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Asenna tämä skripti
// ==UserScript==
// @name         U2实时预览BBCODE
// @namespace    https://u2.dmhy.org/
// @version      1.1.6
// @description  实时预览BBCODE
// @author       kysdm
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @connect      p.sda1.dev
// @connect      sm.ms
// @connect      smms.app
// @match        *://u2.dmhy.org/*
// @exclude      *://u2.dmhy.org/shoutbox.php*
// @icon         https://u2.dmhy.org/favicon.ico
// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js
// @license      Apache-2.0
// ==/UserScript==

本脚本基于 Bamboo Green 界面风格进行修改

GreasyFork 地址


'use strict';

(async () => {
    // 声明全局变量
    // https://api.jquery.com/jQuery.noConflict/
    const jq = jQuery.noConflict();
    // 网站语言
    const lang = new lang_init(jq('#locale_selection').val());;
    // CSS
    jq('body').append(`<style type="text/css">td.smile-icon { padding: 3px !important; }</style>`);
    jq('body').append(`<style type="text/css">.dir_size { color: gray; white-space: nowrap; }</style>`);
    // JS
    jq('body').append(`<script type="text/javascript">function createTag(name,attribute,content){var components=[];components.push('[');components.push(name);if(attribute!==null){components.push('=');components.push(attribute)}components.push(']');if(content!==null){components.push(content);components.push('[/');components.push(name);components.push(']')}return components.join('')};function replaceText(str,start,end,replacement){return str.substring(0,start)+replacement+str.substring(end)};function addTag(textArea,name,attribute,content,surround){var selStart=textArea.selectionStart;var selEnd=textArea.selectionEnd;if(selStart===null||selEnd===null){selStart=selEnd=textArea.value.length}var selTarget=selStart+name.length+2+(attribute?attribute.length+1:0);if(selStart===selEnd){textArea.value=replaceText(textArea.value,selStart,selEnd,createTag(name,attribute,content))}else{var replacement=null;if(surround){replacement=createTag(name,attribute,textArea.value.substring(selStart,selEnd))}else{replacement=createTag(name,attribute,content)}textArea.value=replaceText(textArea.value,selStart,selEnd,replacement)}textArea.setSelectionRange(selTarget,selTarget)};</script>`);

    await loadScript('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/localforage/1.10.0/localforage.min.js')
    await loadScript('https://userscript.kysdm.com/js/mediainfo.js?v=1.0')
    await loadScript('https://userscript.kysdm.com/js/conversion.js?v=1.0')

    // DB
    const db = localforage.createInstance({ name: "bbcodejs" });
    let attachmap_db = localforage.createInstance({ name: "attachmap" });
    const history_db = localforage.createInstance({ name: "history" });

    // 现存BBCODE元素
    (async () => {
        if (jq('.bbcode').length === 0) return;  // 判断页面是否存在 bbcode 输入框
        new init();
        const url = location.href.match(/u2\.dmhy\.org\/(upload|forums|comment|contactstaff|sendmessage|edit)\.php/i);
        if (url === null) return;
        await syncScroll('#bbcodejs_tbody', url[1], '.bbcode', '#bbcode2');
        if (url[1] === 'upload') { await autoSaveUpload(); } else { await autoSaveMessage('#bbcodejs_tbody', '.bbcode', '#qr', url[1], '#compose'); }

        jq('.bbcode').parents("tr:eq(1)").after('<tr><td id="preview_bbcode" class="rowhead nowrap" valign="top" style="padding: 3px" align="right">' + lang['preview']
            + '</td><td class="rowfollow"><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0" ><tbody><tr><td  align="left" colspan="2">'
            + '<div id="bbcode2" style="min-height: 25px; max-height: ' + (jq('.bbcode').height() + 30) + 'px; overflow-x: auto ; overflow-y: auto; white-space: pre-wrap;">'
            + '<div class="child">' + await bbcode2html(jq('.bbcode').val()) + '</div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></td>');

        syncWindowChange('.bbcode', '#bbcode2');

        jq('.bbcode').bind('input propertychange', async function updateValue() {
            let html = await bbcode2html(jq(this).val());

        jq('.codebuttons').click(async function updateValue() {
            let html = await bbcode2html(jq('.bbcode').val());

        jq('#compose').find("td.embedded.smile-icon a").each(function () {
            jq(this).attr('href', jq(this).attr('href').replace(/javascript: SmileIT\('\[(.+?)\]','[^']+?','[^']+?'\)/gis, function (s, x) { return `javascript:void('${x}');` }));
            .click(async function () {
                onEditorActionBox(jq(this).attr('href'), '.bbcode');
                jq('#bbcode2').children('.child').html(await bbcode2html(jq('.bbcode').val()));

        if (/u2\.dmhy\.org\/upload\.php/i.test(location.href)) {

            // 添加中括号
            function add_brackets(txt) { if (txt === '') { return ''; } else { return '[' + txt + ']'; } };

            // 检查重叠的中括号
            function check_title(txt) {
                if (/\[{2,}|\]{2,}/g.test(txt)) { return '<font color="red">' + txt + '</font>'; } else { return txt; }

            var main_title = '<font color="red"><b>' + lang['select_type'] + '</b></font>';

            function addMainTitle() {
                const custom_title = jq('#custom_title').val();
                let type_id = jq('#browsecat').val();

                if (custom_title !== '') {
                    main_title = `<b>${custom_title}</b>`
                } else if (type_id === '0') {
                    main_title = '<font color="red"><b>' + lang['select_type'] + '</b></font>';
                } else if (['9', '411', '413', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '410', '412'].indexOf(type_id) !== -1) {
                    main_title = '<b>'
                        + add_brackets(jq('#anime_chinese-input').val())
                        + add_brackets(jq('#anime_english-input').val())
                        + add_brackets(jq('#anime_original-input').val())
                        + add_brackets(jq('#anime_source-input').val())
                        + add_brackets(jq('#anime_resolution-input').val())
                        + add_brackets(jq('#anime_episode-input').val())
                        + add_brackets(jq('#anime_container-input').val())
                        + add_brackets(jq('#anime_extra-input').val())
                        + '</b>';
                } else if (['21', '22', '23'].indexOf(type_id) !== -1) {
                    main_title = '<b>'
                        + add_brackets(jq('#manga_title-input').val())
                        + add_brackets(jq('#manga_author-input').val())
                        + add_brackets(jq('#manga_volume-input').val())
                        + add_brackets(jq('#manga_ended').find("select").val())
                        + add_brackets(jq('#manga_publisher-input').val())
                        + add_brackets(jq('#manga_remark-input').val())
                        + '</b>';
                } else if (type_id === '30') {
                    var prefix_1 = jq('#music_prefix').find("select").val();
                    var prefix_2 = jq('#music_collection').find("select").val();
                    if (['EAC', 'XLD'].indexOf(prefix_1) !== -1) { var music_quality = false; }
                    else if (['Hi-Res', 'Web'].indexOf(prefix_1) !== -1) { var music_quality = true; };
                    switch (prefix_2) {
                        case "0": // 单张
                            main_title = '<b>'
                                + add_brackets(prefix_1)
                                + add_brackets(jq('#music_date-input').val())
                                + add_brackets(jq('#music_category-input').val())
                                + add_brackets(jq('#music_artist-input').val())
                                + add_brackets(jq('#music_title-input').val())
                                + add_brackets(jq('#music_serial_number-input').val())
                                + add_brackets((() => { if (music_quality) { return jq('#music_quality-input').val(); } else { return ''; } })())
                                + add_brackets(jq('#music_format-input').val())
                                + '</b>';
                        case "1": // 合集
                            main_title = '<b>'
                                + add_brackets(prefix_1)
                                + add_brackets('合集')
                                + add_brackets(jq('#music_category-input').val())
                                + add_brackets(jq('#music_title-input').val())
                                + add_brackets(jq('#music_quantity-input').val())
                                + add_brackets((() => { if (music_quality) { return jq('#music_quality-input').val(); } else { return ''; } })())
                                + '</b>';
                } else if (type_id === '40') {
                    main_title = '<b>' + jq('#other_title-input').val() + '</b>';


            jq("#browsecat").change(() => { new addMainTitle; });
            jq(".torrent-info-input").bind('input propertychange', () => { new addMainTitle; });
            jq('#other_title').after('<tr><td class="rowhead nowrap" valign="top" align="right">' + lang['main_title'] + '</td>'
                + '<td id="checktitle" class="rowfollow" valign="top" align="left" valign="middle">' + main_title + '</td></tr>'

            const token = await history_db.getItem('token');
            let token_waring = ''

            if (token === null || token.length !== 96) {
                token_waring = `<span style="color: red">API Token 不存在或无效</span>&nbsp;
<a href="https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/428545" style="font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; font-style: italic;">鉴权脚本 (安装后打开任意种子页面触发鉴权)</a>`};

    <td class="rowhead nowrap" valign="top" align="right">引用种子</td>
    <td class="rowfollow" valign="top" align="left">
        <input type="text" id="copytorrentinfo" size="10">
        <button id="copyButton" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right:10px;">确定</button>
    <td class="rowhead nowrap" valign="top" align="right">自定义标题</td>
    <td class="rowfollow" valign="top" align="left">
        <input type="text" id="custom_title" name="custom_title" style="width: 80%;"><br>

            const browsecat_options = {};
            const uid = jq("#info_block a:first").attr("href").match(/id=(\d+)/)[1];

            jq("#browsecat option").each(function () {
                const text = jq(this).text();
                const value = jq(this).val();
                browsecat_options[text] = value;

            jq("#custom_title").bind('input propertychange', () => { new addMainTitle; });

            // console.log(browsecat_options);

            jq('#copyButton').click(async function (ev) {
                ev.preventDefault(); // 阻止表单的提交行为

                let tid = jq('#copytorrentinfo').val().trim();;
                if (isNaN(tid)) { window.alert('无效种子ID'); return; }

                let api = await getApi(token, uid, tid);
                if (api.msg !== 'success') { window.alert(`API获取发生错误\n\n${api.msg}`); console.log(api); return; }

                let torrents = api.data.history;

                if (Object.keys(torrents).length === 0) { window.alert('API没有此种子数据'); return; }

                jq("#compose input[id]").map(function () {
                    // 预先清空所有字段
                    if (this.id.endsWith("-input") || this.id === 'poster') jq(`#${this.id}`).val('');
                    jq('[name="anidburl"]').val(torrents[0].anidb === null ? '' : `https://anidb.net/anime/${torrents[0].anidb}`);
                    document.getElementById('browsecat').dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); // 手动触发列表更改事件
                    jq('[class^="torrent-info-input"]').trigger("input"); // 手动触发标题更改
                    jq('.bbcode').trigger("input"); // 手动触发bbcode更改


            // 种子文件
<table style="width: 100%; table-layout:fixed; border: none; cellspacing: none; cellpadding: none;">
            <td style="width: 430px; border: none;">
                <input type="file" accept=".torrent" class="file" style="display: none" id="torrent" name="file">
                <input type="file" class="file" style="display: none" id="filechooser">
                <input type="file" class="file" style="display: none" id="folderchooser" webkitdirectory>
                <input class="codebuttons" id="upload_torrent" style="font-size:11px; margin-right:3px" type="button" value="上传种子" onclick="document.getElementById('torrent').click()">
                <input class="codebuttons" id="upload_file" style="font-size:11px; margin-right:3px" type="button" value="单文件制种" onclick="document.getElementById('filechooser').click()" disabled>
                <input class="codebuttons" id="upload_folder" style="font-size:11px; margin-right:3px" type="button" value="多文件制种" onclick="document.getElementById('folderchooser').click()" disabled>
                <input class="codebuttons" id="torrent_create" style="font-size:11px; margin-right:3px" type="button" value="开始制种" disabled>
                <input class="codebuttons" id="torrent_download" style="font-size:11px; margin-right:3px" type="button" value="下载种子" disabled>
                <input class="codebuttons" id="torrent_clean" style="font-size:11px; margin-right:3px" type="button" value="清除">
            <td style="border: none; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;">
                <a id="download_link" style="display: none"></a>
                <span id="upload_chooser" style="text-align: left; font-style: italic;"></span>
<table style="width: 100%; table-layout:fixed; border: none; cellspacing: none; cellpadding: none;">
            <td name="progress" style="width: 25%; border: none;">
                <div class="progress"><div>
            <td name="progress" style="width: 23%; border: none; text-align: center; font-style: italic;">
                <span name="progress-percent"></span>
            <td name="progress" style="width: 8%; border: none; text-align: center; font-style: italic;">
                <span name="progress-total"></span>
            <td name="progress" style="border: none; font-style: italic; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;">
                <span name="progress-name"></span>

    <td class="rowhead nowrap" valign="top" align="right">种子信息</td>
    <td class="rowfollow" valign="top" align="left">
        <table style="width: 100%; table-layout:fixed; border: none; cellspacing: none; cellpadding: none;">
                    <td style="width: auto; border: none;">
                        <span id="torrentinfo1" style="text-align: left;">-</span>
                        <span id="torrentinfo2" style="text-align: left;"></span>
                    <td style="width: auto; border: none; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;">
                        <font id="torrentinfo3" style="color: red; font-weight: bold;"></font>
    <td class="rowhead nowrap" valign="top" align="right">种子列表<br>
        <span id="expandall" style="font-weight: normal; display: inline;"><a href="javascript: expandall(true)">[全部展开]</a></span>
        <span id="closeall"  style="font-weight: normal; display: none;"><a href="javascript: expandall(false)">[全部关闭]</a></span>
    <td id="file_tree" class="rowfollow" align="left">
        <span id="filelist" style="display: block;">-</span>

            await loadScript('https://userscript.kysdm.com/js/torrent-creator.js?v=1.1')

                'width': '99%',
                'height': '8px',
                'border': '1px solid #ccc',
                'border-radius': '5px',  // 圆角
                'margin': '8px 2px',
                'overflow': 'hidden',
            jq('.progress > div').css({
                'width': '0px',
                'height': '100%',
                'background-color': '#8db8ff',
                'transition': 'all 300ms ease'
            }); // 设置进度条颜色
            jq('[name="progress"]').hide();  // 隐藏进度条
            // 显示上传的文件名 & 去除其余上传框内的值
            jq('#torrent').change(async function () {
                const response = await fetch(URL.createObjectURL(this.files[0]));
                const torrent_blob = await response.blob();
                await db.setItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTorrentBlob`, torrent_blob);
                await db.setItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTorrentName`, this.files[0].name);
                jq('#upload_chooser').prop('title', this.files[0].name);
                jq('#qr').attr('disabled', false);  // 解除上传按钮限制
                jq('#torrent_download').attr('disabled', false);  // 解除按钮禁用
                jq('#upload_torrent,#upload_file,#upload_folder,#torrent_create').attr('disabled', true);  // 禁止其余种子处理按钮
                await pageTorrentInfo();
            jq('#filechooser').change(function () {
                const encoder = new TextEncoder();
                const maxPathName = this.files[0].name;
                const maxPathUtf8Bytes = encoder.encode(maxPathName).length;
                if (maxPathUtf8Bytes > 230 && !confirm(`文件路径超长,是否继续?\n\n${maxPathUtf8Bytes}\n\n${maxPathName}`)) return;
                jq('#upload_chooser').prop('title', this.files[0].name);
            jq('#folderchooser').change(function () {
                const encoder = new TextEncoder();
                let maxPathUtf8Bytes = 0;
                let maxPathName = new Array();

                for (const file of this.files) {
                    const currentPath = file.webkitRelativePath;
                    const currentPathUtf8Bytes = encoder.encode(currentPath).length;
                    if (maxPathUtf8Bytes < currentPathUtf8Bytes) {
                        maxPathUtf8Bytes = currentPathUtf8Bytes;
                        maxPathName = [currentPath];
                    } else if (maxPathUtf8Bytes === currentPathUtf8Bytes) {

                if (maxPathUtf8Bytes > 230 && !confirm(`文件路径超长,是否继续?\n\n${maxPathUtf8Bytes}\n\n${maxPathName.join('\n')}`)) return;

                jq('#upload_chooser').prop('title', (this.files[0].webkitRelativePath).split("/")[0]);
            jq('#qr').attr('disabled', true);  // 未上传种子前,禁止上传按钮
            // 种子创建按钮
            jq('#torrent_create').click(async function () {
                let file = jq('#filechooser')[0].files;
                let folder = jq('#folderchooser')[0].files;
                if (file.length !== 0) {
                    await CreateTorrentFile(file);
                    await pageTorrentInfo();
                } else if (folder.length !== 0) {
                    await CreateTorrentFolder(folder);
                    await pageTorrentInfo();
                } else {
            // 清空
            jq('#torrent_clean').click(async function () {
                jq('#upload_chooser').prop('title', '');
                jq('[name="progress"]').hide();  // 隐藏进度条
                jq('#upload_torrent,#upload_file,#upload_folder,#torrent_create').attr('disabled', false);
                jq('#torrent_download,#qr').attr('disabled', true);  // 禁用按钮
                jq('.progress > div').css('width', "0%");
                jq('#download_link').attr('href', 'javascript:void(0)').attr('download', '');  // 删除下载按钮的URL
                await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTorrentBlob`);
                await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTorrentName`);
            var downloadUrl;
            jq('#torrent_download').click(async function () {
                let a_1 = document.getElementById("download_link");
                const blob = await db.getItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTorrentBlob`);
                const filename = await db.getItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTorrentName`);
                downloadUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
                a_1.href = downloadUrl;
                a_1.download = filename;
            const torrent_start = () => {
                jq('#upload_torrent,#upload_file,#upload_folder,#torrent_create,#torrent_download,#torrent_clean').attr('disabled', true);

            // 拖拽
            jq('#compose > table > tbody > tr:lt(5)').on({
                dragenter: function (e) {
                dragover: function (e) {
                drop: async function (e) {

