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Cloudflare Bypasser for Nitro Type Race

Bypass Cloudflare

// ==UserScript==
// @name             Cloudflare Bypasser for Nitro Type Race
// @match  
// @match  *
// @author           Sing Developments
// @grant            none
// @description      Bypass Cloudflare
// @license MIT
// @version          2
// @namespace
// @icon
// ==/UserScript==

// This code is for educational purposes only and may not work or be safe to use.
// It tries to reverse engineer the Cloudflare JavaScript challenge and make a request to the target website.

// Define the target website URL
const targetURL = '';

// Define a function to extract the challenge parameters from the HTML source
function getChallengeParams(html) {
  // Use regular expressions to match the challenge parameters
  const challenge = /name="jschl_vc" value="(\w+)"/.exec(html)[1];
  const pass = /name="pass" value="(.+?)"/.exec(html)[1];
  const s = /s\s*=\s*document\.createElement\('div'\);\s*s\.innerHTML\s*=\s*"(.+?)";/.exec(html)[1];
  const k = /k\s*=\s*'(\w+)';/.exec(html)[1];
  return {challenge, pass, s, k};

// Define a function to solve the challenge expression using eval
function solveChallengeExpr(expr) {
  // Replace document.getElementById with a dummy function
  expr = expr.replace(/document\.getElementById/g, 'function(){}');
  // Evaluate the expression and return the result
  return eval(expr);

// Define a function to make a request using XMLHttpRequest
function makeRequest(url, callback) {
  // Create a new XMLHttpRequest object
  const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  // Open a GET request to the url'GET', url);
  // Set the response type to text
  xhr.responseType = 'text';
  // Set the onload event handler to call the callback function with the response text
  xhr.onload = function() {
  // Send the request

// Make an initial request to the target website
makeRequest(targetURL, function(response) {
  // Get the challenge parameters from the response
  const params = getChallengeParams(response);
  // Solve the challenge expression using eval
  const answer = solveChallengeExpr(params.s + params.k);
  // Construct the verification URL with the challenge parameters and answer
  const verifyURL = targetURL + '/cdn-cgi/l/chk_jschl?jschl_vc=' + params.challenge + '&pass=' + params.pass + '&jschl_answer=' + answer;
  // Wait for 4 seconds before making the verification request
  setTimeout(function() {
    makeRequest(verifyURL, function(response) {
      // Check if the verification was successful
      if (response.includes('You are being redirected')) {
        // Redirect to the target website
        window.location.href = targetURL;
      } else {
        // Display an error message
        alert('Verification failed');
  }, 4000);