        if (translation == "openai") {
            if (tempConfig) {
                $("input[name='config_item'][value='" + tempConfig.choice + "']").prop("checked", true);

        // 翻译选择情况监听
        $("input[name='translation']").change(function () {
            var selected = $(this).val(); // 获取当前选中的值
            if (selected === "openai") {
                if (tempConfig) {
                    $("input[name='config_item'][value='" + tempConfig.choice + "']").prop("checked", true);
            } else {
        // 配置选择情况监听
        $("input[name='config_item']").change(function () {
            var selected = $(this).val(); // 获取当前选中的值
            tempConfig.choice = selected;

        const $settingMenu = $(".NowcoderBetter_setting_menu");

        $("#save").click(debounce(function () {
            const settings = {
                hoverTargetAreaDisplay: $("#hoverTargetAreaDisplay").prop("checked"),
                enableSegmentedTranslation: $("#enableSegmentedTranslation").prop("checked"),
                translation: $("input[name='translation']:checked").val()
            if (settings.translation === "openai") {
                var selectedIndex = $('input[name="config_item"]:checked').closest('li').index();
                if (selectedIndex === -1) {
            GM_setValue('chatgpt-config', tempConfig);
            let refreshPage = false; // 是否需要刷新页面
            for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(settings)) {
                if (!refreshPage && !(key == 'enableSegmentedTranslation' || key == 'translation')) {
                    if (GM_getValue(key) != value) refreshPage = true;
                GM_setValue(key, value);
            if (refreshPage) location.reload();
            else {
                // 更新配置信息
                enableSegmentedTranslation = settings.enableSegmentedTranslation;
                translation = settings.translation;
                if (settings.translation === "openai") {
                    var selectedIndex = $('#config_bar_ul li input[type="radio"]:checked').closest('li').index();
                    if (selectedIndex !== opneaiConfig.choice) {
                        opneaiConfig = GM_getValue("chatgpt-config");
                        const configAtIndex = opneaiConfig.configurations[selectedIndex];
                        openai_model = configAtIndex.model;
                        openai_key = configAtIndex.key;
                        openai_proxy = configAtIndex.proxy;
                        openai_header = configAtIndex._header ?
                            configAtIndex._header.split("\n").map(header => {
                                const [key, value] = header.split(":");
                                return { [key.trim()]: value.trim() };
                            }) : [];
                        openai_data = configAtIndex._data ?
                            configAtIndex._data.split("\n").map(header => {
                                const [key, value] = header.split(":");
                                return { [key.trim()]: value.trim() };
                            }) : [];

            $settingBtns.prop("disabled", false).removeClass("open");

        // 关闭
        $settingMenu.on("click", ".btn-close", () => {
            $settingBtns.prop("disabled", false).removeClass("open");

// html2md转换/处理规则
var turndownService = new TurndownService({ bulletListMarker: '-', escape: (text) => text });
var turndown = turndownService.turndown;

// 保留原始

turndownService.addRule('removeByClass', {
    filter: function (node) {
        return node.classList.contains('html2md-panel') ||
            node.classList.contains('div-btn-copy') ||
            node.classList.contains('btn-copy') ||
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    replacement: function () {
        return '';

// inline math
turndownService.addRule('inline-math1', {
    filter: function (node, options) {
        return node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "span" && node.className == "katex";
    replacement: function (content, node) {
        var text = $(node).find('annotation').text();
        if (text == "") {
            text = $(node).find('math').contents().filter(function () {
                return this.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE;
        return "$" + text + "$";
turndownService.addRule('inline-math2', {
    filter: function (node, options) {
        return node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "span" && node.className == "katex-mathml";
    replacement: function (content, node) {
        var text = "";
        $(node).contents().each(function () {
            if (this.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                text += $(this).text();
        return "$" + text + "$";

// block math
turndownService.addRule('block-math', {
    filter: function (node, options) {
        return node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "span" && node.className == "katex-display";
    replacement: function (content, node) {
        return "\n$$\n" + $(node).find('annotation').text() + "\n$$\n";

// pre
turndownService.addRule('pre', {
    filter: function (node, options) {
        return node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "pre";
    replacement: function (content, node) {
        return "```\n" + content + "```\n";