                    // 递归扫描文件夹
                    const filesList = new Array();
                    const encoder = new TextEncoder();
                    const scanFiles = (entry) => {
                        return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
                            if (entry.isDirectory) {
                                const directoryReader = entry.createReader()
                                const read = () => {
                                    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                                            async (entries) => {
                                                for (let i = 0; i <= entries.length - 1; i++)  await scanFiles(entries[i]);
                                            (e) => {
                                const entries = await read();
                                if (entries.length > 0) await read();
                                // console.log('完成读取当前文件夹');
                            } else {
                                    async (file) => {
                                        const path = entry.fullPath.substring(1);
                                        const newFile = Object.defineProperty(file, 'webkitRelativePath', { value: path, });
                                    (e) => {

                    let f = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files;   // 获取文件对象
                    if (f.length === 0) return false;
                    if (f.length !== 1) { window.alert('只允许单个文件/文件夹'); return false; };

                    let items = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.items;
                    for (let i = 0; i <= items.length - 1; i++) {
                        // 实际这个循环只会运行一次 <不允许多文件夹上传>
                        let item = items[i];
                        if (item.kind === "file") {
                            let entry = item.webkitGetAsEntry();
                            await scanFiles(entry);

                    if (filesList.length === 1) {
                        // 可能是单文件也可能是文件夹内只有一个文件
                        if (filesList[0].webkitRelativePath === filesList[0].name) {
                            if (filesList[0].name.toLowerCase().match(/.+\.torrent$/)) {
                                // console.log('是种子文件');
                                const response = await fetch(URL.createObjectURL(filesList[0]));
                                const torrent_blob = await response.blob();
                                await db.setItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTorrentBlob`, torrent_blob);
                                await db.setItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTorrentName`, filesList[0].name);
                                jq('#upload_chooser').prop('title', filesList[0].name);
                                jq('#qr').attr('disabled', false);  // 解除上传按钮锁定
                                jq('#torrent_download').attr('disabled', false);  // 解除按钮禁用
                                jq('#upload_torrent,#upload_file,#upload_folder,#torrent_create').attr('disabled', true);  // 禁止其余种子处理按钮
                                await pageTorrentInfo();
                            } else {
                                // console.log('是普通单文件');
                                const maxPathName = filesList[0].name;
                                const maxPathUtf8Bytes = encoder.encode(maxPathName).length;
                                if (maxPathUtf8Bytes > 230 && !confirm(`文件路径超长,是否继续?\n\n${maxPathUtf8Bytes}\n\n${maxPathName}`)) return;
                                jq('#upload_chooser').prop('title', filesList[0].name);
                                await CreateTorrentFile(filesList);
                                jq('#qr').attr('disabled', false);
                                jq('#torrent_download').attr('disabled', false);
                                await pageTorrentInfo();
                        } else {
                            // console.log('文件夹内有一个文件');
                            const maxPathName = filesList[0].webkitRelativePath
                            const maxPathUtf8Bytes = encoder.encode(maxPathName).length;
                            if (maxPathUtf8Bytes > 230 && !confirm(`文件路径超长,是否继续?\n\n${maxPathUtf8Bytes}\n\n${maxPathName}`)) return;
                            jq('#upload_chooser').prop('title', (filesList[0].webkitRelativePath).split("/")[0]);
                            await CreateTorrentFolder(filesList);
                            jq('#qr').attr('disabled', false);
                            jq('#torrent_download').attr('disabled', false);
                            await pageTorrentInfo();
                    } else {
                        // console.log('文件夹内有多个文件');
                        let maxPathUtf8Bytes = 0;
                        let maxPathName = new Array();

                        for (const file of filesList) {
                            const currentPath = file.webkitRelativePath;
                            const currentPathUtf8Bytes = encoder.encode(currentPath).length;
                            if (maxPathUtf8Bytes < currentPathUtf8Bytes) {
                                maxPathUtf8Bytes = currentPathUtf8Bytes;
                                maxPathName = [currentPath];
                            } else if (maxPathUtf8Bytes === currentPathUtf8Bytes) {

                        if (maxPathUtf8Bytes > 230 && !confirm(`文件路径超长,是否继续?\n\n${maxPathUtf8Bytes}\n\n${maxPathName.join('\n')}`)) return;

                        jq('#upload_chooser').prop('title', (filesList[0].webkitRelativePath).split("/")[0]);
                        await CreateTorrentFolder(filesList);
                        jq('#qr').attr('disabled', false);
                        jq('#torrent_download').attr('disabled', false);
                        await pageTorrentInfo();


            jq('#qr').click(async function (e) {
                this.disabled = true; // 禁止按钮重复点击
                const torrentBlob = await db.getItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTorrentBlob`);

                if (torrentBlob === null || typeof torrentBlob === 'undefined') {

                console.log(new File([torrentBlob], "a.torrent", { type: "application/octet-stream" }));

                const p = () => {
                    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                        // https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/FormData
                        let formdata = new FormData(document.getElementById('compose'));

                        // 处理自定义标题的结构
                        let customTitle = formdata.get("custom_title");
                        if (!isWhitespace(customTitle)) {
                            // 自定义标题中有数据时
                            const category = formdata.get("type");
                            customTitle = customTitle.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, '');  // 去除自定义标题两边的括号,提交后系统会自动补全

                            if (['9', '411', '413', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '410', '412'].includes(category)) {
                                for (let pair of formdata.entries()) if (pair[0].startsWith('anime_')) formdata.set(pair[0], '');
                                formdata.set("anime_chinese", customTitle);
                            } else if (['21', '22', '23'].includes(category)) {
                                for (let pair of formdata.entries()) if (pair[0].startsWith('manga_')) formdata.set(pair[0], '');
                                formdata.set("manga_title", customTitle);
                            } else if (category === '30') {
                                for (let pair of formdata.entries()) if (pair[0].startsWith('music_')) formdata.set(pair[0], '');
                                formdata.set("music_title", customTitle);
                            } else if (category === '40') {
                                formdata.set("other_title", customTitle);


                        if (torrentBlob) formdata.set("file", new File([torrentBlob], "a.torrent", { type: "application/octet-stream" }));

                        const request = new XMLHttpRequest();
                        request.open("POST", "takeupload.php");
                        request.timeout = 5000; // 超时时间 单位毫秒
                        request.onload = function () {
                            if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300) {
                                    status: request.status,
                                    response: request.response,
                                    responseURL: request.responseURL
                            } else {
                                    status: request.status,
                                    statusText: request.statusText
                        request.onerror = function () {
                                status: request.status,
                                statusText: request.statusText
                        request.ontimeout = function () {
                                status: 408,
                                statusText: "Request timed out"

                p().then(async r => {
                    if (!r.responseURL.includes("takeupload.php")) {
                        // 成功上传
                        // console.log('成功上传');
                        clearInterval(jq(`#upload_auto_save_text`).attr('title')); // 停止自动保存
                        await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTime`);
                        await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageBbcode`);
                        await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageSmallDescr`);
                        await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessagePoster`);
                        await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageAnidbUrl`);
                        await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageInfo`);
                        await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTorrentBlob`);
                        await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTorrentName`);
                        // console.log(`upload-已清空保存的记录`);
                        window.open(r.responseURL, '_self');
                    const h = document.createElement('div');
                    h.innerHTML = r.response;
                    let warn = jq(h).find('#outer').text();
                    warn = warn ? warn.trim() : warn;
                    this.disabled = false;  // 解除按钮禁止点击
                }).catch(e => {
                    window.alert('上传发生错误\n' + e)
                    this.disabled = false;  // 解除按钮禁止点击



        function init() {
            const type = 'original';
            let h1 = jq('.codebuttons').eq(6).parent().html();
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                .after(`<td class="embedded"><input class="codebuttons" style="font-size:11px;margin-right:3px" type="button" value="CODE" name="${type}_bbcode_button"></td>`)
                .after(`<td class="embedded"><input class="codebuttons" style="font-size:11px;margin-right:3px" type="button" value="PRE" name="${type}_bbcode_button"></td>`)
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                .after(`<td class="embedded"><input class="codebuttons" style="font-size:11px;margin-right:3px" type="button" value="RT*" name="${type}_bbcode_button"></td>`)
                .after(`<td class="embedded"><input class="codebuttons" style="font-size:11px;margin-right:3px" type="button" value="IMGINK" name="${type}_bbcode_button"></td>`);
                .after(`<td class="embedded"><input class="codebuttons" style="font-size:11px;margin-right:3px" type="button" value="SPOILER*" name="${type}_bbcode_button"></td>`)
                .after(`<td class="embedded"><input class="codebuttons" style="font-size:11px;margin-right:3px" type="button" value="SPOILER" name="${type}_bbcode_button"></td>`)
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                .after(`<td class="embedded"><input class="codebuttons" style="font-size:11px;margin-right:3px" type="button" value="INFO" name="${type}_bbcode_button"></td>`)
                .after(`<td class="embedded"><input class="codebuttons" style="font-size:11px;margin-right:3px" type="button" value="QUOTE*" name="${type}_bbcode_button"></td>`);
            jq('.codebuttons').parents('table').eq(0).after('<div id="bbcodejs_tbody" style="position:relative; margin-top: 4px"></div>');
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    async function bbcode2html(bbcodestr) {
        var tempCode = new Array();
        var tempCodeCount = 0;
        let lost_tags = new Array();

        function addTempCode(value) {
            tempCode[tempCodeCount] = value;
            let returnstr = "<tempCode_" + tempCodeCount + ">";
            return returnstr;

        const escape_reg = new RegExp("[&\"\'<>]", "g");
        bbcodestr = bbcodestr.replace(escape_reg, function (s, x) {
            switch (s) {
                case '&':
                    return '&amp;';
                case '"':
                    return '&quot;';
                case "'":
                    return '&#039;';
                case '<':
                    return '&lt;';
                case '>':
                    return '&gt;';
                    return s;

        bbcodestr = bbcodestr.replace(/\r\n/g, () => { return '<br>' });
        bbcodestr = bbcodestr.replace(/\n/g, () => { return '<br>' });
        bbcodestr = bbcodestr.replace(/\r/g, () => { return '<br>' });
        bbcodestr = bbcodestr.replace(/  /g, ' &nbsp;');

        let br_end = '';  // 对结尾的换行符进行计数
        let br;
        if (br = bbcodestr.match(/(?:<br>)+$/)) {
            br_end = br[0];
            const regex = new RegExp(`${br_end}$`, "");
            bbcodestr = bbcodestr.replace(regex, '');

        const checkLostTags = (value, r_tag_start, r_tag_end) => {
            let state = false;

            let r_tag_start_exec = r_tag_start.exec(value);
            let index_start = r_tag_start_exec ? (r_tag_start_exec.index + r_tag_start_exec[0].length) : 0;
            let r_tag_end_exec = r_tag_end.exec(value.slice(index_start));

            if (r_tag_start_exec && !r_tag_end_exec) {
                let tag_start_val = r_tag_start_exec.groups.tag;;
                console.log('检测到丢失的标签 => ' + `[/${tag_start_val}]`);
                state = true;

            return { "state": state };

        const url = (val, textarea) => {
            if (val === '=' || val === '=&quot;' || val === '=&quot;&quot;') { textarea = textarea.replace(/\[url=.(?:&quot;){0,2}\]/i, function (s) { return '[url]'; }); }
            if (val) {
                const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>url)=[^\[]*?/i, /\[\/(?<tag>url)\]/i);
                if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[url=[^\[]*?/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
                return textarea.replace(/\[url=(.+?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/i, function (all, url, text) {
                    if (url.match(/\s|\[/)) return addTempCode(all);
                    let tmp = url.replace(/^(?:&quot;)?(.*?)(?:&quot;)?$/, "$1");
                    if (!tmp.match(/&quot;/)) url = tmp;
                    else { if (url.match(/&quot;/g).length === 1) url = url.replace('&quot;', ''); }
                    return addTempCode('<a class="faqlink" rel="nofollow noopener noreferer" href="' + url.replace(/&quot;/g, '"') + '">' + text + '</a>');
            } else {
                const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>url)\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>url)\]/i);
                if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[url\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
                return textarea.replace(/\[url\](.+?)\[\/url\]/i, function (s, x) {
                    if (x.match(/\s|\[/i)) return addTempCode(s);
                    return addTempCode('<a class="faqlink" rel="nofollow noopener noreferer" href="' + x + '">' + x + '</a>');

        // 注释
        const rt = (val, textarea) => {
            if (val === '=' || val === '=&quot;' || val === '=&quot;&quot;') { return textarea.replace(/\[rt=.*?\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); }
            else if (!val) { return textarea.replace('[rt]', function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }) }
            else {
                const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>rt)=[^\[]*?/i, /\[\/(?<tag>rt)\]/i);
                if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[rt=[^\[]*?/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
                return textarea.replace(/\[rt=(.+?)\](.*?)\[\/rt\]/i, function (all, tval, text) {
                    if (tval.match(/\[/i)) return addTempCode(all);
                    let tmp = tval.replace(/^(?:&quot;)?(.*?)(?:&quot;)?$/, "$1");
                    if (!tmp.match(/&quot;/)) tval = tmp;
                    return addTempCode('<ruby>' + text + '<rp>(</rp><rt>' + tval + '</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>');

        // 字体
        const font = (val, textarea) => {
            if (val === '=' || val === '=&quot;' || val === '=&quot;&quot;') { return textarea.replace(/\[font=.*?]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); }
            else if (!val) { return textarea.replace('[font]', function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }) }
            else {
                const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>font)=[^\[]*?\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>font)\]/i);
                if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[font=[^\[]*?/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
                return textarea.replace(/\[font=(.+?)\](.*?)\[\/font\]/i, function (all, tval, text) {
                    if (tval.match(/\[/i)) return '[' + addTempCode(`font=`) + `${tval}]${text}`;
                    let tmp = tval.replace(/^(?:&quot;)?(.*?)(?:&quot;)?$/, "$1");
                    if (!/&quot;/.test(tmp)) { tval = tmp; }
                    else { if (tval.match(/&quot;/g).length === 1) tval = tval.replace('&quot;', ''); };
                    return '<span style="font-family: ' + tval + '">' + text + '</span>';

        // 颜色
        const color = (val, textarea) => {
            if (val === '=' || val === '=&quot;' || val === '=&quot;&quot;') { return textarea.replace(/\[color=.*?\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); }
            else if (!val) { return textarea.replace('[color]', function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }) }
            else {
                const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>color)=[^\[]*?\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>color)\]/i);
                if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[color=[^\[]*?\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
                return textarea.replace(/\[color=(.+?)\](.*?)\[\/color\]/i, function (all, tval, text) {
                    if (tval.match(/\[/i)) return addTempCode(all);;
                    let tmp = tval.replace(/^(?:&quot;)?(.*?)(?:&quot;)?$/, "$1");
                    if (!/&quot;/.test(tmp)) { tval = tmp; }
                    else { if (tval.match(/&quot;/g).length === 1) tval = tval.replace('&quot;', ''); };
                    return '<span style="color: ' + tval + '">' + text + '</span>';

        // 文字大小
        const size = (val, textarea) => {
            if (val === '=' || val === '=&quot;' || val === '=&quot;&quot;') { return textarea.replace(/\[size=.*?\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); }
            else if (!val) { return textarea.replace('[size]', function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }) }
            else {
                const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>size)=[^\[]*?\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>size)\]/i);
                if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[size=[^\[]*?\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
                return textarea.replace(/\[size=(.+?)\](.*?)\[\/size\]/i, function (all, tval, text) {
                    // size只允许1-9的数字
                    if (!tval.match(/^(?:&quot;)?[0-9](?:&quot;)?$/)) return addTempCode(all);
                    let tmp = tval.replace(/^(?:&quot;)?(.*?)(?:&quot;)?$/, "$1");
                    if (!/&quot;/.test(tmp)) { tval = tmp; }
                    else { if (tval.match(/&quot;/g).length === 1) tval = tval.replace('&quot;', ''); };
                    return '<font size="' + tval + '">' + text + '</font>';

        const pre = (val, textarea) => {
            if (val) { return textarea.replace(/\[pre=(.*?)\]/i, function (s, v) { return addTempCode('[pre=') + v + ']'; }); };
            const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>pre)\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>pre)\]/i);
            if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[pre\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
            return textarea.replace(/\[pre\](.*?)\[\/pre\]/i, function (all, text) { return '<pre>' + text + '</pre>'; });

        const b = (val, textarea) => {
            if (val) { return textarea.replace(/\[b=(.*?)\]/i, function (s, v) { return addTempCode('[b=') + v + ']'; }); };
            const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>b)\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>b)\]/i);
            if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[b\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
            return textarea.replace(/\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/i, function (all, text) { return '<b>' + text + '</b>'; });

        const i = (val, textarea) => {
            if (val) { return textarea.replace(/\[i=(.*?)\]/i, function (s, v) { return addTempCode('[i=') + v + ']'; }); };
            const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>i)\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>i)\]/i);
            if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[i\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
            return textarea.replace(/\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\]/i, function (all, text) { return '<em>' + text + '</em>'; });

        const u = (val, textarea) => {
            if (val) { return textarea.replace(/\[u=(.*?)\]/i, function (s, v) { return addTempCode('[u=') + v + ']'; }); };
            const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>u)\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>u)\]/i);
            if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[u\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
            return textarea.replace(/\[u\](.*?)\[\/u\]/i, function (all, text) { return '<u>' + text + '</u>'; });

        const s = (val, textarea) => {
            if (val) { return textarea.replace(/\[s=(.*?)\]/i, function (s, v) { return addTempCode('[s=') + v + ']'; }); };
            const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>s)\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>s)\]/i);
            if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[s\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
            return textarea.replace(/\[s\](.*?)\[\/s\]/i, function (all, text) { return '<s>' + text + '</s>'; });

        const img = (val, textarea) => {
            if (val === '=' || val === '=&quot;' || val === '=&quot;&quot;') { return textarea.replace(/\[img=.*?\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); }
            else if (val) {
                return textarea.replace(/\[img=(.*?)\]/i, function (all, url) {
                    // [img=http://u2.dmhy.org/pic/logo.png]
                    url = url.replace('&amp;', '&');
                    if (/^((?!"|'|>|<|;|#).)+\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|gif|svg|bmp|webp)$/i.test(url)) {
                        // url 以 .png 之类结尾
                        return addTempCode('<img alt="image" src="' + url + '" style="height: auto; width: auto; max-width: 100%;">');
                    } else {
                        return addTempCode(all);
            } else {
                // [img]http://u2.dmhy.org/pic/logo.png[/img]
                const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>img)\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>img)\]/i);
                if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[img\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
                return textarea.replace(/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/i, function (all, url) {
                    url = url.replace('&amp;', '&');
                    if (/^((?!"|'|>|<|;|#).)+\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|gif|svg|bmp|webp)$/i.test(url)) {
                        // url 以 .png 之类结尾
                        return addTempCode('<img alt="image" src="' + url + '" style="height: auto; width: auto; max-width: 100%;">');
                    } else {
                        return addTempCode(all);

