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IMDb Scout

Add links from IMDb pages to torrent sites -- easy downloading from IMDb

< Commentaires sur IMDb Scout

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 2018-10-25

Can the script be made to work on my Watchlist and on films without dates?

Great script!!!! Is there any way to work it into the view of my watchlist when I display my watchlist? As you may know, it's just an abbreviated listing. The script does work when I search by year and genre, so I'm hoping this can be accomplished for the watchlist as well. There is still the unresolved issue of the script working with films that have no date on then, e.g. :smile: Big thanks in advance!

Posté le: 2018-11-02

Seems more like it ignores anything that is just an announced movie. Why would anyone be looking for a movie to download if it has not even started to be shot?

Posté le: 2018-11-20

@nickodemos said: Seems more like it ignores anything that is just an announced movie. Why would anyone be looking for a movie to download if it has not even started to be shot?

Well, you may not have noticed, but a lot of films are released and never updated in IMDB. Try to keep up, Nickodemos, lol

Posté le: 2018-12-08

This is mostly like caused by, which I have not fixed yet.

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