Youtube Video Quality

Disabling auto video quality with toast notification, original script ->

< Feedback on Youtube Video Quality


Posted: 16.7.2019

please tell me how to set an backup video quality

i set up the script to Qualitylarge aka 480p, however sometimes in older videos or LQ videos where even 480p isn't it available , the script keeps trying to set quality to large and the notification keeps going. i tried "if (QUALITYLARGE == true) {var KUALITAS = QUALITYLARGE} else {KUALITAS = QUALITYMEDIUM} but not working .

Posted: 14.9.2019

sorry for very late.... i have updated the script that fix the notification keeps going.. if you want to make backup video quality you can't use KUALITAS variable because is not from playback, use document.getElementById("movieplayer").getAvailableQualityLevels() instead to directly get all available video quality (this will give you a array like ['small','medium','auto']) so if (document.getElementById("movieplayer").getAvailableQualityLevels().indexOf(KUALITAS) > -1) { //the video quality is available, use it! }else{ //target quality not available, make backup video quality setting here, or leave blank to auto set video to highest available quality }

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