Youtube - description on the right side above related videos

Description on the right side with avatar and channel name

< Feedback on Youtube - description on the right side above related videos

Review: OK - Skripti toimii, mutta siinä on ongelmia

Posted: 21.8.2022
Edited: 21.8.2022

Really like this script! Minor complain I have is that on some videos "SHOW MORE" and "SHOW LESS" Buttons are shown even though they do nothing and the "...MORE" button is what you actually use. It would be nice to fix this minor issue :)

Posted: 21.8.2022

Thanks for the screenshot, without it I wouldn't understand. I was not able to reproduce your problem, I have tried on FF both on Tampermonkey and Violentmonkey. Could you pls send me some link where this occurs?
Also I am wondering why you have that chip bar above the videos, I have never seen chip bar above the related section.

Posted: 22.8.2022

Hi barn852. The issue seems to randomly occur. Sometimes when I click on videos those buttons appear but other times it just seemingly does not appear for any reason. This is the HTML for when the issue occurs;

Posted: 22.8.2022
Edited: 22.8.2022

I went back to that exact youtube video ( the issue occured then I refreshed the page and it fixed itself but then I come back after a while and it is back. Is there a way to make a script that trys to permenantly hide these broken elements ?

Posted: 22.8.2022
Edited: 22.8.2022

It's weird. I don't have such classes, I have not seen any starting with "desc_" neither now nor before. Do you have some other script that might injects those?
Actually I have just received today an other comment reporting an uncommon behaviour

If you want to eliminate them for sure, you can add a new script like below, and if it makes a mess later, you just disable it.

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Youtube - hide desc_toggles
// @namespace       Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match           *://**
// @grant           GM_addStyle
// @version         1.0
// @author          George Tarr
// @description     6/18/2021, 2:24:57 AM
// @run-at          document-end
// ==/UserScript==

  #meta-contents div.desc_toggles { display: none !important; }

or simple hide it with ublock (careful with the selection, not to hide other elements), much better concerning the performance. Sorry, I don't have better idea now.

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