// ==UserScript==
// @name HN Blacklist
// @author booleandilemma
// @description Hide Hacker News submissions from sources you don't want to see
// @homepageURL https://github.com/booleandilemma/hn-blacklist
// @include https://news.ycombinator.com/
// @include https://news.ycombinator.com/news*
// @version 2.1.0
// @grant none
// @license GPL-3.0
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/777592
// ==/UserScript==
const UserScriptName = 'HN Blacklist';
class Entry {
constructor(prefixedInput) {
buildEntry(prefixedInput) {
const prefix = prefixedInput.substring(0, prefixedInput.indexOf(':'));
const text = prefixedInput.substring(prefixedInput.indexOf(':') + 1);
this.prefix = prefix;
this.text = text;
class FilterResults {
constructor() {
this.submissionsFilteredBySource = null;
this.submissionsFilteredByTitle = null;
this.submissionsFilteredByUser = null;
getTotalSubmissionsFilteredOut() {
return this.submissionsFilteredBySource +
this.submissionsFilteredByTitle +
class TestResults {
constructor() {
this.failCount = null;
this.testCount = null;
* Logs an info message to the console.
* @param {string} message - Specifies the message to log.
function logInfo(message) {
console.info(`${UserScriptName}: ${message}`);
* Logs a warning message to the console.
* @param {string} message - Specifies the message to log.
function logWarning(message) {
console.warn(`${UserScriptName}: ${message}`);
* Updates the specified submission to the specified rank.
* @param {?object} submission - Specifies the HN submission.
* @param {?number} newRank - Specifies the new rank to set on the specified submission.
function setRank(submission, newRank) {
if (submission === null) {
logWarning('submission is null');
let titleIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < submission.childNodes.length; i++) {
const childNode = submission.childNodes[i];
if (childNode.className === 'title') {
if (titleIndex === 1) {
const rank = childNode.innerText;
if (rank === null) {
logWarning('rank is null');
childNode.innerText = `${newRank}.`;
logWarning(`no rank found: ${JSON.stringify(submission)}`);
* Returns the source of the specified titleInfo.
* @param {?object} titleInfo - An element containing the submission headline and source.
function getSource(titleInfo) {
if (titleInfo === null) {
logWarning('titleInfo is null');
return null;
const titleText = titleInfo.innerText;
const lastParenIndex = titleText.lastIndexOf('(');
if (lastParenIndex < 0) {
return null;
const source = titleText.substring(lastParenIndex + 1, titleText.length - 1).trim();
return source;
* Returns the titleText (i.e. headline) of the specified titleInfo.
* @param {?object} titleInfo - An element containing the submission headline and source.
function getTitleText(titleInfo) {
if (titleInfo === null) {
logWarning('titleInfo is null');
return null;
const titleText = titleInfo.innerText;
const lastParenIndex = titleText.lastIndexOf('(');
if (lastParenIndex < 0) {
return titleText;
return titleText.substring(0, lastParenIndex);
* Returns the "rank" of an HN submission. The rank is defined as the
* number to the far left of the submission.
* @param {?object} submission - Specifies the HN submission.
function getRank(submission) {
if (submission === null) {
logWarning('submission is null');
return null;
let titleIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < submission.childNodes.length; i++) {
const childNode = submission.childNodes[i];
if (childNode.className === 'title') {
if (titleIndex === 1) {
const rank = childNode.innerText;
if (rank === null) {
logWarning('rank is null');
return null;
return parseInt(rank.replace('.', '').trim(), 10);
logWarning(`no rank found: ${JSON.stringify(submission)}`);
return null;
* Returns the titleInfo of the specified submission.
* This is an element containing the headline and the source
* of the submission.
