Netflix - subtitle downloader

Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix

< Commentaires sur Netflix - subtitle downloader

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 2020-09-23

Hi, for some days the script can't download the first episodes of the show/season only if I change to the next episode and then back to the first episode. If a show has only one episode that's couldn't be downloaded now. For example "Violet Evergarden Special". Could you fix this bug? Thanks.

Posté le: 2020-09-23

What version of the script do you have installed? I fixed that exact issue in 3.2.3.

Posté le: 2020-09-23

I thought I use the latest version but now I've updated the script and it works fine, thank you.

Posté le: 2020-09-23

Something's still not okay.

If I download a show then I go back, search for something else and try to download that too, the download doesn't start. Only if I reload the page first. The same just happened when I tried to download a show after a movie. Everything was okay when I tried to download a movie after a movie.

Posté le: 2020-09-23

To be honest I was able to reproduce it once. Then I added some logging to the script, refreshed the page (to reload the script) and can no longer reproduce it... I tested: movie, search, series, movie, search, series, movie, series, series, search, series. All subs downloaded fine. Can you add some more info? The exact movies/series you opened and search terms? Can you test that yourself again? Oh, and update to the newest version. I'm not sure if that changes anything, it shouldn't, but update anyway.

Posté le: 2020-09-23

This happens with 3.4.0 too but not after every download. It's maybe something like the original problem because besides reloading the page, switching to the next episode and switching back solves it as well.

Posté le: 2020-09-23

Now I downloaded "Skin Wars" than I can't download "Yong Pal". These were my search terms too. But the problem is, this looks completely random. Before this I couldn't download Skin Wars in a new tab when nothing was opened and downloaded on Netflix before. So I don't know how to show it to you.

Posté le: 2020-09-23

No, it's not random. Now this happens with any show here. Sometimes even with the first download after refreshing. Really weird.

Posté le: 2020-09-23

Okay, I think I've got it now. When you open the series by clicking on the series image instead of the play button - you land on a page with series ID. Workaround added in 3.2.3 uses data from netflix.falcorCache.videos (you can type that in console). When you open a series from main Netflix page that data is there. When you open it from search results - it's not. So I added another workaround. It works fine now but you should check the subs from the first episode yourself. Especially for shows without episode numbers like "Love, Death and Robots".

Posté le: 2020-09-23
Édité le: 2020-09-23

Oh, you are fantastic. I checked it, works fine now.

Posté le: 2020-09-26
Édité le: 2020-09-27


Posté le: 2020-09-26

Does it have anything to do with the issue discussed in this thread? If you can't download subtitles at all open a new thread and add more details, like link to the series/movie, settings of this script, which button you press and a log from the console - press F12, go to Console.

Posté le: 2020-09-26
Édité le: 2020-09-27

thank you

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