Tätä skriptiä ei tulisi asentaa suoraan. Se on kirjasto muita skriptejä varten sisällytettäväksi metadirektiivillä // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/462234/1497815/Message.js
- (function (global, factory) {
- typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
- typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
- (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, global.Qmsg = factory());
- })(this, (function () { 'use strict';
- /**
- * 兼容处理
- */
- function CompatibleProcessing() {
- /* 处理Object.assign不存在的问题 */
- try {
- if (typeof Object.assign !== "function") {
- Object.assign = function (target) {
- target = Object(target);
- if (arguments.length > 1) {
- let sourceList = [...arguments].splice(1, arguments.length - 1);
- sourceList.forEach((sourceItem) => {
- for (var sourceKey in sourceItem) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(sourceItem, sourceKey)) {
- target[sourceKey] = sourceItem[sourceKey];
- }
- }
- });
- }
- return target;
- };
- }
- }
- catch (error) {
- console.warn(error);
- }
- /* 'classList' 兼容处理,add,remove不支持传入多个cls参数 */
- try {
- if (!("classList" in document.documentElement)) {
- Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, "classList", {
- get: function () {
- var self = this;
- function update(fn) {
- return function (value) {
- var classes = self.className.split(/\s+/g), index = classes.indexOf(value);
- fn(classes, index, value);
- self.className = classes.join(" ");
- };
- }
- return {
- add: update(function (classes, index, value) {
- if (!~index)
- classes.push(value);
- }),
- remove: update(function (classes, index) {
- if (~index)
- classes.splice(index, 1);
- }),
- toggle: update(function (classes, index, value) {
- if (~index)
- classes.splice(index, 1);
- else
- classes.push(value);
- }),
- contains: function (value) {
- return !!~self.className.split(/\s+/g).indexOf(value);
- },
- item: function (index) {
- return self.className.split(/\s+/g)[index] || null;
- },
- };
- },
- });
- }
- }
- catch (error) {
- console.warn(error);
- }
- }
- const QmsgAnimation = {
- /** 状态 & 动画 */
- $state: {
- opening: "MessageMoveIn",
- done: "",
- closing: "MessageMoveOut",
- },
- $name: {
- startNameList: [
- "animationName",
- "WebkitAnimationName",
- "MozAnimationName",
- "msAnimationName",
- "OAnimationName",
- ],
- endNameList: [
- "animationend",
- "webkitAnimationEnd",
- "mozAnimationEnd",
- "MSAnimationEnd",
- "oanimationend",
- ],
- },
- /**
- * 获取元素上的animationName属性
- * @param element
- */
- getStyleAnimationNameValue(element) {
- for (let index = 0; index < this.$name.startNameList.length; index++) {
- let animationName = this.$name.startNameList[index];
- let animationNameValue = element.style[animationName];
- if (animationNameValue != null) {
- return animationNameValue;
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * 设置元素上的animationName属性
- * @param element
- * @param animationNameValue
- */
- setStyleAnimationName(element, animationNameValue = "") {
- this.$name.startNameList.forEach((animationName) => {
- if (animationName in element.style) {
- element.style[animationName] = animationNameValue;
- }
- });
- },
- };
- const QmsgConfig = {
- /** 声明插件名称 */
- PLUGIN_NAME: "qmsg",
- /** 命名空间,用于css和事件 */
- NAMESPACE: "qmsg",
- /** 实例配置的固定的默认值 */
- /** 固定的默认值 */
- animation: true,
- autoClose: true,
- content: "",
- html: false,
- isHTML: false,
- position: "top",
- showClose: false,
- maxNums: 5,
- onClose: null,
- showIcon: true,
- showMoreContent: false,
- showReverse: false,
- timeout: 2500,
- type: "info",
- zIndex: 50000,
- style: "",
- customClass: "",
- isLimitWidth: false,
- limitWidthNum: 200,
- limitWidthWrap: "no-wrap",
- consoleLogContent: false,
- },
- /**
- * 是否支持动画属性
- */
- CAN_ANIMATION: Boolean(QmsgAnimation.getStyleAnimationNameValue(document.createElement("div")) !=
- null),
- };
- const QmsgHeaderCloseIcon = '<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><rect width="48" height="48" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.01"/><path d="M14 14L34 34" stroke="#909399" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M14 34L34 14" stroke="#909399" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/></svg>';
- const QmsgIcon = {
- info: '<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16"><path d="M512 64q190.016 4.992 316.512 131.488T960 512q-4.992 190.016-131.488 316.512T512 960q-190.016-4.992-316.512-131.488T64 512q4.992-190.016 131.488-316.512T512 64zm67.008 275.008q26.016 0 43.008-15.488t16.992-41.504-16.992-41.504-42.496-15.488-42.496 15.488-16.992 41.504 16.992 41.504 42.016 15.488zm12 360q0-6.016.992-16T592 664l-52.992 60.992q-8 8.992-16.512 14.016T508 742.016q-8.992-4-8-14.016l88-276.992q4.992-28-8.992-48t-44.992-24q-35.008.992-76.512 29.504t-72.512 72.512v15.008q-.992 10.016 0 19.008l52.992-60.992q8-8.992 16.512-14.016T468 437.024q10.016 4.992 7.008 16l-87.008 276q-7.008 24.992 7.008 44.512T444 800.032q50.016-.992 84-28.992t63.008-72z" fill="#909399"/></svg>',