// bordertable
turndownService.addRule('bordertable', {
    filter: 'table',
    replacement: function (content, node) {
        if (node.classList.contains('table')) {
            var output = [],
                thead = '',
                trs = node.querySelectorAll('tr');
            if (trs.length > 0) {
                var ths = trs[0].querySelectorAll('th');
                if (ths.length > 0) {
                    thead = '| ' + Array.from(ths).map(th => turndownService.turndown(th.innerHTML.trim())).join(' | ') + ' |\n'
                        + '| ' + Array.from(ths).map(() => ' --- ').join('|') + ' |\n';
            var rows = node.querySelectorAll('tr');
            Array.from(rows).forEach(function (row, i) {
                if (i > 0) {
                    var cells = row.querySelectorAll('td,th');
                    var trow = '| ' + Array.from(cells).map(cell => turndownService.turndown(cell.innerHTML.trim())).join(' | ') + ' |';
            return thead + output.join('\n');
        } else {
            return content;

// 随机数生成
function getRandomNumber(numDigits) {
    let min = Math.pow(10, numDigits - 1);
    let max = Math.pow(10, numDigits) - 1;
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

// 按钮面板
function addButtonPanel(parent, suffix, type, is_simple = false) {
    let htmlString = `<div class='html2md-panel'>
    <button class='html2mdButton html2md-view${suffix}'>MarkDown视图</button>
    <button class='html2mdButton html2md-cb${suffix}'>Copy</button>
    <button class='html2mdButton translateButton${suffix}'>翻译</button>
    if (type === "this_level") {
    } else if (type === "child_level") {
    if (is_simple) {
        $('.html2md-panel').find('.html2mdButton.html2md-view' + suffix + ', .html2mdButton.html2md-cb' + suffix).remove();

function addButtonWithHTML2MD(parent, suffix, type) {
    $(document).on("click", ".html2md-view" + suffix, function () {
        var target, removedChildren = $();
        if (type === "this_level") {
            target = $(".html2md-view" + suffix).parent().next().get(0);
        } else if (type === "child_level") {
            target = $(".html2md-view" + suffix).parent().parent().get(0);
            removedChildren = $(".html2md-view" + suffix).parent().parent().children(':first').detach();
        if (target.viewmd) {
            target.viewmd = false;
        } else {
            target.viewmd = true;
            if (!target.original_html) {
                target.original_html = $(target).html();
            if (!target.markdown) {
                target.markdown = turndownService.turndown($(target).html());
            $(target).html(`<span class="mdViewContent" oninput="$(this).parent().get(0).markdown=this.value;" style="width:auto; height:auto;">${target.markdown}</span>`);
        // 恢复删除的元素
        if (removedChildren) $(target).prepend(removedChildren);

function addButtonWithHTML2MD(parent, suffix, type) {
    $(document).on("click", ".html2md-view" + suffix, debounce(function () {
        var target, removedChildren = $();
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            target = $(".html2md-view" + suffix).parent().next().get(0);
        } else if (type === "child_level") {
            target = $(".html2md-view" + suffix).parent().parent().get(0);
            removedChildren = $(".html2md-view" + suffix).parent().parent().children(':first').detach();
        if (target.viewmd) {
            target.viewmd = false;
        } else {
            target.viewmd = true;
            if (!target.original_html) {
                target.original_html = $(target).html();
            if (!target.markdown) {
                target.markdown = turndownService.turndown($(target).html());
            $(target).html(`<span class="mdViewContent" oninput="$(this).parent().get(0).markdown=this.value;" style="width:auto; height:auto;">${target.markdown}</span>`);
        // 恢复删除的元素
        if (removedChildren) $(target).prepend(removedChildren);

    if (hoverTargetAreaDisplay) {
        var previousCSS;
        $(document).on("mouseover", ".html2md-view" + suffix, function () {
            var target;

            if (type === "this_level") {
                target = $(".html2md-view" + suffix).parent().next().get(0);
            } else if (type === "child_level") {
                target = $(".html2md-view" + suffix).parent().parent().get(0);

            $(target).append('<div class="overlay">目标转换区域</div>');
            previousCSS = {
                "position": $(target).css("position"),
                "display": $(target).css("display")
                "position": "relative",
                "display": "block"

            $(".html2md-view" + suffix).parent().css({
                "position": "relative",
                "z-index": "99999"