* @param {?object} submission - Specifies the HN submission.
function getTitleInfo(submission) {
if (submission === null) {
logWarning('submission is null');
return null;
let titleIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < submission.childNodes.length; i++) {
const childNode = submission.childNodes[i];
if (childNode.className === 'title') {
if (titleIndex === 2) {
return childNode;
logWarning(`no titleInfo found: ${JSON.stringify(submission)}`);
return null;
function getSubmitter(submission) {
if (submission === null) {
logWarning('submission is null');
return null;
const { nextSibling } = submission;
if (nextSibling === null) {
// TODO: this might be a bug
logWarning('nextSibling is null');
return null;
const userLink = nextSibling.querySelector('.hnuser');
if (userLink == null) {
logWarning('userLink is null');
return null;
const hrefUser = userLink.getAttribute('href');
if (hrefUser == null) {
logWarning('hrefUser is null');
return null;
return hrefUser.replace('user?id=', '');
* Returns an object representing the different parts of the specified submission.
* These are: title, source, rank, and rowIndex.
* @param {?object} submission - Specifies the HN submission.
function getSubmissionInfo(submission) {
if (submission === null) {
return null;
const titleInfo = getTitleInfo(submission);
const rank = getRank(submission);
const submitter = getSubmitter(submission);
const titleText = getTitleText(titleInfo);
const source = getSource(titleInfo);
const { rowIndex } = submission;
return {
title: titleText,
* Get the thing holding the list of submissions.
function getSubmissionTable() {
return document.querySelectorAll('.athing')[0].parentElement;
* Get the list of submissions.
function getSubmissions() {
return document.querySelectorAll('.athing');
* Filters out (i.e. deletes) all submissions on the
* current HN page with a domain source contained in the specified blacklist.
* @param {set} blacklistEntries - A list containing entries to filter on.
* @returns {number} A number indicating how many submissions were filtered out.
function filterSubmissionsBySource(blacklistEntries) {
const submissions = getSubmissions();
const submissionTable = getSubmissionTable();
let submissionsFiltered = 0;
blacklistEntries.forEach((entry) => {
if (entry.prefix !== 'source') {
for (let i = 0; i < submissions.length; i++) {
const submissionInfo = getSubmissionInfo(submissions[i]);
if (submissionInfo.source !== null && submissionInfo.source === entry.text.toLowerCase()) {
logInfo(`Removing ${JSON.stringify(submissionInfo)}`);
// Delete the submission
// Delete the submission comments link
// Delete the spacer row after the submission
return submissionsFiltered;
* Filters out (i.e. deletes) all submissions on the
* current HN page with a title substring contained in the specified blacklist.
* @param {set} blacklistEntries - A list containing entries to filter on.
* @returns {number} A number indicating how many submissions were filtered out.
function filterSubmissionsByTitle(blacklistEntries) {
const submissions = getSubmissions();
const submissionTable = getSubmissionTable();
let submissionsFiltered = 0;
blacklistEntries.forEach((entry) => {
if (entry.prefix !== 'title') {
for (let j = 0; j < submissions.length; j++) {
const submissionInfo = getSubmissionInfo(submissions[j]);
if (submissionInfo.title.toLowerCase().includes(entry.text.toLowerCase())) {
logInfo(`Removing ${JSON.stringify(submissionInfo)}`);
// Delete the submission
// Delete the submission comments link
// Delete the spacer row after the submission
return submissionsFiltered;
* Filters out (i.e. deletes) all submissions on the
* current HN page submitted by the specified user.
* @param {set} blacklistEntries A list containing entries to filter on.
* @returns {number} A number indicating how many submissions were filtered out.
function filterSubmissionsByUser(blacklistEntries) {
const submissions = getSubmissions();
const submissionTable = getSubmissionTable();
let submissionsFiltered = 0;
blacklistEntries.forEach((entry) => {
if (entry.prefix !== 'user') {
for (let j = 0; j < submissions.length; j++) {
const submissionInfo = getSubmissionInfo(submissions[j]);
if (submissionInfo.submitter !== null
&& submissionInfo.submitter.toLowerCase().includes(entry.text.toLowerCase())) {
logInfo(`Removing ${JSON.stringify(submissionInfo)}`);
// Delete the submission
// Delete the submission comments link
// Delete the spacer row after the submission
return submissionsFiltered;
* Filters out (i.e. deletes) all submissions on the
* current HN page matching an entry in the specified blacklist.
* @param {set} blacklist - A set containing the domains to filter out.