- warning: '<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16"><path d="M512 64C264.64 64 64 264.64 64 512c0 247.424 200.64 448 448 448 247.488 0 448-200.576 448-448 0-247.36-200.512-448-448-448zm0 704c-26.432 0-48-21.504-48-48s21.568-48 48-48c26.624 0 48 21.504 48 48s-21.376 48-48 48zm48-240c0 26.56-21.376 48-48 48-26.432 0-48-21.44-48-48V304c0-26.56 21.568-48 48-48 26.624 0 48 21.44 48 48v224z" fill="#E6A23C"/></svg>',
- error: '<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16"><path d="M512 64C264.58 64 64 264.58 64 512s200.58 448 448 448 448-200.57 448-448S759.42 64 512 64zm158.39 561.14a32 32 0 1 1-45.25 45.26L512 557.26 398.86 670.4a32 32 0 0 1-45.25-45.26L466.75 512 353.61 398.86a32 32 0 0 1 45.25-45.25L512 466.74l113.14-113.13a32 32 0 0 1 45.25 45.25L557.25 512z" fill="#F56C6C"/></svg>',
- success: '<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16"><path d="M512 64q190.016 4.992 316.512 131.488T960 512q-4.992 190.016-131.488 316.512T512 960q-190.016-4.992-316.512-131.488T64 512q4.992-190.016 131.488-316.512T512 64zm-56 536l-99.008-99.008q-12-11.008-27.488-11.008t-27.008 11.488-11.488 26.496 11.008 27.008l127.008 127.008q11.008 11.008 27.008 11.008t27.008-11.008l263.008-263.008q15.008-15.008 9.504-36.512t-27.008-27.008-36.512 9.504z" fill="#67C23A"/></svg>',
- loading: '<svg class="animate-turn" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path fill="#fff" fill-opacity=".01" d="M0 0h48v48H0z"/><path d="M4 24c0 11.046 8.954 20 20 20s20-8.954 20-20S35.046 4 24 4" stroke="#409eff" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M36 24c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12s-12 5.373-12 12 5.373 12 12 12" stroke="#409eff" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/></svg>',
- };
- const QmsgInstanceStorage = {
- QmsgList: [],
- /**
- * 移除实例
- * @param uuid
- */
- remove(uuid) {
- for (let index = 0; index < QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList.length; index++) {
- if (QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList[index].uuid === uuid) {
- QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList.splice(index, 1);
- return;
- }
- }
- },
- };
- const QmsgCSS = {
- css: `@charset "utf-8";
- .qmsg.qmsg-wrapper{position:fixed;top:16px;left:0;z-index:50000;display:flex;box-sizing:border-box;margin:0;padding:0;width:100%;color:rgba(0,0,0,.55);list-style:none;font-variant:tabular-nums;font-size:13px;line-height:1;font-feature-settings:"tnum";pointer-events:none;flex-direction:column;}
- .qmsg.qmsg-data-position-center,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-left,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-right{position:fixed;top:50%;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%);}
- .qmsg.qmsg-data-position-bottom,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-bottomleft,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-bottomright{position:fixed;top:unset;bottom:0;bottom:8px;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%,0);}
- .qmsg.qmsg-data-position-bottomleft .qmsg-item,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-left .qmsg-item,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-topleft .qmsg-item{text-align:left;}
- .qmsg.qmsg-data-position-bottom .qmsg-item,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-center .qmsg-item,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-top .qmsg-item{text-align:center;}
- .qmsg.qmsg-data-position-bottomright .qmsg-item,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-right .qmsg-item,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-topright .qmsg-item{text-align:right;}
- .qmsg .qmsg-item{position:relative;padding:8px;text-align:center;-webkit-animation-duration:.3s;animation-duration:.3s;}
- .qmsg .qmsg-item .qmsg-count{position:absolute;top:-4px;left:-4px;display:inline-block;height:16px;min-width:16px;border-radius:2px;background-color:red;color:#fff;text-align:center;font-size:12px;line-height:16px;-webkit-animation-duration:.3s;animation-duration:.3s;}
- .qmsg .qmsg-item:first-child{margin-top:-8px;}
- .qmsg .qmsg-content{position:relative;display:inline-block;padding:10px 12px;max-width:80%;min-width:40px;border-radius:4px;background:#fff;box-shadow:0 4px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.15);text-align:center;pointer-events:all;}
- .qmsg .qmsg-content [class^=qmsg-content-]{display:flex;align-items:center;}
- .qmsg .qmsg-icon{position:relative;top:1px;display:inline-block;margin-right:8px;color:inherit;vertical-align:-.125em;text-align:center;text-transform:none;font-style:normal;font-size:16px;line-height:0;text-rendering:optimizeLegibility;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;}
- .qmsg .qmsg-icon svg{display:inline-block;}