        $(document).on("mouseout", ".html2md-view" + suffix, function () {
            var target;

            if (type === "this_level") {
                target = $(".html2md-view" + suffix).parent().next().get(0);
            } else if (type === "child_level") {
                target = $(".html2md-view" + suffix).parent().parent().get(0);

            $(".html2md-view" + suffix).parent().css({
                "position": "static"

function addButtonWithCopy(parent, suffix, type) {
    $(document).on("click", ".html2md-cb" + suffix, debounce(function () {
        var target, removedChildren;
        if (type === "this_level") {
            target = $(".translateButton" + suffix).parent().next().eq(0).clone();
        } else if (type === "child_level") {
            target = $(".translateButton" + suffix).parent().parent().eq(0).clone();
        if ($(target).find('.mdViewContent').length <= 0) {
            text = turndownService.turndown($(target).html());
        } else {
            text = $(target).find('.mdViewContent').text();
        // 更新复制按钮文本
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 2000);

    if (hoverTargetAreaDisplay) {
        var previousCSS;
        $(document).on("mouseover", ".html2md-cb" + suffix, function () {
            var target;

            if (type === "this_level") {
                target = $(".html2md-cb" + suffix).parent().next().get(0);
            } else if (type === "child_level") {
                target = $(".html2md-cb" + suffix).parent().parent().get(0);

            $(target).append('<div class="overlay">目标复制区域</div>');
            previousCSS = {
                "position": $(target).css("position"),
                "display": $(target).css("display")

                "position": "relative",
                "display": "block"
            $(".html2md-cb" + suffix).parent().css({
                "position": "relative",
                "z-index": "99999"

        $(document).on("mouseout", ".html2md-cb" + suffix, function () {
            var target;

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            } else if (type === "child_level") {
                target = $(".html2md-cb" + suffix).parent().parent().get(0);

            $(".html2md-cb" + suffix).parent().css({
                "position": "static"

async function addButtonWithTranslation(parent, suffix, type) {
    var result;
    $(document).on('click', '.translateButton' + suffix, debounce(async function () {
        $(this).css("cursor", "not-allowed");
        $(this).prop("disabled", true);
        var target, element_node, block, errerNum = 0;
        if (type === "this_level") block = $(".translateButton" + suffix).parent().next();
        else if (type === "child_level") block = $(".translateButton" + suffix).parent().parent();

        // 重新翻译
        if (result) {
            if (result.translateDiv) {
            if (result.copyDiv) {
            if (result.copyButton) {
            // 移除旧的事件
            $(document).off("mouseover", ".translateButton" + suffix);
            $(document).off("mouseout", ".translateButton" + suffix);
            // 重新绑定悬停事件
            if (hoverTargetAreaDisplay) bindHoverEvents(suffix, type);

        // 分段翻译
        if (enableSegmentedTranslation) {
            var pElements = block.find("p, li");
            for (let i = 0; i < pElements.length; i++) {
                target = $(pElements[i]).eq(0).clone();
                if (type === "child_level") $(target).children(':first').remove();
                element_node = pElements[i];
                if (type === "child_level") {
                    element_node = $(pElements[i]).find("div:last-child").get(0);
                result = await blockProcessing(target, element_node, $(".translateButton" + suffix));
                if (result.status) errerNum += 1;
                if (translation == "deepl") await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
        } else {
            target = block.eq(0).clone();
            if (type === "child_level") $(target).children(':first').remove();
            element_node = $(block).get(0);
            if (type === "child_level") {
                element_node = $(parent).find("div:last-child").get(0);
            if ($(target).find('.spoiler').length > 0) {
                const shouldSkip = await skiFoldingBlocks();
                if (shouldSkip) {
                } else {
            result = await blockProcessing(target, element_node, $(".translateButton" + suffix));
            if (result.status) errerNum += 1;
        if (!errerNum) {
                .css("cursor", "pointer")
                .prop("disabled", false);
        } else {
            $(this).prop("disabled", false);

        // 重新翻译
        let currentText, is_error;
        $(document).on("mouseover", ".translateButton" + suffix, function () {
            currentText = $(this).text();
            if ($(this).hasClass("error")) {
                is_error = true;

        $(document).on("mouseout", ".translateButton" + suffix, function () {
            if (is_error) $(this).addClass("error");