        const imglnk = (val, textarea) => {
            if (val === '=' || val === '=&quot;' || val === '=&quot;&quot;') { return textarea.replace(/\[imglnk=.*?\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); }
            else if (val) {
                return textarea.replace(/\[imglnk=(.*?)\]/i, function (all, url) { return addTempCode('[imglnk=') + url + ']'; });
            } else {
                // [img]http://u2.dmhy.org/pic/logo.png[/img]
                const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>imglnk)\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>imglnk)\]/i);
                if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[imglnk\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
                return textarea.replace(/\[imglnk\](.*?)\[\/imglnk\]/i, function (all, url) {
                    url = url.replace('&amp;', '&');
                    if (/^((?!"|'|>|<|;|\[|\]|#).)+\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|gif|svg|bmp|webp)$/i.test(url)) {
                        // url 以 .png 之类结尾
                        return addTempCode(`<a class="faqlink" rel="nofollow noopener noreferer" href="' + y + '"><img alt="image" src="${url}" style="height: auto; width: auto; max-width: 100%;"></a>`);
                    } else {
                        return addTempCode(all);

        const code = (val, textarea) => {
            if (val === '=' || val === '=&quot;' || val === '=&quot;&quot;') { textarea = textarea.replace(/\[code=(?:&quot;){0,2}/, '[code]'); };
            if (val) { textarea = textarea.replace(/\[code=(.*?)\]/i, function (s, v) { return addTempCode('[code=') + v + ']'; }); };
            const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>code)\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>code)\]/i);
            if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[code\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
            return textarea.replace(/\[code\](.*?)\[\/code\]/i, function (all, text) {
                return addTempCode(`<br><div class="codetop">${lang['code']}</div><div class="codemain">${text.replace(/ &nbsp;/g, '  ')}</div><br />`);

        const info = (val, textarea) => {
            if (val === '=' || val === '=&quot;' || val === '=&quot;&quot;') { textarea = textarea.replace(/\[info=(?:&quot;){0,2}/, '[info]'); };
            if (val) { textarea = textarea.replace(/\[info=(.*?)\]/i, function (s, v) { return addTempCode('[info=') + v + ']'; }); };
            const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>info)\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>info)\]/i);
            if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[info\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
            return textarea.replace(/\[info\](.*?)\[\/info\]/i, function (all, text) {
                return addTempCode(`<fieldset class="pre"><legend><b><span style="color: blue">${lang['info']}</span></b></legend>${text.replace(/ &nbsp;/g, '  ')}</fieldset>`);

        const mediainfo = (val, textarea) => {
            if (val === '=' || val === '=&quot;' || val === '=&quot;&quot;') { textarea = textarea.replace(/\[mediainfo=(?:&quot;){0,2}/, '[mediainfo]'); };
            if (val) { textarea = textarea.replace(/\[mediainfo=(.*?)\]/i, function (s, v) { return addTempCode('[mediainfo=') + v + ']'; }); };
            const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>mediainfo)\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>mediainfo)\]/i);
            if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[mediainfo\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
            return textarea.replace(/\[mediainfo\](.*?)\[\/mediainfo\]/i, function (all, text) {
                return addTempCode(`<fieldset class="pre"><legend><b><span style="color: red">${lang['mediainfo']}</span></b></legend>${text.replace(/ &nbsp;/g, '  ')}</fieldset>`);

        const quote = (val, textarea) => {
            if (!val) {
                // [quote]我爱U2分享園@動漫花園。[/quote]
                const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>quote)]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>quote)\]/i);
                if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[quote\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
                return textarea.replace(/\[quote\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/i, function (s, x) {
                    return '<fieldset><legend>' + lang['quote'] + '</legend>' + x.replace(/(<br>)*$/, '') + '</fieldset>';
            } else if (val === '=' || val === '=&quot;' || val === '=&quot;&quot;') {
                // [quote=""]我爱U2分享園@動漫花園。[/quote]
                const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>quote)=[^\[]*?\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>quote)\]/i);
                if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[quote=[^\[]*?\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
                return textarea.replace(/\[quote=[^\[]*?\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/i, function (s, x) {
                    return '<fieldset><legend>' + lang['quote'] + '</legend>' + x.replace(/(<br>)*$/, '') + '</fieldset>';
            } else {
                // [quote="ABC"]我爱U2分享園@動漫花園。[/quote]
                const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>quote)=[^\[]*?\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>quote)\]/i);
                if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[quote=[^\[]*?\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
                return textarea.replace(/\[quote=([^\[]*?)\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/i, function (all, tval, text) {
                    if (tval.match(/\[/i)) return addTempCode(all);;
                    let tmp = tval.replace(/^(?:&quot;)?(.*?)(?:&quot;)?$/, "$1");
                    if (!/&quot;/.test(tmp)) { tval = tmp; };
                    return '<fieldset><legend>' + lang['quote'] + ': ' + tval + '</legend>' + text.replace(/(<br>)*$/, '') + '</fieldset>';

        const spoiler = (val, textarea) => {
            if (!val) {
                // [spoiler]我要剧透了![/spoiler]
                const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>spoiler)]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>spoiler)\]/i);
                if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[spoiler\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
                return textarea.replace(/\[spoiler\](.*?)\[\/spoiler\]/i, function (s, x) {
                    return `<table class="spoiler" width="100%"><tbody><tr>`
                        + `<td class="colhead">${lang['spoiler']}&nbsp;&nbsp;<button class="spoiler-button-show" style="display: none;">${lang['spoiler_button_1']}</button>`
                        + `<button class="spoiler-button-hide">${lang['spoiler_button_2']}</button></td></tr>`
                        + `<tr><td><span class="spoiler-content" style="display: inline;">${x.replace(/(<br>)*$/, '')}</span></td></tr>`
                        + `</tbody></table>`;
            else if (val === '=' || val === '=&quot;' || val === '=&quot;&quot;') {
                // [spoiler=""]真的![/spoiler]
                const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>spoiler)=.+?\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>spoiler)\]/i);
                if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[spoiler=[^\[]*?\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
                return textarea.replace(/\[spoiler=.*?\](.*?)\[\/spoiler\]/i, function (s, x) {
                    return `<table class="spoiler" width="100%"><tbody><tr>`
                        + `<td class="colhead">${lang['spoiler']}&nbsp;&nbsp;<button class="spoiler-button-show" style="display: none;">${lang['spoiler_button_1']}</button>`
                        + `<button class="spoiler-button-hide">${lang['spoiler_button_2']}</button></td></tr>`
                        + `<tr><td><span class="spoiler-content" style="display: inline;">${x.replace(/(<br>)*$/, '')}</span></td></tr>`
                        + `</tbody></table>`;
            } else {
                // [spoiler="剧透是不可能的!"]真的![/spoiler]
                const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>spoiler)=.+?\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>spoiler)\]/i);
                if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[spoiler=[^\[]*?\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
                return textarea.replace(/\[spoiler=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/spoiler\]/i, function (all, tval, text) {
                    if (tval.match(/\[/i)) return addTempCode(all);;
                    let tmp = tval.replace(/^(?:&quot;)?(.*?)(?:&quot;)?$/, "$1");
                    if (!/&quot;/.test(tmp)) tval = tmp;
                    return `<table class="spoiler" width="100%"><tbody><tr>`
                        + `<td class="colhead">${tval}&nbsp;&nbsp;<button class="spoiler-button-show" style="display: none;">${lang['spoiler_button_1']}</button>`
                        + `<button class="spoiler-button-hide">${lang['spoiler_button_2']}</button></td></tr>`
                        + `<tr><td><span class="spoiler-content" style="display: inline;">${text.replace(/(<br>)*$/, '')}</span></td></tr>`
                        + `</tbody></table>`;

        // 附件
        const attach = async (val, textarea) => {
            const lost = checkLostTags(textarea, /\[(?<tag>attach)\]/i, /\[\/(?<tag>attach)\]/i);
            if (lost.state) { return textarea.replace(/\[attach\]/i, function (s) { return addTempCode(s); }); };
            return await replaceAsync(textarea, /\[attach(?<tag>=[^\]]*?)?\](?<hash>.*?)\[\/attach\]/i, async (...args) => {
                const { tag, hash } = args.slice(-1)[0];
                if (tag) { return '[' + addTempCode(`attach`) + tag + `]${hash}[/attach]`; };
                if (/<br>/.test(hash)) { return addTempCode(`[attach]`) + hash + addTempCode('[/attach]'); };
                if (!hash) { console.log('内部为空'); return addTempCode(args[0]); }; // attach 标签内为空时
                if (!/^\w{32}$/.test(hash)) { return `<div style="text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 7pt">附件 ${hash} 无效。</div>`; }; // attach 标签内hash不符合要求
                return await db.getItem(hash).then(async (value) => {
                    if (value !== null && value.attach_id) {
                        // console.log('数据已存在');
                        if (value.attach_type === 'img') {
                            if (Number.isFinite(value.attach_thumb)) {
                                if (value.attach_thumb === 0) {
                                    // console.log('没有触发缩图');
                                    return `<img id="attach${value.attach_id}" alt="${value.attach_name}" src="${value.attach_url}" onclick="Previewurl('${value.attach_url}')">`
                                } else if (value.attach_thumb === 1) {
                                    // console.log('触发缩图');
                                    return `<img id="attach${value.attach_id}" alt="${value.attach_name}" src="${value.attach_url}.thumb.jpg" onclick="Previewurl('${value.attach_url}')">`
                            // 正常情况是不会到这一步的,就不判断缩图状态了
                            return `<img id="attach${value.attach_id}" alt="${value.attach_name}" src="${value.attach_url}" onclick="Previewurl('${value.attach_url}')">`
                        } else if (value.attach_type === 'other') {
                            return '<div class="attach">'
                                + `<img alt="other" src="pic/attachicons/common.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;`
                                + `<a href="${value.attach_url}" target="_blank" id="attach${value.attach_id}">${value.attach_name}</a>`
                                + '&nbsp;&nbsp;'
                                + `<span class="size">(${value.attach_size})</span>`
                                + '</div>'
                        } else if (value.attach_type === 'invalid') {
                            // 会不会发生碰撞呢 xd
                            return `<div style="text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 7pt">附件 ${args[1]} 无效。</div>`;
                    } else {
                        // console.log('数据不存在');
                        return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                                type: 'post',
                                url: 'https://u2.dmhy.org/preview.php',
                                contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
                                data: ({ "body": `[attach]${hash}[/attach]` }),
                                success: async function (d) {
                                    // console.log('成功');
                                    let htmlobj = document.createElement('div');
                                    htmlobj.innerHTML = d;
                                    let span = jq(htmlobj).find('span');
                                    let attach_normal = jq(span).children('bdo').children('div.attach'); // 普通附件
                                    let attach_image = jq(span).children('bdo').children('img'); // 图片附件
                                    if (attach_normal.length !== 0 && attach_image.length === 0) {
                                        // console.log('普通附件');
                                        let attach_info_obj = /(?<time>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})/i.exec(jq(attach_normal).children('a').attr('onmouseover'));
                                        const attach = {
                                            "attach_id": jq(attach_normal).children('a').attr('id').replace('attach', ''),
                                            "attach_type": 'other',
                                            "attach_url": jq(attach_normal).children('a').attr('href'),
                                            "attach_name": jq(attach_normal).children('a').text(),
                                            "attach_size": jq(attach_normal).children('span.size').text().slice(1, -1),
                                            "attach_time": attach_info_obj ? attach_info_obj.groups.time : ''
                                        // 写入数据库
                                        await db.setItem(hash, attach);
                                        resolve('<div class="attach">'
                                            + `<img alt="other" src="pic/attachicons/common.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;`
                                            + `<a href="${attach.attach_url}" target="_blank" id="attach${attach.attach_id}">${attach.attach_name}</a>`
                                            + '&nbsp;&nbsp;'
                                            + `<span class="size">(${attach.attach_size})</span>`
                                            + '</div>');
                                    else if (attach_normal.length === 0 && attach_image.length !== 0) {
                                        // console.log('图片附件');
                                        // 附件唯一标识符
                                        let attach_url_obj = /^Previewurl\(['"](?<url>[^'"]+)['"]\)/i.exec(jq(attach_image).attr('onclick'));
                                        let attach_info_obj = /(?<size>\d{1,4}\.\d{1,3}\s?[TGMK]iB).*(?<time>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})/i.exec(jq(attach_image).attr('onmouseover'));
                                        let attach = {
                                            "attach_id": jq(attach_image).attr('id').replace('attach', ''),
                                            "attach_type": 'img',
                                            "attach_url": attach_url_obj ? attach_url_obj.groups.url : '',
                                            "attach_name": jq(attach_image).attr('alt'),
                                            "attach_size": attach_info_obj ? attach_info_obj.groups.size : '',
                                            "attach_time": attach_info_obj ? attach_info_obj.groups.time : '',
                                            "attach_thumb": ''
                                        if (value && Number.isFinite(value.attach_thumb)) {
                                            if (value.attach_thumb === 0) {
                                                // console.log('没有触发缩图');
                                                attach.attach_thumb = 0;
                                                resolve(`<img id="attach${attach.attach_id}" alt="${attach.attach_name}" src="${attach.attach_url}" onclick="Previewurl('${attach.attach_url}')">`);
                                                await db.setItem(hash, attach);
                                            } else if (value.attach_thumb === 1) {
                                                // console.log('触发缩图');
                                                attach.attach_thumb = 1;
                                                resolve(`<img id="attach${attach.attach_id}" alt="${attach.attach_name}" src="${attach.attach_url}.thumb.jpg" onclick="Previewurl('${attach.attach_url}')">`);
                                                await db.setItem(hash, attach);
                                        // 没有通过标准方法上传的图片,没有记录attach_thumb值
                                        let thumb = await urlCheck(`${attach.attach_url}.thumb.jpg`).catch(e => { });  // 检查缩图是否存在
                                        if (typeof (thumb) === "undefined") {
                                            // 发生了错误 不写数据库
                                            resolve(`<img id="attach${attach.attach_id}" alt="${attach.attach_name}" src="${attach.attach_url}.thumb.jpg" onclick="Previewurl('${attach.attach_url}')">`);
                                        } else if (thumb === false) {
                                            // 不存在缩图
                                            // console.log('url检测 不存在缩图');
                                            attach.attach_thumb = 0;
                                            resolve(`<img id="attach${attach.attach_id}" alt="${attach.attach_name}" src="${attach.attach_url}" onclick="Previewurl('${attach.attach_url}')">`);
                                            await db.setItem(hash, attach);
                                        } else if (thumb === true) {
                                            // 存在缩图
                                            // console.log('url检测 存在缩图');
                                            attach.attach_thumb = 1;
                                            resolve(`<img id="attach${attach.attach_id}" alt="${attach.attach_name}" src="${attach.attach_url}.thumb.jpg" onclick="Previewurl('${attach.attach_url}')">`);
                                            await db.setItem(hash, attach);
                                    else {
                                        // Attachment for key 82505eca8a43a36bc9c60a7d9609a5df not found.
                                        // 附件 82505eca8a43a36bc9c60a7d9609a5df 无效。
                                        if (d.includes(hash)) {
                                            // console.log('附件无效')
                                            const attach = {
                                                "attach_id": '',
                                                "attach_type": 'invalid',
                                                "attach_url": '',
                                                "attach_name": '',
                                                "attach_size": '',
                                                "attach_time": getDateString()
                                            await db.setItem(hash, attach);
                                        } else { console.log('附件未知错误: ' + d); };
                                        resolve(`<div style="text-decoration: line-through; font-size: 7pt">附件 ${args[1]} 无效。</div>`);
                                error: function (d) {
                                    // console.log('附件获取失败');
                        }).catch(() => { return args[0]; });

        const localConvert = async (textarea) => {
            let convert_count = 0;
            let index = 0;
            let _textarea = textarea;
            let bbcode_tag;
            while (bbcode_tag = /\[(?<tag>b|i|u|s|color|size|font|rt|mediainfo|info|code|url|img|imglnk|quote|pre|spoiler|attach)(?<val>=[^\[]*?)?\]/gi.exec(_textarea)) {
                let t;
                let tag = bbcode_tag.groups.tag;
                let val = bbcode_tag.groups.val;
                index = bbcode_tag.index;
                _textarea = _textarea.slice(index);

                switch (tag.toLowerCase()) {
                    case 'b':
                        t = b(val, _textarea); break;
                    case 'i':
                        t = i(val, _textarea); break;
                    case 'u':
                        t = u(val, _textarea); break;
                    case 's':
                        t = s(val, _textarea); break;
                    case 'color':
                        t = color(val, _textarea); break;
                    case 'size':
                        t = size(val, _textarea); break;
                    case 'font':
                        t = font(val, _textarea); break;
                    case 'rt':
                        t = rt(val, _textarea); break;
                    case 'mediainfo':
                        t = mediainfo(val, _textarea); break;
                    case 'info':
                        t = info(val, _textarea); break;
                    case 'code':
                        t = code(val, _textarea); break;
                    case 'url':
                        t = url(val, _textarea); break;
                    case 'img':
                        t = img(val, _textarea); break;
                    case 'imglnk':
                        t = imglnk(val, _textarea); break;
                    case 'quote':
                        t = quote(val, _textarea); break;
                    case 'pre':
                        t = pre(val, _textarea); break;
                    case 'spoiler':
                        t = spoiler(val, _textarea); break;
                    case 'attach':
                        t = await attach(val, _textarea); break;
                textarea = textarea.replace(_textarea, t);
                _textarea = t;
                if (++convert_count > 5000) break;

            return textarea;

        bbcodestr = await localConvert(bbcodestr);

        // 没有bbcode包裹的超链接
        bbcodestr = bbcodestr.replace(/((?:https?|ftp|gopher|news|telnet|mms|rtsp):\/\/((?!&lt;|&gt;|\s|"|>|'|<|\(|\)|\[|\]).)+)/gi, function (s, x) {
            return '<a class="faqlink" rel="nofollow noopener noreferer" href="' + s + '">' + s + '</a>';

