ppixiv for Pixiv

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< Commentaires sur ppixiv for Pixiv

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 2021-07-16

Hi! First of all, great work I really liked this. I was just wondering if I could suggest some features. And I understand completly if you can't/don't want to do so, I already greatly appreciate the work you've done.
So I really have no ideia about if these even are possible, but I'd love:

1) an option to randomize the order of my bookmarks
2) multitag bookmark filtering, like I can select two or more tags and either only bookmarks with both show up or bookmarks with one, another or both
3) kinda complimentary with 2), but and option to hide bookmarks tagged with a specific tag, like I see everything else, that wasn't tagged with this

Posté le: 2021-07-16

It's hard to do any sort of custom searching, since that stuff wants to happen server-side. It would have to download all of your bookmarks in advance to shuffle them, etc.

I've been hesitant to add client-side stuff that filters out results, since that could cause it to load tons of pages. If you filter something out and it ends up removing 90% of results, it could end up loading 10 pages all at once to fill out a page. Don't want to end up adding stuff that might get people flagged as scraping because of something like that. It's solvable with some work (make it stop and say "click to load more" if it loads too much at once), but makes it more complicated. Multiple tags for bookmarks would cause a separate search to be made for each bookmark, which could cause similar problems.

I wish they'd support this sort of thing on Pixiv natively and just let people do boolean searches (like you can with tag searches) on bookmarks, user posts, etc.

Posté le: 2021-10-20

I just saw that there is now an option for shuffling. I can't seem to find the same option on the regular pixiv page, so I can only assume it was your doing.
Thank you so much, wish I could give an even greater rating, you really deserve it. Amazing work!

Posté le: 2021-10-25

Was there an update that sets a character limit when adding tags? I used to be able to add up to 10 tags at once (separated by spaces), but now i can only add 2-4

Posté le: 2021-10-25

Try r108. I've only ever used that to add a single tag to the list, normally I just click tags in the dropdown.

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