- .qmsg .qmsg-content .qmsg-show-more-content{display:flex;align-items:center;white-space:unset;overflow:unset;text-overflow:unset;padding-right:unset}
- .qmsg .qmsg-content-info .qmsg-icon{color:#1890ff;}
- .qmsg .qmsg-icon-close{margin:0;margin-left:8px;padding:0;outline:0;border:none;background-color:transparent;color:rgba(0,0,0,.45);font-size:12px;cursor:pointer;transition:color .3s;}
- .qmsg .qmsg-icon-close:hover>svg path{stroke:#555;}
- .qmsg .qmsg-icon-close.qmsg-show-more-content{position:unset;overflow:unset;padding-left:6px;margin-right:0}
- .qmsg .animate-turn{animation:MessageTurn 1s linear infinite;-webkit-animation:MessageTurn 1s linear infinite;}
- @keyframes MessageTurn{
- 0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0);}
- 25%{-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg);}
- 50%{-webkit-transform:rotate(180deg);}
- 75%{-webkit-transform:rotate(270deg);}
- 100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);}
- }
- @-webkit-keyframes MessageTurn{
- 0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0);}
- 25%{-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg);}
- 50%{-webkit-transform:rotate(180deg);}
- 75%{-webkit-transform:rotate(270deg);}
- 100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);}
- }
- @-webkit-keyframes MessageMoveOut{
- 0%{max-height:150px;opacity:1;}
- to{max-height:0;opacity:0;}
- }
- @keyframes MessageMoveOut{
- 0%{max-height:150px;opacity:1;}
- to{max-height:0;opacity:0;}
- }
- @-webkit-keyframes MessageMoveIn{
- 0%{opacity:0;transform:translateY(-100%);transform-origin:0 0;}
- to{opacity:1;transform:translateY(0);transform-origin:0 0;}
- }
- @keyframes MessageMoveIn{
- 0%{opacity:0;transform:translateY(-100%);transform-origin:0 0;}
- to{opacity:1;transform:translateY(0);transform-origin:0 0;}
- }
- @-webkit-keyframes MessageShake{
- 0%,100%{opacity:1;transform:translateX(0);}
- 25%,75%{opacity:.75;transform:translateX(-4px);}
- 50%{opacity:.25;transform:translateX(4px);}
- }
- @keyframes MessageShake{
- 0%,100%{opacity:1;transform:translateX(0);}
- 25%,75%{opacity:.75;transform:translateX(-4px);}
- 50%{opacity:.25;transform:translateX(4px);}
- }`,
- /**
- * 获取CSS元素
- */
- getStyleElement() {
- let cssResourceNode = document.createElement("style");
- cssResourceNode.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
- cssResourceNode.setAttribute("data-type", QmsgConfig.PLUGIN_NAME);
- cssResourceNode.innerHTML = this.css;
- return cssResourceNode;
- },
- };
- /**
- * 每条消息的构造函数
- */
- class QmsgMsg {
- /**
- * setTimeout的id
- */
- timeId;
- /**
- * 启动时间
- */
- startTime;
- /**
- * 关闭时间
- */
- endTime;
- /**
- * Qmsg的配置
- */
- setting;
- /**
- * uuid
- */
- uuid;
- /**
- * 当前动画状态
- */
- state;
- /**
- * 当前相同消息的数量
- */
- repeatNum;
- /**
- * 主元素
- */
- $Qmsg;
- constructor(option, uuid) {
- this.timeId = void 0;
- this.startTime = Date.now();
- this.endTime = null;
- // this.#setting = Object.assign({}, QmsgStore.DEFAULT, this.option);
- this.setting = QmsgUtils.toDynamicObject(QmsgConfig.DEFAULT, option, QmsgConfig.INS_DEFAULT);
- this.uuid = uuid;
- this.state = "opening";
- this.$Qmsg = document.createElement("div");
- this.repeatNum = 1;
- this.detectionType();
- this.init();
- if (this.setting.consoleLogContent) {
- // 控制台输出content
- console.log(this.setting.content);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 获取当前配置
- * @returns
- */
- getSetting() {
- return this.setting;
- }
- /**
- * 获取当前相同的数量
- * @returns
- */
- getRepeatNum() {
- return this.repeatNum;
- }
- /**
- * 设置repeatNum值
- * @param num 重复的数量
- */
- setRepeatNum(num) {
- this.repeatNum = num;
- }
- /**
- * 设置repeatNum自增
- */
- setRepeatNumIncreasing() {
- this.repeatNum++;
- }
- /**
- * 初始化元素
- */
- init() {
- let QmsgContext = this;
- if (this.setting.customClass &&
- typeof this.setting.customClass === "string") {
- /* 设置自定义类名 */
- this.$Qmsg.classList.add(this.setting.customClass);
- }
- // 设置svg图标
- let $svg = QmsgIcon[this.setting.type || "info"];
- let contentClassName = QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("content-" + this.setting.type || "info");
- if (this.setting.showClose) {
- // 显示 关闭图标
- contentClassName += " " + QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("content-with-close");
- }
- // 内容兼容处理
- let content = this.setting.content || "";
- // 关闭图标 自定义额外className
- let extraCloseIconClassName = "";
- // 关闭图标svg
- let $closeSvg = QmsgHeaderCloseIcon;
- if (this.setting.showMoreContent) {
- // 显示更多内容
- contentClassName += "qmsg-show-more-content";
- extraCloseIconClassName += "qmsg-show-more-content";
- }
- let $closeIcon = "";
- if (this.setting.showClose) {
- /* 显示右上角的关闭图标按钮 */
- $closeIcon = `<i class="qmsg-icon qmsg-icon-close ${extraCloseIconClassName}">${$closeSvg}</i>`;
- }
- /* 内容 */
- let $content = document.createElement("span");
- let $positionClassName = QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("data-position", this.setting.position.toLowerCase());