        // 单个标签 不带参
        const o_reg = new RegExp("\\[(\\*|siteurl|site)\\]", "gi");
        bbcodestr = bbcodestr.replace(o_reg, function (s, x, y) {
            switch (x) {
                case '*':
                    return '<img class="listicon listitem" src="pic/trans.gif" alt="list">';
                case 'site':
                    return 'U2分享園@動漫花園';
                case 'siteurl':
                    return 'https://u2.dmhy.org';
                    return s;

        // 表情
        const em_reg = new RegExp("\\[(em[1-9][0-9]*)\\]", "gi");
        bbcodestr = bbcodestr.replace(em_reg, function (s, x) {
            switch (x) {
                case (x.match(/^em[1-9][0-9]*/i) || {}).input:
                    return '<img src="pic/smilies/' + x.replace("em", "") + '.gif" alt="[' + x + ']">';
                    return s;

        for (let i = 0, len = tempCode.length; i < len; i++) {
            bbcodestr = bbcodestr.replace("<tempCode_" + i + ">", tempCode[i]);

        bbcodestr = bbcodestr + br_end;
        if (/(<br>)$/.test(bbcodestr)) { bbcodestr = bbcodestr + '<br>' };

        // lost_tags
        if (lost_tags.length !== 0) {
            jq('#preview_bbcode').html(`⚠ ${lang['preview']}`);
            jq('#preview_bbcode').attr('title', [...new Set(lost_tags)].join('\n'))
        } else {
            jq('#preview_bbcode').attr('title', '')

        let htmlobj = document.createElement('div');
        htmlobj.innerHTML = bbcodestr;

        jq(htmlobj).children('fieldset').children('fieldset').children('fieldset').children('fieldset').each(function () {
            jq(this).html(jq(this).html().replace(/(^<legend>[^<]*?<\/legend>)(.*)/i, function (s, x, y) {
                return x + '<table class="spoiler" width="100%"><tbody>'
                    + '<tr><td class="colhead">' + lang['auto_fold'] + '&nbsp;&nbsp;'
                    + '<button class="spoiler-button-show" style="display: none;">' + lang['spoiler_button_1'] + '</button>'
                    + '<button class="spoiler-button-hide" style="">' + lang['spoiler_button_2'] + '</button>'
                    + '</td></tr><tr><td><span class="spoiler-content" style="display: inline;">'
                    + y + '</span></td></tr></tbody></table>';

        return jq(htmlobj).html();

    async function autoSaveUpload() {
        // 设置自动保存时间间隔
        let num_global = 8;
        let num = 5;

        jq('#bbcodejs_tbody').append(`<span id="upload_auto_save_on" style="margin-top:4px; display: none;">`
            + `<input id="upload_switch" class="codebuttons" style="font-size:11px;margin-right:3px;" type="button" value="自动保存已开启">`
            + `<input id="upload_clean" class="codebuttons" style="font-size:11px;margin-right:3px;" type="button" value="清空数据">`
            + `<span id="upload_auto_save_text" style="display: none;">&nbsp;&nbsp;正在保存...</span></span>`
            + `<span id="upload_auto_save_off" style="margin-top:4px; display: none;">`
            + `<input class="codebuttons" style="font-size:11px;margin-right:3px;" type="button" value="自动保存已关闭"></span>`

        // 为自动保存按钮绑定事件
        jq(`#upload_auto_save_on`).click(async function (ev) {
            let button_id = jq(ev.target).attr('id');
            switch (button_id) {
                case `upload_switch`:
                    jq(this).hide(); // 隐藏按钮
                    jq(`#upload_auto_save_off`).fadeIn(200); // 渐入按钮
                    clearInterval(jq(`#upload_auto_save_text`).attr('title')); // 清除setInterval函数
                    await db.setItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageSwitch`, false)
                case `upload_clean`:
                    if (window.confirm("确定清空所有数据?")) {
                        await clean();

        jq(`#upload_auto_save_off`).click(async function () {
            jq(`#upload_auto_save_text`).attr("title", setInterval(autoSave, 1000));  // 设置setInterval函数
            await db.setItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageSwitch`, true)
            // console.log(`upload-自动保存已开启`);

        /*         // 提交候选
                jq('#qr').click(async function () {
                    // clearInterval(jq(`#upload_auto_save_text`).attr('title')); // 关闭自动保存
                    // await clean();
        async function clean() {
            clearInterval(jq(`#upload_auto_save_text`).attr('title')); // 清除setInterval函数
            await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTime`);
            await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageBbcode`);
            await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageSmallDescr`);
            await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessagePoster`);
            await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageAnidbUrl`);
            await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageInfo`);
            await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTorrentBlob`);
            await db.removeItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTorrentName`);
            // console.log(`upload-已清空保存的记录`);

        // 检测上次自动保存开关设定
        db.getItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageSwitch`).then(async (value) => {
            if (value) {
                // 启用自动保存
                jq(`#upload_auto_save_text`).attr("title", setInterval(autoSave, 1000)); // 设置setInterval函数
                // console.log(`upload-自动保存已开启`);
                // 检查输入框内是否已经存在字符串
                let _input_bool = true
                jq("#compose input[id$='-input']").add('#browsecat').add('.bbcode').each(function () {
                    let _input = jq(this).val()
                    if (_input !== "" && _input !== "0") { _input_bool = false; return; } // 把input和select一起做判断了 总没人在标题里单独打个0吧
                // 当输入框是空白时 还原上次备份内容
                if (_input_bool) {
                    await db.getItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageSmallDescr`).then((value) => { jq('[name="small_descr"]').val(value); })
                    await db.getItem(`upload_autoSaveMessagePoster`).then((value) => { jq('[name="poster"]').val(value); });
                    await db.getItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageAnidbUrl`).then((value) => { jq('[name="anidburl"]').val(value); });
                    await db.getItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageInfo`).then((value) => {
                        if (value === null) return;
                        // jq('#browsecat').change(); // 手动触发列表更改事件 <使用两个jq后失效了 $('#browsecat').change(); 是有效的>
                        document.getElementById('browsecat').dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); // 手动触发列表更改事件
                        jq('#autocheck_placeholder').children().eq(0).prop("checked", value['auto_pass']);
                        jq('#autocheck_placeholder').children().eq(1).prop("checked", !value['auto_pass']);
                        for (var key in value) { if (/^(anime|manga|music|other)/.test(key)) { jq('#' + key + '-input').val(value[key]); }; };
                    await db.getItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageBbcode`).then((value) => { jq('.bbcode').val(value); }) // 还原bbcode输入框内容
                    await db.getItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTorrentBlob`).then(async (blob) => {
                        if (!blob || blob.size <= 0) return;

                        const button = document.getElementById('torrent_create');
                        const torrentName = await db.getItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTorrentName`);

                        if (!button.disabled) {
                            jq('#upload_chooser').prop('title', '自动保存的种子文件');
                            jq('#qr').attr('disabled', false);  // 解除上传按钮锁定
                            jq('#torrent_download').attr('disabled', false);
                            jq('#upload_torrent,#upload_file,#upload_folder,#torrent_create').attr('disabled', true);  // 禁止其余种子处理按钮
                            await pageTorrentInfo();

                        // 执行上述代码时,sha1.js未加载完成
                        let observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
                            mutations.forEach(async function (mutation) {
                                if (mutation.attributeName === 'disabled') {
                                    let disabled = mutation.target.disabled;
                                    if (!disabled) {
                                        jq('#upload_chooser').prop('title', '自动保存的种子文件');
                                        jq('#qr').attr('disabled', false);  // 解除上传按钮锁定
                                        jq('#torrent_download').attr('disabled', false);
                                        jq('#upload_torrent,#upload_file,#upload_folder,#torrent_create').attr('disabled', true);  // 禁止其余种子处理按钮
                                        await pageTorrentInfo();
                        const config = { attributes: true };
                        observer.observe(button, config);
                    jq('[class^="torrent-info-input"]').trigger("input"); // 手动触发标题更改
                    jq('.bbcode').trigger("input"); // 手动触发bbcode更改
                    // console.log(`upload-已还原备份`);
            } else {
                // 关闭自动保存
                await db.setItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageSwitch`, false)
                // console.log(`upload-自动保存已关闭`);
        }).catch(async function (err) {
            // 第一次运行时 <第一次运行时 数据库里什么都没有>
            // 这段其实也没什么用 数据库中如果没有这个键值 会返回 undefined
            await db.setItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageSwitch`, false)
            // console.log(`upload-第一次运行`);

        async function autoSave() {
            if (--num <= 0) {
                await db.setItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTime`, getDateString()); // 记录保存数据的时间 string
                await db.setItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageBbcode`, jq('.bbcode').val()); // 保存 bbcode 输入框内容
                // 倒是可以跑循环 直接拿到数据 就不用写这么大一堆了 (
                let upload_info = {
                    "category": jq('#browsecat').val(),
                    "auto_pass": jq('#autocheck_placeholder').children().eq(0).is(':checked'),
                    "anime_chinese": jq('#anime_chinese-input').val(),
                    "anime_english": jq('#anime_english-input').val(),
                    "anime_original": jq('#anime_original-input').val(),
                    "anime_source": jq('#anime_source-input').val(),
                    "anime_resolution": jq('#anime_resolution-input').val(),
                    "anime_episode": jq('#anime_episode-input').val(),
                    "anime_container": jq('#anime_container-input').val(),
                    "anime_extra": jq('#anime_extra-input').val(),
                    "manga_title": jq('#manga_title-input').val(),
                    "manga_author": jq('#manga_author-input').val(),
                    "manga_volume": jq('#manga_volume-input').val(),
                    "manga_ended": jq('#manga_ended-input').val(),
                    "manga_publisher": jq('#manga_publisher-input').val(),
                    "manga_remark": jq('#manga_remark-input').val(),
                    "music_prefix": jq('#music_prefix-input').val(),
                    "music_collection": jq('#music_collection-input').val(),
                    "music_date": jq('#music_date-input').val(),
                    "music_category": jq('#music_category-input').val(),
                    "music_artist": jq('#music_artist-input').val(),
                    "music_title": jq('#music_title-input').val(),
                    "music_serial_number": jq('#music_serial_number-input').val(),
                    "music_quantity": jq('#music_quantity-input').val(),
                    "music_quality": jq('#music_quality-input').val(),
                    "music_format": jq('#music_format-input').val(),
                    "other_title": jq('#other_title-input').val(),
                    "custom_title": jq('#custom_title').val()
                await db.setItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageInfo`, upload_info);
                await db.setItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageSmallDescr`, jq('[name="small_descr"]').val());
                await db.setItem(`upload_autoSaveMessagePoster`, jq('[name="poster"]').val());
                await db.setItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageAnidbUrl`, jq('[name="anidburl"]').val());
                num = num_global; // 重置倒计时

    // elementButton 插入按钮的位置
    // elementBbcode BBCODE输入框
    // elementPost 提交按钮
    // type 识别符
    // parent 父级元素
    async function autoSaveMessage(elementButton, elementBbcode, elementPost, type, parent) {
        let num_global = 8; // 设置自动保存时间间隔
        let num = 5; // 设置自动保存时间间隔

        jq(elementButton).append(`<span id="${type}_auto_save_on" style="margin-top:4px; display: none;">`
            + `<input id="${type}_switch" class="codebuttons" style="font-size:11px;margin-right:3px;" type="button" value="自动保存已开启">`
            + `<input id="${type}_clean" class="codebuttons" style="font-size:11px;margin-right:3px;" type="button" value="清空数据">`
            + `<span id="${type}_auto_save_text" style="display: none;">&nbsp;&nbsp;正在保存...</span></span>`
            + `<span id="${type}_auto_save_off" style="margin-top:4px; display: none;">`
            + `<input class="codebuttons" style="font-size:11px;margin-right:3px;" type="button" value="自动保存已关闭"></span>`

        // 为自动保存按钮绑定事件
        jq(`#${type}_auto_save_on`).click(async function (ev) {  // 关闭自动保存
            let button_id = jq(ev.target).attr('id');
            switch (button_id) {
                case `${type}_switch`:
                    jq(this).hide(); // 隐藏按钮
                    jq(`#${type}_auto_save_off`).fadeIn(200); // 渐入按钮
                    clearInterval(jq(`#${type}_auto_save_text`).attr('title')); // 清除setInterval函数
                    await db.setItem(`${type}_autoSaveMessageSwitch`, false)
                    // console.log(`${type}-自动保存已关闭`);
                case `${type}_clean`:
                    if (window.confirm("确定清空所有数据?")) {
                        await clean();

        jq(`#${type}_auto_save_off`).click(async function () {  // 开启自动保存
            jq(this).hide(); // 隐藏按钮
            jq(`#${type}_auto_save_text`).attr("title", setInterval(autoSave, 1000));  // 设置setInterval函数
            await db.setItem(`${type}_autoSaveMessageSwitch`, true)
            // console.log(`${type}-自动保存已开启`);

        // 提交候选后 删除所有保存的记录 (如果要还原记录,直接返回上一页即可。)
        jq(elementPost).click(async function () {
            await clean();
            // console.log(`${type}-提交上传请求`);

        async function clean() {
            clearInterval(jq(`#${type}_auto_save_text`).attr('title')); // 清除setInterval函数
            await db.removeItem(`${type}_autoSaveMessageTime`);
            await db.removeItem(`${type}_autoSaveMessageBbcode`);
            await db.removeItem(`${type}_autoSaveMessageSubject`);
            // console.log(`${type}-已清空保存的记录`);

        // 检测上次自动保存开关设定
        await db.getItem(`${type}_autoSaveMessageSwitch`).then(async (value) => {
            if (value) {
                // 启用自动保存
                jq(`#${type}_auto_save_text`).attr("title", setInterval(autoSave, 1000)); // 设置setInterval函数
                // console.log(`${type}-自动保存已开启`);
                // 检查输入框内是否已经存在字符串
                let _input_bool = true
                jq(`${parent} input[name='subject']`).add(elementBbcode).each(function () {
                    let _input = jq(this).val()
                    if (_input !== "") { _input_bool = false; return; }
                // 当输入框是空白时 还原上次备份内容
                if (_input_bool) {
                    await db.getItem(`${type}_autoSaveMessageSubject`).then((value) => { jq(`${parent} input[name='subject']`).val(value); });
                    await await db.getItem(`${type}_autoSaveMessageBbcode`).then((value) => { jq(elementBbcode).val(value); }) // 还原bbcode输入框内容
                    jq(elementBbcode).trigger("input"); // 手动触发bbcode更改
                    // console.log(`${type}-已还原备份`);
            } else {
                // 关闭自动保存
                await db.setItem(`${type}_autoSaveMessageSwitch`, false);
        }).catch(async function (err) {
            // 第一次运行时 <第一次运行时 数据库里什么都没有>
            // 这段其实也没什么用 数据库中如果没有这个键值 会返回 undefined
            await db.setItem(`${type}_autoSaveMessageSwitch`, false);
            // console.log(`${type}-第一次运行`);

        async function autoSave() {
            if (--num <= 0) {
                await db.setItem(`${type}_autoSaveMessageTime`, getDateString()) // 记录保存数据的时间 string
                await db.setItem(`${type}_autoSaveMessageBbcode`, jq(elementBbcode).val()) // 保存 bbcode 输入框内容
                await db.setItem(`${type}_autoSaveMessageSubject`, jq(`${parent} input[name='subject']`).val());
                num = num_global; // 重置倒计时

    // 输入框与预览框同步滚动
    // element 按钮插入位置
    // type 标识符
    // bbcode 输入框位置
    // preview 预览位置
    async function syncScroll(element, type, bbcode, preview) {
        // console.log('启用bbcodejs数据库');
        jq(element).append(`<input id="${type}_sync_scroll_on" class="codebuttons" style="font-size:11px; margin-right:3px;; display: none;" type="button" value="同步滚动已开启"></input>`
            + `<input id="${type}_sync_scroll_off" class="codebuttons" style="font-size: 11px; margin-right:3px; display: none;" type="button" value="同步滚动已关闭"></input>`

        await db.getItem(`${type}_syncScrollSwitch`).then(async (value) => {
            if (value) {
                new onScroll();
                // console.log(`${type}-同步滚动已打开`);
            } else {
                // console.log(`${type}-同步滚动已关闭`);

        // 为按钮绑定事件
        jq(`#${type}_sync_scroll_off`).click(async function () {
            jq(`#${type}_sync_scroll_on`).fadeIn(200); // 渐入按钮
            await db.setItem(`${type}_syncScrollSwitch`, true);
            new onScroll();
            // console.log(`${type}-同步滚动已打开`);

        jq(`#${type}_sync_scroll_on`).click(async function () {
            jq(`#${type}_sync_scroll_off`).fadeIn(200); // 渐入按钮
            await db.setItem(`${type}_syncScrollSwitch`, false);
            new offScroll();
            // console.log(`${type}-同步滚动已关闭`);

        // 绑定鼠标事件
        function onScroll() {
            let currentTab = 0;
            jq(bbcode).mouseover(() => { currentTab = 1; });
            jq(preview).mouseover(() => { currentTab = 2; });

            jq(bbcode).scroll(() => {
                if (currentTab !== 1) return;
                let scale = (jq(preview).children('.child').get(0).offsetHeight - jq(preview).get(0).offsetHeight) / (jq(bbcode).get(0).scrollHeight - jq(bbcode).get(0).offsetHeight);
                jq(preview).scrollTop(jq(bbcode).scrollTop() * scale);

            jq(preview).scroll(() => {
                if (currentTab !== 2) return;
                let scale = (jq(preview).children('.child').get(0).offsetHeight - jq(preview).get(0).offsetHeight) / (jq(bbcode).get(0).scrollHeight - jq(bbcode).get(0).offsetHeight);
                jq(bbcode).scrollTop(jq(preview).scrollTop() / scale);

        // 解除鼠标事件
        function offScroll() {

    // 为bbcode加上[]
    function createTagBox(name, attribute, content) {
        let components = [];
        if (attribute !== null) {
        if (content !== null) {
        return components.join('');

    function replaceTextBox(str, start, end, replacement) {
        return str.substring(0, start) + replacement + str.substring(end);