    // 目标区域指示
    function bindHoverEvents(suffix, type) {
        var previousCSS;

        $(document).on("mouseover", ".translateButton" + suffix, function () {
            var target;

            if (type === "this_level") {
                target = $(".translateButton" + suffix).parent().next().get(0);
            } else if (type === "child_level") {
                target = $(".translateButton" + suffix).parent().parent().get(0);

            $(target).append('<div class="overlay">目标翻译区域</div>');
            previousCSS = {
                "position": $(target).css("position"),
                "display": $(target).css("display")
                "position": "relative",
                "display": "block"
            $(".translateButton" + suffix).parent().css({
                "position": "relative",
                "z-index": "99999"

        $(document).on("mouseout", ".translateButton" + suffix, function () {
            var target;

            if (type === "this_level") {
                target = $(".translateButton" + suffix).parent().next().get(0);
            } else if (type === "child_level") {
                target = $(".translateButton" + suffix).parent().parent().get(0);

            if (previousCSS) {
            $(".translateButton" + suffix).parent().css({
                "position": "static"

    if (hoverTargetAreaDisplay) bindHoverEvents(suffix, type);

// 块处理
async function blockProcessing(target, element_node, button) {
    if (!target.markdown) {
        target.markdown = turndownService.turndown($(target).html());
    const textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
    textarea.value = target.markdown;
    var result = await translateProblemStatement(textarea.value, element_node, $(button));
    if (result.status == 1) {
            .css("cursor", "pointer")
            .prop("disabled", false);
    } else if (result.status == 2) {
            .css("cursor", "pointer")
            .prop("disabled", false);
    return result;

function addConversionButton() {
    // 添加按钮到题目部分
    $('.subject-question').each(function () {
        let id = "_" + getRandomNumber(8);
        addButtonPanel(this, id, "this_level");
        addButtonWithHTML2MD(this, id, "this_level");
        addButtonWithCopy(this, id, "this_level");
        addButtonWithTranslation(this, id, "this_level");

    // 添加按钮到question-oi-bd部分
    $('.question-oi-bd').each(function () {
        let id = "_question-oi-bd_" + getRandomNumber(8);
        addButtonPanel(this, id, "this_level");
        addButtonWithHTML2MD(this, id, "this_level");
        addButtonWithCopy(this, id, "this_level");
        addButtonWithTranslation(this, id, "this_level");

    // 添加按钮到pre部分
    var selectorList = ['.question-oi-bd', '.CodeMirror'];//排除有这些祖宗节点的pre
    $('pre').each(function () {
        for (var i = 0; i < selectorList.length; i++) {
            if ($(this).closest(selectorList[i]).length > 0) {
                return true;
        let id = "_pre_" + getRandomNumber(8);
        addButtonPanel(this, id, "this_level");
        addButtonWithHTML2MD(this, id, "this_level");
        addButtonWithCopy(this, id, "this_level");
        addButtonWithTranslation(this, id, "this_level");

    // 添加按钮到题解部分
    $('').each(function () {
        let id = "_nc-post-content_" + getRandomNumber(8);
        addButtonPanel(this, id, "this_level");
        addButtonWithHTML2MD(this, id, "this_level");
        addButtonWithCopy(this, id, "this_level");
        addButtonWithTranslation(this, id, "this_level");
    // 监听展开按钮
    $(document).on('click', '.more-unfold', function (event) {
        var interval = setInterval(function () {
            if ($(" +").length > 0) {
                $(" +").each(function () {
                    let id = "_nc-post-content_" + getRandomNumber(8);
                    addButtonPanel(this, id, "this_level");
                    addButtonWithHTML2MD(this, id, "this_level");
                    addButtonWithCopy(this, id, "this_level");
                    addButtonWithTranslation(this, id, "this_level");
        }, 1000);       

$(document).ready(function () {
    var tip_SegmentedTranslation = $("<div></div>")
        .addClass("alert alert-danger")
        Nowcoder Better! —— 注意!分段翻译已开启,这会造成负面效果,
            margin: "1em",
            "text-align": "center",
            "font-weight": "600",
            position: "relative",

    if (enableSegmentedTranslation)
        $(".content-board").before(tip_SegmentedTranslation); //显示分段翻译警告


