Add Site Search Links To Google Search Result

Add a "Site Results" and "Cached Page" links onto each Google search result entries to search from that site. The link will be added either in the search result entry's popup menu, or after the green URL below the entry's title.

< Commentaires sur Add Site Search Links To Google Search Result

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 2018-01-28
Édité le: 2018-01-29

screenshot(s), please

I already use a similar functionality in Google site: Tool (Site results / Exclude sites), but it would be nice to have an externalize link.

I'm concerned about how your link will be placed or added to my current setup:

Will your link be appended, pre-pended, or overwrite my list?

Posté le: 2018-01-28

Here's the screenshot.

Posté le: 2018-01-28

The link will be appended into the existing (Google's original) menu.

Posté le: 2018-01-29
Édité le: 2018-01-29

Thanks for the info.

Working perfectly: apparently, the menu items are displayed alphabetically; the Site link works as designed.

Favorite'd the script. :star:

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