- if (this.setting.html || this.setting.isHTML) {
- /* 内容是html */
- $content.innerHTML = content;
- }
- else {
- /* 内容是纯文本 */
- $content.innerText = content;
- }
- if (this.setting.isLimitWidth) {
- /* 限制宽度 */
- let limitWidthNum = this.setting.limitWidthNum;
- if (typeof limitWidthNum === "string") {
- if (QmsgUtils.isNumber(limitWidthNum)) {
- limitWidthNum = limitWidthNum + "px";
- }
- }
- else {
- limitWidthNum = limitWidthNum.toString() + "px";
- }
- $content.style.maxWidth = limitWidthNum;
- $content.style.width = limitWidthNum;
- /* 设置换行 */
- if (this.setting.limitWidthWrap === "no-wrap") {
- /* 禁止换行 */
- $content.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
- }
- else if (this.setting.limitWidthWrap === "ellipsis") {
- /* 禁止换行且显示省略号 */
- $content.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
- $content.style.overflow = "hidden";
- $content.style.textOverflow = "ellipsis";
- }
- else if (this.setting.limitWidthWrap === "wrap") {
- /* 允许换行 */
- /* 默认的 */
- $content.style.whiteSpace = "";
- }
- }
- this.$Qmsg.innerHTML = /*html*/ `
- <div class="qmsg-content">
- <div class="${contentClassName}">
- ${this.setting.showIcon ? `<i class="qmsg-icon">${$svg}</i>` : ""}
- ${$content.outerHTML}
- ${$closeIcon}
- </div>
- </div>
- `;
- /** 内容容器 */
- let $contentContainer = this.$Qmsg.querySelector(".qmsg-content");
- this.$Qmsg.classList.add(QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("item"));
- this.$Qmsg.setAttribute(QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("uuid"), this.uuid);
- // 获取页面中的shadowRoot的容器元素
- let $shadowContainer = document.querySelector(".qmsg-shadow-container");
- let $shadowRoot = $shadowContainer?.shadowRoot;
- if (!$shadowContainer) {
- // 页面中不存在ShadowRoot容器元素
- // 添加新增的ShadowRoot容器元素
- $shadowContainer = document.createElement("div");
- $shadowContainer.className = "qmsg-shadow-container";
- $shadowRoot = $shadowContainer.attachShadow({ mode: "open" });
- let __$wrapper__ = document.createElement("div");
- __$wrapper__.classList.add(QmsgConfig.NAMESPACE, QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("wrapper"), QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("is-initialized"));
- __$wrapper__.classList.add($positionClassName);
- $shadowRoot.appendChild(QmsgCSS.getStyleElement());
- $shadowRoot.appendChild(__$wrapper__);
- if (this.setting.style != null) {
- // 插入自定义的style
- // 这里需要插入到每一条的Qmsg内,以便移除实例时把style也移除
- let __$ownStyle__ = document.createElement("style");
- __$ownStyle__.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
- __$ownStyle__.setAttribute("data-id", this.uuid);
- __$ownStyle__.innerHTML = this.setting.style;
- $contentContainer.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", __$ownStyle__);
- }
- document.body.appendChild($shadowContainer);
- }
- if ($shadowRoot == null) {
- throw new TypeError(QmsgConfig.PLUGIN_NAME + " $shadowRoot is null");
- }
- let $wrapper = $shadowRoot.querySelector(`.${QmsgConfig.NAMESPACE}.${$positionClassName}`);
- if (!$wrapper) {
- $wrapper = document.createElement("div");
- $wrapper.classList.add(QmsgConfig.NAMESPACE, QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("wrapper"), QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("is-initialized"));
- $wrapper.classList.add($positionClassName);
- $shadowRoot.appendChild($wrapper);
- }
- if (this.setting.showReverse) {
- $wrapper.style.flexDirection = "column-reverse";
- }
- else {
- $wrapper.style.flexDirection = "column";
- }
- let zIndex = this.setting.zIndex;
- if (typeof zIndex === "function") {
- zIndex = zIndex();
- }
- if (!isNaN(zIndex)) {
- $wrapper.style.zIndex = zIndex.toString();
- }
- $wrapper.appendChild(this.$Qmsg);
- this.setState(this.$Qmsg, "opening");
- if (this.setting.showClose) {
- /* 关闭按钮绑定点击事件 */
- let $closeIcon = this.$Qmsg.querySelector(".qmsg-icon-close");
- if ($closeIcon) {
- $closeIcon.addEventListener("click", function () {
- QmsgContext.close();
- });
- }
- }
- /* 监听动画完成 */
- let animationendEvent = (event) => {
- let animationNameValue = QmsgAnimation.getStyleAnimationNameValue(QmsgContext.$Qmsg);
- if (animationNameValue === QmsgAnimation.$state.closing) {
- // 当前触发的是关闭
- QmsgContext.endTime = Date.now();
- QmsgContext.destroy();
- }
- QmsgAnimation.setStyleAnimationName(QmsgContext.$Qmsg);
- };
- QmsgAnimation.$name.endNameList.forEach(function (animationendName) {
- QmsgContext.$Qmsg.addEventListener(animationendName, animationendEvent);
- });
- if (this.setting.autoClose) {
- /* 自动关闭 */
- // 获取时间戳
- this.timeId = QmsgUtils.setTimeout(() => {
- this.close();
- }, this.setting.timeout);
- let enterEvent = (event) => {
- /* 鼠标滑入,清除定时器,清除开始时间和结束时间 */
- this.startTime = null;
- this.endTime = null;
- QmsgUtils.clearTimeout(this.timeId);
- this.timeId = void 0;
- };
- let leaveEvent = (event) => {
- /* 鼠标滑出,重启定时器,创建新的开始时间和timeId */
- if (this.timeId != null) {
- // 似乎enterEvent函数未正确调用?
