Auto Bump Disboard

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Posté le: 2019-10-03

Auto Bump Disboard - code

I installed the version 1.1.1 of script by Tampermonkey then I checked the code in editing of Tampermonke. This shows error like this so is this work well in this condition ?

24 : Error:$ is not defined. → $(".navbar-item:last-of-type").replaceWith("...

48 : Error: Implicant global variable, assign as global property instead. w is not defined. → if(typeof(w) == "undefined") { w = new Worker(URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(['('+fn+')()']))); }

Posté le: 2019-10-07

You can safely ignore these errors. The script partly relies on jQuery which is already loaded into the site so I didn't add it to the script itself - the script still functions but the code editor doesn't know that jQuery is going to be loaded. Hopefully that makes sense!

Posté le: 2019-10-09

I got it. Thank you for letting me know. I’ll try to use this script without regard for these errors.

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