// 字数超限确认
function showWordsExceededDialog(button) {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
        const styleElement = GM_addStyle(darkenPageStyle);
        $(button).css("cursor", "not-allowed");
        $(button).prop("disabled", true);
        let htmlString = `
    <div class="wordsExceeded">
        <div style="display:flex; padding:5px 0px; align-items: center;">
    `+ helpCircleHTML + `
          <br>或者在设置面板中开启 分段翻译 后重试。
        <div style="display:flex; padding-top:10px">
          <button id="continueButton">继续</button><button id="cancelButton">取消</button>
        $("#continueButton").click(function () {
        $("#cancelButton").click(function () {

// 跳过折叠块确认
function skiFoldingBlocks() {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
        const styleElement = GM_addStyle(darkenPageStyle);
        let htmlString = `
    <div class="wordsExceeded">
        <div style="display:grid; padding:5px 0px; align-items: center;">
        <div style="display:flex; padding-top:10px">
          <button id="cancelButton">否</button><button id="skipButton">跳过</button>
        $("#skipButton").click(function () {
        $("#cancelButton").click(function () {

// 翻译框/翻译处理器
var translatedText = "";
async function translateProblemStatement(text, element_node, button) {
    let status = 0;
    let id = getRandomNumber(8);
    let matches = [];
    let replacements = {};
    // 创建元素并放在element_node的后面
    const translateDiv = document.createElement('div');
    translateDiv.setAttribute('id', id);
    const spanElement = document.createElement('span');
    element_node.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', translateDiv);
    // 替换latex公式
    if (translation != "openai") {
        // 使用GPT翻译时不必替换latex公式
        let i = 0;
        // 块公式
        matches = matches.concat(text.match(/\$\$([\s\S]*?)\$\$/g));
        try {
            for (i; i < matches.length; i++) {
                let match = matches[i];
                text = text.replace(match, `【${i + 1}】`);
                replacements[`【${i + 1}】`] = match;
        } catch (e) { }
        // 行内公式
        matches = matches.concat(text.match(/\$(.*?)\$/g));
        try {
            for (i; i < matches.length; i++) {
                let match = matches[i];
                text = text.replace(match, `【${i + 1}】`);
                replacements[`【${i + 1}】`] = match;
        } catch (e) { }
    if (text.length > 4950) {
        const shouldContinue = await showWordsExceededDialog(button);
        if (!shouldContinue) {
            status = 1;
            return {
                translateDiv: translateDiv,
                status: status
    // 翻译
    if (translation == "deepl") {
        translateDiv.innerHTML = "正在使用 deepl 翻译中……请稍等";
        translatedText = await translate_deepl(text);
    } else if (translation == "youdao") {
        translateDiv.innerHTML = "正在使用 有道 翻译中……请稍等";
        translatedText = await translate_youdao_mobile(text);
    } else if (translation == "google") {
        translateDiv.innerHTML = "正在使用 google 翻译中……请稍等";
        translatedText = await translate_gg(text);
    } else if (translation == "openai") {
        try {
            translateDiv.innerHTML = "正在使用 ChatGPT 翻译中……" +
                "<br><br>应用的配置:" + opneaiConfig.configurations[opneaiConfig.choice].note +
                "<br><br>使用 ChatGPT 翻译需要很长的时间,请耐心等待";
            translatedText = await translate_openai(text);
        } catch (error) {
            status = 2;
            translatedText = error;
    if (/^翻译出错/.test(translatedText)) status = 2;
    // 还原latex公式
    translatedText = translatedText.replace(/】【/g, '】 【');
    if (translation != "openai") {
        try {
            for (let i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
                let match = matches[i];
                let replacement = replacements[`【${i + 1}】`];
                let regex;
                regex = new RegExp(`【\\s*${i + 1}\\s*】`, 'g');
                translatedText = translatedText.replace(regex, replacement);
                regex = new RegExp(`\\[\\s*${i + 1}\\s*\\]`, 'g');
                translatedText = translatedText.replace(regex, replacement);
                regex = new RegExp(`【\\s*${i + 1}(?![】\\d])`, 'g');
                translatedText = translatedText.replace(regex, replacement);
                regex = new RegExp(`(?<![【\\d])${i + 1}\\s*】`, 'g');
                translatedText = translatedText.replace(regex, " " + replacement);
        } catch (e) { }