- console.warn("timeId is not null,mouseenter may be not first trigger");
- return;
- }
- this.startTime = Date.now();
- this.timeId = QmsgUtils.setTimeout(() => {
- this.close();
- }, this.setting.timeout);
- };
- this.$Qmsg.addEventListener("touchstart", () => {
- // 由于移动端不支持mouseout且会触发mouseenter
- // 那么需要移除该监听
- this.$Qmsg.removeEventListener("mouseenter", enterEvent);
- this.$Qmsg.removeEventListener("mouseout", leaveEvent);
- }, {
- capture: true,
- once: true,
- });
- this.$Qmsg.addEventListener("mouseenter", enterEvent);
- this.$Qmsg.addEventListener("mouseout", leaveEvent);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 对timeout进行检测并转换
- * 当timeout为string时,转换为number
- * timeout必须在规定范围内
- */
- detectionType() {
- if (this.setting.timeout != null &&
- typeof this.setting.timeout === "string") {
- this.setting.timeout = parseInt(this.setting.timeout);
- }
- if (isNaN(this.setting.timeout)) {
- this.setting.timeout = QmsgConfig.DEFAULT.timeout;
- }
- if (!(this.setting.timeout != null &&
- parseInt(this.setting.timeout.toString()) >= 0 &&
- parseInt(this.setting.timeout.toString()) <= Number.MAX_VALUE)) {
- this.setting.timeout = QmsgConfig.DEFAULT.timeout;
- }
- if (typeof this.setting.zIndex === "function") {
- this.setting.zIndex = this.setting.zIndex();
- }
- if (this.setting.zIndex != null &&
- typeof this.setting.zIndex === "string") {
- this.setting.zIndex = parseInt(this.setting.zIndex);
- }
- if (isNaN(this.setting.zIndex)) {
- this.setting.zIndex =
- typeof QmsgConfig.DEFAULT.zIndex === "function"
- ? QmsgConfig.DEFAULT.zIndex()
- : QmsgConfig.DEFAULT.zIndex;
- }
- }
- /**
- * 设置元素动画状态 开启/关闭
- * @param QmsgMsg
- * @param state
- */
- setState(element, state) {
- if (!state || !QmsgAnimation.$state[state])
- return;
- this.state = state;
- QmsgAnimation.setStyleAnimationName(element, QmsgAnimation.$state[state]);
- }
- /**
- * 设置消息数量统计
- */
- setMsgCount() {
- let QmsgContext = this;
- let countClassName = QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("count");
- let wrapperClassName = `div.${QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("data-position", this.setting.position.toLowerCase())} [class^="qmsg-content-"]`;
- let $content = this.$Qmsg.querySelector(wrapperClassName);
- if (!$content) {
- throw new TypeError("$content is null");
- }
- let $count = $content.querySelector("." + countClassName);
- if (!$count) {
- $count = document.createElement("span");
- $count.classList.add(countClassName);
- $content.appendChild($count);
- }
- $count.innerHTML = this.getRepeatNum().toString();
- QmsgAnimation.setStyleAnimationName($count);
- QmsgAnimation.setStyleAnimationName($count, "MessageShake");
- /* 重置定时器 */
- QmsgUtils.clearTimeout(this.timeId);
- if (this.setting.autoClose) {
- this.timeId = QmsgUtils.setTimeout(function () {
- QmsgContext.close();
- }, this.setting.timeout);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 关闭Qmsg(会触发动画)
- */
- close() {
- this.setState(this.$Qmsg, "closing");
- if (QmsgConfig.CAN_ANIMATION) {
- /* 支持动画 */
- QmsgInstanceStorage.remove(this.uuid);
- }
- else {
- /* 不支持动画 */
- this.destroy();
- }
- let onCloseCallBack = this.setting.onClose;
- if (onCloseCallBack && typeof onCloseCallBack === "function") {
- onCloseCallBack.call(this);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 销毁Qmsg
- */
- destroy() {
- this.endTime = Date.now();
- this.$Qmsg.remove();
- QmsgUtils.clearTimeout(this.timeId);
- QmsgInstanceStorage.remove(this.uuid);
- }
- /**
- * 设置内容文本
- */
- setText(text) {
- let $content = this.$Qmsg.querySelector("div[class^=qmsg-content-] > span");
- if ($content) {
- $content.innerText = text;
- this.setting.content = text;
- }
- else {
- throw new TypeError("$content is null");
- }
- }
- /**
- * 设置内容超文本
- */
- setHTML(text) {
- let $content = this.$Qmsg.querySelector("div[class^=qmsg-content-] > span");
- if ($content) {
- $content.innerHTML = text;
- this.setting.content = text;
- }
- else {
- throw new TypeError("$content is null");
- }
- }
- }
- const createCache = (lastNumberWeakMap) => {
- return (collection, nextNumber) => {
- lastNumberWeakMap.set(collection, nextNumber);
- return nextNumber;
- };
- };
- /*
- * The value of the constant Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER equals (2 ** 53 - 1) but it
- * is fairly new.
- */
- const MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER === undefined ? 9007199254740991 : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
- const TWO_TO_THE_POWER_OF_TWENTY_NINE = 536870912;
- const createGenerateUniqueNumber = (cache, lastNumberWeakMap) => {
- return (collection) => {
- const lastNumber = lastNumberWeakMap.get(collection);
- /*
- * Let's try the cheapest algorithm first. It might fail to produce a new
- * number, but it is so cheap that it is okay to take the risk. Just
- * increase the last number by one or reset it to 0 if we reached the upper
- * bound of SMIs (which stands for small integers). When the last number is
- * unknown it is assumed that the collection contains zero based consecutive
- * numbers.
- */
- let nextNumber = lastNumber === undefined ? collection.size : lastNumber < TWO_TO_THE_POWER_OF_THIRTY ? lastNumber + 1 : 0;
- if (!collection.has(nextNumber)) {
- return cache(collection, nextNumber);
- }
- /*
- * If there are less than half of 2 ** 30 numbers stored in the collection,
- * the chance to generate a new random number in the range from 0 to 2 ** 30
- * is at least 50%. It's benifitial to use only SMIs because they perform
- * much better in any environment based on V8.
- */
- if (collection.size < TWO_TO_THE_POWER_OF_TWENTY_NINE) {
- while (collection.has(nextNumber)) {
- nextNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * TWO_TO_THE_POWER_OF_THIRTY);
- }
- return cache(collection, nextNumber);
- }
- // Quickly check if there is a theoretical chance to generate a new number.
