Flickr Original Link

Show direct links to download biggest Flickr image available and some other sizes.

< Commentaires sur Flickr Original Link

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 2015-07-29

5.0.6 isn't working for me

The thumbnail links in album view don't load at all, the addon gets stuck at "getting original link".

Video example:

Also the links in photo view either appear at random or don't appear at all until I left click the camera icon or somewhere near it.

Video example:

I'm using FF 39.0

Posté le: 2015-07-30

I have the same issue - Firefox 39 and Chrome as well, so presumably Flickr have changed something

Posté le: 2015-08-02

Flickr has changed recently. Please check again with new version.

Posté le: 2015-08-03

Flawless again now - many thanks

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