    // 创建一个隐藏的元素来保存 translatedText 的值
    var textElement = document.createElement("div"); = "none";
    textElement.textContent = translatedText;
    translateDiv.parentNode.insertBefore(textElement, translateDiv);

    // 翻译复制按钮
    var copyButton = document.createElement("button");
    copyButton.textContent = "Copy";
    var wrapperDiv = document.createElement("div");
        display: "flex",
        justifyContent: "flex-end"
    $(copyButton).addClass("html2mdButton html2md-cb");

    copyButton.addEventListener("click", function () {
        var translatedText = textElement.textContent;
        // 更新复制按钮文本
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 2000);
    translateDiv.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapperDiv, translateDiv);

    // 转义LaTex中的特殊符号
    const escapeRules = [
        { pattern: /(?<!\\)>(?!\s)/g, replacement: " &gt; " }, // >符号
        { pattern: /(?<!\\)</g, replacement: " &lt; " }, // <符号
        { pattern: /(?<!\\)\*/g, replacement: " &#42; " }, // *符号
        { pattern: /(?<!\\)&(?=\s)/g, replacement: "\\&" }, // &符号
        { pattern: /\\&/g, replacement: "\\\\&" }, // &符号

    let latexMatches = [...translatedText.matchAll(/\$\$([\s\S]*?)\$\$|\$(.*?)\$/g)];

    for (const match of latexMatches) {
        const matchedText = match[0];

        for (const rule of escapeRules) {
            const escapedText = matchedText.replaceAll(rule.pattern, rule.replacement);
            translatedText = translatedText.replace(matchedText, escapedText);

    // 渲染MarkDown
    var md = window.markdownit();
    var html = md.render(translatedText);
    translateDiv.innerHTML = html;
    // 渲染Latex
    if (typeof renderMathInElement === 'function') {
        renderMathInElement(translateDiv, {
            delimiters: [{
                left: "$$",
                right: "$$",
                display: true
            }, {
                left: "$",
                right: "$",
                display: false
    return {
        translateDiv: translateDiv,
        status: status,
        copyDiv: textElement,
        copyButton: copyButton


// ChatGPT
async function translate_openai(raw) {
    var openai_retext = "";
    var data = {
        model:  (openai_model !== null && openai_model !== "") ? openai_model : 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
        messages: [{
            role: "user",
            content: "请将下面的文本翻译为中文,这是一道编程竞赛题描述的一部分,注意术语的翻译,注意保持其中的latex公式不翻译,你只需要回复翻译后的内容即可,不要回复任何其他内容:\n\n" + raw 
        temperature: 0.7,
        ...Object.assign({}, ...openai_data)
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
            method: 'POST',
            url: (openai_proxy !== null && openai_proxy !== "") ? openai_proxy : '',

            data: JSON.stringify(data),
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + openai_key,
                ...Object.assign({}, ...openai_header)
            responseType: 'json',
            onload: function (response) {
                if (!response.response) {
                    reject("发生了未知的错误,如果你启用了代理API,请确认是否填写正确,并确保代理能够正常工作。\n\n如果无法解决,请前往 反馈 请注意打码响应报文的敏感部分\n\n响应报文:" + JSON.stringify(response));
                else if (!response.response.choices || response.response.choices.length < 1 || !response.response.choices[0].message) {
                    resolve("翻译出错,请重试\n\n如果无法解决,请前往 反馈\n\n报错信息:" + JSON.stringify(response.response, null, ''));
                } else {
                    openai_retext = response.response.choices[0].message.content;
            onerror: function (response) {
                reject("发生了未知的错误,请确认你是否能正常访问OpenAi的接口,如果使用代理API,请检查是否正常工作\n\n如果无法解决,请前往 反馈 请注意打码响应报文的敏感部分\n\n响应报文:" + JSON.stringify(response));


async function translate_gg(raw) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const url = '';
        const params = `tl=zh-CN&q=${encodeURIComponent(raw)}`;

            method: 'GET',
            url: `${url}?${params}`,
            onload: function (response) {
                const html = response.responseText;
                const translatedText = $(html).find('.result-container').text();
            onerror: function (error) {
                console.error('Error:', error);