- if (collection.size > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
- throw new Error('Congratulations, you created a collection of unique numbers which uses all available integers!');
- }
- // Otherwise use the full scale of safely usable integers.
- while (collection.has(nextNumber)) {
- nextNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
- }
- return cache(collection, nextNumber);
- };
- };
- const LAST_NUMBER_WEAK_MAP = new WeakMap();
- const cache = createCache(LAST_NUMBER_WEAK_MAP);
- const generateUniqueNumber = createGenerateUniqueNumber(cache, LAST_NUMBER_WEAK_MAP);
- const isCallNotification = (message) => {
- return message.method !== undefined && message.method === 'call';
- };
- const isClearResponse = (message) => {
- return typeof message.id === 'number' && typeof message.result === 'boolean';
- };
- const load = (url) => {
- // Prefilling the Maps with a function indexed by zero is necessary to be compliant with the specification.
- const scheduledIntervalFunctions = new Map([[0, () => { }]]); // tslint:disable-line no-empty
- const scheduledTimeoutFunctions = new Map([[0, () => { }]]); // tslint:disable-line no-empty
- const unrespondedRequests = new Map();
- const worker = new Worker(url);
- worker.addEventListener('message', ({ data }) => {
- if (isCallNotification(data)) {
- const { params: { timerId, timerType } } = data;
- if (timerType === 'interval') {
- const idOrFunc = scheduledIntervalFunctions.get(timerId);
- if (typeof idOrFunc === undefined) {
- throw new Error('The timer is in an undefined state.');
- }
- if (typeof idOrFunc === 'number') {
- const timerIdAndTimerType = unrespondedRequests.get(idOrFunc);
- if (timerIdAndTimerType === undefined ||
- timerIdAndTimerType.timerId !== timerId ||
- timerIdAndTimerType.timerType !== timerType) {
- throw new Error('The timer is in an undefined state.');
- }
- }
- else if (typeof idOrFunc === 'function') {
- idOrFunc();
- }
- }
- else if (timerType === 'timeout') {
- const idOrFunc = scheduledTimeoutFunctions.get(timerId);
- if (typeof idOrFunc === undefined) {
- throw new Error('The timer is in an undefined state.');
- }
- if (typeof idOrFunc === 'number') {
- const timerIdAndTimerType = unrespondedRequests.get(idOrFunc);
- if (timerIdAndTimerType === undefined ||
- timerIdAndTimerType.timerId !== timerId ||
- timerIdAndTimerType.timerType !== timerType) {
- throw new Error('The timer is in an undefined state.');
- }
- }
- else if (typeof idOrFunc === 'function') {
- idOrFunc();
- // A timeout can be savely deleted because it is only called once.
- scheduledTimeoutFunctions.delete(timerId);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (isClearResponse(data)) {
- const { id } = data;
- const timerIdAndTimerType = unrespondedRequests.get(id);
- if (timerIdAndTimerType === undefined) {
- throw new Error('The timer is in an undefined state.');
- }
- const { timerId, timerType } = timerIdAndTimerType;
- unrespondedRequests.delete(id);
- if (timerType === 'interval') {
- scheduledIntervalFunctions.delete(timerId);
- }
- else {
- scheduledTimeoutFunctions.delete(timerId);
- }
- }
- else {
- const { error: { message } } = data;
- throw new Error(message);
- }
- });
- const clearInterval = (timerId) => {
- if (typeof scheduledIntervalFunctions.get(timerId) === 'function') {
- const id = generateUniqueNumber(unrespondedRequests);
- unrespondedRequests.set(id, { timerId, timerType: 'interval' });
- scheduledIntervalFunctions.set(timerId, id);
- worker.postMessage({
- id,
- method: 'clear',
- params: { timerId, timerType: 'interval' }
- });
- }
- };
- const clearTimeout = (timerId) => {
- if (typeof scheduledTimeoutFunctions.get(timerId) === 'function') {
- const id = generateUniqueNumber(unrespondedRequests);
- unrespondedRequests.set(id, { timerId, timerType: 'timeout' });
- scheduledTimeoutFunctions.set(timerId, id);
- worker.postMessage({
- id,
- method: 'clear',
- params: { timerId, timerType: 'timeout' }
- });
- }
- };
- const setInterval = (func, delay = 0, ...args) => {
- const timerId = generateUniqueNumber(scheduledIntervalFunctions);
- scheduledIntervalFunctions.set(timerId, () => {
- func(...args);
- // Doublecheck if the interval should still be rescheduled because it could have been cleared inside of func().
- if (typeof scheduledIntervalFunctions.get(timerId) === 'function') {
- worker.postMessage({
- id: null,
- method: 'set',
- params: {
- delay,
- now: performance.timeOrigin + performance.now(),
- timerId,
- timerType: 'interval'
- }
- });
- }
- });
- worker.postMessage({
- id: null,
- method: 'set',
- params: {
- delay,
- now: performance.timeOrigin + performance.now(),
- timerId,
- timerType: 'interval'
- }
- });
- return timerId;
- };
- const setTimeout = (func, delay = 0, ...args) => {
- const timerId = generateUniqueNumber(scheduledTimeoutFunctions);
- scheduledTimeoutFunctions.set(timerId, () => func(...args));
- worker.postMessage({
- id: null,
- method: 'set',
- params: {
- delay,
- now: performance.timeOrigin + performance.now(),
- timerId,
- timerType: 'timeout'
- }
- });
- return timerId;
- };
- return {
- clearInterval,
- clearTimeout,
- setInterval,
- setTimeout
- };
- };
- const createLoadOrReturnBroker = (loadBroker, worker) => {
- let broker = null;
- return () => {
- if (broker !== null) {
- return broker;
- }
- const blob = new Blob([worker], { type: 'application/javascript; charset=utf-8' });
- const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
- broker = loadBroker(url);
- // Bug #1: Edge up until v18 didn't like the URL to be revoked directly.