     * 将标签添加到 textArea 元素。
     * @param {HTMLTextAreaElement} textArea - 要修改的 textArea 元素
     * @param {String} name - 标签的名称
     * @param {String} attribute - 标签的属性。 可以为空
     * @param {String} content - 标签的内容。 如果此参数为空,标签将是一个自闭合标签(如 [hr])
     * @param {Boolean} surround - 指定是否用标签包围选择,或者只是替换选择。 如果有选择且此参数为真,内容被忽略
     * @returns {String} - 构造的 BBCode 标签
    function addTagBox(textArea, name, attribute, content, surround) {
        let selStart = textArea.selectionStart;
        let selEnd = textArea.selectionEnd;
        if (selStart === null || selEnd === null) {
            selStart = selEnd = textArea.value.length;
        let selTarget = selStart + name.length + 2 + (attribute ? attribute.length + 1 : 0);
        if (selStart === selEnd) {
            textArea.value = replaceTextBox(textArea.value, selStart, selEnd, createTagBox(name, attribute, content));
        } else {
            let replacement = null;
            if (surround) {
                replacement = createTagBox(name, attribute, textArea.value.substring(selStart, selEnd));
            } else {
                replacement = createTagBox(name, attribute, content);
            textArea.value = replaceTextBox(textArea.value, selStart, selEnd, replacement);
        textArea.setSelectionRange(selTarget, selTarget);

     * 将文本添加到 textArea 元素。
     * @param {HTMLTextAreaElement} textArea - 要修改的 textArea 元素
     * @param {String} content - 文本内容
     * @returns {String} - 构造的 BBCode 标签
    function addTextBox(textArea, content) {
        let selStart = textArea.selectionStart;
        let selEnd = textArea.selectionEnd;
        if (selStart === null || selEnd === null) { selStart = selEnd = textArea.value.length; };
        let selTarget = selStart + (content ? content.length : 0);  // 计算插入文本后光标的位置
        textArea.value = replaceTextBox(textArea.value, selStart, selEnd, content);
        textArea.setSelectionRange(selTarget, selTarget);  // 设置光标位置

    function onEditorActionBox(action, element, param) {
        let textArea = document.querySelector(element);
        let selStart = textArea.selectionStart;
        let selEnd = textArea.selectionEnd;
        let selectionText, url;
        if (selStart === null || selEnd === null) {
            selStart = selEnd = textArea.value.length;
        switch (action) {
            case 'B': {
                addTagBox(textArea, 'b', null, '', true);
            case 'I': {
                addTagBox(textArea, 'i', null, '', true);
            case 'U': {
                addTagBox(textArea, 'u', null, '', true);
            case 'URL': {
                if (selStart !== selEnd) {
                    selectionText = textArea.value.substring(selStart, selEnd);
                    addTagBox(textArea, 'url', selectionText, selectionText, false);
                } else {
                    url = window.prompt("请输入链接URL:");
                    if (url === null || url.length === 0) {
                    var title = window.prompt("请输入链接标题(可选):");
                    if (title === null || title.length === 0) {
                        title = url;
                    addTagBox(textArea, 'url', url, title, false);
            case 'IMG': {
                if (selStart !== selEnd) {
                    selectionText = textArea.value.substring(selStart, selEnd);
                    addTagBox(textArea, 'img', null, selectionText, false);
                } else {
                    url = window.prompt("请输入图片的完整路径:");
                    // url = window.prompt(EDITOR_LANG.image);
                    if (url === null) {
                    var urlLower = url.toLowerCase();
                    if (!urlLower.startsWith('http://') && !urlLower.startsWith('https://')) {
                        // window.alert(EDITOR_LANG['invalid_image']);
                    addTagBox(textArea, 'img', null, url, false);
            case 'IMGINK': {
                if (selStart !== selEnd) {
                    selectionText = textArea.value.substring(selStart, selEnd);
                    addTagBox(textArea, 'imgink', null, selectionText, false);
                } else {
                    url = window.prompt("请输入图片的完整路径:");
                    // url = window.prompt(EDITOR_LANG.image);
                    if (url === null) {
                    var urlLower = url.toLowerCase();
                    if (!urlLower.startsWith('http://') && !urlLower.startsWith('https://')) {
                        // window.alert(EDITOR_LANG['invalid_image']);
                    addTagBox(textArea, 'imgink', null, url, false);
            case 'QUOTE': {
                addTagBox(textArea, 'quote', null, '', true);
            case 'COLOR': {
                if (param !== "") {
                    addTagBox(textArea, 'color', param, '', true);
            case 'FONT': {
                if (param !== "") {
                    addTagBox(textArea, 'font', param, '', true);
            case 'SIZE': {
                if (param !== "") {
                    addTagBox(textArea, 'size', param, '', true);
            // 自定义
            case "S": {
                addTagBox(textArea, "s", null, "", true);
            case "INFO": {
                addTagBox(textArea, "info", null, "", true);
            case "MEDIAINFO": {
                addTagBox(textArea, "mediainfo", null, "", true);
            case "PRE": {
                addTagBox(textArea, "pre", null, "", true);
            case "CODE": {
                addTagBox(textArea, "code", null, "", true);
            case "RT*": {
                if (selStart !== selEnd) {
                    let title = window.prompt(lang['rt_text']);
                    if (title === null || title.length === 0) {
                    selectionText = textArea.value.substring(selStart, selEnd);
                    addTagBox(textArea, "rt", title, selectionText, false);
                    // break;
                } else {
                    let text = window.prompt(lang['main_body']);
                    if (text === null || text.length === 0) {
                    let title = window.prompt(lang['rt_text']);
                    if (title === null || title.length === 0) {
                    addTagBox(textArea, "rt", title, text, false);
            case "QUOTE*": {
                if (selStart !== selEnd) {
                    let title = window.prompt(lang['main_body_prefix']);
                    if (title === null || title.length === 0) {
                        title = "";
                    selectionText = textArea.value.substring(selStart, selEnd);
                    // addTag(textArea, "quote", null, "", true);
                    addTagBox(textArea, "quote", title, selectionText, false);
                } else {
                    let text = window.prompt(lang['main_body']);
                    if (text === null || text.length === 0) {
                    let title = window.prompt(lang['main_body_prefix']);
                    if (title === null || title.length === 0) {
                        title = "";
                    addTagBox(textArea, "quote", title, text, false);
            case "URL*": {
                if (selStart !== selEnd) {
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                    if (/^(?:https?|ftp|gopher|news|telnet|mms|rtsp):\/\/((?!&lt;|&gt;|\s|"|>|'|<|\(|\)|\[|\]).)+/gi.test(selectionText)) {
                        // 选中的是URL时
                        let title = window.prompt(lang['url_name']);
                        if (title === null || title.length === 0) {
                            // selectionText = textArea.value.substring(selStart, selEnd);
                            addTag(textArea, "url", null, "", true);
                        } else {
                            addTagBox(textArea, "url", selectionText, title, false);
                    } else {
                        // 选中的是文字时
                        let url_link = window.prompt(lang['url_link']);
                        if (url_link === null || url_link.length === 0) {
                            // selectionText = textArea.value.substring(selStart, selEnd);
                            // addTag(textArea, "url", null, "", true);
                        } else {
                            addTagBox(textArea, "url", url_link, selectionText, false);
                } else {
                    let text = window.prompt(lang['url_link']);
                    if (text === null || text.length === 0) {
                    let title = window.prompt(lang['url_name']);
                    if (title === null || title.length === 0) {
                        title = "";
                        addTagBox(textArea, "url", null, text, false);
                    addTagBox(textArea, "url", text, title, false);
            case "SPOILER*": {
                if (selStart !== selEnd) {
                    let title = window.prompt(lang['main_body_prefix']);
                    if (title === null || title.length === 0) {
                        addTagBox(textArea, "spoiler", null, "", true);
                    selectionText = textArea.value.substring(selStart, selEnd);
                    // addTag(textArea, "spoiler", null, "", true);
                    addTagBox(textArea, "spoiler", title, selectionText, false);
                } else {
                    let text = window.prompt(lang['main_body']);
                    if (text === null || text.length === 0) {
                    let title = window.prompt(lang['main_body_prefix']);
                    if (title === null || title.length === 0) {
                        title = "";
                        addTagBox(textArea, "spoiler", null, text, false);
                    addTagBox(textArea, "spoiler", title, text, false);
            case "SPOILER": {
                addTagBox(textArea, "spoiler", null, "", true);
            case "QUOTE": {
                if (selStart !== selEnd) {
                    addTagBox(textArea, "quote", null, "", true);
                } else {
                    let text = window.prompt(lang['main_body']);
                    if (text === null || text.length === 0) {
                    addTagBox(textArea, "quote", null, text, false);
            case "URL": {
                if (selStart !== selEnd) {
                    addTagBox(textArea, "url", null, "", true);
                } else {
                    let text = window.prompt(lang['url_link']);
                    if (text === null || text.length === 0) {
                    addTagBox(textArea, "url", null, text, false);
            case "LIST": {
                if (selStart !== selEnd) {
                addTagBox(textArea, "*", null, null, true);
            case (action.match(/^javascript:void\('em\d+'\);$/i) || {}).input: {
                addTagBox(textArea, action.slice(17, -3), null, null, true);


    async function basicFrame(title, type) {
        let basic_html = `
    <td id="${type}_outer" align="center" class="outer" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; display: none;">
        <table class="main" width="940" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                    <td class="embedded">
                        <form id="${type}_compose_custom" method="post" name="${type}_compose_custom">
                            <h2 class="${type}_h2_move" id="${type}_move_part" align="left">${title}</h2>
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                                        <table class="main" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
                                            <td class="rowhead" valign="top">正文</td>
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                                                                <option value="">--- 颜色 ---</option>
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                                                                <option value="">--- 字体 ---</option>
                                                            <select class="med codebuttons" name="${type}_bbcode_size" style="visibility: visible;">
                                                                <option value="">--- 字号 ---</option>
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                                                        <td align="center" width="150">
                                                        <table id="${type}_smile-icon" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">
                                                        <a onclick="ShowSmileWindow(&quot;${type}_compose_custom&quot;, &quot;${type}_box_bbcode&quot;)">更多表情</a>
                                            <td colspan="2" align="center">
                                                    <td class="embedded">
                                                        <input id="${type}_post_box" type="button" class="btn" value="发送">
                                                    <td class="embedded">
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        parse_html.innerHTML = basic_html;

        const bbcode_button = [
            { "style": "font-weight: bold;font-size:11px; margin-right:3px", "value": "B" },
            { "style": "font-style: italic;font-size:11px;margin-right:3px", "value": "I" },
            { "style": "text-decoration: underline;font-size:11px;margin-right:3px", "value": "U" },
            { "style": "text-decoration: line-through;font-size:11px;margin-right:3px", "value": "S" },
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            { "style": "font-size:11px;margin-right:3px", "value": "URL*" },
            { "style": "font-size:11px;margin-right:3px", "value": "IMG" },
            { "style": "font-size:11px;margin-right:3px", "value": "IMGINK" },
            { "style": "font-size:11px;margin-right:3px", "value": "RT*" },
            { "style": "font-size:11px;margin-right:3px", "value": "LIST" },
            { "style": "font-size:11px;margin-right:3px", "value": "PRE" },
            { "style": "font-size:11px;margin-right:3px", "value": "CODE" },
            { "style": "font-size:11px;margin-right:3px", "value": "QUOTE" },
            { "style": "font-size:11px;margin-right:3px", "value": "QUOTE*" },
            { "style": "font-size:11px;margin-right:3px", "value": "INFO" },
            { "style": "font-size:11px;margin-right:3px", "value": "MEDIAINFO" },
            { "style": "font-size:11px;margin-right:3px", "value": "SPOILER" },
            { "style": "font-size:11px;margin-right:3px", "value": "SPOILER*" }
        const smile_list = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 192, 198];
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            "Wheat", "Lemon Chiffon", "Pale Green", "Pale Turquoise", "Light Blue", "Plum", "White"];
        // 插入表情
        smile_list.forEach(function (item, index) {
            if (Number.isInteger((index + 4) / 4)) jq(parse_html).find(`#${type}_smile-icon`).children('tbody').append(`<tr></tr>`);
            jq(parse_html).find(`#${type}_smile-icon`).find('tr:last').append(`<td class="embedded smile-icon"><a href="javascript:void('em${item}');" name="${type}_bbcode_smile"><img style="max-width: 25px;" src="pic/smilies/${item}.gif" alt=""></a></td>`);
        // 插入字体大小菜单
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].forEach(function (item) { jq(parse_html).find(`[name="${type}_bbcode_size"]`).append(`<option value="${item}">${item}</option>`); })
        // 插入字体菜单
        font_list.forEach(function (item) { jq(parse_html).find(`[name="${type}_bbcode_font"]`).append(`<option value="${item}">${item}</option>`); });
        // 插入颜色菜单
        color_list.forEach(function (item) { jq(parse_html).find(`[name="${type}_bbcode_color"]`).append(`<option style="background-color: ${item.replace(/\s/g, '').toLowerCase()}" value="${item.replace(/\s/g, '')}">${item}</option>`); });
        // 插入按钮
        bbcode_button.forEach(function (item) {
            jq(parse_html).find(`#${type}_bbcode_button`).find('tr:last').append(`<td class="embedded"><input class="codebuttons" style="${item.style}" type="button" value="${item.value}" name="${type}_bbcode_button"></td>`);
        // 插入预览框
        jq(parse_html).find(`#${type}_box_bbcode`).parents("tr:eq(1)").after(`<tr><td class="rowhead nowrap" valign="top" style="padding: 3px" align="right">${lang['preview']}</td><td class="rowfollow"><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0" ><tbody><tr><td  align="left" colspan="2"><div id="${type}_bbcode2_box" style="min-height: 25px; max-height: 1px; overflow-x: auto ; overflow-y: auto; white-space: pre-wrap;"><div class="child"></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></td>`);
        return jq(parse_html).html().replace(/^<tbody>([\s\S]*)<\/tbody>$/gm, '$1');

    * 同步窗口大小变化
    // https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/MutationObserver
    function syncWindowChange(input, preview) {
        let MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver;
        let element = document.querySelector(input);
        var height_now, height_last;
        var observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
            mutations.forEach(function (mutation) {
                if (mutation.type == "attributes") {
                    height_now = Number(mutation.target.style.height.replace('px', '')) + 30;
                    if (height_last === height_now) { return } else { height_last = height_now; };
                    jq(preview).css("max-height", height_now + "px");
        observer.observe(element, {
            attributes: true,
            attributeFilter: ['style']

    * 监听用户动作
    * @param {string} type - BBCODE窗口类型
    async function btnListener(type) {
        // 下拉菜单监听
        jq(`[name="${type}_bbcode_color"]`).change(function () { onEditorActionBox('COLOR', `#${type}_box_bbcode`, this.options[this.selectedIndex].value); this.selectedIndex = 0; });
        jq(`[name="${type}_bbcode_font"]`).change(function () { onEditorActionBox('FONT', `#${type}_box_bbcode`, this.options[this.selectedIndex].value); this.selectedIndex = 0; });
        jq(`[name="${type}_bbcode_size"]`).change(function () { onEditorActionBox('SIZE', `#${type}_box_bbcode`, this.options[this.selectedIndex].value); this.selectedIndex = 0; });
        // 按钮监听
        jq(`[name="${type}_bbcode_button"]`).click(function () { onEditorActionBox(this.value, `#${type}_box_bbcode`); });
        // 输入框右边表情,鼠标悬浮图标变大
        jq(`[name="${type}_bbcode_smile"]`).mouseenter(function () { jq(this).children('img').css({ "transform": "scale(1.35)", "transition": "all 0.3s" }); });
        // 输入框右边表情,鼠标离开图标恢复原状
        jq(`[name="${type}_bbcode_smile"]`).mouseleave(function () { jq(this).children('img').css({ "transform": "" }); });
        // 输入框右边表情,点击图标输入表情
        jq(`[name="${type}_bbcode_smile"]`).click(function () { onEditorActionBox(jq(this).attr('href'), `#${type}_box_bbcode`); });
        // 监听各种按钮的点击事件
        jq(`[name="${type}_bbcode_color"],[name="${type}_bbcode_font"],[name="${type}_bbcode_size"],[name="${type}_bbcode_button"],[name="${type}_bbcode_smile"],td.embedded.${type}_smile-icon a`).click(async function () { jq(`#${type}_bbcode2_box`).children('.child').html(await bbcode2html(jq(`#${type}_box_bbcode`).val())); });
        // 监听bbcode写入事件
        jq(`#${type}_box_bbcode`).bind('input propertychange', async function () { jq(`#${type}_bbcode2_box`).children('.child').html(await bbcode2html(jq(this).val())); });


    // attach 标签转 img 标签
    const attach2Img = async (emid, dom) => {
        let cbbcode = jq(`#${emid}`, dom).val();
        cbbcode = await replaceAsync(cbbcode, /\[attach\](?<hash>\w{32})\[\/attach\]/gi, async (...args) => {
            const { hash } = args.slice(-1)[0];
            return await attachmap_db.getItem(hash).then(async (value) => {
                if (value !== null) if (value.attach_type === 'img') return `[img]${value.attach_url.startsWith('https://u2.dmhy.org/') ? value.attach_url : 'https://u2.dmhy.org/' + value.attach_url}[/img]`;
                // 没有匹配到数据时,直接返回原标签
                return args[0];
        // console.log(cbbcode);
        jq(`#${emid}`, dom).val(cbbcode);
        // 手动触发bbcode内容更改
        // jq(`#${emid}`, window.parent.document).trigger("input");
        dom.getElementById(emid).dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));

    // 判断链接是否有效
    const urlCheck = (url) => {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
                type: 'get',
                cache: false,
                url: url,
                success: function (d) {
                    // console.log('url有效');
                error: function (d) {
                    // console.log('url无效');

    // 从弹窗添加表情实时预览结果 [https://u2.dmhy.org/moresmilies.php?form=upload&text=descr]
    // 考虑更换成内部悬浮窗
    // 外部窗口填入,不记录光标位置
    (async () => {
        if (location.pathname !== '/moresmilies.php') return;

        jq('td[align="center"] a').each(function () {
            let scriptAction = jq(this).attr('href');
            jq(this).attr('href', scriptAction.replace('SmileIT', 'SmileIT2'));

        jq('body').append(`<script type="text/javascript">
function SmileIT2(smile, form, text) {
    window.opener.document.forms[form].elements[text].value = window.opener.document.forms[form].elements[text].value + " " + smile + " ";
    window.opener.document.forms[form].elements[text].dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));