* @returns {FilterResults} An object containing how many submissions were filtered out.
function filterSubmissions(blacklist) {
const submissionsFilteredBySource = filterSubmissionsBySource(blacklist);
const submissionsFilteredByTitle = filterSubmissionsByTitle(blacklist);
const submissionsFilteredByUser = filterSubmissionsByUser(blacklist);
const filterResults = new FilterResults();
filterResults.submissionsFilteredBySource = submissionsFilteredBySource;
filterResults.submissionsFilteredByTitle = submissionsFilteredByTitle;
filterResults.submissionsFilteredByUser = submissionsFilteredByUser;
return filterResults;
* Updates the ranks of all of the remaining submissions on the current HN page.
* This function is intended to be called after the submissions have been filtered.
* This is because once the submissions are filtered, there is a gap in the rankings.
* For example, if the 3rd submission is removed, the remaining submissions will have
* ranks of: 1, 2, 4, 5, etc.
* This function will correct the remaining submissions to have ranks of: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
* This is accomplished by passing in the top rank on the current HN page _before_
* any filtering is done. For example, if the current HN page is the first one,
* the top rank will be "1", and so numbering will start from 1. If the current page
* is the second one, the top rank will be "31".
* @param {number} topRank - Specifies the top rank to start numbering from.
function reindexSubmissions(topRank) {
const submissions = document.querySelectorAll('.athing');
for (let i = 0; i < submissions.length; i++) {
setRank(submissions[i], topRank + i);
* Scans the list of submissions on the current HN page
* and returns the rank of the first submission in the list.
function getTopRank() {
const submissions = document.querySelectorAll('.athing');
const topRank = getRank(submissions[0]);
return topRank;
function isValidInput(input) {
if (input.startsWith('source:')
|| input.startsWith('title:')
|| input.startsWith('user:')) {
return true;
return false;
function warnAboutInvalidBlacklistEntries(blacklist) {
blacklist.forEach((input) => {
if (!isValidInput(input)) {
logWarning(`'${input}' is an invalid entry and will be skipped. `
+ 'Entries must begin with \'source:\', \'title:\', or \'user:\'.');
function buildEntries(blacklist) {
const entries = [];
blacklist.forEach((input) => {
if (isValidInput(input)) {
new Entry(input),
return entries;
function test_getSubmissions_numberOfSubmissionsIsCorrect() {
// Arrange
const testName = "test_getSubmissions_numberOfSubmissionsIsCorrect";
const results = [];
const expectedLength = 30;
// Act
const submissions = getSubmissions();
// Assert
const result = {
name: testName,
status: "passed",
if (submissions.length !== 30) {
result.status = "failed";
result.message = `Submissions length is wrong. expected ${expectedLength}, got ${submissions.length}`;
return results;
function test_getRank_ableToGetRank() {
// Arrange
const testName = "test_getRank_ableToGetRank";
const results = [];
const submissions = getSubmissions();
const result = {
name: testName,
status: "passed",
// Arbitrarily testing the 5th submission.
if (submissions.length < 5) {
result.status = "failed";
result.message = "Submissions length less than 5, can't get a rank";
return results;
// Act
const rank = getRank(submissions[4]);
// Assert
if (rank !== 5) {
result.status = "failed";
result.message = "Unable to obtain submission rank";
return results;
function test_getSubmitter_ableToGetSubmitter() {
// Arrange
const testName = "test_getSubmitter_ableToGetSubmitter";
const results = [];
const submissions = getSubmissions();
const result = {
name: testName,
status: "passed",
// Arbitrarily testing the 5th submission.
if (submissions.length < 5) {
result.status = "failed";
result.message = "Submissions length less than 5, can't get a rank";
return results;
// Act
const submitter = getSubmitter(submissions[4]);
// Assert
if (submitter == null || submitter.trim() === "") {
result.status = "failed";
result.message = "Couldn't get submitter";
return results;
function test_getTitleInfo_ableToGetTitleInfo() {
// Arrange
const testName = "test_getTitleInfo_ableToGetTitleInfo";
const results = [];
const submissions = getSubmissions();
const result = {
name: testName,
status: "passed",
// Arbitrarily testing the 5th submission.
