Youtube HD

Select a youtube resolution and resize the player.

< Commentaires sur Youtube HD

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 2023-12-28

For some reason it is not switching the quality for me, before I would have the script switch to 1080p but now it won't switch from 1080p. Like if I tell script to set quality to 720p it won't switch to it. It will be stuck on 1080p. The same issue with YouTube JS Engine Tamer script.

Posté le: 2023-12-29

Yeah, the issue is with this script. I've set the script to force 720p but it always forces 1080p. Please fix this.

Posté le: 2023-12-29
Édité le: 2023-12-29

I installed the linked userscript and then tried it using the latest version of my script. But I did not have any issues and the quality changed to 720p as expected. I can't reproduce your issue, so I will need more info. Can you please let me know what browser and userscript extension you are using, what configuration changes you made to this script, and what other extensions or userscripts you have that might affect youtube? And also what method you are using to change it to 720p (within the user script manager or by editing the script)?
The only thing I can speculate is that you have it already saved into setting storage as 1080p but changed it in the script without setting the override, so you would either need to clear/modify the setting storage or just edit the script to set overwriteStoredSettings to true. But that is just a guess without any further info.

Posté le: 2023-12-30

Hi, yes the changing overwriteStoredSettings to true fixed it. Thanks for the help. .

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