    // 举报
    (async () => {
        let type = 'report';
        // 查找举报提交页面
        const $report_form = jq('form[action="report.php"]');
        if ($report_form.length === 0) return;
        $report_form.find('[type="submit"]').after(`<input id="${type}_bbcode" type="button" value="高级">`);
        // 插入框架
        jq('#outer').parent().after(await basicFrame('举报', type));
        // 插入同步窗口滚动按钮
        await syncScroll(`#${type}_bbcodejs_tbody_box`, type, `#${type}_box_bbcode`, `#${type}_bbcode2_box`);
        // 插入自动保存按钮
        await autoSaveMessage(`#${type}_bbcodejs_tbody_box`, `#${type}_box_bbcode`, `#${type}_post_box`, type, `${type}_compose_custom`);
        const $outer = jq(`#${type}_outer`);
        // 监听按钮
        await btnListener(type);
        // 同步窗口大小变化
        syncWindowChange(`#${type}_box_bbcode`, `#${type}_bbcode2_box`);

        // 关闭窗口
        jq(`#${type}_close_box`).click(function () {
        // 发送
        jq(`#${type}_post_box`).click(function () {
        jq(`#${type}_bbcode`).click(async function () {
            // 获取输入框的值,如引用之类的数据
            let text = $report_form.find('textarea').val();
            // 如果外部输入框不为空,则引入外部输入框的值
            if (text !== '') jq(`#${type}_box_bbcode`).val(text);
            // 显示窗口
            // 隐藏窗口
            // 设置悬浮窗口中预览窗口的最大高度
            jq(`#${type}_bbcode2_box`).css("max-height", (jq(`#${type}_box_bbcode`).height() + 30) + "px");
            const margin = jq(`#${type}_compose_custom .codebuttons`).parents('tbody').eq(0).width() - jq(`#${type}_bbcodejs_select_box`).width() - 2.6;
            jq(`#${type}_bbcodejs_select_box`).css("margin-left", margin + "px");
            // 手动触发bbcode内容更改

    // 聊天
    (async () => {
        let type = 'shbox';
        const $shbox_button = jq('#hbsubmit');  // 查找聊天版清除按钮
        if ($shbox_button.length === 0) return;  // 聊天版自动刷新时,会再次触发当前函数 || 未开启聊天版
        $shbox_button.after(`<input id="${type}_bbcode" type="button" class="${$shbox_button.attr('class')}" value="高级">`);
        // 插入框架
        $shbox_button.parents('tr:last()').after(await basicFrame('群聊区', type));
        // 插入同步窗口滚动按钮
        await syncScroll(`#${type}_bbcodejs_tbody_box`, type, `#${type}_box_bbcode`, `#${type}_bbcode2_box`);
        // 插入自动保存按钮
        await autoSaveMessage(`#${type}_bbcodejs_tbody_box`, `#${type}_box_bbcode`, `#${type}_post_box`, type, `${type}_compose_custom`);
        const $outer = jq(`#${type}_outer`);
        // 监听按钮
        await btnListener(type);
        // 同步窗口大小变化
        syncWindowChange(`#${type}_box_bbcode`, `#${type}_bbcode2_box`);

        // 点击关闭窗口按钮
        jq(`#${type}_close_box`).click(function () { $outer.hide(); });
        // 发送
        jq(`#${type}_post_box`).click(async function () {
            // 强制将attach中的img附件转为img tag <u2已经在聊天区拒绝显示attach,见日志 67eba9ca892af4931ced86921fd017b9ee457730>
            await attach2Img(`${type}_box_bbcode`, window.document);
            // 更改输入框类型 方法有点蠢,懒的改,又不是不能用
            jq('#shbox_text').each(function () {
                const textarea = jq(document.createElement('textarea')).attr({
                    'name': jq(this).attr('name'),
                    'id': jq(this).attr('id'),
                    'size': jq(this).attr('size'),
                    'style': jq(this).attr('style')
            jq('#shbox_text').each(function () {
                const textarea = jq(document.createElement('input')).attr({
                    'name': jq(this).attr('name'),
                    'id': jq(this).attr('id'),
                    'size': jq(this).attr('size'),
                    'style': jq(this).attr('style')
        jq(`#${type}_bbcode`).click(async function () {
            // 获取输入框的值,如引用之类的数据
            let text = jq('#shbox_text').val();
            // 如果外部输入框不为空,则引入外部输入框的值
            if (text !== '') jq(`#${type}_box_bbcode`).val(text);
            // 显示窗口
            $outer.is(':hidden') ? $outer.show() : $outer.hide();
            // 设置窗口中预览窗口的最大高度
            jq(`#${type}_bbcode2_box`).css("max-height", (jq(`#${type}_box_bbcode`).height() + 30) + "px");
            const margin = jq(`#${type}_compose_custom .codebuttons`).parents('tbody').eq(0).width() - jq(`#${type}_bbcodejs_select_box`).width() - 2.6;
            jq(`#${type}_bbcodejs_select_box`).css("margin-left", margin + "px");
            // 手动触发bbcode内容更改

    // 请求续种
    (async () => {
        if (location.pathname !== '/request.php') return;
        let type = 'request';
        // 查找按钮
        const $request_button = jq('#qr');
        if ($request_button.length === 0) return;
        $request_button.after(`<input id="${type}_bbcode" type="button" class="codebuttons" value="高级">`)
        // 插入框架
        jq('#outer').find('tbody:first').append(await basicFrame('回应/评论', type));
        // 插入同步窗口滚动按钮
        await syncScroll(`#${type}_bbcodejs_tbody_box`, type, `#${type}_box_bbcode`, `#${type}_bbcode2_box`);
        // 插入自动保存按钮
        await autoSaveMessage(`#${type}_bbcodejs_tbody_box`, `#${type}_box_bbcode`, `#${type}_post_box`, type, `${type}_compose_custom`);
        const $outer = jq(`#${type}_outer`);

        // 监听按钮
        await btnListener(type);
        // 同步窗口大小变化
        syncWindowChange(`#${type}_box_bbcode`, `#${type}_bbcode2_box`);

        // 关闭窗口
        jq(`#${type}_close_box`).click(function () {
        // 发送
        jq(`#${type}_post_box`).click(function () {
            jq('#compose textarea').val(jq(`#${type}_box_bbcode`).val());
        jq(`#${type}_bbcode`).click(async function () {
            // 获取输入框的值,如引用之类的数据
            let text = jq('#compose textarea').val();
            // 如果外部输入框不为空,则引入外部输入框的值
            if (text !== '') jq(`#${type}_box_bbcode`).val(text);
            // 显示窗口
            // 隐藏窗口
            // 设置悬浮窗口中预览窗口的最大高度
            jq(`#${type}_bbcode2_box`).css("max-height", (jq(`#${type}_box_bbcode`).height() + 30) + "px");
            const margin = jq(`#${type}_compose_custom .codebuttons`).parents('tbody').eq(0).width() - jq(`#${type}_bbcodejs_select_box`).width() - 2.6;
            jq(`#${type}_bbcodejs_select_box`).css("margin-left", margin + "px");
            // 手动触发bbcode内容更改

    // 控制面板
    (async () => {
        if (location.pathname !== '/usercp.php') return;
        let action;
        let type = 'usercp';
        const $signature_window = jq('[name="signature"]');  // 查找BBCODE窗口
        const $info_window = jq('[name="info"]');  // 查找BBCODE窗口
        if ($signature_window.length !== 0) { type = `${type}_signature`; action = 'signature'; }
        else if ($info_window.length !== 0) { type = `${type}_info`; action = 'info'; }
        else return;

        jq(`[name="${action}"]`).parent().find('a').attr({ 'href': 'javascript:void(0);false;', 'target': '', 'id': `${action}_bbcode_a` });
        // await basicFrame(action === 'signature' ? '论坛签名档' : '个人说明', type);  
        // 插入框架
        jq('#outer').find('tbody:first').append(await basicFrame(action === 'signature' ? '论坛签名档' : '个人说明', type));
        // 插入同步窗口滚动按钮
        await syncScroll(`#${type}_bbcodejs_tbody_box`, type, `#${type}_box_bbcode`, `#${type}_bbcode2_box`);
        // 插入自动保存按钮
        await autoSaveMessage(`#${type}_bbcodejs_tbody_box`, `#${type}_box_bbcode`, `#${type}_post_box`, type, `${type}_compose_custom`);
        const $outer = jq(`#${type}_outer`);

        await btnListener(type);  // 监听按钮
        syncWindowChange(`#${type}_box_bbcode`, `#${type}_bbcode2_box`);  // 同步窗口大小变化

        // 关闭窗口
        jq(`#${type}_close_box`).click(function () {
        // 发送
        jq(`#${type}_post_box`).click(function () {
        // 点击弹出窗口
        jq(`#${action}_bbcode_a`).click(async function () {
            // 获取输入框的值,如引用之类的数据
            let text = jq(`[name="${action}"]`).val();
            // 如果外部输入框不为空,则引入外部输入框的值
            if (text !== '') jq(`#${type}_box_bbcode`).val(text);
            // 显示悬浮窗口
            // 隐藏窗口
            // 设置悬浮窗口中预览窗口的最大高度
            jq(`#${type}_bbcode2_box`).css("max-height", (jq(`#${type}_box_bbcode`).height() + 30) + "px");
            const margin = jq(`#${type}_compose_custom .codebuttons`).parents('tbody').eq(0).width() - jq(`#${type}_bbcodejs_select_box`).width() - 2.6;
            jq(`#${type}_bbcodejs_select_box`).css("margin-left", margin + "px");
            // 手动触发bbcode内容更改
            jq(`#${type}_post_box`).attr("value", '填写');

    // 附件
    (async () => {
        if (location.pathname !== '/attachment.php') return;

        const url = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
        let upload_size_limit = jq('td').text().match(/(?<val>(\d+?))\sMi[BБ]/);
        upload_size_limit = upload_size_limit ? upload_size_limit.groups.val : 1;
        let upload_qty_limit = jq('td').text().match(/(?<val>\d+(?:\/| из | of )\d+)/);
        upload_qty_limit = upload_qty_limit ? upload_qty_limit.groups.val.replace(' из ', '/').replace(' of ', '/') : null;
        let upload_extensions_limit = jq('span').attr('title').slice(0, -1).replace(/\//g, ',');

        jq('input[type="file"]').attr('multiple', 'multiple'); // 允许多文件上传
        jq('input[type="file"]').attr("id", "files");
        jq('input[name="submit"]').attr('type', 'button'); // 更改按钮类型
        jq('input[type="file"]').css('width', '20%'); // 调整文件输入框的宽度
        jq('.embedded').after(`<td name="progress" width="25%"><div class="progress"><div></div></div></td>
                           <td name="progress" style="width: 23%; text-align: center; font-style: italic;";><span name="progress-percent"></span></td>
                           <td name="progress" style="width: 8%; text-align: center; font-style: italic;"><span name="progress-total"></span></td>
                           <td name="progress" style="font-style: italic; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;">
                            <span name="progress-name"></span>
            'width': '99%',
            'height': '8px',
            'border': '1px solid #ccc',
            'border-radius': '5px',  // 圆角
            'margin': '8px 2px',
            'overflow': 'hidden',  // 控制内容溢出元素框时在对应的元素区间内添加滚动条
        jq('.inframe').css('background', 'none'); // 去除背景色
        jq('table').css('table-layout', 'fixed'); // 设置表格宽度固定
        jq('table tr td').css("border", "0px solid"); // 去除边框
        jq('.progress > div').css({
            'width': '0px',
            'height': '100%',
            'background-color': '#8db8ff',
            'transition': 'all 300ms ease'
        }); // 设置进度条颜色
        jq('[name="progress"]').hide();  // 隐藏进度条
        jq('[name="altsize"]').hide();  // 隐藏小缩略图选项
        jq('input[name="submit"]').prop("disabled", true);  // 未选择文件时,禁止点击上传按钮

        const image_host = {
            "u2.dmhy.org": {
                "size": upload_size_limit,
                "extensions": upload_extensions_limit
            }, "p.sda1.dev": {
                "size": 5,
                "extensions": "jpeg,jpg,png,gif,bmp,webp"
            }, "sm.ms": {
                "size": 5,
                "extensions": "jpeg,jpg,png,gif,bmp,webp",
                "auth": true

        jq('td:first').html(jq('td:first').html().replace(/>(.+?)</g, '><'));
        jq('td:first b').remove();
        jq('td:first span').remove();
        jq('td:first').css({ 'display': 'inline-block', 'padding': 0, 'border': 'none' })
        jq('input[type="file"]').after(`<input class="codebuttons" id="upload_files" style="font-size:11px; margin-right:3px" type="button" value="选择文件" onclick="document.getElementById('files').click()">`);
        jq('.embedded').append(`<input class="codebuttons" id="upload_auth" style="font-size:11px; margin-right:3px" type="button" value="图床鉴权">`);
        jq('.embedded').append(`<select class="med codebuttons" style="width: auto; min-width: 160px; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;"></select>`);
        jq('select').append(`<option title="${upload_extensions_limit}" value="u2.dmhy.org">U2 [${upload_size_limit}MB] (配额 ${upload_qty_limit})</option>`);
        jq('select').append(`<option title="jpeg,jpg,png,gif,bmp,webp" value="p.sda1.dev">流浪图床 [5MB]</option>`)
        jq('select').append(`<option title="jpeg,jpg,png,gif,bmp,webp" value="sm.ms">SM.MS [5MB]</option>`)

        jq('#files').change(function () {
            const emfile = jq('#files')[0];
            jq('input[name="submit"]').prop("disabled", false);
            let files_title = new Array();
            for (let i = 0, len = emfile.files.length; i < len; i++) files_title.push(emfile.files[i].name);
            jq('#upload_files').val(files_title.length === 0 ? "选择文件" : `已选择${files_title.length}个文件`);
            jq('#upload_files').attr("title", files_title.join('\n'));

        jq('select').change(async function () {
            let website = jq(this).val();
            let _extensions = '.' + image_host[website].extensions.replace(/,/g, ',.');
            // console.log(_extensions);
            jq('input[type="file"]').attr('accept', _extensions); // 限制上传文件类型
            jq('#upload_auth').prop("disabled", image_host[website].auth === true ? false : true);  // 需要鉴权就解除按钮锁定
            jq('#upload_auth').attr('title', await db.getItem('image_host_website_auth_' + website));
            await db.setItem('image_host_website', website);
            await db.setItem('image_host_website_extensionss_limit', image_host[website].extensions);

        jq('#upload_auth').click(async function () {
            // 填入图床需要的鉴权信息
            const website = jq('select').val();
            const auth = window.prompt(`注意: 脚本不会为输入值进行校验!\n\n请输入 [${website}] 图床需要的鉴权信息:`);
            if (auth === null || auth.length === 0) return;
            await db.setItem('image_host_website_auth_' + website, auth);

        jq('select').val(await db.getItem('image_host_website') || 'u2.dmhy.org').trigger('change');  // 网页加载后还原上次使用的图床

        jq('input[name="submit"]').click(async function () {
            const emfile = jq('input[type="file"]')[0];
            if (!emfile.value) {
                // 没有选择文件时,不触发上传
            let _list = []; // 存储上传文件的hash值
            await (async () => {
                for (let i = 0, len = emfile.files.length; i < len; i++) {
                    // console.log(emfile.files[i]);
                    jq('[name="progress-total"]').text(`${i + 1} / ${len}`); // 显示当前上传文件的序号
                    let f = await imgCompressor(emfile.files[i]).catch(e => { window.alert(e) });
                    if (!f || !f.file) continue;  // 如果不是有效的文件,则跳过
                    const val = await upload(f.file, f.thumb).catch(e => { }); // 上传文件 返回文件hash
                    if (val) _list.push(val); // 存储hash值
            // console.log(attach_hash_list);
            let bbcode = '';
            _list.forEach(async (val) => {
                if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}$/.test(val)) { bbcode += `[attach]${val}[/attach]`; }
                else if (/^https?:\/\/.+/.test(val)) { bbcode += `[img]${val}[/img]`; }
                else { console.error("无效数据 -> " + val); };
            let em = /text_area_id=(?<id>[^\?&]+)/i.exec(location.search);  // 获取text_area_id
            addTextBox(window.parent.document.getElementById(em.groups.id), bbcode); // 添加附件bbcode
            window.parent.document.getElementById(em.groups.id).dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));  // 触发input事件
            jq('[name="progress"]').hide();  // 隐藏进度条
            jq('.embedded').show();  // 显示附件菜单
            jq('[name="file"]').val(''); // 清空输入框

