
Advanced DOM mutations observer

Tätä skriptiä ei tulisi asentaa suoraan. Se on kirjasto muita skriptejä varten sisällytettäväksi metadirektiivillä // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Observer
// @description  Advanced DOM mutations observer
// @license      MIT
// @namespace
// @version      1.0.0
// ==/UserScript==

/* jshint esversion: 6 */
class Observer {
  constructor(_observedNode, _dynEntities) { // updates of _dynEntities will be detected
    this.entities = _dynEntities;

    this.subs = {
      find(soughtForSubName) {
        for (const entityName in this.entities) {
          const entity = this.entities[entityName];
          for (const subName in entity.subs) {
            const sub = entity.subs[subName];
            if (soughtForSubName === subName) { return sub }        
        return false;
    const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => {
      if (!Observer.isThereEnabledSubs(_dynEntities)) { return }

      const addedNodes = {
        text: [],
        DOM: []

      for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
        for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) {
          // node.nodeType = 3 means text changes type
          if (node.nodeType === 3) {

          // node.nodeType = 1 means DOM write changes
          if (node.nodeType === 1) { addedNodes.DOM.push(node) }
      for (const entityName in _dynEntities) {
        const entity = _dynEntities[entityName];
        const enabledSubs = Observer.getEnabledSubsFromEntity(entity);

        // simplify subs
        const simpleSubs = {
          textChanges: [],
          DOMchanges: []
        for (const subName in enabledSubs) {
          const sub = enabledSubs[subName];

          if (sub.scanTypes.textChanges) { simpleSubs.textChanges.push(sub.cb) }
          if (sub.scanTypes.DOMchanges) { simpleSubs.DOMchanges.push(sub.cb) }

        if (simpleSubs.textChanges.length) {
          const passedNodes = [];

          for (const node of addedNodes.text) {
            // check and pass parent node of the new text node
            if (node.parentNode && Observer.queryNode(entity.query, node.parentNode)) {

          if (passedNodes.length) {
            for (const cb of simpleSubs.textChanges) {
              try { cb(passedNodes) } catch(e) { console.error(e) }

              // drop mutations caused by cb (avoids infinite loop if the nodes were changed by cb)
              // cb must not be asynchronous

        if (simpleSubs.DOMchanges.length) {

          let duplicatedNodes = [];
          // this check will provide list with duplicates so we need to clean up the list before cb
          for (const node of addedNodes.DOM) {
            // the sought-for node can be inside the current, as a child node
            let chunk = Array.from(node.querySelectorAll(entity.query));
            duplicatedNodes = duplicatedNodes.concat(chunk);
            // but also the current node can be the sought-for too
            if (Observer.queryNode(entity.query, node)) { duplicatedNodes.push(node) }

          let passedNodes = [];
          if (duplicatedNodes.length) {

            const arr = duplicatedNodes;

            // remove duplicates
            passedNodes = arr.filter((a, b) => arr.indexOf(a) === b);

          if (passedNodes.length) {
            for (const cb of simpleSubs.DOMchanges) {
              try { cb(passedNodes) } catch(e) { console.error(e) }

    // if the sought-for node is already in the DOM
    if (Observer.isThereEnabledSubs(_dynEntities)) {
      for (const entityName in _dynEntities) {
        const entity = _dynEntities[entityName];
        const enabledSubs = Observer.getEnabledSubsFromEntity(entity);
        const callbacks = [];
        for (const subName in enabledSubs) {
          const sub = enabledSubs[subName];
          if (sub.scanTypes.DOMfirstScan) { callbacks.push(sub.cb) }
        if (callbacks.length) {
          const nodes = _observedNode.querySelectorAll(entity.query);

          if (nodes.length) {
            const nodesArr =;

            for (const cb of callbacks) {
              try { cb(nodesArr) } catch(e) { console.error(e) }

    observer.observe(_observedNode, { childList: true, subtree: true });

  static getEnabledSubsFromEntity(entity) {
    const result = {};
    for (const subName in entity.subs) {
      const sub = entity.subs[subName];
      if (sub.enabled) { result[subName] = sub }
    return result;

  static isThereEnabledSubs(entities) {
    for (const entityName in entities) {
      const entity = entities[entityName];
      const enabledSubs = Observer.getEnabledSubsFromEntity(entity);

      if (Object.keys(enabledSubs).length) return true;

    return false;

  static queryNode(query, node) {
    // parseable query example: ''
    query = query.trim();
    let queryObj = {
      tag: (query.match(/^[a-z]+/ig) || [])[0],
      id:  (query.match(/(?:#)(([a-z]|_|-)+)/i) || [])[1],
      classList: []
    const classListRegexp = /(?:\.)((\w+|-+|_+)+)/ig;
    let classListMatch = classListRegexp.exec(query);
    while (classListMatch != null) {
      classListMatch = classListRegexp.exec(query);
    let queryTagCheck = false, queryIdCheck = false, queryClassesCheck = false;
    queryTagCheck = queryObj.tag ? (node.localName === queryObj.tag.toLowerCase()) : true;
    queryIdCheck = ? ( === : true;
    queryClassesCheck = (function() {
      for (let i = 0; i < queryObj.classList.length; i++) {
        const className = queryObj.classList[i];
        if (className.length === 0) { continue }
        if (, className) == -1) {
          return false;
      return true;
    if (queryTagCheck && queryIdCheck && queryClassesCheck) { return true }
    return false;