Facebook Timeline Cleaner

delete you facebook timeline

< Opiniones de Facebook Timeline Cleaner

Puntuación: Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes

Publicado: 15/4/2017
Editado: 15/4/2017

If it doesn't work, try this!!

You clicked on "delete everything' (or another option) and nothing happens?
You're sure you followed all the steps but the script didn't do anything, here is how I made it work:

- follow all the normal steps.
- Scroll manually down to your first post (yes, scroll down), do not select a specific year on the right, this doesn't work.
- Once you have reached your first post, try to run the script again.
- Your browser will freeze.
- Keep clicking on 'Wait' a couple of times.
- The script is working, once it has finished it will scroll down automatically and mark everything it has deleted in red.

Hope this works for you!!

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