async function translate_youdao_mobile(raw) {
    const options = {
        method: "POST",
        url: '',
        data: "inputtext=" + encodeURIComponent(raw) + "&type=AUTO",
        anonymous: true,
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
            'Host': '',
            'Origin': '',
            'Referer': '',
    return await BaseTranslate('有道翻译mobile', raw, options, res => /id="translateResult">\s*?<li>([\s\S]*?)<\/li>\s*?<\/ul/.exec(res)[1])

function getTimeStamp(iCount) {
    const ts =;
    if (iCount !== 0) {
        iCount = iCount + 1;
        return ts - (ts % iCount) + iCount;
    } else {
        return ts;

async function translate_deepl(raw) {
    const id = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999) + 100000) * 1000;
    const data = {
        jsonrpc: '2.0',
        method: 'LMT_handle_texts',
        params: {
            splitting: 'newlines',
            lang: {
                source_lang_user_selected: 'auto',
                target_lang: 'ZH',
            texts: [{
                text: raw,
                requestAlternatives: 3
            timestamp: getTimeStamp(raw.split('i').length - 1)
    let postData = JSON.stringify(data);
    if ((id + 5) % 29 === 0 || (id + 3) % 13 === 0) {
        postData = postData.replace('"method":"', '"method" : "');
    } else {
        postData = postData.replace('"method":"', '"method": "');
    const options = {
        method: 'POST',
        url: '',
        data: postData,
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Host': '',
            'Origin': '',
            'Referer': '',
        anonymous: true,
        nocache: true,
    return await BaseTranslate('Deepl翻译', raw, options, res => JSON.parse(res).result.texts[0].text)


async function PromiseRetryWrap(task, options, ...values) {
    const { RetryTimes, ErrProcesser } = options || {};
    let retryTimes = RetryTimes || 5;
    const usedErrProcesser = ErrProcesser || (err => { throw err });
    if (!task) return;
    while (true) {
        try {
            return await task(...values);
        } catch (err) {
            if (!--retryTimes) {
                return usedErrProcesser(err);

async function BaseTranslate(name, raw, options, processer) {
    let errtext;
    const toDo = async () => {
        var tmp;
        try {
            const data = await Request(options);
            tmp = data.responseText;
            const result = await processer(tmp);
            if (result) sessionStorage.setItem(name + '-' + raw, result);
            return result
        } catch (err) {
            errtext = tmp;
            throw {
                responseText: tmp,
                err: err
    return await PromiseRetryWrap(toDo, { RetryTimes: 3, ErrProcesser: () => "翻译出错,请重试或更换翻译接口\n\n如果无法解决,请前往 反馈  请注意打码报错信息的敏感部分\n\n报错信息:" + errtext })

function Request(options) {
    return new Promise((reslove, reject) => GM_xmlhttpRequest({ ...options, onload: reslove, onerror: reject }))


// 配置自动迁移代码(将在10个小版本后移除-1.20)
if (GM_getValue("openai_key") || GM_getValue("api2d_key")) {
    const newConfig = { "choice": -1, "configurations": [] };
    if (GM_getValue("openai_key")) {
        let config1 = {
            "note": "我的配置1",
            "model": GM_getValue("openai_model"),
            "key": GM_getValue("openai_key"),
            "proxy": GM_getValue("openai_proxy"),
            "_header": "",
            "_data": ""
        if (GM_getValue("translation") === "openai") newConfig.choice = 0;
    if (GM_getValue("api2d_key")) {
        let config2 = {
            "note": "api2d",
            "model": GM_getValue("api2d_model"),
            "key": GM_getValue("api2d_key"),
            "proxy": GM_getValue("api2d_request_entry") + '/v1/chat/completions',
            "_header": GM_getValue("x_api2d_no_cache") ? "" : " x-api2d-no-cache : 1",
            "_data": ""
        if (GM_getValue("translation") === "api2d") {
            if (GM_getValue("openai_key")) newConfig.choice = 1;
            else newConfig.choice = 0;
    GM_setValue("chatgpt-config", newConfig);
    const keysToDelete = ["openai_key", "openai_model", "openai_proxy", "api2d_key", "api2d_model", "api2d_request_entry", "x_api2d_no_cache", "showOpneAiAdvanced"];
    keysToDelete.forEach(key => {
        if (GM_getValue(key) != undefined) GM_deleteValue(key);
    if (GM_getValue("translation") === "api2d") GM_setValue("translation", "openai");