        // 判断是否会触发缩图
        const imgThumb = (file) => {
            return new Promise((resolve) => {
                let img = new Image();              //创建个Image对象
                img.src = url.createObjectURL(file); //将图片路径存入Image对象
                img.onload = async function () {
                    console.log('长: ' + this.height + ' | 宽: ' + this.width)
                    resolve((this.height > 500 || this.width > 500) ? 1 : 0);
                img.onerror = function () {
                    window.alert(`${file.name} 不是有效的图片文件`);

        const imgCompressor = (file) => {
            return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {

                if (typeof imageConversion !== 'object') { reject('conversion.js 没有加载'); return; };

                const compress_format = (await db.getItem('default_image_compress_format') || 'webp').toLowerCase();  // 压缩格式
                const default_compress = await db.getItem('default_image_compress'); // 全局压缩
                const website = await db.getItem('image_host_website');
                const max_size = image_host[website].size;

                if (file.type.indexOf('image') === 0 && file.size > 1024 * 1024 * max_size) {

                    if (/\.(gif)$/i.test(file.name)) { resolve({ 'file': file, 'thumb': 0 }); return; };  // gif压缩后会变静态图

                    if (!default_compress) {
                        if (!confirm(`${file.name} (${(file.size / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2)}M)\n图片过大无法上传,是否压缩图片?`)) {
                            resolve({ 'file': null, 'thumb': 'badimg' });

                    if (!(file instanceof File)) {
                        let reader = new FileReader();
                        reader.onload = async function (e) {
                            jq('[name="progress-percent"]').text('压缩中...  (文件过大)');
                            imageConversion.compressAccurately(new Blob([new Uint8Array(e.target.result)], { type: file.type }), { size: max_size * 1000, type: 'image/' + compress_format })
                                .then((data) => {
                                    jq('[name="progress-percent"]').text('压缩中...  (文件过大)  完成.');
                                    let _file = data.scale === 'good' ? new File([data.file], file.name + '.' + compress_format, { type: 'image/' + compress_format }) : file;
                                    imgThumb(_file).then(t => {
                                        resolve({ 'file': _file, 'thumb': t });
                                .catch(e => { resolve({ 'file': null, 'thumb': 'badimg' }); });
                        reader.onerror = function () {
                            window.alert(`${file.name} 读取失败`);
                            // reject('invalid file');
                            resolve({ 'file': null, 'thumb': 'badimg' });
                    } else {
                        jq('[name="progress-percent"]').text('压缩中...  (文件过大)');
                        imageConversion.compressAccurately(file, { size: max_size * 1000, type: 'image/' + compress_format })
                            .then((data) => {
                                jq('[name="progress-percent"]').text('压缩中...  (文件过大)  完成.');
                                let _file = data.scale === 'good' ? new File([data.file], file.name + '.' + compress_format, { type: 'image/' + compress_format }) : file;
                                imgThumb(_file).then(t => {
                                    resolve({ 'file': _file, 'thumb': t });
                            .catch(e => { resolve({ 'file': null, 'thumb': 'badimg' }); });

                else if (file.type.indexOf('image') === 0) {
                    if (/\.(gif)$/i.test(file.name)) { resolve({ 'file': file, 'thumb': 0 }); return; };  // gif压缩后会变静态图
                    // console.log(default_compress);
                    if (!default_compress) { imgThumb(file).then(t => { resolve({ 'file': file, 'thumb': t }); }); return; }; // 未开启全局压缩

                    if (!(file instanceof File)) {
                        let reader = new FileReader();
                        reader.onload = async function (e) {
                            jq('[name="progress-percent"]').text('压缩中...  (全局)');
                            imageConversion.compress(new Blob([new Uint8Array(e.target.result)], { type: file.type }), { quality: 1, type: 'image/' + compress_format })
                                .then((data) => {
                                    jq('[name="progress-percent"]').text('压缩中...  (全局)  完成.');
                                    let _file = data.scale === 'good' ? new File([data.file], file.name + '.' + compress_format, { type: 'image/' + compress_format }) : file;
                                    imgThumb(_file).then(t => {
                                        resolve({ 'file': _file, 'thumb': t });
                                .catch(e => { resolve({ 'file': null, 'thumb': 'badimg' }); });
                        reader.onerror = function () {
                            window.alert(`${file.name} 读取失败`);
                            resolve({ 'file': null, 'thumb': 'badimg' });
                    } else {
                        jq('[name="progress-percent"]').text('压缩中...  (全局)');
                        imageConversion.compress(file, { quality: 1, type: 'image/' + compress_format })
                            .then((data) => {
                                jq('[name="progress-percent"]').text('压缩中...  (全局)  完成.');
                                let _file = data.scale === 'good' ? new File([data.file], file.name + '.' + compress_format, { type: 'image/' + compress_format }) : file;
                                imgThumb(_file).then(t => {
                                    resolve({ 'file': _file, 'thumb': t });
                            .catch(e => { resolve({ 'file': null, 'thumb': 'badimg' }); });
                else {
                    resolve({ 'file': file, 'thumb': 'other' })


        // 上传文件
        const upload = async (file, attach_thumb) => {
            // attach_thumb 是判断是否会触发U2返回缩略图的参数 <u2在图片超过一定大小后,会进行一次压缩>
            const website = await db.getItem('image_host_website');
            const website_size = image_host[website].size;
            const website_extensions = image_host[website].extensions.split(',');
            const auth = await db.getItem('image_host_website_auth_' + website);

            switch (website) {
                case 'u2.dmhy.org':
                    return await upload1(file, attach_thumb, website_size, website_extensions);
                case 'p.sda1.dev':
                    return await upload3(file, website_size, website_extensions);
                case 'sm.ms':
                    return await upload4(file, website_size, website_extensions, auth);


        const uploadErrorHandling = (e) => {
            jq('[name="progress"]').hide();  // 隐藏进度条
            jq('[name="file"]').val(''); // 清空输入框
            jq('.embedded').show();  // 显示附件菜单

        // 上传文件
        const upload1 = (file, attach_thumb, max_size, extensions) => {
            // u2.dmhy.org
            return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {

                if (!extensions.includes(file.name.split('.').pop().toLowerCase())) { window.alert(`${file.name} 文件类型不支持`); reject(); return; };
                if (file.size > 1024 * 1024 * max_size) { window.alert(`${file.name} 文件过大`); reject(); return; };

                let formData = new FormData();  // 创建一个form类型的数据
                formData.append('file', file);  // 获取上传文件的数据

                    url: "attachment.php", // 接口
                    type: 'post',
                    cache: false,
                    contentType: false,
                    processData: false,
                    data: formData,
                    xhr: function () {
                        const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                        xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function (e) {
                            let progressRate = ((e.loaded / e.total) * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';  // 计算上传进度
                            jq('.progress > div').css('width', progressRate);  // 设置进度条宽度
                            jq('[name="progress-percent"]').text(`${e.loaded} / ${e.total} | ${progressRate}`);
                        return xhr;
                    success: async function (d) {
                        try {
                            let attach_hash_obj = /(?<hash>\w{32})/i.exec(jq(d).find('script').text());
                            // <span class="striking">失败!不允许该文件扩展名。</span>
                            const attach_hash = attach_hash_obj.groups.hash; // 附件的hash值
                            const attach = { "attach_thumb": attach_thumb };
                            await attachmap_db.setItem(attach_hash, attach); // 写入数据库
                            // 不知道怎么计算的,怎么传都用不完配额
                            let limit = jq(d).find('td').text().match(/(?<val>\d+(?:\/| из | of )\d+)/);
                            limit = limit ? limit.groups.val.replace(' из ', '/').replace(' of ', '/') : null;
                            jq('select option[value="u2.dmhy.org"]').text(`U2 [${upload_size_limit}MB] (配额 ${limit})`);
                            jq('.progress > div').css('width', '0%');  // 重置进度条宽度
                        } catch (e) {
                    error: function (e) {

        const upload2 = (file, max_size, extensions) => {
            // p.sda1.dev formData 此接口某些图片无法上传
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

                if (!extensions.includes(file.name.split('.').pop().toLowerCase())) { window.alert(`${file.name} 文件类型不支持`); reject(); return; };
                if (file.size > 1024 * 1024 * max_size) { window.alert(`${file.name} 文件过大`); reject(); return; };

                const formData = new FormData();
                formData.append('file', file);

                // https://violentmonkey.github.io/api/gm/
                    method: "POST",
                    data: formData,
                    // anonymous: true,  // 使用此参数禁止发送cookie会导致无法触发onprogress
                    headers: { "Cookie": "" },// 禁止发送 cookie
                    url: 'https://p.sda1.dev/api/v1/upload_external',
                    upload: {
                        // 在 violentmonkey 下无法触发此事件
                        onprogress: function (e) {
                            if (e.lengthComputable) {
                                let progressRate = ((e.loaded / e.total) * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';  // 计算上传进度
                                jq('.progress > div').css('width', progressRate);  // 设置进度条宽度
                                jq('[name="progress-percent"]').text(`${e.loaded} / ${e.total} | ${progressRate}`);
                    onload: function (r) {
                        let j = JSON.parse(r.responseText);
                        if (j.success) {
                            let url = j.data.url;
                        } else {
                        jq('.progress > div').css('width', '0%');  // 重置进度条宽度
                    onerror: function (e) {



        const upload3 = (file, max_size, extensions) => {
            // p.sda1.dev binary
            return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {

                if (!extensions.includes(file.name.split('.').pop().toLowerCase())) { window.alert(`${file.name} 文件类型不支持`); reject(); return; };
                if (file.size > 1024 * 1024 * max_size) { window.alert(`${file.name} 文件过大`); reject(); return; };

                async function fileToBlob(file) {
                    // 为兼容Violentmonkey加的转换,Tampermonkey 打开binary后可直传file
                    const reader = new FileReader();
                    await new Promise(resolve => reader.onload = resolve);
                    return new Blob([reader.result], { type: file.type });

                    method: "POST",
                    data: await fileToBlob(file),
                    // binary: true,
                    // anonymous: true,  // 使用此参数禁止发送cookie会导致无法触发onprogress
                    headers: { "Cookie": "" },// 禁止发送 cookie
                    url: `https://p.sda1.dev/api/v1/upload_external_noform?filename=${encodeURIComponent(file.name.replace(/#/g, '_'))}`,
                    upload: {
                        onprogress: function (e) {
                            if (e.lengthComputable) {
                                let progressRate = ((e.loaded / e.total) * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';  // 计算上传进度
                                jq('.progress > div').css('width', progressRate);  // 设置进度条宽度
                                jq('[name="progress-percent"]').text(`${e.loaded} / ${e.total} | ${progressRate}`);
                    onload: function (r) {
                        let j = JSON.parse(r.responseText);
                        if (j.success) {
                            let url = j.data.url;
                        } else {
                        jq('.progress > div').css('width', '0%');  // 重置进度条宽度
                    onerror: function (e) {



        const upload4 = (file, max_size, extensions, auth) => {
            // sm.ms
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

                if (!extensions.includes(file.name.split('.').pop().toLowerCase())) { window.alert(`${file.name} 文件类型不支持`); reject(); return; };
                if (file.size > 1024 * 1024 * max_size) { window.alert(`${file.name} 文件过大`); reject(); return; };

                const formData = new FormData();
                formData.append('smfile', file);

                    method: "POST",
                    data: formData,
                    url: 'https://smms.app/api/v2/upload',
                    // anonymous: true,  // 使用此参数禁止发送cookie会导致无法触发onprogress
                    headers: { 'Authorization': auth, "Cookie": "" },
                    upload: {
                        onprogress: function (e) {
                            if (e.lengthComputable) {
                                let progressRate = ((e.loaded / e.total) * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';  // 计算上传进度
                                jq('.progress > div').css('width', progressRate);  // 设置进度条宽度
                                jq('[name="progress-percent"]').text(`${e.loaded} / ${e.total} | ${progressRate}`);
                    onload: function (r) {
                        let j = JSON.parse(r.responseText);
                        if (j.success) {
                            let url = j.data.url;
                        } else if (!j.success && j.code === 'image_repeated') {
                            console.warn('图像重复上传 - ' + file.name)
                            let url = j.images;
                        } else {
                        jq('.progress > div').css('width', '0%');  // 重置进度条宽度
                    onerror: function (e) {



        // 图片压缩格式
        jq('input[name="submit"]').after(`<input id="default_image_compress_format" title="设置压缩后的图片格式" style="font-size:11px;margin-right:3px" type="button" value="${((format) => { return format ? format : 'JPEG'; })(await db.getItem('default_image_compress_format'))}">`);
        jq(`#default_image_compress_format`).click(async function () {
            await db.getItem('default_image_compress_format').then(async format => {
                if (format === 'WEBP') {
                    await db.setItem('default_image_compress_format', 'JPEG');
                } else {
                    await db.setItem('default_image_compress_format', 'WEBP');

        // 全局图片压缩
        jq('input[name="submit"]').after(`<input id="default_image_compress" title="全局 - 尝试压缩所有图片\n局部 - 仅尝试压缩超过大小限制的图片" style="font-size:11px;margin-right:3px" type="button" value="${((bool) => { return bool ? '全局' : '局部'; })(await db.getItem('default_image_compress'))}">`);
        jq(`#default_image_compress`).click(async function () {
            await db.getItem('default_image_compress').then(async bool => {
                bool ? await db.setItem('default_image_compress', false) : await db.setItem('default_image_compress', true);
                bool ? jq('#default_image_compress').val('局部') : jq('#default_image_compress').val('全局');

        // 将 attach 标签内的图片转为 img 标签 <attach的图片太糊了,要大图还要点一下,好麻烦xd>
        jq('input[name="submit"]').after(`<input id="bigimg" title="将attach标签的图片转为img标签" style="font-size:11px;margin-right:3px;margin-left:3px" type="button" value="ATTACH转IMG">`);
        jq(`#bigimg`).click(async function () {
            let em = /text_area_id=(?<id>[^\?&]+)/i.exec(location.search);
            if (!em) return;  // 没有找到id直接返回 
            await attach2Img(em.groups.id, window.parent.document)

        // mediainfo
        const mediainfoFn = (dom, file) => {
            return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
                if (typeof MediaInfo !== 'function') {
                    reject('mediainfo.js 没有加载.')

                const mediainfo = await MediaInfo({ format: 'text' });
                // console.log('Mediainfo Working…');
                const getSize = () => file.size;
                const readChunk = (chunkSize, offset) =>
                    new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                        const reader = new FileReader()
                        reader.onload = (event) => {
                            if (event.target.error) {
                            resolve(new Uint8Array(event.target.result));
                        reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file.slice(offset, offset + chunkSize));

                // mediainfo.Option('File_FileName', file.name);
                    .analyzeData(getSize, readChunk)
                    .then((result) => {
                        if (result) {
                            result = result.replace(/(\n)*$/, '');
                            let r = result.split('\n');
                            let index = r[1].startsWith('Format  ') ? 1 : 2;
                            r.splice(index, 0, `Complete name                            : ${file.name}`);
                            result = r.join('\n');
                        // console.log(result); 
                        addTextBox(dom, `[mediainfo]${result}[/mediainfo]`);
                    .catch((error) => {

        // 拖拽&剪贴板上传
        (async (text_area_id) => {
            const box = window.parent.document.getElementById(text_area_id); // 允许拖拽上传的区域

            box.addEventListener('paste', async function (e) {
                if (window.parent.document.getElementById(text_area_id) !== (e.target || e.toElement)) return;

                // https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/ClipboardEvent/clipboardData
                // let clipboardData = (e.clipboardData || e.originalEvent.clipboardData);
                let items = e.clipboardData && e.clipboardData.items;

                if (items) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                        if (!items[i].type.startsWith('image/')) continue;
                        if (!confirm('上传剪贴板中的图片?')) return;
                        // https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/DataTransferItem/getAsFile
                        const file = items[i].getAsFile();
                        if (file) {
                            jq('[name="progress-total"]').text(`1 / 1`); // 显示当前上传文件的序号
                            let f = await imgCompressor(file).catch(e => { window.alert(e) });
                            if (!f || !f.file) continue;  // 如果不是有效的文件,则跳过
                            const val = await upload(f.file, f.thumb).catch(e => { }); // 上传文件 返回文件hash
                            let bbcode = '';
                            if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}$/.test(val)) { bbcode += `[attach]${val}[/attach]`; }
                            else if (/^https?:\/\/.+/.test(val)) { bbcode += `[img]${val}[/img]`; }
                            else { console.error("无效数据 -> " + val); continue; };
                            addTextBox(window.parent.document.getElementById(text_area_id), bbcode); // 添加附件bbcode
                            window.parent.document.getElementById(text_area_id).dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));  // 触发input事件
                            jq('[name="progress"]').hide();  // 隐藏进度条
                            jq('.embedded').show();  // 显示附件菜单
                        // console.log(file);

            box.addEventListener("drop", async function (e) {
                e.preventDefault(); //取消默认浏览器拖拽效果

                if (window.parent.document.getElementById(text_area_id) !== (e.target || e.toElement)) return;

                let file_list = e.dataTransfer.files;   // 获取文件对象
                if (file_list.length == 0) return false;

                let _list = new Array(); // 存储上传文件的hash值
                await (async () => {
                    for (let i = 0, len = file_list.length; i < len; i++) {
                        jq('[name="progress-total"]').text(`${i + 1} / ${len}`); // 显示当前上传文件的序号
                        console.log('文件: ' + file_list[i].name + '| 类型: ' + file_list[i].type);
                        if (/\.(flv|mkv|mp4|ts|avi|mov|wmv|mpg|mpeg|rm|ram|swf|f4v|h261|h264|h263|m2ts)$/i.test(file_list[i].name)) {  // 常见的视频后缀名
                            await mediainfoFn(window.parent.document.getElementById(text_area_id), file_list[i]).catch(e => { window.alert(e); });
                        let f = await imgCompressor(file_list[i]).catch(e => { window.alert(e) });
                        if (!f || !f.file) continue;  // 如果不是有效的文件,则跳过
                        const val = await upload(f.file, f.thumb).catch(e => { }); // 上传文件 返回文件hash
                        if (val) _list.push(val); // 存储hash值
                let bbcode = '';

                _list.forEach(async (val) => {
                    if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}$/.test(val)) { bbcode += `[attach]${val}[/attach]`; }
                    else if (/^https?:\/\/.+/.test(val)) { bbcode += `[img]${val}[/img]`; }
                    else { console.error("无效数据 -> " + val); };

                addTextBox(window.parent.document.getElementById(text_area_id), bbcode); // 添加附件bbcode
                window.parent.document.getElementById(text_area_id).dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));  // 触发input事件
                jq('[name="progress"]').hide();  // 隐藏进度条
                jq('.embedded').show();  // 显示附件菜单




    function bencodeDecodeUint8Array(data) {
        const decoder = new TextDecoder();
        let pointer = 0;

        function decodeString() {
            const delimiterIndex = data.indexOf(58, pointer);
            const lengthBuffer = data.slice(pointer, delimiterIndex);
            const length = parseInt(decoder.decode(lengthBuffer), 10);
            const start = delimiterIndex + 1;
            const end = start + length;
            const value = data.slice(start, end);
            pointer = end;
            return value;

        function decodeNumber() {
            const endIndex = data.indexOf(101, pointer);
            const valueBuffer = data.slice(pointer + 1, endIndex);
            const value = parseInt(decoder.decode(valueBuffer), 10);
            pointer = endIndex + 1;
            return value;

        function decodeList() {
            const result = [];
            pointer++; // Move past 'l'
            while (data[pointer] !== 101) {
                const item = decodeValue();
            pointer++; // Move past 'e'
            return result;

        function decodeDictionary() {
            const result = {};
            pointer++; // Move past 'd'
            while (data[pointer] !== 101) {
                const key = decoder.decode(decodeString());
                const value = decodeValue();
                result[key] = value;
            pointer++; // Move past 'e'
            return result;

        function decodeValue() {
            const currentByte = data[pointer];

            if (currentByte === 105) {
                return decodeNumber();
            } else if (currentByte === 108) {
                return decodeList();
            } else if (currentByte === 100) {
                return decodeDictionary();
            } else {
                return decodeString();

        return decodeValue();

