Automatically selects professions for empty slots
< Opiniones de Neverwinter gateway - Professions Robot
use the override chars acc settings with the fill optional assets on the char that you want to do oil of vitriol on (this will use all assest on that character, might have to buy some more workers for the other slots)
here is the script part you will need to add:
addProfile("Alchemy", {
profileName: "Masterwork Oil Vitriol",
isProfileActive: true,
useMassTask: true,
level: {
25: ["Alchemy_Masterwork_Oilofvitriol"],
Another way is to use the custom profiles option:
Mastercraft tasks
Hello all
Thanks for all work you make for this tool
I would like to know if its possible to make mastercraft tasks with this tool ?
i'm working on alchemy
i would like to make this task (professions-tasks/Alchemy/Alchemy_Masterwork_Oilofvitriol) automatically
that task need also to fill slots with purple tools
thxin advance