MyAnimeList (MAL) Alternative History

Displays anime/manga series history based on RSS feed, instead of default episode/chapter history

Tässä ovat skriptin kaikki versiot. Näytä vain versiot, joissa koodi muuttui.

  • v4.2.1 27.12.2018 fixes and improvements
  • v4.2 26.12.2018 async/await
  • v4.1 26.10.2018 Update code
  • v4.0 25.10.2018 Completely rewrite
  • v3.9.1 21.10.2018
  • v3.9.1 29.10.2016 Fixed bookmarklet mode
  • v3.9 29.10.2016 Fixed jQuery issues; Code update.
  • v3.8.6 24.8.2016 cosmetic fix
  • v3.8.5 20.8.2016
  • v3.8.5 20.8.2016 fixed JSLint warning
  • v3.8.4 17.8.2016 HTTPS support
  • v3.8.3 22.7.2016 fixed according to recent changes on MAL
  • v3.8.2 11.6.2016
  • v3.8.1 11.6.2016 smarter updating of old cached entries
  • v3.8 7.6.2016 bug fixes; code update
  • v3.7 13.4.2016 fixes, improvements
  • v3.6.2 13.4.2016 updated according to recent changes on MAL
  • v3.6.1 4.2.2016 removed debug check
  • v3.6 4.2.2016 code update & fixes
  • v3.5.6 14.12.2015 update cache version
  • v3.5.5 14.12.2015 fix date format for Dolphin Tampermonkey
  • v3.5.4 14.12.2015 for Anime: removed Licensors and Producers, show only Studios
  • v3.5.3 12.12.2015 forgot to turn off debug mode
  • v3.5.2 12.12.2015 removed Source and Liconsors fields, which appeared at some point after updates on MAL
  • v3.5.1 3.10.2015 fix
  • v3.5 27.7.2015 added link 'Show/Hide Full History'
  • v3.4 19.6.2015 code update; bug fixes
  • v3.3.5 15.6.2015 fixed MAL's bug in urls
  • v3.3.4 27.5.2015 fixed 'Plan to Watch'->'Plan to Read' for manga.
  • v3.3.3 12.5.2015 fixed bug with cache
  • v3.3.2 12.5.2015 code update; bug fix: for anime the status was 'Reading' instead of 'Watching'
  • v3.3.1 8.5.2015 fixed bug with covers
  • v3.3 8.5.2015 code update
  • v3.2.1 20.4.2015
  • v3.2.1 19.4.2015 nickname fix
  • v3.2 19.4.2015 code update
  • v3.1.1 17.4.2015 Added icon
  • v3.1.0 12.4.2015 code update
  • v3.0.2 10.4.2015 fixed Chrome comp.
  • v3.0.1 9.4.2015
  • v3.0.1 9.4.2015 changed Duration to Producers for anime entries
  • v3.0.0 9.4.2015 Added additional info about entries
  • v2.0.0 7.4.2015 added covers
  • v1.2.2 7.4.2015 make the old history hide faster
  • v1.2.1 7.4.2015 changed border color for table header
  • v1.2.0 7.4.2015 added separators between different days
  • v1.1.0 5.4.2015 redesign
  • v1.0.3 5.4.2015 fixed issue with ' - ' in entries title
  • v1.0.2 5.4.2015 fix On-Hold status
  • v1.0.1 5.4.2015 code update

Näytä kaikki skriptin versiot.