     * 生成文件树结构。
     * - item: 路径List
     * - length: 文件体积
    class TrieTree {
        constructor() {
            this.root = {};

        insert(item, length, path_length) {
            let current_node = this.root;

            for (let i = 0; i < item.length; i++) {
                let _item = item[i];
                let keys = Object.keys(current_node);
                let _break = false;

                for (let j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) {
                    let k = keys[j];

                    if (k === _item) {
                        let node = current_node[_item];
                        current_node = node;
                        _break = true;
                    } else if (k === 'children') {
                        let node = current_node['children'][_item];
                        if (node !== undefined) {
                            current_node = node;
                            _break = true;

                if (_break === true) {

                let new_node = (i + 1 === item.length) ? { "type": "file", "length": length, "path_length": path_length } : { "type": "directory", "children": {} };

                try {
                    current_node["children"][_item] = new_node;
                } catch (error) {
                    current_node[_item] = new_node;

                current_node = new_node;

    // 对JSON进行排序
    const stringify = function (obj, opts) {
        if (!opts) opts = {};
        if (typeof opts === 'function') opts = { cmp: opts };
        var space = opts.space || '';
        if (typeof space === 'number') space = Array(space + 1).join(' ');
        var cycles = (typeof opts.cycles === 'boolean') ? opts.cycles : false;
        var replacer = opts.replacer || function (key, value) { return value; };

        var cmp = opts.cmp && (function (f) {
            return function (node) {
                return function (a, b) {
                    var aobj = { key: a, value: node[a] };
                    var bobj = { key: b, value: node[b] };
                    return f(aobj, bobj);

        var seen = [];
        return (function stringify(parent, key, node, level) {
            var indent = space ? ('\n' + new Array(level + 1).join(space)) : '';
            var colonSeparator = space ? ': ' : ':';

            if (node && node.toJSON && typeof node.toJSON === 'function') {
                node = node.toJSON();

            node = replacer.call(parent, key, node);

            if (node === undefined) {
            if (typeof node !== 'object' || node === null) {
                return JSON.stringify(node);
            if (isArray(node)) {
                var out = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {
                    var item = stringify(node, i, node[i], level + 1) || JSON.stringify(null);
                    out.push(indent + space + item);
                return '[' + out.join(',') + indent + ']';
            else {
                if (seen.indexOf(node) !== -1) {
                    if (cycles) return JSON.stringify('__cycle__');
                    throw new TypeError('Converting circular structure to JSON');
                else seen.push(node);

                var keys = objectKeys(node).sort(cmp && cmp(node));
                var out = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
                    var key = keys[i];
                    var value = stringify(node, key, node[key], level + 1);

                    if (!value) continue;

                    var keyValue = JSON.stringify(key)
                        + colonSeparator
                        + value;
                    out.push(indent + space + keyValue);
                seen.splice(seen.indexOf(node), 1);
                return '{' + out.join(',') + indent + '}';
        })({ '': obj }, '', obj, 0);

    const isArray = Array.isArray || function (x) {
        return {}.toString.call(x) === '[object Array]';

    const objectKeys = Object.keys || function (obj) {
        var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty || function () { return true };
        var keys = [];
        for (var key in obj) {
            if (has.call(obj, key)) keys.push(key);
        return keys;

    function convertBytesToAutoUnit(bytes) {
        var units = ['B', 'KB', 'MB'];
        var unitIndex = 0;

        while (bytes >= 1024 && unitIndex < units.length - 1) {
            bytes >>= 10;

        return bytes + units[unitIndex];

    function convert(s) {
        if (s / 1024 < 1024) return (s / 1024).toFixed(3) + lang['KiB']
        if (s / 1024 / 1024 < 1024) return (s / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(3) + lang['MiB']
        if (s / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 < 1024) return (s / 1024 / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(3) + lang['GiB']
        if (s / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 < 1024) return (s / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(3) + lang['TiB']

    const putFileTree = (torrent_tree) => {
        // 插入ID
        let counter = 0;
        const InsertSeq = (data) => {
            for (key in data) {
                data[key]['id'] = counter;
                if (data[key]['type'] == 'directory') InsertSeq(data[key]['children']);
            return data;
        // 获取文件ID
        const getFile = (data) => {
            let a = []
            for (key in data) {
                if (data[key]['type'] == 'file') a.push(data[key]['id']);
            a = a.concat(getDirectory(data));
            return a;
        // 获取文件夹ID
        const getDirectory = (data, directory = []) => {
            for (key in data) {
                if (data[key]['type'] == 'directory') directory.push(data[key]['id']);
            return directory;
        // 获取文件体积
        const getSize = (data, size = 0) => {
            // console.log(data);
            for (key in data) {
                if (data[key]['type'] == 'file') {
                    size = size + data[key]['length'];
                } else {
                    size = getSize(data[key]['children'], size);
            return size;
        // 遍历JSON
        const tree = (j, i) => {
            for (let key in j) {
                if (j[key]['type'] == 'directory') {
                    let children = j[key]['children'];
                    let f_id_sh = getFile(children);  // 获取文件夹需要的id
                    let f_size = convert(getSize(children))  // 文件夹大小
                    if (f_id === 0) {
                        f_html = f_html + `<tr id="f_id_0" tag="closed"><td class="rowfollow"><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="showorhide([${f_id_sh}],0)" class="faqlink">${key}</a></td><td class="rowfollow dir_size" align="right">[${f_size}]</td></tr>`;
                    } else {
                        f_html = f_html + `<tr id="f_id_${f_id}" style="display: none;" tag="closed"><td class="rowfollow">${space.repeat(i)}<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="showorhide([${f_id_sh}],${f_id})" class="faqlink">${key}</a></td><td class="rowfollow dir_size" align="right">[${f_size}]</td></tr>`;
                    tree(children, i + 1);
                else {
                    const color = (j[key]['path_length'] > 230) ? 'color: red;' : '';
                    if (f_id === 0) {
                        // 单文件种子
                        f_html = f_html + `<tr id="f_id_${f_id}" style="${color}"><td class="rowfollow">${space.repeat(i)}${key}</td><td class="rowfollow" align="right">${convert(j[key]['length'])}</td></tr>`;
                    } else {
                        f_html = f_html + `<tr id="f_id_${f_id}" style="display: none;${color}"><td class="rowfollow">${space.repeat(i)}${key}</td><td class="rowfollow" align="right">${convert(j[key]['length'])}</td></tr>`;

        if (torrent_tree === null) {
        torrent_tree = stringify(torrent_tree, function (a, b) {
            // 对keys排序
            if (typeof (a.value) !== 'object' || typeof (b.value) !== 'object') return 0;
            if (a.value.type === 'directory' && b.value.type === 'file') {
                return -1;
            } else if (a.value.type === 'file' && b.value.type === 'directory') {
                return 1;
            } else {
                return a.key.toLowerCase() < b.key.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1;
        torrent_tree = JSON.parse(torrent_tree);
        torrent_tree = InsertSeq(torrent_tree);
        // console.log(__json);
        let f_id = 0;  // 元素id
        let f_html = '';  // 文件列表
        const space = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';  // 缩进
        tree(torrent_tree, 0);
        // $('#filelist').find('tr').after(f_html);
            `<span id="filelist">
            <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">

    async function pageTorrentInfo() {
        const torrentBlob = await db.getItem(`upload_autoSaveMessageTorrentBlob`)
        const response = await fetch(URL.createObjectURL(torrentBlob));
        const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
        const torrentUint8Array = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)
        const decodedData = bencodeDecodeUint8Array(torrentUint8Array);
        // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TextDecoder
        const encoder = new TextEncoder();
        const decoderUtf8 = new TextDecoder();
        const decoder = decodedData.encoding ? new TextDecoder(decoderUtf8.decode(decodedData.encoding)) : new TextDecoder();
        let maxPathUtf8Bytes = 0;
        let maxPathName = new Array();
        let torrentSize = 0;
        let fileCount;
        const torrentName = decoder.decode(decodedData.info.name);
        const piecesLength = decodedData.info['piece length'];
        const files = decodedData.info.files;
        const file_tree = decodedData.info['file tree']; //v2
        const trie = new TrieTree();

        let torrentVer;
        let piecesCount;
        if (typeof files === 'object' && typeof file_tree === 'object') {
            torrentVer = 'hybrid';
            piecesCount = decodedData.info.pieces.length / 20;
        } else if (typeof file_tree === 'undefined' && (typeof files === 'object' || typeof files === 'undefined')) {
            torrentVer = 'v1'
            piecesCount = decodedData.info.pieces.length / 20;
        } else if (typeof file_tree === 'object') {
            torrentVer = 'v2'
        } else {
            torrentVer = 'null'

        if (torrentVer === 'v2') {
            if (Object.keys(file_tree).length === 1) {
                // 只有一个文件时  即使外面有一层文件夹,制作V2种子时会自动忽略外面的文件夹
                fileCount = 1;
                const _path = Object.keys(file_tree)[0];
                const _length = file_tree[_path][""].length;
                piecesCount = Math.ceil(_length / piecesLength)
                const currentPathUtf8Bytes = encoder.encode(_path).length;
                maxPathUtf8Bytes = currentPathUtf8Bytes;
                maxPathName = [_path];
                trie.insert([_path], _length, currentPathUtf8Bytes);
            } else {
                // 遍历v2的树结构,生成自定义的树结构
                const traverseFileTree = (obj, depth = 0, path = '') => {
                    // console.log(obj);
                    for (let key in obj) {
                        if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
                            if (key === '') {
                                piecesCount += Math.ceil(obj[key].length / piecesLength);
                                const currentPathUtf8Bytes = encoder.encode(path).length;
                                trie.insert(path.split('/'), obj[key].length, currentPathUtf8Bytes);
                                if (maxPathUtf8Bytes < currentPathUtf8Bytes) {
                                    maxPathUtf8Bytes = currentPathUtf8Bytes;
                                    maxPathName = [path];
                                } else if (maxPathUtf8Bytes === currentPathUtf8Bytes) {
                            const nextPath = path !== '' ? `${path}/${key}` : `${torrentName}/${key}`;
                            traverseFileTree(obj[key], depth + 1, nextPath);
                piecesCount = 0;
                fileCount = 0;
        } else {
            if (typeof files === 'undefined') {
                fileCount = 1;
                const length = decodedData.info.length;
                torrentSize = length;
                const currentPathUtf8Bytes = encoder.encode(torrentName).length;
                trie.insert([torrentName], length, currentPathUtf8Bytes);
                maxPathUtf8Bytes = currentPathUtf8Bytes;
                maxPathName = [torrentName];
            } else {
                fileCount = files.length;
                for (let file in files) {
                    if (files.hasOwnProperty(file)) {
                        let paths = files[file].path;
                        const length = files[file].length;
                        torrentSize = torrentSize + length;
                        let currentPath = torrentName;
                        let newPaths = [torrentName];
                        for (let path in paths) {
                            if (paths.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
                                const pahtDecode = decoder.decode(paths[path])
                                currentPath = currentPath + '/' + pahtDecode;
                        const currentPathUtf8Bytes = encoder.encode(currentPath).length;
                        trie.insert(newPaths, length, currentPathUtf8Bytes);
                        if (maxPathUtf8Bytes < currentPathUtf8Bytes) {
                            maxPathUtf8Bytes = currentPathUtf8Bytes;
                            maxPathName = [currentPath];
                        } else if (maxPathUtf8Bytes === currentPathUtf8Bytes) {

        jq('#torrentinfo1').html(`<b>版本:</b> &nbsp;${torrentVer} &nbsp; &nbsp;<b>区块:</b> &nbsp;${convertBytesToAutoUnit(piecesLength)} &nbsp; &nbsp;<b>区块数:</b> &nbsp;${piecesCount} &nbsp; &nbsp;<b>文件数:</b> &nbsp;${fileCount}`);
        jq('#torrentinfo2').html(`&nbsp; &nbsp;<b>路径长度:</b> &nbsp;${maxPathUtf8Bytes}`);
        jq('#torrentinfo2').prop('title', maxPathName.join("\n"));

        let warnStr = new Array();
        if (torrentVer !== 'v1') warnStr.push('非V1模式种子');
        if (!(1048576 <= piecesLength <= 16777216)) warnStr.push('区块不在1M~16M内');
        if (piecesCount > 10000) warnStr.push('区块数量超过1W');
        if (maxPathUtf8Bytes > 230) warnStr.push('路径长度超过230字节');
        jq('#torrentinfo3').html(warnStr.join(' | '));

    // 动态加载js
    function loadScript(url) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            var script = document.createElement("script");
            script.type = "text/javascript";
            script.src = url;
            script.onload = function () {
            script.onerror = function () {

    // 异步 replace
    // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33631041/javascript-async-await-in-replace
    async function replaceAsync(str, regex, asyncFn) {
        const promises = [];
        str.replace(regex, (match, ...args) => {
            const promise = asyncFn(match, ...args);
        const data = await Promise.all(promises);
        return str.replace(regex, () => data.shift());

    // 当前时间 字符串格式
    function getDateString() {
        const zero = (obj) => { return obj < 10 ? '0' + obj : obj };
        const time = new Date();
        return time.getFullYear().toString() + zero(time.getMonth() + 1).toString() + zero(time.getDate()).toString()
            + zero(time.getHours()) + zero(time.getMinutes()) + zero(time.getSeconds())

    async function getApi(token, uid, tid) {
        return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            // https://www.w3school.com.cn/jquery/ajax_ajax.asp
                type: 'get',
                url: `https://u2.kysdm.com/api/v1/history?token=${token}&maximum=1&uid=${uid}&torrent_id=${tid}`,
                contentType: 'application/json',
                dataType: 'json',
                cache: true,
                success: r => resolve(r),
                error: r => {
                    console.log('发生错误,HTTP状态码[' + r.status + ']。');

    function isWhitespace(str) {
        return /^\s*$/.test(str);

    function lang_init(lang) {
        var lang_json = {
            "zh_CN": {
                "quote": "引用",
                "info": "发布信息",
                "mediainfo": "媒体信息",
                "code": "代码",
                "spoiler": "警告!下列文字很可能泄露剧情,请谨慎选择是否观看。",
                "spoiler_button_1": "我就是手贱",
                "spoiler_button_2": "我真是手贱",
                "main_title": "主标题",
                "rt_text": "请输入上标",
                "main_body": "请输入正文",
                "main_body_prefix": "请输入标题",
                "url_name": "请输入网址名称",
                "url_link": "请输入网址链接",
                "select_type": "请选择分类...",
                "preview": "预览",
                "auto_fold": "过深引用自动折叠",
                "KiB": " KiB",
                "MiB": " MiB",
                "GiB": " GiB",
                "TiB": " TiB",
            "zh_TW": {
                "quote": "引用",
                "info": "發佈訊息",
                "mediainfo": "媒體訊息",
                "code": "代碼",
                "spoiler": "警告!下列文字很可能洩露劇情,請謹慎選擇是否觀看。",
                "spoiler_button_1": "我就是手賤",
                "spoiler_button_2": "我真是手賤",
                "main_title": "主標題",
                "rt_text": "請輸入上標",
                "main_body": "請輸入正文",
                "main_body_prefix": "請輸入標題",
                "url_name": "請輸入網址名稱",
                "url_link": "請輸入網址連結",
                "select_type": "請選擇分類...",
                "preview": "預覽",
                "auto_fold": "過深引用自動摺疊",
                "KiB": " KiB",
                "MiB": " MiB",
                "GiB": " GiB",
                "TiB": " TiB",
            "zh_HK": {
                "quote": "引用",
                "info": "發佈訊息",
                "mediainfo": "媒體訊息",
                "code": "代碼",
                "spoiler": "警告!下列文字很可能洩露劇情,請謹慎選擇是否觀看。",
                "spoiler_button_1": "我就是手賤",
                "spoiler_button_2": "我真是手賤",
                "main_title": "主標題",
                "rt_text": "請輸入上標",
                "main_body": "請輸入正文",
                "main_body_prefix": "請輸入標題",
                "url_name": "請輸入網址名稱",
                "url_link": "請輸入網址鏈接",
                "select_type": "請選擇分類...",
                "preview": "預覽",
                "auto_fold": "過深引用自動摺疊",
                "KiB": " KiB",
                "MiB": " MiB",
                "GiB": " GiB",
                "TiB": " TiB",
            "en_US": {
                "quote": "Quote",
                "info": "Infobox",
                "mediainfo": "Media Info",
                "code": "CODE",
                "spoiler": "Warning! This section contains spoiler!",
                "spoiler_button_1": "I agree to view this.",
                "spoiler_button_2": "Hide this.",
                "main_title": "Main Title",
                "rt_text": "Please enter superscript",
                "main_body": "Please enter the text",
                "main_body_prefix": "Please enter a title",
                "url_name": "Please enter the URL name",
                "url_link": "Please enter the URL link",
                "select_type": "Please select a type.",
                "preview": "Preview",
                "auto_fold": "Over quote auto fold",
                "KiB": " KiB",
                "MiB": " MiB",
                "GiB": " GiB",
                "TiB": " TiB",
            "ru_RU": {
                "quote": "Цитата",
                "info": "Отправленные",
                "mediainfo": "Данные о Медиа",
                "code": "CODE",
                "spoiler": "Предупреждение! Данный раздел содержит СПОЙЛЕРЫ!",
                "spoiler_button_1": "I agree to view this.",
                "spoiler_button_2": "Hide this.",
                "main_title": "Основное название",
                "rt_text": "Пожалуйста, введите надстрочный индекс",
                "main_body": "Пожалуйста, введите текст",
                "main_body_prefix": "Пожалуйста, введите название",
                "url_name": "Пожалуйста, введите имя URL",
                "url_link": "Пожалуйста, введите URL-ссылку",
                "select_type": "выберите тип ...",
                "preview": "Предварительный просмотр",
                "auto_fold": "Автоматическое складывание для более глубоких ссылок",
                "KiB": " KiБ",
                "MiB": " MiБ",
                "GiB": " GiБ",
                "TiB": " TiБ",
        return lang_json[lang];