- setTimeout(() => URL.revokeObjectURL(url));
- return broker;
- };
- };
- // This is the minified and stringified code of the worker-timers-worker package.
- const worker = `(()=>{"use strict";const e=new Map,t=new Map,r=t=>{const r=e.get(t);return void 0!==r&&(clearTimeout(r),e.delete(t),!0)},s=e=>{const r=t.get(e);return void 0!==r&&(clearTimeout(r),t.delete(e),!0)},o=(e,t)=>{const r=performance.now(),s=e+t-r-performance.timeOrigin;return{expected:r+s,remainingDelay:s}},i=(e,t,r,s)=>{const o=r-performance.now();o>0?e.set(t,setTimeout(i,o,e,t,r,s)):(e.delete(t),postMessage({id:null,method:"call",params:{timerId:t,timerType:s}}))};addEventListener("message",(({data:n})=>{try{if("clear"===n.method){const{id:e,params:{timerId:t,timerType:o}}=n;if("interval"===o)postMessage({id:e,result:r(t)});else{if("timeout"!==o)throw new Error('The given type "'.concat(o,'" is not supported'));postMessage({id:e,result:s(t)})}}else{if("set"!==n.method)throw new Error('The given method "'.concat(n.method,'" is not supported'));{const{params:{delay:r,now:s,timerId:a,timerType:m}}=n;if("interval"===m)((t,r,s)=>{const{expected:n,remainingDelay:a}=o(t,s);e.set(r,setTimeout(i,a,e,r,n,"interval"))})(r,a,s);else{if("timeout"!==m)throw new Error('The given type "'.concat(m,'" is not supported'));((e,r,s)=>{const{expected:n,remainingDelay:a}=o(e,s);t.set(r,setTimeout(i,a,t,r,n,"timeout"))})(r,a,s)}}}}catch(e){postMessage({error:{message:e.message},id:n.id,result:null})}}))})();`; // tslint:disable-line:max-line-length
- const loadOrReturnBroker = createLoadOrReturnBroker(load, worker);
- const clearInterval = (timerId) => loadOrReturnBroker().clearInterval(timerId);
- const clearTimeout = (timerId) => loadOrReturnBroker().clearTimeout(timerId);
- const setInterval = (...args) => loadOrReturnBroker().setInterval(...args);
- const setTimeout$1 = (...args) => loadOrReturnBroker().setTimeout(...args);
- const QmsgUtils = {
- /**
- * 生成带插件名的名称
- * @param args
- */
- getNameSpacify(...args) {
- let result = QmsgConfig.NAMESPACE;
- for (let index = 0; index < args.length; ++index) {
- result += "-" + args[index];
- }
- return result;
- },
- /**
- * 判断字符是否是数字
- * @param text 需要判断的字符串
- */
- isNumber(text) {
- let isNumberPattern = /^\d+$/;
- return isNumberPattern.test(text);
- },
- /**
- * 获取唯一性的UUID
- */
- getUUID() {
- return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function (value) {
- let randValue = (Math.random() * 16) | 0, newValue = value == "x" ? randValue : (randValue & 0x3) | 0x8;
- return newValue.toString(16);
- });
- },
- /**
- * 合并参数为配置信息,用于创建Msg实例
- * @param content 文本内容
- * @param config 配置
- */
- mergeArgs(content = "", config) {
- let opts = {};
- if (arguments.length === 0) {
- return opts;
- }
- if (config != null) {
- // 传入了2个参数
- // string object
- // object object
- opts.content = content;
- if (typeof config === "object" && config != null) {
- return Object.assign(opts, config);
- }
- }
- else {
- // 传入了1个参数
- // object
- // string
- if (typeof content === "object" && content != null) {
- return Object.assign(opts, content);
- }
- else {
- opts.content = content;
- }
- }
- return opts;
- },
- /**
- * 通过配置信息 来判断是否为同一条消息,并返回消息实例
- * @param option 配置项
- */
- judgeReMsg(option) {
- option = option || {};
- let optionString = JSON.stringify(option);
- /* 寻找已生成的实例是否存在配置相同的 */
- let findQmsgItemInfo = QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList.find((item) => {
- return item.config === optionString;
- });
- let QmsgInstance = findQmsgItemInfo?.instance;
- if (QmsgInstance == null) {
- /* 不存在,创建个新的 */
- let uuid = QmsgUtils.getUUID();
- let QmsgItemInfo = {
- uuid: uuid,
- config: optionString,
- instance: new QmsgMsg(option, uuid),
- };
- QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList.push(QmsgItemInfo);
- let QmsgListLength = QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList.length;
- let maxNums = QmsgItemInfo.instance.getSetting().maxNums;
- /**
- * 关闭多余的消息
- */
- if (QmsgListLength > maxNums) {
- for (let index = 0; index < QmsgListLength - maxNums; index++) {
- let item = QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList[index];
- item && item.instance.getSetting().autoClose && item.instance.close();
- }
- }
- findQmsgItemInfo = QmsgItemInfo;
- QmsgInstance = QmsgItemInfo.instance;
- }
- else {
- if (!QmsgInstance.getRepeatNum()) {
- QmsgInstance.setRepeatNum(2);
- }
- else {
- if (QmsgInstance.getRepeatNum() >= 99) ;
- else {
- QmsgInstance.setRepeatNumIncreasing();
- }
- }
- QmsgInstance.setMsgCount();
- }
- if (QmsgInstance) {
- QmsgInstance.$Qmsg.setAttribute("data-count", QmsgInstance?.getRepeatNum().toString());
- }
- else {