if (submissions.length < 5) {
result.status = "failed";
result.message = "Submissions length less than 5, can't get a rank";
return results;
// Act
const titleInfo = getTitleInfo(submissions[4]);
// Assert
if (titleInfo == null) {
result.status = "failed";
result.message = "Couldn't get title info";
return results;
function test_getTitleText_ableToGetTitleText() {
// Arrange
const testName = "test_getTitleText_ableToGetTitleText";
const results = [];
const submissions = getSubmissions();
const result = {
name: testName,
status: "passed",
// Arbitrarily testing the 5th submission.
if (submissions.length < 5) {
result.status = "failed";
result.message = "Submissions length less than 5, can't get a rank";
return results;
const titleInfo = getTitleInfo(submissions[4]);
if (titleInfo == null) {
result.status = "failed";
result.message = "Couldn't get title info";
return result;
// Act
const titleText = getTitleText(titleInfo);
// Assert
if (titleText == null || titleText.trim() === "") {
result.status = "failed";
result.message = "Unable to get title text on title info";
return results;
function runTests() {
let results = [];
results = results.concat(test_getSubmissions_numberOfSubmissionsIsCorrect());
results = results.concat(test_getRank_ableToGetRank());
results = results.concat(test_getSubmitter_ableToGetSubmitter());
results = results.concat(test_getTitleInfo_ableToGetTitleInfo());
results = results.concat(test_getTitleText_ableToGetTitleText());
let allTestsPass = true;
let failCount = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
if (results[i].status === "failed") {
allTestsPass = false;
const testCount = results.length;
if (allTestsPass) {
logInfo(`Tests Results ${testCount}/${testCount} Passed`);
} else {
logInfo(`Tests Results ${testCount - failCount}/${testCount} Passed ${JSON.stringify(results, null, 2)}`);
const testResults = new TestResults();
testResults.failCount = failCount;
testResults.testCount = testCount;
return testResults;
function displayResults(filterResults, testResults) {
const hnblacklistTable = document.getElementById("hnblacklist");
if (hnblacklistTable !== null) {
* We already displayed the results, so just return.
* This check is necessary because when using the
* browser back button when coming from another HN page,
* there's a chance we'll double-add the results table.
const mainTable = document.getElementById("hnmain");
* HN adds an extra child to the mainTable,
* so we have to do this to get the tbody.
* I'm not sure why HN does this.
* This assumes the tbody will be the last child.
const childCount = mainTable.childNodes.length;
const tbody = mainTable.childNodes[childCount - 1];
const statsRow = document.createElement("tr");
statsRow.id = "hnBlacklistTr";
const stats = `
<table id="hnblacklist">
<p>HN Blacklist:</p>
${filterResults.submissionsFilteredBySource} by source,
${filterResults.submissionsFilteredByTitle} by title,
${filterResults.submissionsFilteredByUser} by user.
<td>Test Results: ${testResults.testCount - testResults.failCount}/${testResults.testCount} Passed</td>
statsRow.innerHTML = stats;
function main() {
* If one or more tests fail, it's a good sign that the rest of the script won't work as intended.
const testResults = runTests();
* Add sources you don't want to see here.
* Three types of sources can be filtered on:
* 1) 'source:' will filter the submission by the domain it comes from.
* 2) 'title:' will filter the submission by the words contained in the title.
* 3) 'user:' will filter the submission by the user who submitted it.
* For example, 'source:example.com' will filter all submissions coming from 'example.com'.
const blacklist = new Set(
const blacklistEntries = buildEntries(blacklist);
const topRank = getTopRank();
const filterResults = filterSubmissions(blacklistEntries);
if (filterResults.getTotalSubmissionsFilteredOut() > 0) {
logInfo('Reindexing submissions');
} else {
logInfo('Nothing filtered');
* Here we display the summary of what we've filtered at the bottom of the page.
* Commenting this out won't affect the rest of the functionality of the script.
displayResults(filterResults, testResults);