Poista oikean hiiren painikkeen esto, poista rajoitukset kopioinnilta, leikkaamiselta, tekstin valinnalta, oikean hiiren painikkeen valikolta, tekstin kopiointilta, tekstin valinnalta, kuvan oikealta hiiren painikkeelta jne. Paranna toimintoja: Valitse hyperlinkin teksti Alt-näppäimellä.
< Feedback on Selection and Copying Restorer (Universal)
I'm trying to copy from a google doc so I can listen to the text, but the author has disabled copying and pasting. I thought I could use this script to copy the text on the doc, but it didn't work. Is there a way to use this script to copy text from a restricted google doc?
any example link for the restricted google doc?
I'm trying to copy from a google doc so I can listen to the text, but the author has disabled copying and pasting. I thought I could use this script to copy the text on the doc, but it didn't work. Is there a way to use this script to copy text from a restricted google doc?