- throw new TypeError("QmsgInstance is null");
- }
- return QmsgInstance;
- },
- /**
- * 转换为动态对象
- * @param obj 需要配置的对象
- * @param other_obj 获取的其它对象
- */
- toDynamicObject(obj, ...other_objs) {
- let __obj__ = Object.assign({}, obj);
- Object.keys(__obj__).forEach((keyName) => {
- let objValue = __obj__[keyName];
- Object.defineProperty(__obj__, keyName, {
- get() {
- let findIndex = other_objs.findIndex((other_obj) => {
- // 判断其他对象中是否有该属性
- return other_obj.hasOwnProperty.call(other_obj, keyName);
- });
- if (findIndex !== -1) {
- return other_objs[findIndex][keyName];
- }
- else {
- return objValue;
- }
- },
- set(newValue) {
- objValue = newValue;
- },
- });
- });
- return __obj__;
- },
- /**
- * 自动使用 Worker 执行 setTimeout
- */
- setTimeout(callback, timeout) {
- try {
- return setTimeout$1(callback, timeout);
- }
- catch (error) {
- return globalThis.setTimeout(callback, timeout);
- }
- },
- /**
- * 配合 QmsgUtils.setTimeout 使用
- */
- clearTimeout(timeId) {
- try {
- if (timeId != null) {
- clearTimeout(timeId);
- }
- }
- catch (error) {
- }
- finally {
- globalThis.clearTimeout(timeId);
- }
- },
- /**
- * 自动使用 Worker 执行 setInterval
- */
- setInterval(callback, timeout) {
- try {
- return setInterval(callback, timeout);
- }
- catch (error) {
- return globalThis.setInterval(callback, timeout);
- }
- },
- /**
- * 配合 QmsgUtils.setInterval 使用
- */
- clearInterval(timeId) {
- try {
- if (timeId != null) {
- clearInterval(timeId);
- }
- }
- catch (error) {
- }
- finally {
- globalThis.clearInterval(timeId);
- }
- },
- };
- /* 执行兼容 */
- CompatibleProcessing();
- const QmsgEvent = {
- visibilitychange: {
- eventConfig: {
- /**
- * 添加visibilitychange事件监听
- * 当页面切换时,如果切换前的页面存在Qmsg实例且未关闭,切换后,页面活跃度会降低,导致setTimeout/setInterval失效或丢失事件
- * 监听visibilitychange,判断切换回来时,如果当前时间-开始时间大于timeout,则关闭
- * 如果设置了动画,使用close,否则使用destroy
- */
- callback() {
- if (document.visibilityState === "visible") {
- // 回到页面
- for (let index = 0; index < QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList.length; index++) {
- let QmsgInstance = QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList[index];
- if (QmsgInstance.instance.endTime == null &&
- QmsgInstance.instance.startTime != null &&
- Date.now() - QmsgInstance.instance.startTime >=
- QmsgInstance.instance.getSetting().timeout) {
- // 超出时间,关闭
- QmsgInstance.instance.close();
- }
- }
- }
- },
- option: {
- capture: true,
- },
- },
- addEvent() {
- if ("visibilityState" in document) {
- document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", QmsgEvent.visibilitychange.eventConfig.callback, QmsgEvent.visibilitychange.eventConfig.option);
- }
- else {
- console.error("visibilityState not support");
- }
- },
- removeEvent() {
- document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", QmsgEvent.visibilitychange.eventConfig.callback, QmsgEvent.visibilitychange.eventConfig.option);
- },
- },
- };
- class Qmsg {
- /** 数据 */
- $data;
- $eventUtils;
- constructor() {
- this.$data = {
- version: "2024.12.6",
- config: QmsgConfig,
- icon: QmsgIcon,
- instanceStorage: QmsgInstanceStorage,
- };
- this.$eventUtils = QmsgEvent;
- this.$eventUtils.visibilitychange.addEvent();
- }
- /**
- * 修改默认配置
- * @param option
- */
- config(option) {
- if (option == null)
- return;
- if (typeof option !== "object")
- return;
- QmsgConfig.INS_DEFAULT = null;
- QmsgConfig.INS_DEFAULT = option;
- }
- info(content, option) {
- let params = QmsgUtils.mergeArgs(content, option);
- params.type = "info";
- return QmsgUtils.judgeReMsg.call(this, params);
- }
- warning(content, option) {
- let params = QmsgUtils.mergeArgs(content, option);
- params.type = "warning";
- return QmsgUtils.judgeReMsg.call(this, params);
- }
- success(content, option) {
- let params = QmsgUtils.mergeArgs(content, option);
- params.type = "success";
- return QmsgUtils.judgeReMsg.call(this, params);
- }
- error(content, option) {
- let params = QmsgUtils.mergeArgs(content, option);
- params.type = "error";
- return QmsgUtils.judgeReMsg.call(this, params);
- }
- loading(content, config) {
- let params = QmsgUtils.mergeArgs(content, config);
- params.type = "loading";
- params.autoClose = false;
- return QmsgUtils.judgeReMsg.call(this, params);
- }
- /**
- * 根据uuid删除Qmsg实例和元素
- * @param uuid
- */
- remove(uuid) {
- QmsgInstanceStorage.remove(uuid);
- }
- /**
- * 关闭当前Qmsg创建的所有的实例
- */
- closeAll() {
- for (let index = QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
- let item = QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList[index];
- item && item.instance && item.instance.close();
- }
- }
- }
- let qmsg = new Qmsg();
- return qmsg;
- }));
- //# sourceMappingURL=index.umd.js.map